A Letter to a Fleshly Brother

– posted by meleti
Roger is one of the regular readers/commentors.  He shared a letter with me that he wrote to his fleshly brother to try to help him reason.  I felt the arguments were so well made that we could all benefit from reading it, and he kindly agreed to let me share it with everyone.  (Let us hope that his brother takes this information to heart.)

I've removed the addresses and Roger's brother's name for reasons of confidentiality.


Dear R,

In the opening scenes of the movie Gone With the Wind, a field worker hollers out, “”Quttin’ time!” Big Sam protests, saying, “I’s da fo’man on Tara. I sez when it’s quittin’ time. Quittin’ time!”

You and I grew up being told that our father had nobly demonstrated loyalty to God by willingly going to prison in lieu of performing alternative service during World War II, which had been determined by the Watchtower to be a violation of Christian neutrality. Had such a course really been required by God, or merely by men claiming to speak for God? The answer to that question became apparent in the mid-1990s when the Watchtower then determined that performing alternative service during wartime was a “matter of conscience” for each JW to decide. I was stunned by that reversal, and I asked Dad how it felt to have gone to prison for nothing—not for any loyalty to God, but for loyalty to an organization and to a belief system built on shifting sand. Of course, Dad had way too much invested in being a loyal JW for him to say anything critical of the organization.

You’ll no doubt recall how Dad enjoyed witnessing at the County Jail in Fort Worth in his later years. On one occasion, a new prisoner approached Dad and asked if he was a clergyman, and Dad answered yes. The brother accompanying Dad reported the incident and the Society chastised Dad saying that claiming to be a clergyman identified one as a part of Christendom. Naturally, Dad humbly accepted the reproof. Recently, in a widely publicized court case in which the Society was being sued for its handling of evidence in a case of child sexual abuse, Watchtower lawyers tried to claim clergy privilege while simultaneously maintaining that JW elders are not members of the clergy. After two days of strenuously debating that issue, the Watchtower issued a public statement acknowledging that JW elders are, indeed, members of the clergy. (So much for the claim that there is no clergy/laity division among JWs!) I couldn’t help but wonder how Dad would have felt about that. I also found it curious that such “new light” was not revealed in the pages of the Watchtower but in a court of law. After entering that statement into the public record, the Watchtower withdrew its defense and settled that case out of court, as well as another pending case dealing with child sexual abuse.

Keep in mind that the Watchtower Society has repeatedly asserted in print that it is impossible for one to gain an accurate knowledge of the Bible without the aid of Watchtower publications. This is why JWs are strongly counseled against getting together as family groups and reading the Bible alone without using a Watchtower publication for direction. Evidently, the Watchtower views itself like Big Sam in Gone With the Wind: It isn’t “the truth” until the Watchtower says it’s “the truth.”

Please read the excellent article, “Is It Wrong to Change Your Religion?” in the July 2009 Awake, paying special attention to the statement, “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds objectionable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.” Does that statement apply only to those changing religions to become a JW, or does it also apply to morally upright JWs who voluntarily leave the religion for conscientious reasons, such as unscriptural Watchtower teachings and practices? The practice of ostracizing and shunning such persons is one of the reasons Russia has deemed JW.ORG to be an extremist religion.

In his book, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Lawrence Wright wrote: “People have the right to believe whatever they choose. But it is a different matter to use the protections afforded a religion by the First Amendment to falsify history, to propagate forgeries, and to cover up human-rights abuses.”

I have personally concluded that any religious organization which suppresses truth, or which manufactures and propagates its own truth, is a dangerous and harmful cult. Furthermore, I firmly believe that any religious organization which violates the basic human rights of its members—such as shunning members who leave for conscientious reasons—should have its tax-exempt status revoked.

I respect your right to believe differently from what I have stated here, and I would enjoy visiting with you from time to time and never discuss our respective beliefs. I have never desired to adopt a lifestyle or a habit which would, in and of itself, disqualify me from returning to Jehovah’s Witnesses if I so desired; in fact, since I voluntarily disassociated and was never disfellowshiped for wrongdoing, I could renounce my disassociation tomorrow and resume being a JW again with no restrictions whatsoever, as opposed to those disfellowshiped for wrongdoing. However, I can assure you, that will never happen. I would rather have questions I cannot answer than have answers I cannot question.

If you are ever interested in visiting under the condition I stated above, feel free to call me. In any event, be assured of my brotherly affection for you.

Sincerely, your brother,


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  • Comment by Deo_ac_veritati on 2017-05-13 15:56:00

    I would rather have questions I cannot answer than have answers I cannot question.

    Wow. That is one seriously powerful sentence, that goes right to the heart of it. Beautifully written and sincere letter, so succinct, yet which contains so much. Thanks for sharing this Meleti.

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-05-13 17:04:57

    Nice one roger what else can you say ? Hope it goes well with you and your brother , I also enjoyed the little phrase at the end , about answers I cannot question , That is what the religion is like and it's totally unscriptural .

    • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-05-13 17:27:27

      Revelation 2:2, 1 John 4:1 and 1 Thessalonians 5:21

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-05-15 03:47:27

    Succinct, well reasoned, and powerful.
    Great work Roger. I hope you have a favourable response.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-05-15 09:37:37

    Just got to say I love the quote about answers you cannot question , which others have already highlighted. I have put it on my list of brilliant sayings.

  • Comment by Eleasar on 2017-05-17 04:48:22


    I found this letter was an excellent example of the following verses by the apostles Peter and Paul:

    (1 Peter 3:15) But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect.

    The "mild temper" shines through and it was deeply respectful. The reasons were clear and undeniable.

    (Philippians 4:5) Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near

    (Colossians 4:6) Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person.

    You were gracious, the words added flavour and are intended to preserve good relationships

    In all this you have exhibited a fine example of imitating our Lord Jesus. Well done! I love the sentence others have picked up on.

  • Comment by rogerkirkpatrick on 2017-05-20 09:00:35

    A follow-up to my letter to my brother which was posted earlier:

    My brother, Ronnie, had texted my sister, Linda, and me regarding our mother's estate. Linda engaged Ronnie in a text conversation about our mother’s ashes because he has ignored her texts for several years. His response to her last text was so arrogant that I couldn't resist the urge to respond:

    LINDA: I love you, Ronnie. Whatever you do with Mama is fine with me. I am just a curious sort. Will you still keep in touch with me now? I wonder about that as well. I haven’t heard anything about Larry since I was there 5 years ago. Or you either, practically.

    RONNIE: I have no problem keeping in touch, but we have little in common. Our lives are centered around the truth.

    ROGER: I think what you meant to say is that your lives are centered around what the Watchtower calls “present truth.” The Watchtower’s “present truth” is ever changing, ever shifting, like sand. It must change because it cannot stand the test of time. For example, we were told in 1969 that we would never grow old in this system of things. We were also told that the end of this system would come within the 20th century. It’s all in print. You cannot name one Watchtower prophecy that ever came true. Not one. Strange for an organization which claimed IN PRINT to be God’s prophet, don’t you think?

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