Jehovah is Directing His Organization

– posted by Tadua

“’Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,’ says Jehovah of armies.” – Zechariah 4:6

 [Study 43 From ws 10/20 p.20 December 21 – December 27, 2020]

Noticing that “organization” is cited 16 times in this article (17 paragraphs & preview) and is not found once in the Bible should be no real surprise, and thus gives us the freedom to suggest an alternative title, like

Jehovah is Directing His People which can be found as “my people” in many scriptures.

 The Review format - false statements in (brackets) have been replaced by bold text, considering only key portions of some paragraphs.


 “Are you convinced that Jehovah is directing his (organization today) people? In this article, we will consider how Jehovah directed the early Christian congregation and how he continues to direct his people today.”

As we begin this review using a different format than usual, you will find that most of the paragraphs in this article contain scriptural discrepancies that have been discussed on this forum multiple times and hence there is no need to go into detail once again.

What if some of these discrepancies are removed from the paragraphs? Would most of us agree with the fact that the majority of Jehovah’s Witness publishers[i] apart from their leadership’s failures, are working hard to apply the cited scriptures, and could claim they are doing their best to follow Jesus and are being directed by Jehovah’s Spirit?

Paragraph 1: “ARE you baptized? If so, you have publicly expressed your faith in Jehovah (using his organization today) and your willingness to follow Jesus. Of course, your faith in Jehovah must continue to grow, and you need to keep building your confidence that Jehovah (is using his organization today) will use you today to accomplish his will.”

Fact - Most baptized JW’s absolutely believe this is what they are accomplishing, following Jesus, however, they have allowed the organization to have them perform the Governing Body's (GB a.k.a. Faithful and Discreet Slave or FDS) form of ministry instead of “accomplishing your ministry” as Paul described at 2 Timothy 4:5.

Paragraph 2: “Today, Jehovah directs his people in a way that reflects his personality, purpose, and standards. Let us consider three of Jehovah’s attributes that are reflected (in his organization) in his word the Bible.”

 Paragraph 3: “First, “God is not partial.” (Acts 10:34) Love moved Jehovah to give his Son as a “ransom for all.” (1 Timothy 2:6, John 3:16) Jehovah uses his people to preach the good news to all who will listen, thereby helping as many as possible to benefit from the ransom. Jehovah is a God of order and peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33,40) Therefore, we should expect that his worshippers serve him as an orderly, peaceful group. Jehovah is the “Grand Instructor.” (Isaiah 30:20-21) Thus, his worshipers (organization) focus on teaching his inspired Word, both in the congregation and in the public ministry. How were those three aspects of Jehovah’s personality evident in the early Christian congregation? How are they manifest in modern times? And how can holy spirit help you as you serve with (with his organization) Jehovah’s Son, Jesus the head of the congregation today?

Fact - JW’s have a reputation worldwide for their impartiality when it comes to the preaching work to all, races, religious background, and economic status (including no race barriers in all aspects of life). They do generally serve in a very orderly manner worldwide as any ex-JW will attest too, especially if they have visited congregations in other countries. In fact, it takes an Organization to not only have the WW brotherhood on the same page doctrinally but is needed to control the minds, actions, and consciouses of the over eight million publishers. But is this what Jesus is expecting from the congregation today?

Paragraph 4: “In the first century, He commanded his followers to continue the work he started, to give a witness “to the most distant part of the earth.” (Read Acts 1:8.)  They would need holy spirit “the helper” that Jesus had promised them. John 14:26; Zechariah 4:6.

Fact - JW’s have attempted to fulfill this with the organized worldwide preaching work, but have they done this because of Holy Spirit or in part at least, because of fear of destruction in an imminent Armageddon?

Paragraph 5 “Jesus’ followers received the holy spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E. When opposition arose, the disciples did not give into fear but turned to God for help. They prayed: “Grant to your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness.” They were then filled with holy spirit and kept “speaking the word of God with boldness.” —Acts 4:18-20,29,31

Fact - In the face of current opposition and the historical record of opposition, JW’s have individually asked for the holy spirit and depended on a strong faith to continue preaching under severe persecution, but, sadly much of this persecution was needlessly promulgated by the FDS/GB with unscriptural teachings and not as a result of the preaching work itself.

Paragraph 6: “Jesus’ disciples faced other challenges too. For example, copies of the Scriptures were few, (There were no study aids such as we have today) but they did have the gifts of the spirit, And the disciples had to preach to people who spoke many different languages and overcame this with the gift of tongues.

