A Bible Student Writes to Her JW Teacher

– posted by meleti
This is a letter that a Bible student, who attends the Bereoan Pickets' Zoom Meetings, sent to one of Jehovah's Witnesses who had been conducting a long-term Bible study with her. The student wanted to provide a series of reasons for her decision not to pursure further Bible studies with this woman, who she respected and didn't want to offend. However, the JW teacher didn't respond but instead had her son, who serves as an elder, call this student and berate her for an hour. it is so sad that this type of response is no longer the exception but the rule, as JW's find it more and more difficult to defend their positions in light of "the true knowledge becoming abundant." We are sharing it here in the hope that it might serve as a template for others facing a similar situation. 


Dear Mrs. JP,

I thank you for your time and friendship over the years. I did go over the last few chapters in the book Enjoy Life Forever (as they were very self explanatory) and have proceeded to reading the Bible itself. I am thoroughly enjoying it and "soaking it up like a sponge", but it is taking longer than expected as I am cross-referencing with other Bibles/ translations, but the meanings are clear in summary (God is Love). However, there are many issues with the organization of Jehovah Witnesses that I cannot reconcile. I have done extensive research over the ensuing months and disagreements relate back to your founder (JF Rutherford)

(1) Deuteronomy 18:22: When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. There has been many false prophesies concerning the end times, more than one. In writing on January 1925 in The Watchtower he wrote that Christ's millennial rule would be fully manifest on earth by that year. Mr. Rutherford was noted to have said afterward about his own predictions: "I know I made an ass of myself"- WT-10/1/1984- pg.24, per Fred Franz.

The predictions of 1975 (that obviously did not come true as we are still here today) was truly significant to some people. Many quit their jobs, and delayed/stopped education and this even was known to my mother who was working as a registered nurse at the local hospital in the small town that we lived in at that time. In the WT article- 1968 pp 272-273- Making use of the remaining time and WT-1968-pp500-501- Why are you looking forward to 1975- Bible chronology along with Bible prophecy said hat six thousand years of man's existence would soon be up in this generation.

Over the past 4 years, I have heard multiple accounts of the end times being from "any day now" to being "seconds away". As you know I have discussed a human being may only live 70 to 100 years and we experience time as humans (24 hours/day), and I cannot reconcile with the constant frenzy of it being "any moment now". Your description of time must be converted into that which we as humans experience. When I have a conversation with someone who I detect is a Christian, I have asked them if they feel that we are in the end times? Many people say yes, but they are calm and collected with no signs of hysteria. This is how I feel and as we know no one knows the exact day or hour (not even Jesus) only the Father. Mark13:32 and Matt 24:36. For this reason I do not wish to participate with anyone acting as a "fortune teller".

In summary, the Watchtower- May1,1997 pg. 8 said: Jehovah God is the Grand Identifier of his true messengers. He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them come true.  Jehovah is also the Great Exposer of false messengers. How does he expose them?  He frustrates their signs and predictions.  In this way he shows that they are self–appointed prognosticators, whose messages really spring from their own false reasoning–yes, they are foolish, fleshly thinking. (This is from the organization itself.)

(2) Jehovah Witnesses discourage higher education (w16 June p.21 par.14 and w15 9/15 p.25 par11). This is unscriptural in that higher education and advanced learning in my opinion does not lead to a loss of of love for God, or worldly involvement. If I and others such as Audra Leedy-Thomas had never undergone higher education, how could we both cure/care for patients with cancer. We are both women of faith and this is an unscriptural thought. Currently there is an organization formed by seven billionaires who have chosen to remain anonymous. They have spent extensive amounts of money with large TV and media campaign to bring forth the knowledge of Jesus (in a nondenominational Christian view)

(3) Watchtower 1933: J.F. Rutherford said that saluting the flag was punishable by death. This is unscriptural and that saluting the flag is a gesture of recognition/respect (not a transference away from God) and being murdered for such an action is not a belief held by any Christian organization and should not be accepted by any JW.  Yielding to hypocrisy, Mr. Rutherford joined the U.S. Clergy for a National Day of Prayer for victory over the enemies in WWI. (Watchtower, June 1st, 1918)

(4) Adult Baptism (in full water immersion): As we discussed, I am in agreement with this. However in the book, Organized to Do Jehovah's Will on pg. 206, ‘Baptism candidates must stand and answer the question in a loud voice, “Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with the organization.”’ This is NOT scriptural in that we are to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 19:5; 22:16). The Bible states that God does not show favoritism (Eph. 6:9 and Acts 10:34) thus no organization can claim to be "God’s chosen people" or organization and force Christians to join their organization in order to be baptized.

