A story of attempted compromise: Jehovah's Witnesses, anti-semitism and the Third Reich

– posted by J_Penton
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  • Comment by Eduardo Prado on 2020-04-28 12:05:56

    Dear Professor Penton:

    I'm doing research on the Jehovah's Witnesses as a religious organization. I found some articles and a short dictionary on the JWs by a reputed sociologist of religion named George Chryssides. What surprised me was the fact that this social scientist sometimes speaks as a spokesperson on behalf of the JW's organization. For example, he states that the epistemological base for the Watchtower doctrinal system is the Bible alone, as if JWs were almost identical to evangelical denominations in this respect. The fact is the JWs are even more authoritarian than traditionalist Catholics since they believe their "Governing Body" has a stronger authority than the Catholic magisterium in matters of faith and morals.

    What do you know about this British sociologist (Prof. Chryssides)? Why is he sometimes biased (favourably) in his appraisal of the JWs?

    I hope you are well, and I look forward to your reply,

    Eduardo Prado

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