Fact – Today, the publishers have been provided by the organization, Bibles in over 180 languages, including literature in over one thousand languages. Many have invested time to learn a new language to be able to preach the Good News of God’s Kingdom in their local community or even move to another country. But that is little different to many other religious organizations, most of whom have concentrated on distributing the Bible rather than literature.

Paragraph 7: “In modern times. Jehovah continues to direct and empower his people no matter where they are found among the wheat and the weeds today. The direction, of course, comes from (largely through) God’s spirit-inspired Word. There we find a record of Jesus’ ministry and his command that his followers continue the work he started. Matthew 28:19,20. As far back as July 1881, this magazine could say: “We were not called, nor anointed to receive honor and amass wealth but to spend and be spent, and to preach the good news.” To Whom the Work Is Entrusted, a booklet published in 1919, stated: “The work appears stupendous, but it is the Lord’s, and in his strength, we will perform it.” (underline is bold in WT)

Fact - The brothers should have stayed with this mission statement from 1881/1919, but, unfortunately, they did not, creating their own unique false teachings much like early Christendom from the 3rd century on, as will be outlined later.

Paragraph 8 “The organization has used the best tools available to spread the good news. These tools have included printed publications, the “Photo-Drama of Creation,” phonographs, sound cars, radio broadcasts and, more recently, digital technology. The (God’s) organization is also engaged in a large (the greatest) translation effort (in history!) Why? So that all sorts of people can hear the good news in their own language. Jehovah is impartial; he foretold that the good news would be declared “to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” (Revelation 14:6-7) He wants the Kingdom message to be available to all.

Fact – The Organization has been behind other faiths in the take up of technology with the exception of the Photo-Drama of Creation. Not so long ago the Watchtower encouraged the brothers to stay off the internet, before an about-turn and embracing it with the launch of the JW.Org site.

Paragraph 10: “What you can do. Take full advantage of the training Jehovah provides at Christian meetings. Work regularly with your field service group. There you can get personal help in areas where you may need it, as well as encouragement from the fine example of others. Endure in the ministry. As our theme text reminds us, we accomplish God’s will, not in our own power, but by holy spirit. (Zechariah 4:6) After all, we are doing God’s work.”

 Fact - JW’s used to be well trained in use of the Bible and public speaking through the use of the Theocratic Ministry School that has helped those with education, limited, or none too accomplish their ministry. But is it training from Jehovah that we receive at the meetings, or training from the Organization to serve its own ends?

Are not other religious groups also engaged in some parts of Jesus' command and excel in many other Christian works that Jehovah’s Witnesses fail at miserably. The only works that JW’s are widely known for is public preaching. Even now in the pandemic, instead of focusing on helping and caring for others who may be self-isolating or ill during the Coronavirus 19 pandemic, they have mounted an unofficial campaign of phone preaching and letter writing. Depending on exactly how it is done, it may even be illegal in many countries due to data protection laws, and at the very least is expensive for the brothers in postage and stationery costs. It also ignores the slim but potential chance of passing on the Covid virus to the recipient and hence potentially leading to their death. Is that a Christian attitude?

“We are intitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts”

Whether we agree or disagree with the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, could we not agree that the average JW is doing their best in following Christ’s command found at Matthew 28:19-20 despite “JW truth” being mixed with falsehood just like every denomination on the planet.

More importantly, will Jesus have many issues with the way the average JW engages in the preaching work? Or, would he more likely have serious issues with the self-appointed FDS/GB and their cohorts?

Paragraph 17 concludes by discussing those who are truly doing their best to follow the Christ among Jehovah’s Witnesses.

 “Soon, only those saved by Grace and the blood of the lamb who will be (the only organization) left on earth will be the ones (one) led by God’s spirit whether they are inside or outside the organization. So zealously work with Jehovah and his Son (Jehovah’s organization). Reflect God’s impartial love for people by proclaiming the good news to all you meet. Imitate his love for order and peace by promoting unity of purpose amongst all Christians (in the congregation). And listen to your Grand Instructor by taking full advantage of the spiritual banquet he provides in his Word the Bible. Then as Satan’s world comes to its end, you will not be fearful. Instead, you will confidently stand among those who are loyally serving Jehovah under the direction of Jesus Christ (with Jehovah’s organization).”


