Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold

– posted by meleti

[From ws5/17 p. 17 – July 17-23]

“Because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.” – Mt 24:12

As we’ve discussed elsewhere,[i] the so-called sign of the last days that Jehovah’s Witnesses hang their hopes on to sustain the belief that the end is always "just around the corner", is really a warning against seeking after signs. (Mt 12:39; Lu 21:8) Evidence that Witnesses are misapplying Jesus’ warning is to be found in paragraph 1 of this week’s Watchtower study.

ONE facet of the sign that Jesus gave regarding “the conclusion of the system of things” was that “the love of the greater number [would] grow cold.” – par. 1

The lawlessness Jesus refers to is not civil disobedience—outlaws and criminals—but rather the lawlessness that comes from disobedience to God which will cause many to be rejected when Jesus returns. (Mt 7:21-23)  In the Christian congregation, this lawless conduct stems initially from those taking the lead, though their conduct is infectious and soon permeates the whole of the flock, save for a few wheat-like individuals. (Mt 3:12) Many Christians, including Jehovah's Witnesses, would protest this view.  They would claim that their church or organization is known for high moral standards and that they strive to obey every letter of law.  But is this not the same argument that the Jewish religious leaders made to Jesus?   Yet, he called them lawless hypocrites. (Mt 23:28)

Such ones forget that true love of God means observing his commandments—all of them—over the commandments of men. (1 John 5:3)  History shows that this prophecy of Jesus has been undergoing fulfillment for centuries now.  Lawlessness permeates the congregation of Christ throughout its myriad denominations. Thus, this cannot serve as a sign confirming the Witness 1914 version of the last days.

The Main Theme

Setting that aside, we can return to the article’s main theme which concerns not letting the love we had at the start grow cold.  To avoid this, three areas are to be examined.

We will now consider three areas in which our love could be tested: (1) Love for Jehovah, (2) love for Bible truth, (3) and love for our brothers. – par. 4

There is a major component missing from this study.  Where is the love of Christ?  To see how vital this is, let us look at only some of the Bible verses that deal with this love.

“Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?” (Ro 8:35)

“nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Ro 8:39)

“and that through your faith you may have the Christ dwell in your hearts with love. May you be rooted and established on the foundation,” (Eph 3:17)

“and to know the love of the Christ, which surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness that God gives.” (Eph 3:19)

Jehovah's love is expressed to us through the Christ.  Our love of God must likewise be expressed through the Christ.  He is now the link between us and the Father.  In short, without Jesus, we cannot love God, nor does he express the fullness of his love and his grace except through our Lord.  How foolish it is to ignore this fundamental truth.

Love for Jehovah

Paragraphs 5 and 6 speak of the way that materialism can affect our love for Jehovah.  Jesus set the standard for putting kingdom interests above material possessions.

“But Jesus said to him: “Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head.”” (Lu 9:58)

Speaking of John the Baptist, he said:

“What, then, did you go out to see? A man dressed in soft garments? Why, those wearing soft garments are in the houses of kings.” (Mt 11:8)

One can’t help but wonder how our Lord views the very fine house the Governing Body has built for itself in Warwick.

There is no record of first century Christians building even a modest house for worship. All the evidence points to them gathering in their own homes.  Clearly, material possessions were nothing to boast of.  Yet, in 2014, during a zone visit in Italy, Anthony Morris gave a talk in which (around the 16 minute mark) he referred to brothers who took their children to the local amusement park but who had never visited the branch, saying: “Explain that to Jehovah.  That’s a problem.”

This focus on material things is evident also in the video Caleb and Sophia Visit Bethel.  Now that New York Bethel has been sold, one wonders if a follow-up video featuring Warwick will replace it. Certainly, the Governing Body is very proud of their new resort-like accommodations and encourage all Witnesses to come to visit.  How proud many feel at seeing these fine structures. They view it as a proof that Jehovah is blessing the work.  They are not the first ones to be overwhelmed by magnificent structures and feel that such things are a testament to God’s approval and will never be brought down.

