"The number of disciples kept multiplying"

– posted by meleti
I got an email today with a link to a website out of Italy. It seems our Italian brothers are also waking up.  This is happening everywhere, and it is so encouraging to see so many being called out to the Christ.  It reminds me of this verse from Acts of the Apostles:

"Consequently, the word of God continued to spread, and the number of the disciples kept multiplying very much in Jerusalem; and a large crowd of priests began to be obedient to the faith." (Acts 6:7)

Here's the link to the site.

Of course, this is not just from Jehovah's Witnesses that this in-gathering of the brothers and sisters of Christ is happening.  Still, it is to the glory of God.  Praise be to him forever and ever.

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  • Comment by Truthsearcher on 2018-04-05 11:22:02

    Thanks for that Eric. It reminded me of how I used to be encouraged by hearing of ones coming into the "truth", now I'm encouraged by the ones coming out and finding the real truth.

  • Comment by wish4truth2 on 2018-04-05 15:50:40

    Thanks Meleti, isn't it wonderful!Encouraged also by those coming out of false religion

  • Comment by billy on 2018-04-14 20:24:05

    It's in Italian?

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2018-04-17 21:37:13

      You can cut and paste the Italian text and insert it into Google translate. It works pretty good.

      The site is at https://translate.google.com/

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