If we personally have a long history as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we may conclude that to some degree Jehovah had some connection to the early Bible Students. Whether that is true remains a point of conjecture. Much like many individuals and groups from the first century that endeavored to keep the main pure teachings of Christ alive, eventually spreading Christianity and the Bible throughout the world up to our modern-day.

Like those in the past, the early Bible students eventually became corrupt and evolved into an ever-growing financial corporation directed by attorneys and self-appointed leaders who have twisted the scriptures to their own cultish advantage.

The evidence found in the scriptures today and with the use of our God-given gift of reason makes it clear that Jehovah and Jesus the head of congregation could not be directing or for that matter approve of the most egregious organizational decisions and practices of the FDS/GB that we often discuss here.

Just as Jehovah abandoned the nation of apostate Israel that bore his name, if he was ever with the organization, he has long ago abandoned those today who presumptuously took his name upon themselves.

The list below has been counterproductive to the instructions from Jesus to preach and teach the good news of the kingdom and make disciples of all the nations and have continued to stumble thousands in and outside the congregation.

  • The FDS/GB becoming false prophets (while declaring they are a “prophet class”) going beyond what is written in the scriptures, even supplying the evidence of this by producing a list of “beliefs clarified” from 1930-2020 on or listed in the WT Library Index.[ii]


  • Although this article points out impartiality when it comes to preaching, they have formed class distinctions within the congregation. (Pioneers, Publishers, Slave class, Other sheep, etc.)

  • Promoting flimsily disguised idolatry of and the FDS/GB. Supplanting Christ’s Headship, and denying the majority of Witnesses the opportunity from partaking of the memorial emblems.

  • Selling thousands of Kingdom Halls[iii] which had been dedicated to Jehovah and built by volunteers. Yet they still continue to solicit donations for building new Halls.

  • Adultery with the UN for 10 yrs. including duping publishers unknowingly to aiding and abetting in promoting the UN agenda. [iv]

  • The ever-growing exposure concerning child abuse lawsuits. Check out this brief handbook for attorneys[v], for plaintiff attorneys to battle the wicked Organizational legal strategies to deny justice for victims.

These points alone are enough for the FDS/GB to need to sincerely consider Luke 12:42-48 and realize they can now identify what Jesus meant by the “Evil Slave” that they have thus far failed to make application of, when in fact it identifies them and people like them.

Malachi 2:8 sums up the current and future situation well when it says: “But you yourselves have turned aside from the way. You have made many stumble with regard to the law. You have ruined the covenant of Levi,” says Jehovah of armies. “So, I will make you despised and low before all the people, because you did not keep my ways but showed partiality in applying the law.”


 [i] This reviewer acknowledges many Christians other than JW’s are doing their best to follow the Christ.

Many Christian groups are well known for feeding the hungry, shelter the homeless, taking care of the sick, standing against abortion, help with orphans, etc. But Jehovah’s Witnesses are only known for preaching the Good News of The Kingdom worldwide and refusing blood transfusions.

[ii]  See Beliefs Clarified in Index 1986-2021 in WT Library.

[iii] There are excel spreadsheets that can be easily found online that list these properties and the information easily verified.

[iv] Why not watch this video \ read the following article on this site To read one of the most comprehensive published evidenced-based articles on the UN/NGO JW fiasco see reference by eWatchman, or alternatively email the author at for a pdf copy.


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  • Comment by Zacheus on 2020-12-20 19:43:17

    Jesus said do not be concerned as to what you will say if hailed before judges as the holy spirit will speak through you.
    If you have not look up the Australian Royal Commission and observe how the elders fumbled their way through questions from the council. There was no evidence of any divine help in their testimony.

  • Comment by bereanthinker1 on 2020-12-20 14:31:43

    "Paragraph 7: “In modern times. Jehovah continues to direct and empower his people no matter where they are found among the wheat and the weeds today."
    The portion about the wheat and the weeds struck me as interesting because that would be a departure from what the organization teaches about that parable being about the organization itself being the wheat separate from the weeds. So I noticed that when I downloaded the article and read it from the JW library and it does not contain the underlined portion that you have included in this paragraph 7.
    Does anyone have a hard copy to see if they changed that paragraph in the electronic format? Or is it just a discrepancy in this article?

    • Reply by Beroeans Creed on 2020-12-20 17:57:22

      Hi Bereanthinker1
      That should have been in bold but is underlined according to the format. So it was added.

