New Article on the BP Study Forum

– posted by meleti
If you are only subscribed to this site, Beroean Pickets - Reviewer, you may be missing out on the Bible research articles that we publish on the sister forum, Beroean Pickets - Bible Study Forum.  For instance, we've just released the fourth article in the "Our Salvation" series, and your thoughts and comments are appreciated as they will add to the knowledge of all.

If you want to get notifications when new articles are published on the Bible Study forum, you will need to subscribe to it, even if you are already subscribed to this Reviewer forum.

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Dajo on 2017-02-24 18:26:12

    Thanks Meleti,
    over the past couple of months I have been getting much to ponder on from the sister site
    Also I found the button there "view sister sites" that gave me access to the
    "Archives", they are still very much worth considering even though some go back to 2013.
    I notice that a "thumbs up and down" feature has been added and I use that feature after I've read the article.
    The articles can be accessed even if not logged in - I appreciate that as I need to be careful as to when and where I log in.
    Thanks so much for providing these things. My life has changed drastically after 35 yrs of being a JW and this site along with ddt give me courage and confidence as I'm in a confusing place at present, however, I am feeling much more at peace now compared with last year.
    I look forward to reading the latest in the Salvation series.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-02-24 18:46:30

      And a thumbs up to you, Dajo. :)

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