“As he was going out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him: “Teacher, see! what wonderful stones and buildings!” 2 However, Jesus said to him: “Do you see these great buildings? By no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down.”” (Mr 13:1, 2)

There is nothing wrong with having material possessions; nothing wrong with being rich, nor is there glory in being poor.  Paul learned to live with much and he learned to live with little.  However, he considered all things to be refuse, because attaining to the Christ does not depend on the things we own or where we live. (Phil 3:8)

Speaking of Paul, paragraph 9 says:

Like the psalmist, Paul found strength in reflecting on Jehovah’s constant support. Paul wrote: “Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Heb. 13:6) That firm confidence in Jehovah’s loving care helped Paul to grapple with life’s problems. He did not allow negative circumstances to weigh him down. In fact, while he was a prisoner, Paul wrote several encouraging letters. (Eph. 4:1; Phil. 1:7; Philem. 1) – par. 9

Paul didn’t say this!  He said, “The Lord is my helper.”  Now some would argue that since he’s likely quoting from Ps 118:6, inserting “Jehovah” here is justifiable.  Such ones overlook the fact that the divine name does not appear in any of the 5,000+ extant manuscripts.  So did Paul really mean to say Jehovah, or was he supporting the new idea, the Christian idea, that Jesus was now in charge, being appointed over all things by Jehovah?  (Mt. 18:28)  Paul wasn’t concerned about copyright issues, but rather in accurately conveying this truth.  With the establishment of Christ as King, Jehovah becomes our helper through the Christ.  We ignore Jesus to our peril.  While the rest of the cited text from paragraph 9 continues to focus only on Jehovah, it refers to three encouraging letters written by Paul—Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon.  Take the time to peruse those letters.  (Since we are talking about ways to bear up under the challenges we face from old age, and/or poor health and/or economic pressures, we can use some encouragement.)  In those letters, Paul's focus is on the Christ.

The Power of Prayer

One principal way to keep our love for Jehovah strong is stated by Paul himself. He wrote to fellow believers: “Pray constantly.” Later he wrote: “Persevere in prayer.” (1 Thess. 5:17; Rom. 12:12) – par. 10

We might feel that we have so little time to pray, or we’re so busy that we forget to do so.  Perhaps this excerpt from John Phillips Commentary Series might help.

I "cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers."

His prayers are among many evidences of Paul’s love for all saints. We might wonder how he could find time to pray so consistently for such a large and growing circle of friends. His admonition to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17) strikes us as a great goal, but seems to many to be quite impractical. How did Paul find time to pray?

Paul was an active missionary - ever on the move, busy planting churches, evangelizing, soulwinning, counseling, training converts, writing letters, and planning new mission enterprises. Often he would put in a full day making tents to raise the funds he needed for his support. There he would sit with the stiff material, already cut out according to pattern, spread out before him. All he had to do was ply the needle - stitch, stitch, stitch - not an occupation calling for a great deal of mental activity. So he prayed! In and out of the cloth went the tentmaker’s needle. In and out of the throne room of the universe went the great ambassador to the Gentiles.

Then, too, Paul could pray during his journeys. Driven out of Phillipi, he walked to Thessalonica, a 100-mile hike, and he prayed as he walked. Driven out of Thessalonica, he walked 40 or 50 miles to Berea. Driven out of Berea, he walked to Athens, a 250-mile hike. What precious time for prayer! Probably Paul never noticed the distances. His feet were tramping up hill and down dale, but his head was only mechanically noting the sights and sounds along the way because he was in Heaven, busy at the throne.

What an example for us! No time to pray? We could employ countless moments each day if we really cared.

Love for Bible Truth

Paragraph 11 cites Psalm 119:97-100 and requires it to be read out loud at the congregation Watchtower Study.

“How I do love your law! I ponder over it all day long. 98 Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, Because it is with me forever. 99 I have more insight than all my teachers, Because I ponder over your reminders. 100 I act with more understanding than older men, Because I observe your orders.” (Ps 119:97-100)

The writer of this article has unwittingly given us a great tool to use in overturning strongly entrenched Witness thinking.

Catholics use the Catechism as a way to undo Bible teaching by granting greater importance to "revealed truth", meaning teachings revealed by prominent men.  In Catholic theology the Pope as the Vicar of Christ has the final word.[ii] Mormons have the book of Mormon which supercedes the Bible.  They accept the Bible, but whenever there is a discrepancy, they will claim that translation errors are to blame and go with the Book of Mormon.  Jehovah's Witnesses claim they are not like Catholics nor Mormons in this. They claim that the Bible is the final word.