      The Review format – false statements in (brackets) have been replaced by bold text, considering only key portions of some paragraphs.

      thanks for pointing this out it was missed in editing.

      • Reply by bereanthinker1 on 2020-12-20 22:20:28

        Ahh I see, thanks for the clarification.

  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2020-12-22 21:08:19

    I found an interesting comparison between an often repeated mantra in this week’s article and something found in the March study edition just released.
    Quite a double standard for what the self proclaimed humble, modest and faithful governing body is able to do compared to everybody else in existence.

    Paragraph 15 said,
    “By means of “the faithful and discreet slave,” he is giving us not just an abundance but also an amazing variety, from articles and talks to digital animations and videos.”

    Watchtower Study Edition March 2021
    Question Box
    Page 30 paragraph 7
    “And surely none of us would want to imply that we have a unique assignment toward God’s sheep.”

  • Comment by Fani on 2020-12-21 03:08:00

    Dans la version française il N'Y A PAS LA PHRASE : "peu importe où il se trouve parmi le blé et les mauvaises herbes aujourd'hui. » § 7
    (souligné ou en gras : je ne comprends pas. La phrase n'y est pas) mais peut être que je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire.

    A ce propos, je rappelle que pour la société le blé c'est les 144 000 et non tout le peuple de Dieu.

    " Jésus montra que le blé figurait ses vrais disciples, les chrétiens oints"(etude des Écritures volume 2 page 1027)
    "ainsi, l’objectif des semailles était de rassembler au bout du compte tous ceux qui seraient cohéritiers avec Jésus et qui régneraient avec lui dans son Royaume." (TG 15 mars 2010)

    Pour la société Christ n'a parlé que des 144 000 et des méchants dans sa parabole de Mathieu 13. Pourtant Jesus dit que le champ c'est le MONDE pas juste une PARTIE du monde ! Mais on a disparu... Jésus a oublié de parler des millions de chrétiens lors de sa venue !
    Tous les autres chrétiens ne sont pas concernés par la conclusion du monde et les anges ne s'occupent pas d'eux.
    Ce qui les gène c'est que Christ appelle les justes "fils du royaume", appellation qu'ils ont décidé de ne donner qu'à 144000 personnes !
    Peu importe ce que dit Christ, ce qui importe c'est ce qu'ils disent eux.

    Mathieu 13 : Très belle parabole du Christ qui montre que ce sont les anges qui moissonneront et donc sauront identifier le blé de la mauvaise herbe.
    Ce n' est pas une organisation humaine qui décidera qui est qualifié de juste ou de fils du Royaume.
    Et heureusement.

    Merci à tous pour ce site.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-12-21 05:08:47

    Thank you Tadua for your usual fine work.

    Paragraph 2 shows the purpose of the study id to prove the Organisation is

    (A) Not partial
    (B) Orderly and peaceful
    (C) Allowing Jehovah to instruct us

    In may ways the organisation is impartial, and has done much good in this area.

    It was Hayden Covington, before a court in Scotland, who used the expression "Unity. Unity at all costs". This does not make for order or peace. This is like a dictator saying
    we have peace, when he has removed all dissidents. While everyone wishes to work towards order and peace, it cannot be achieved if genuine queries are simply quashed. Otherwise how can it be proved that what is taught is the truth. The claim we are living in a "spiritual paradise" is much the same. A paradise where you cannot ask questions for fear of being thrown out is much like the 1960s series "The prisoner". It is not a paradise.

    As for allowing Jehovah to instruct us, a teacher, whoever does not want to be questioned, is not interested in teaching. There is no evidence that the Organisation has attempted to consider different points of view as to its teachings on shunning, the 607 BCE date for the fall of Jerusalem, the overlapping generation teaching, its interpretation of the King of the North and King of the south, and a host of other things. They are not allowing Jehovah, through his word, to teach us, and must bear a heavy load for failing to do so in these areas.

    Love to all here

  • Comment by marielle on 2020-12-21 06:33:12

    J’ai relu ce matin Jean 8 : 1
    « De nouveau, Jésus leur parla, disant : « Je suis la lumière du monde+. Celui qui me suit ne marchera absolument pas dans les ténèbres, mais possédera la lumière+ de la vie. »

    L’encadré au sujet de l’organisation terrestre est une nébuleuse.
    On ne sait pas très bien, s’il s’agit de l’ensemble des chrétiens, auquel cas Jéhovah les dirigerait et les utiliserait directement, ou du GB qui les dirige.

