Evidence of Bias in the NWT

– posted by meleti
Let us begin be viewing a recent morning worship talk titled "Keep Your Eyes Loyal to Jehovah" in which Anthony Morris III attempts to show why the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is superior to others.  You can view the video here.  The relevant part is found starting at the 3:30 minute mark through to about the 6:00 minute mark.

Please take a look at that portion before reading on.

Having seen it now, would you agree that the translation of Ephesians 4:24 in the NWT which renders the Greek word hosiotés as "loyalty" is the correct one?  Assuming you've done no outside research, but only going by what Morris is saying together with the quote from the Insight book, have you not reached the conclusion that other bible translators are using free license in loosely translating the Greek here as "holiness", when "loyalty" better reflects the meaning of the original?  Has he not led you to believe that this is a beautiful translation based on the weight of evidence from other places in Scripture where the Greek word hosiotés is found?

Now let's take a closer look at that he claims; a more studious look.

At about the 4:00 minute mark he says, "Now this is one of those examples of the superiority of the New World Translation.  Often in the original language, they have this license to translate 'righteousness and holiness' in a lot of other translations.  Why do we have loyalty here in the New World Translation?"

Did you understand that second sentence?  Who is 'they'?   What license is he referring to?   And if they're working with the original language, why do 'they' even need to translate?  Grammatically, this sentence makes no sense.  However, that doesn't matter, because its purpose is to serve as a dismissive slur.  He might just as well have said, "Yeah, those other guys that call themselves translators...whatever..."

Now before going on, take a look at how these Bible translations render Ephesians 4:24. (Click here.)  Out of a total of 24 translations, 21 use holy or holiness to render hosiotés.  Not one uses loyalty.  Strong's Concordance gives "holiness, godliness, piety" as the definitions for the word.  NAS Exhaustive Concordance and Thayer's Greek Lexicon agree.

So what proof does Anthony Morris III turn to in an effort to prove his assertion?  The Insight book!

That's right.  To prove that his translation is correct, he turns to another JW publication.  In other words he is saying, 'Our translation is correct because something else we wrote says so.'

Except it doesn't actually.  It says:

*** it-2 p. 280 Loyalty ***
In the Greek Scriptures the noun ho·si·oʹtes and the adjective hoʹsi·os carry the thought of holiness, righteousness, reverence; being devout, pious; the careful observance of all duties toward God. It involves a right relationship with God.

No mention of loyalty there as a definition of the word hosiotés.  However, the next paragraph departs from word definitions and gets into word interpretation, and it is this that Morris is using to justify his assertion that the NWT is a superior translation.

*** it-2 p. 280 Loyalty ***
There appear to be no English words that exactly express the full meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words, but “loyalty,” including, as it does, the thought of devotion and faithfulness, when used in connection with God and his service, serves to give an approximation. The best way to determine the full meaning of the Bible terms in question is to examine their usage in the Bible.

Fair enough.  Let's examine the usage of hosiotés in the Bible.  Since neither the Insight book, nor Anthony Morris III, offer any examples to support this interpretation that "loyalty" is the best English approximation of hosiotés, we'll have to go looking for ourselves.

Here are all the other places the word appears in the Bible:

"...with loyalty and righteousness before him all our days.” (Lu 1:75)

That's right!  One other place.  Hardly a wealth of references to draw an interpretation from!

Now look at how all the "inferior" translations render hosiotés in this verse.  (Click here.)  They overwhelmingly favor 'holiness', and of greater significance, not a single one goes for the Insight book's best approximation of 'loyalty'. Additionally, all the concordances and lexicons define hosiotés as holiness, and here's the funny part, so does the Insight book!

So why take a word that is defined as 'holiness' and translate it as 'loyalty'.  After all, a man doesn't have to be holy to be loyal.  In fact, the wicked can and often are loyal, even to death.  The armies of the earth will gather together, loyally supporting their leaders, when they stand before God at Armageddon.  (Re 16:16)  Only holiness is the purview of the righteous.

The reason for this biased rendering is that loyalty is very high on the agenda of the Governing Body, more so of late. Our next two Watchtower study articles are about loyalty. The theme of the summer convention is loyalty.  This is always promoted as loyalty to Jehovah (never Jesus incidentally) as is the case with this Morning Worship talk, but since the Governing Body promotes itself as the faithful and discreet slave that serves as Jehovah's channel of communication and authority, it is really about loyalty to men.

Shame on them for adding (loyalty) and taking away (holiness) from God's word to promote their agenda, and then claiming that this makes the NWT as "superior translation".  (Re 22:18, 19) They have committed the very thing they've often condemned others of doing, allowing their personal bias to corrupt the faithful translation of God's Holy Word.


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  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2016-04-15 05:25:43

    Yes. Saw it and thought exactly the same thing.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-04-15 11:53:09

      Thanks MarthaMartha, Mouchette and Willy. And special thanks to Apollos who brought the video to my attention. We both had a good laugh as we watch it because the reasoning is so silly that--maybe it's just a defense mechanism--one just has to laugh at it.

  • Comment by Mouchette on 2016-04-15 07:09:56

    Amen to all that.