However, when confronted with a Bible truth that contradicts the teachings found in the publications of, their true affiliation emerges.

Often they will counter with a defense based on one of the following four objections.  The "read text" of Psalm 119:97-100 can be used to overcome each and every one of these.

  • I take a wait-and-see view. (vs 97)

  • Jehovah will fix it in his own time. (vs 98)

  • Remember from whom you learned all the Bible truths. (vs 99)

  • Do you think you know more than the Governing Body? (vs 100)

Vs 97 reads: “How I do love your law!  I ponder over it all day long.”

How can one who takes a wait-and-see view demonstrate true love for God’s law?  How can they love his word and "ponder over it all day long" while waiting for years, even decades, for a change to be made from falsehood to truth—a change which may never come?

Vs 98 reads: “Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, Because it is with me forever.”

Waiting for Jehovah to fix a false teaching requires Witnesses to continue to teach the false one for the interim.  Since most of these teachings have been around since before I was born, that means a lifetime of promoting false teachings in our public ministry.  The Bible says that God’s Word makes us wiser than our enemies and that it is with us always.  Wisdom is proved righteous by its works. (Mt 11:19)  So for God’s commandment to make us wiser, there must be works befitting that wisdom.  Remaining silent and continuing to teach falsehood can hardly be called a work of the wise.

Vs 99 reads: “I have more insight than all my teachers, Because I ponder over your reminders.”

This pours cold water over the claim that we should accept the Organization’s teachings, because we first learned the truth from them. Our teachers may have imparted some truth to us, but God's Word has given us "more insight than all" of them.  We have surpassed them.  Why?  Because we continue to "ponder over God's reminders" rather than stick in misguided loyalty to the teachings of men.

Vs 100 reads: “I act with more understanding than older men, Because I observe your orders.”

To Witnesses, the Governing Body are the foremost older men (elders) on the planet.  Yet, God’s word can and does empower the individual so that he or she can “act with more understanding than older men”.  Do we know more than the Governing Body?  Such a question implies that Psalm 119:100 can never be true.

Paragraph 12 engages in a common and transparent piece of misdirection:

The psalmist went on to say: “How sweet your sayings are to my palate, more so than honey to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103) Similarly, we can savor the tasty Bible-based spiritual food that we receive from God’s organization. We can allow it to linger on our figurative palate so that we can recall the “delightful words” of truth and use them to help others.​—Eccl. 12:10. – par. 12

Psalm 119:103 is talking about the sweet sayings of God, not men.  Ecclesiastes 12:10 is speaking about the “delightful words” of God, not men.  Neither is referring to spiritual McFood being served by the Organization through its publications and at congregation meetings.

Paragraph 14 encourages us to read carefully and meditatively all the scripture citations in the publications Witnesses study each week.  Unfortunately, if one reads the Bible with a preconceived idea about what is right and wrong, such careful meditation is unlikely to enhance a love for Bible truth.  Only by studying without preconceptions and prejudice, but with an open mind, a humble heart and faith in God and Christ, can there be any hope of demonstrating a true love for truth. The next subtitle demonstrates this truth.

Love for Our Brothers

Can you see what is missing in the reasoning of these next two paragraphs?

On his last night on earth, Jesus said to his disciples: “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples​—if you have love among yourselves.”​—John 13:34, 35. – par. 15

Having love for our brothers and sisters is linked to the love we have for Jehovah. In fact, we cannot have one without the other. The apostle John wrote: “The one who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20) – par. 16

The agenda of the Organization is to get Witnesses to focus on Jehovah to the virtual exclusion of Jesus as anything more than an exemplar and the mechanism by which we get saved.  They even teach that Jesus is not the mediator of the Other Sheep.[iii]  So they don’t want us focusing on Jesus here, even though he clearly says that if we are to have love for our brothers, we must imitate the love he showed to us.  Jehovah did not descend to earth, become flesh, and die for us.  A man did.  Jesus did.

As the perfect reflection of the Father, he helped us see the type of love that humans should feel for one another.

“For we have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin.” (Heb 4:15)

If we are to love God, we must first love the Christ. The point about love which Jesus is making at John 13:34, 35 is like phase one.   The point John is making at 1 John 4:20 is phase two.

Jesus tells us to start with him.  Love our brothers as Jesus loved us.  So we imitate Jesus to love our fellow man whom we have seen.  Only then can we claim to love God whom we have not seen.