    Cette nébuleuse est entretenue dans les premiers paragraphes qui parlent de l’humanité bénéficiant de l’impartialité de Dieu, et de la rançon pour tous.

    Ce n’est qu’au paragraphe 9 que les nouveaux vont commencer à comprendre que Jéhovah dirige (son organisation terrestre) au moyen de la partie « dirigeante » le GB qui approuve ou désapprouve.

    En fait, ce n’est pas Jéhovah qui utilise (son organisation) c’est l’organisation qui utilise ses membres.

    TG août 2018
    As-​tu le désir et la possibilité de te rendre disponible pour l’organisation de Jéhovah ?
    ... § 17
    Les cours de l’école pour évangélisateurs accueille des frères et sœurs qui servent déjà Jéhovah à plein temps et les forme afin que L’ORGANISATION PUISSE LES UTILISER ENCORE PLUS.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2020-12-21 07:49:42

    Thanks for review. Religion cannot say they are impartial as they all select their teachers from within their organisation. In other words, you can only be accepted as a teacher if your are trained and "employed" by that organisation. The way religion believes they are impartial is to say that everyone is welcome as long as they adhere, accept and agree with the doctrines of the organisation. However, Acts 10:34,35 does not have the criteria to agree or be a member of an organisation, but that the person shows reverence and does what is right (love God, Love neigbor).
    It remains striking to see that this whole article almost completely neglect who the Head (Leader) of the congregation is. It was Jesus who gave instructions to the congregations in Revelations. Jesus was mentioned 9 times, Jehovah 46.
    Is it not Jesus who is assigned to judge and grant the promised inheritance?

    To compare the performance of the organization under guidance and approval of its leaders, have a look here:
    Many languages, millions of downloads etc.

  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2020-12-21 08:41:01

    Whenever I see JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION what comes to my mind is an ORGANIZATION working DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY for SATAN'S ORGANIZATION. Since the GB in its watchtower of 1980s stated emphatically that there are TWO organization on EARTH.


    2. SATAN'S ORGANIZATION (all other organization on earth you could think of in all sphere of life)

    Based on the above the following is written below...............

    The organization holds its foot on earth based on the policies and procedures supplied by SATAN'S ORGANIZATION. Before WTBTS can be seen as a charitable ORGANIZATION with charitable status, it makes use of policies and procedures provided by Satan's organization. For the ORGANIZATION to survive, it needs the RESOURCES of all OTHER SATAN'S ORGANIZATION including man power from SATAN'S ORGANIZATION.

    For the ORGANIZATION to survive as it undergo scrutiny in recent times it keeps MANIPULATING those within it walls and outside the walls banking on SATAN'S PROCEDURES and POLICIES as established by Satan's organization.

    Jehovah's ORGANIZATION keep trading with Satan's organization in order to keep it finances buoyant........ sales of kingdom halls and other buildings.

    There is no way you look at it the ORGANIZATION has equally be working for SATAN'S ORGANIZATION.

    The article states GOD IS NOT PARTIAL in paragraph 3 but GOD WILL BE PARTIAL in paragraph 17 when Soon, the ONLY ORGANIZATION (WTBTS) LEFT ON EARTH will be the one led by God’s spirit.

    THE ONLY organization stated in paragraph 17 is the WTBTS which has been working directly or indirectly with SATAN'S ORGANIZATION since its inception. Leaving it alone while others are DESTROYED of which have contributed to it's GROWTH and SURVIVAL carry the sense of PARTIALITY.

    This is because all the CLAIM of EDUCATION and peace/order JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION (WTBTS) enjoyed today are those derived from the HELP from SATAN'S ORGANIZATION. All the insight from the scriptures and the rest are works of BIBLE COMMENTARIES of SATAN'S ORGANIZATION. The peace and order enjoyed in the lands they reside is equally provided by the GOVERNMENT of those lands who are working under SATAN and are SATAN'S ORGANIZATION.

    The Christian congregation is under Jesus Christ. He has promised to be with his disciples throughout the ages. The workings of the spirit he promised as helper is and WILL NEVER be RESTRICTED to what a 1800 ORGANIZATION is doing. Its OPERATIONS are distributed based on the WILL of the one who PROMISED it.