  • Comment by Maria on 2016-04-15 09:30:49

    It's a shame they follow their own agenda and not Jesus and Jehovah's. Thank you for a well written analysis.

  • Comment by socrates1 on 2016-04-15 10:53:18

    Meleti thanks for the nice article.
    hosiotés is a Greek word with obvious meaning for the Greeks at least as me. In the first extract of it-2 p. 280 the term is correct. For an explanation please see here :http://www.jstor.org/stable/282873?seq=12#page_scan_tab_contents,
    to the excellent work of John Wilson Taylor on Gemistus Pletho as a moral philosopher (he lived between 1355-1452). You can google for more research.
    Gemistus Pletho was more close to the real understanding of the ancient Greek terms than the WTS.
    In page 95 of the above book you will find the definition :
    Hosiotés is one's right attitude and activity in relation to God. This is practically Plato's definition in the Euthyphro and the Stoics likewise agreed on it.
    The Ancient Greek language did not change so much from Plato to Aposte paul days and to Gemistus Pletho days. The term has a constant meaning and understanding even in our days.
    In page 94 of the above book, Hosiotés is closely related to justice (dikaiosynh),
    The problem is that the WTS is trying to understand a Greek word through a Hebrew term - see w 01 1/10 p.20-23. But how can you explain a Greek term by going back to Hebrew to support a distorted view?
    The conclusion is that the term Hosiotés is related to people's attitude to God only.
    Your findings and conclusion are spot on

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-04-15 11:50:30

      Thank you Socrates for supplying the additional reference material to round out our understanding of this important Greek term as it applies to us and our relationship with God.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2016-04-15 12:10:29

    Hi, not a big surprise. If only that was the only example of bias in the NWT. Regarding the specific word, here is an overview of the meaning:

    LSJ Gloss:
    piety, holiness

    holiness, godliness, piety.


    Derivation: from G3741;
    KJV Usage: holiness.

    1) piety towards God, fidelity in observing the obligations of piety, holiness
    Trench's New Testament Synonyms
    Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
    Holiness, Holy, Holily

    Regarding PIETY:
    In spiritual terminology, piety is a virtue that may include religious devotion, spirituality, or a mixture of both. A common element in most conceptions of piety is humility and religiosity

    So, to translate it with LOYALTY is in my view far beyond the intent of this word and as you explained, is most likely to support their agenda (loyalty to the organisation).

    What is interesting is that when I do search on the word LOYALTY in NET (https://lumina.bible.org/bible/) , it shows me a large number of relevant verses in OT (104) and a rather limited number in NT (7). (relevant here means that the verse does not exactly contain the word LOYALTY but the meaning of the verse could be linked to loyalty).
    In NET, not one verse in NT has been translated with the word LOYALTY whereas in OT there are some verses that contain the translation Loyalty (eg. These verse include verses where the essence of the verse is similar to loyalty. Eg 2Sa 16:17 Absalom said to Hushai, “Do you call this loyalty to your friend? Why didn’t you go with your friend?”Or Psa 101:1 A psalm of David. I will sing about loyalty and justice! To you, O Lord, I will sing praises!,

    In conclusion: it might seem that for the Jewish religious system, a loyal behavior (toward the law, priests..._ was more important than in the Christian system, where focus is far more on faith. Faith is not synonym for loyal(ty):
    NWT Prov. 20:6 Many men proclaim their loyal love,
    But who can find a faithful man?

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2016-04-15 15:11:11

    We've been doing some research on this subject today. I found a very interesting article at http://www.bibleresearch.org/articles/aLw1.htm that is long, but addresses the various Hebrew and Greek words used for holy. It includes a section towards the end on Ephesians 4:17-24 under the sub heading " maintaining ones holiness"

    I'm not sure if I'm supposed to copy paste directly from the site so I'll do my best to summarise the section.

    Paul was speaking to anointed Christians who had the Holy Spirit and so should no longer be acting according to the 'old' man or personality but according to the new man, or personality fashioned after the nature of God, who is intrinsically holy.
    When Paul said they should live in true holiness ( hasiotes) it means they should live a truly pious and righteous life according to God's laws.

    Also, in Titus 1:7-9, the word hosios is used in verse 8, translated as holy in all translations but the NWT which says loyal.

    The article I linked to says that hosios means intrinsic, or of divine character, which gives the idea of a holy person exhibiting gods nature, rather than human nature.

    It appears from the research we've done that in all instances of hosiotes or hosios the NWT translates it as loyal instead of holy! Why?

    In my opinion this dilutes the import of the instruction. Loyalty in English has a completely different meaning to holy. As Meleti said, loyalty can be shown to bad or wrong causes or people. Holiness, striving for Godlike holiness, is totally pure and based on truth.

    It's also disturbing that the GB are so keen to substitute loyalty for holiness. If there really is an agenda to sneakily exchange holiness for loyalty so they can spread this loyalty concept to encompass the earthy organisation/GB (and how many times do we hear that extension?) .....then we are treading in dangerous waters. Well.... We've been knee deep for a while really, haven't we?