I know if you are a Jehovah's Witness reading this for the first time, you are not likely to agree with this point.  So let me relate a recent personal experience as an illustration.  I sat with a couple over dinner just last week whom I've known for 50 years.  Because of my recent hardships and losses, they were very encouraging.  Over the course of three hours, they frequently referred to the many ways that Jehovah can and has helped them and me throughout our lives.  They meant very well.  I know this. However, in the course of those three hours they never once—not a single time—made mention of Jesus.

Now to show why this is significant, consider that in three hours you could easily read the whole of "Acts of the Apostles".  Jesus and/or Christ is mentioned almost 100 times in that book alone.  Jehovah is not mentioned even once.  Of course, if you allow for the arbitrary insertions made by the translation committee of, He is mentioned 78 times.  But even if we accept that those assertions are valid, one would expect a Witness' conversation to show a similar 50/50 balance; but instead we get zero mentions of Jesus.  His role in helping us through tough times does not even come into the mind of the average Witness.

Why is this?  What harm could it do to give Jesus the focus and attention given him in the Bible?

There is an authority structure in the Christian Congregation.  It is described at 1 Corinthians 11:3.

“But I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.” (1Co 11:3)

Do you see any room in that structure or hierarchy for a Pope, or Archbishop, or Governing Body?  You have to push someone out of their position to make room for yourself if you want to be part of the chain of command, don't you?  Catholics make room by elevating Jesus to the role of God.  Since they view Jehovah and Jesus as one, there's room for the Pope and the College of Cardinals between God (Jesus) and man.  Jehovah's Witnesses don't accept the Trinity, so they have to marginalize Jesus so that they can insert themselves into the role of God's channel of communication.  This they have done quite effectively if my dinner conversation with old friends is anything to go by.


[i] See Wars and Reports of Wars as well as Wars and Reports of Wars—A Red Herring?

[ii] “. . . the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the Holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence.” (The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 82)

[iii] See “Those for Whom Christ Is Mediator” (it-2 p. 362 Mediator)

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  • Comment by Mike West on 2017-07-16 20:23:41

    I found the last paragraph of your commentary to be especially interesting. Controlling men take two differnt paths to get to the same place- inserting themselves between the individual and our Father Jehovah and his son Jesus. How much more refreshing was the Apostle Paul who, despite being personally converted to Christianity by Jesus, was still an outstanding example of humility (Galatians 1:7,8).

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-07-17 00:17:46

    Ditto about the last paragraph. Also the breakdown of Psalms 119: 97-100 was interesting. Once the Bible is looked at from a more personal, interior perspective it's messages grow more pointed. Instead of viewing 'the world's' love as growing colder, you see that love inside the organization - as well as outside - has been effected by the same change in climate. Judicial decisions handed down by men wrongly empowered to measure the repentance of a sinner also get between Christians and their lawful directive to forgive one another freely. Man has, in effect, placed his directives between Christ's directive to man.

  • Comment by Keepitsimple on 2017-07-17 01:25:49

    Thanks Meleti to giving me food for thought , about your friends not saying Jesus, a few months ago i experiment on myself to name Jesus more often at least on a 20-80 ratio,80 for Jehovah , thinking it's going to be an easy job because i already love him and know his position given by Jah, what a surprise when i spoke to my wife, it need a real concentrate effort, the feeling is like i speak as an evangelist or pentecotist (no offend), like i betray my own religion (at low level), without noticing it, i've been programmed by omission.

    I can use the example when the jews started to not pronounce Jehovah's name, starting to use it less and less,eventually the crowds feel bad to say his name, with time and without warning they forgot the true pronunciation of YHWH.

    Jesus is fading away of our mind, we start to forget the true meaning to be a christian...