  • Comment by Ad_Lang on 2020-12-21 19:18:37

    Today, I have seen the state the organisation is in. I bumped into the wife and daughter of one elder in our congregation (he's one of the two mentioned below). The family seems well loved and respected in the congregation. Keep in mind that the wife is the one who told me after the 2019 convention that she'd seen many people (sit) alone in the breaks.

    The daughter, recently married, had just stated her rocksolid confidence that "we will survive as the governing body leads us through the Great Tribulation". I then expressed my disappointment, because I am quite isolated. While nearly half of the congregation (31 individuals) did some form of pioneering in November (30+ hours in the ministry), only half a dozen contacted me since the lockdown (a whole different subject related to Rev. 13 and 14) began.

    I related how much of a difference it would make if everyone would spend just one hour on average for each member of the congregation. After all, Jesus told us his disciples would be known by their love for each other, not their love for the world (Joh. 13:35). Also, Galatians 6:10 speaks of doing good toward all, especially those related to us in the faith.

    As I said these things,I saw the daughter gaze straight ahead of her and once I was finished she walked off. While her mother said that they hadn't had much attention either (if I remember correctly), next thing I saw the daughter do was cross the (busy) road running, and I could imagine her distress as she pretty much continued fleeing up the grassy hill, with mother then starting to walk after her. It was heartbreaking to see.

    Since last Friday I have had conversation with two elders (including the father) about... obedience to the GB. I don't know what I did, but was surprised the father getting defensive suddenly, saying that I wouldn't sway him. We're at the point now that I've accepted their attempt to reprove me. I am very sad, because I cannot pledge allegiance to humans, as being owned by the Christ. Thus the expectation is, that in a few weeks I will probably be expelled. In fact, I will have to write to the congregation (NOT the body of elders alone) about my reasons, because again despite Scripture showing a different example, few if anyone at all, will know why I have been announced from the platform.

    Again, my sadness is not for me. Somehow I will be fine, I know that much. It is those left behind in such a distressing situation, proclaiming they are part of such a loving, worldwide family. Probably loudly, because I sometimes get the sense that there must be at least some who at least feel differently in their hearts, but do not have the courage to face the consequences of the inevitable.

    • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2020-12-21 19:44:32

      Since I cannot edit any longer: the only thing I accepted is that the elders may attempt to reprove me. I cannot stop being available for those in need, and should always be available to speak to. Once my letter with (primary) reasons is out, I'd expect to be called before a JC sooner rather than later. Little doubt what the decision will be, with my stance black on white.

      I will want to appeal the decision, so that there will be more who get the opportunity to see my stance based on the Scriptures, that I need to take my distance from the GB just like the Israelites did from the tents of Korah and his companions (Num. 16:23-27). The following verses display Jehovah's indignation at such presumptuous people, who even wanted the privilege that Moses (and Aaron) had. Considering Heb. 10:28-31, how much stronger would Jehovah feel about those who decide to reach out to take a share of the authority that the Son of God, our King, has been given?

  • Comment by Ad_Lang on 2020-12-21 19:28:47

    As you mentioned, Jehovah ruled directly over the nation of Israel, yet they did go astray many a time, did they not?

    So my question for my fellow Witnesses (which I asked the two elders "shepherding" me): "if that happened under Jehovah's direct rulership, what makes you think it is not possible under Christ's rulership as it is today? Or would you think that Jehovah wasn't actually ruling over the Israelites? Surely, we're no better than they were, are we?"

    It remained a bit quiet when I has asked that. Might have been a reason for the strong defensive response I got from one of them. The one who called something I had seen propaganda, but I'll have to ask him how he knows if he hasn't seen the very thing for himself...

    It reminds me of how apt the title of the book is (that I'll probably manage to finish reading in the next 10-15 years): "Crisis of conscience (R. Franz)".

    Additionally, in John 12:45 Jesus says: "whoever sees me sees also the One who sent me". This says it all:
    The Governing Body is for those who cannot see the Christ. But those who can see the Lord do not need a governing body to give them directions, because the words of Jesus and his apostles are sufficient for them to get by.

