[This article has been contributed by Vintage]

The purpose of this article is to promote writing songs for Christian meetings. In particular, I would like to sing a song when I attend a communion celebration. On the occasion of remembering Christ’s death, we have the opportunity to sing about our appreciation of his sacrifice and of Jehovah’s loving provision to save humankind. This list of Scriptural texts may provide a starting point of inspiration to Christian songwriters:

1 Corinthians 5:7, 8; 10:16, 17; 10:21; 11:26, 33
2 Corinthians 13:5
Matt 26:28
Mark 14:24
John 6:51, 53; 14:6; 17:1-26

Not all songwriters can play a musical instrument. So, they might sing the song they have composed to another person who has the skill to write the musical notation of their melody. Also, a musician may be able to read music and play an instrument well, but have no experience in composing melodies. I can play the piano, but I had no knowledge of chord progressions. I especially like this short video and found it very helpful toward learning chord progressions and how to compose a song: How To Write Chord Progressions – Songwriting Basics [Music Theory- Diatonic Chords].

The composer of a song may decide to pay for a copyright on that song before posting it online. This would give a measure of protection against having another person claim ownership of that song. In the United States, a collection of about ten songs can be copyrighted as an album for only a little more money than it costs to copyright just one song. A square picture, called an Album Cover is used online to help identify a collection of songs.

When writing the lyrics of songs of praise, those words may flow naturally from the heart, or they may require prayer and some research. Writing words that are both beautiful and scripturally accurate will ensure an enjoyable and uplifting experience for all the brothers and sisters who will, each one, be singing those words as their own sentiments. There is a responsibility to write lyrics that will honor God and his Son.

I hope that Christians will enjoy their freedom of expression to compose songs of praise to our Father and Jesus. It would be especially nice to have a selection of beautiful songs from which to choose for our communion celebrations and regular meetings.

[Please keep comments to this article limited to collaborations on musical compositions.]


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