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-07-17 08:11:47

      Hi Chris,

      Andere told me that when his wife talked to her mother about using Jesus' name, her mother reacted negatively, saying that it just makes us sound like evangelists. So the concern isn't for the proper use of the name of Christ, but how it makes us look. I guess it is more important to demonstrate that the organization is different from all the rest, then to actually bring praise to God and Christ.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-07-18 06:31:24

    Hi Meliti, many thanks, and I hope you are bearing up. At least your brain is still working well, although it must be sad to have to focus on so many errors in the publications.
    At the DC last weekend, we were told at the start that the final talk on Sunday will give convincing evidence that the end is imminent. In the item on the last day, parts of Daniel 12 were highlighted (Many will rove about etc being applied to the anointed along with other verses in that chapter), Matthew 24 33-35 on the generation (I thought the overlapping generation teaching had pushed the end further away), and Isaiah 2 2-4. Might just as well have quoted the whole of Matthew 24 and 25 for all the convincing evidence that was shown that the end is imminent. Of course it could be, but I cannot see what we learned from that talk.

    • Reply by Joseph Anton on 2017-07-18 14:38:11

      After three days of relatively low impact lifestyle prodding that last talk - given by a brother from Warwick - felt like the GB had to bring the 'closer' in on a timeshare deal to lock it down. It was heavy, bundled with plenty of prophecy and predictions, and basically reminding everyone that if they leave now they miss out on the biggest deal the universe has ever offered. And it all started with saying that Jerusalem fell in 607BC. After that point it was laden with expressions from the prophets and it sounded like absolutely penetrating exposition of the time of the end till it came to actual scriptural support for what he was saying. I told my wife it was the most problematic talk of the weekend.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-07-18 22:01:57

        And I promised to attend this spiritual lobotomy ?

    • Reply by THE DRIFTER on 2017-07-18 19:25:27

      Hello Leonardo!

      The recent roving final C.O. talk/lecture also drove home the point that the end was "imminent". Afterwards, I asked him was he using the working definition of the word imminent to which he replied enthusiastically, ...yes!

      After employing that awkward little pregnant pause I thanked him and went about happily mingling with others in the congregation.

      Later, I went home booted up my 2014 Watch Tower library DVD and searched for "imminent + system"

      Lo and behold - 20 references to those key words within the same paragraph! Wanna guess which year those words were first used? ( DVD only goes back to 1950 )

      If you guessed 1952 you're a winner!
      Imminent indeed!

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-07-19 09:48:19

      I am. This work keeps me going.

      Thanks for that 1952 reference. I might have some fun with that on Facebook.

  • Comment by Eleasar on 2017-07-18 06:37:48

    Excellent discussion on psalms 119:97-101. This explanation of scripture is what all brothers and sisters need.

    Also 1 John 4:20-21 is very good.

    Food for thought at the end of why Jesus is pushed away.

  • Comment by vinman on 2017-07-19 08:45:15

    I remember many times when I was in the organization, I would develop worshipful feelings towards Christ. You can't help to not feel that way when reading the gospels. I would then feel guilty and then shift my feelings away from Christ towards Jehovah. But in the last 2.5 years, especially after considering the articles on this site, I am absolutely convinced that the Watchtower Society is an antichrist. Early on, I thought maybe it was an antichrist in some passive, unaware, type of way. But now, nothing will alter my feelings that the Watchtower actively despises Christ. They are fully aware of the need to throw him out in order to maintain their authority. Christ is viewed much like we view a hammer. He is taken out to beat the flock down by distorting his words. But like a hammer, we give no thought to the actual tool. We just throw it back in the box and move on.

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-07-19 18:46:03

    I stumbled across this scripture today (and this is my favorite thing about the Holy Scriptures outside of their candor - it's constantly rewarding research) and it was an excellellent reminder of how the hearding of the flock within an organization with its many charters and regulations can actually interfere with their love for God.

    Isaiah 29:13 - "The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught."

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-07-21 02:58:01

    I totally agree with the comments in paragraph 11 about love for gods word , however paragraphs 12 to 14 then push the real agenda , as love for watchtower "bible based truth" is emphasised . It's reminds me of the "true story " films we watch from time to time . People go away thinking the plot really happened but when you read the credits it's only " based on real events " with a lot of made up details added in at the discretion of the editor ,or director , sad to say I don't think that the vast majority of jehovahs witnesses are interested in real bible truth ,

  • Comment by lazarus on 2017-07-21 17:05:52

    Thanks Meleti for the review. Food for thought and especially leaving Jesus out of the discussion, seeing their quoting his words also.

    It's seems logical, you would include Jesus, at least as the 2nd subheading. It's a shame a couple of sentences, could do it. There is a sobering scripture at Matt 10:32 "Everyone, then, who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father who is in the heavens. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens" I'm not saying they have disown him, but it's hard to explain why they don't include him in discussions such as this one.