  • Comment by mattlunsford on 2020-12-22 00:42:56

    One of the most disgusting ideas that I have ever seen in the Watchtower publications is the idea that preachers have to help people “benefit” from the ransom sacrifice. Was our redeemers agonizing and excruciating death and sacrifice not great enough for mankind or did he not completely fulfill his purpose in covering the sin of Adam by willingly and obediently offering his life for everyone? Romans 14:9 How disgusting to even think such a thought and in my viewpoint this reveals pride of the worst kind but I will not cast judgement since all the judging has been placed in Jesus’ hands. 1 Cor 4:5 Unfortunately, I was misled into this mindset about the ransom and I pray that God will forgive for my error. I know Jesus died for all mankind “the living and the dead” and that all will receive some benefit for this precious gift regardless of the efforts of anyone.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses think this way because they believe they are in a life-saving work before Jesus’ return. They misunderstand Jesus’ statement about the flood of Noah’s day and think that they are now tasked with being spiritual firefighters so to speak “superheroes” pulling people out of Christendom before it is too late. Luke 17:26 True, all Christians are to preach the good news about Jesus but good news is not the same as a judgement message. Would adverse judgment really be good news? Especially since even God does not desire anyone to be destroyed but wants all to repent, why would destruction be considered good news to humans if even God hates the thought? 2 Pet 3:9

    Jesus’ ransom sacrifice and resurrection is the same good news that the apostles preached and the message is still the same today. Acts 2:14-36 In my viewpoint, which is similar to Russel and the Bible students; the harvest that Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they are accomplishing is not for the present time but for the established kingdom of Christ after Armageddon. Armageddon does not mean the destruction of all counterfeit Christians in one instant of time but of the elements of Satan’s world “kings of the earth are gathered” that are opposed to Christ establishing his kingdom on earth. Rev 16:16 We do have the assurance that every eye will see Jesus upon his return. Rev 1:7 His return will be a witness to all mankind and the heavenly kingdom will then be bringing an end to the elements of Satan’s system. With regard to judgement, after Armageddon, Jesus along with his bride changes their focus from judging Christians in the present satanic world to judging resurrected mankind and unbelievers who are still alive after Armageddon. All obstacles will be removed and all will be judged fairly. This is the benefit of the ransom for all. The present judgement is for Christians and the future judgment is for the rest of mankind and the unbelieving world. John 5:24

    Back to Noah: After doing some studying and research into the matter, the Genesis account reveals that Noah was informed of God’s decision to bring an end to all flesh and that Noah was not commanded by God to preach to the pre-flood world with the hope of saving anyone. Why? God had already judged everyone to wicked and deserving of death except for Noah and his family. Gen 6:7 Any preaching of Noah with the hope of repentance and salvation for anyone from that point forward while he and his family were building the ark would have been pointless.

    The order of events were: God made an examination of the pre-flood society, saw the violence and wickedness, felt regret for creating man, judged the earth, and then spoke to Noah and informed him of his righteousness and decision to destroy all flesh. It appears that Noah’s preaching of righteousness was of his own free will before Jehovah made his judgment message known to him. In my opinion, anyone who would have responded to Noah and changed their ways would have been judged righteous with Noah and his family and would have been informed.

    On what basis did God judge the world though? In my opinion, since death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses even over those whom had not sinned in the same way as Adam, it seems that God judged everyone according to the their heart condition and found none to be blameless except Noah and his family. Romans 5:14 The law had not yet been given and the purpose of the law is to make wrongdoing known. Romans 5:20

    Another question is, Would it have been possible to reach everyone on earth while building an ark? Granted with God all things are possible and the word about the ark would have spread quickly, but the earth was filled with people. It is unreasonable to think their judgement would be determined by this.. Therefore, it is a very weak argument to use Noah’s example as a means to justify a worldwide life-saving preaching work today especially when the ransom has been provided for all.

    CT Russell and the Bible student believed that the conversion of the world was not purposed for the present time but would be expected of all during the 1000 year reign of Christ. Why? God’s will is that all come to an accurate knowledge of truth and be saved. 1 Tim 2:4 In other words, all must know about the ransom sacrifice and be converted to Christianity after their resurrection and then be judged on the basis of works and not faith. Rev 20:12

    The New world translation’s rendering of 1 Tim 2:4 is doctrinally biased and renders the Greek word pantas as “all sorts of people” This supports their idea that the ransom does not apply to all but only to certain privileged Christians aka JW’s. Because of this they think that the conversion of the world to their version of Christianity is now due. This is the only translation that I have found that renders the verse in this way.

    This was not meant to be an article but just a comment. I had to get these thoughts out there though. Lol

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