    Thanks Meleti, Apollos and all of you for seeing through to the same conclusions. It's reassuring! :)

    I often think of that tale.... The Emperor's New Clothes these days.

    MarthaMartha and hubby :)

  • Comment by brendaevans on 2016-04-17 13:29:39

    Cracking observation Meleti and Apollos.

    I saw a documentary years and years ago which studied the monks and various learned and holy men re-writing the books of the Bible, and if they got even the slightest element of a letter wrong, it had to be destroyed and restarted - even if they got to the final words of the last book. This is because the words are holy.

    When I started to take the Bible Studies, I was told that the Bible used by the Witnesses was translated from the original Hebrew and as close to anything you could possibly hope for. This was and still is a very refreshing position. The times that we would get directed to copies such as the King James, and this Bible and that Bible - and all the time, you can see how things get worded and differently worded. All the time, all I could think is that people are playing with the Holy Word, and it is very unsettling.

    So, as I continued using the Bible, I was quite happy, even to use it in other churches other than Kingdom Hall.

    And then they released the most recent publication. The ladies I studied with quite happily and seemingly proudly pointed out some of the changes to reflect the more 'modern' thinking of a particular word. My favourite was that the word 'yearn' had been replaced. I could not settle with this and continued to use the one which I was thinking was a truer translation of ancient texts. So I just used the new grey Bible at the few meetings I attended and also Bible Studies, to please the brothers and sisters and not appear to go against the grain.

    All the time, all I could think is that Jehovah's wonderful and holy word were being replaced, even diluted.

    One thing, as a typist typing from handwritten notes, has taught me, is to look at the surrounding text to make sense and see how it fits. And I thought I would do the same exercise here. So, a little observation when you read the Scripture . .. "but that YOU should be made new in the force actuating YOUR mind, 24 and should put on the new personality which was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty."

    Using the word loyalty is well out of character with the rest of the piece. The new personality is created according to God's Will, and we know that His Will is true, proper, righteous and holy. It is completely spot on where it is the right thing to do, that there is no other nor better way to do something, say something etc. We also know that Jehovah does what He says, and that not only is it the right thing to do, but in a way that brings delight and with results - this not only shows thought but perfect practicaility.

    As you read the next part of Eph 4:24, you also see that the personality is created and given in true righteousness. This is obviously as holy as definitions allow.

    So then, we come to the last words "and loyalty". Whose loyalty to who? For me, the Scripture is talking about the new personalilty awarded by Jehovah which is totally true, holy and righteous being awarded to people. The very essence of righteousness runs like a lovely ribbon joining up this wonderful opportunity being offered by Jehovah.

    The words "and loyalty" make me feel that there is something else that Jehovah is expected to do on top of all this wonderful act. It's like saying that not only is He giving such a wonderful state of mind and way of life but He will also be loyal to us!! It's almost like as if He is at our beck and call, mend where we tear, do the things we don't feel like!


    The words "and loyalty", to me, indicate a presumption of loyalty from Jehovah to us. How dare we expect Jehovah to be loyal to us when He has extended a most beautiful, righteous opportunity that He has created.

    Taking the context of the preceding words to the last two, everything is coherent and follows. If the words "and holiness" were used, these would be true and right.

    Again, we are messing about with the Holy Word. How dare we!

    Sorry to have rabbitted!

  • Comment by billy on 2016-04-20 10:34:32

    Another example of how the GB have changed the bible to fit in with their agenda - the surrounding verses in Ephesians 4 are speaking of bad conduct and morals verses righteous behavior which brings us closer to God or holiness - using the word loyalty seems out of place as to what's being talked about

    Thank you for the insiteful article Meleti :)))

  • Comment by Keaton on 2016-04-24 04:41:34

    This little Quote is in the front page of 2014 Yearbook.We all know this is very very humble...Yeah Right.

    Early in this service year, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the New World Bible Translation Committee released the newly revised English edition of the finest translation of the Bible available to mankind. Jehovah used his own spirit-begotten sons to provide the original New World Translation. (Rom. 8:15, 16) That fact alone certainly makes this translation special, do you not agree?

    As you see and we all know that Famous if you want to call it famous when the Watchtower was going a full Love Machine on there NWT bible, and them throwing the other Bibles into the Trash, even if we still use Jehovah even if they admit so so many times and on there Broadcasting that the Name is Right Because it is more Recognizable... But Yahweh is the closer to the Name, but wait cause people know it more, and of course that Ephesians 4:24 most if not all translations use Holiness, but of course not the NWT.

    But we can use That on the New Personality in Ephesians 4:24 even if the NWT admits that the word is Man and most translations use that or the word Self.

    But of course Not the Other Bibles don't have the translators that will be of the Annotated... Of course Not.

    Love and favor to all.


  • Comment by Learn From Jehovah’s Loyal Servants | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-04-24 08:07:34

    […] This is not the only place that the revised NWT has been questionably altered.  For example, the exact same substitution is seen in Psalms 86:2 (paragraph 4). Again ‘faithfulness’ and ‘godliness’ are switched for loyalty. The meaning of the original Hebrew word chasid is found here.  (For more information on bias in the NWT, see here.) […]

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