    Matt 24: opening remarks makes sense.
    The context or surrounding verses is an important read.

    For what ever the reasons as Jesus highlighted in Matt 24: 5-13 be it is because of the deluding influence of the false teachers or the persecution or the fear of death, the zeal and love of many will grow cold towards God and other Christians.

    The Greek word agape, the love that Christians have towards God and man, a principled love, not a emotional one, no doubt emotions are involved. So for this agape to grow cold, one must have had it in the first place, so logically, God given love, so, it refers to those whom God has called into a relationship with Him (John 6:44). I think that's right.

  • Comment by Jerome on 2017-07-21 22:12:39

    Paragraph 11 in this Sunday's Watchtower study correctly states that God's word is the ultimate source of truth. However, paragraph 12 makes this statement: "Similarly, we can savor the tasty Bible-based spiritual food that we receive from God's organization."
    Of course, this would be true as long as what is provided accurately conveys what is in God's word the Bible. But, we must not forget this frank admission:
    *** w17 February p. 26 par. 12 Who Is Leading God’s People Today? ***
    12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.
    The question is: What affect does imperfect spiritual food have on ones spiritual health? What is one to do with something that is tasty but not healthy? Are we allowed to be selective in our spiritual eating habits?
    Do I dare make a comment?

    • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-07-22 10:21:01

      In fact jesus said nothing about producing "spiritual " food at all , he just said about the one giving food to the domestics at the right time . I ask what makes them think that he's speaking of anything other than helping poor and hungry brothers and sisters , when in need . It's the most logical and common sense application , but it doesn't fit the agenda of one seeking power and control does it ? To put it bluntly !

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-07-22 01:16:12

    Jesus made it clear that observance of God's word and God's love toward us depends on us loving Jesus.
    John 14:23,24
    23 In answer Jesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word,+ and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling* with him.+ 24 Whoever does not love me does not observe my words. The word that you are hearing is not mine, but belongs to the Father who sent me.+

    God is JWs' friend, but not their father. Why?
    John 8:42
    42 Jesus said to them: “If God were your Father, you would love me,+ for I came from God and I am here. I have not come of my own initiative, but that One sent me.+

    Meleti, thank you for the article. I liked in particular the dissection of JWs' "wait on Jehovah" attitude in light of Psalms 119.

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-07-22 01:48:50

    In the first paragraph of the WT article, the author has managed to reference together the two verses, Acts 2:46 and 5:42 which put to test the witnesses love to God's word. This is about the Org's command to preach door to door. The corresponding Greek term "kat oikon", present in both of these verses, can be translated as "house to house", but not "door to door". Replace the NWT translation "in different homes" with "door to door" in Acts 2:46 and the nonsense is obvious.

    Acts 5:42
    42 And every day in the temple and from house to house+ [kat oikon] they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.+
    Acts 2:46
    46 And day after day they were in constant attendance in the temple with a united purpose, and they took their meals in different homes [kat oikon] and shared their food with great rejoicing and sincerity of heart,

  • Comment by huang on 2017-07-22 11:31:38

    "If we are to love God, we must first love the Christ. The point about love which Jesus is making at John 13:34, 35 is like phase one".
    My answer for par 15 & 16:
    Interestingly Jo 13:34 has expression of Jesus - “just as I have loved you”. So in commanding bros to love each other Jesus Christ is in the picture also. In fact he is the link between the Father and us – a fundamental truth. Without Jesus we cannot express our love for God – our love will grow cold. Nor does God express the fullness of his love and his grace except through our Lord. The Bible speaks of “God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
    The study conductor seem impressed and said it was a very good point although I don't think he realized the full import.
    Thanks, Meleti.

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The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures gets a lot of flak. Many people accuse it of being a very biased translation. Now, there's two of them, of course. There's the 1984 version, and there's the 2013. The 2013…

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Hello, everyone. I have something truly bizarre to share with you this time. It comes from a rather innocuous place, the July 2024 letter from the Governing Body to all the elders in North America and, I assume, around…

Statement by Brother Joss Goodall To My Brother and Sisters, I am writing to you to bring to your attention some very serious concerns that have been troubling me since August of last year when I listened to a morning worship video by Kenneth…