(5) Multiple revisions to the Faithful and Discreet slave (Matthew 24:45), at least 12 in number. I can mail you a printed copy of all the changes, however below are some of the major revisions (I can send you a detailed print-out).

(a) November 1881 - The slave is a class of individuals and refers to all anointed Bible students, Zions Watch Tower October and November 1881.

(b) December 1896 - The slave is one individual and refers solely to Charles Taze Russell.

(c) February 1927 - The slave refers to an individual and two distinct classes Jesus Christ alone, Jesus Christ and anointed Bible students.

(d) August 1950 - The slave refers to anointed Jehovah's witnesses who make up the 144,000.

(e) December 1951 - The slave is anointed Jehovah's Witnesses who make up 144,000 and is led by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

(f) November 1956 - The slave is anointed Jehovah's Witnesses under the direction and authority of the Governing Body of the Watch Tower Bible and Track Society.

(g) June 2009 - The slave refers only to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

(h) July 2013 - It is clearly defined that the slave is the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses only. This occurred after the large lawsuit in Australia when over 1000 child sex abuse cases, which prohibited suing the organization.

In summary, as noted in a Kingdom Hall meeting this year (3/2022), the elder Mr. Roach said we must avoid Unscriptural Opinion".........meaning opinions we cannot scripturally prove:

(6) I cannot find any Bible Scripture that commands me to to get baptized into any specific human denomination.

(7) God did not specifically say there would be a human publication called The Watchtower coming out that would surpass the Bible.

(8) God does not show favoritism amongst any Christians (Acts 10:34 and Eph. 6:9) thus persons cannot call themselves "God’s Organization" nor does he rely on humans beings to reveal truth (Psalm146:3).

(9) The human beings who have appointed themselves (Governing Body) have no concrete proof that they are anointed and that God is speaking through them. (1 John 2:26,27... concerning the ones who mislead you) “…the anointing you received from him remains in you, and and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but the anointing from him is teaching you about all things and and is true and is no lie.”

For these reasons, I will keep my heart open to the Holy Spirit, because my salvation is in the hands of the Lord and I will remain faithful, staying awake. I will continue to study the Bible, but like the Bereans, I will study and examine the scriptures for truth. My preaching work will not be door to door, (and will never promote a human denomination) but will be with the many suffering or terminal cancer patients (whose human lives are short) that I have graciously been entrusted to care for and who so desperately are needing to hear the "Good News."

Jesus said (John14:6)- I am the Truth....and we can come to the Father through him (not an organization of men).

Respectfully yours,



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  • Comment by ANITAMARIE on 2022-11-26 16:58:29

    That was so good! Only a “brother” could respond to that. LOL

  • Comment by James Mansoor on 2022-11-26 17:06:35

    Dear M.H

    Your last paragraph got me: For these reasons, I will keep my heart open to the Holy Spirit, because my salvation is in the hands of the Lord and I will remain faithful, staying awake. I will continue to study the Bible, but like the Bereans, I will study and examine the scriptures for truth. My preaching work will not be door to door, (and will never promote a human denomination) but will be with the many suffering or terminal cancer patients (whose human lives are short) that I have graciously been entrusted to care for and who so desperately are needing to hear the “Good News.”

    ‘You are an inspiration to me… Thank you

  • Comment by Dissident Fairy on 2022-11-26 18:34:40

    Wow! It's hard to imagine that she would have been treated like that. It's not a good witness. I suspect he was being defensive over having to defend his beliefs more so than trying to personally attack her. JWs get very defensive when their beliefs are challenged. It's like throwing sand in their eyes because they are so certain that what they believe is the truth. I say this because I tried to explain to my sister why I left and she didn't even want to hear it, and she's only a once a year Memorial attender.

    I just heard Tony Morris say today that no one is dragged or forced to become a JW. He was referring to children who are raised by believing parents. He said they are called not forced, and have a right to choose based on free will. He said that forcing someone never works and he's right. When I was a teen I would not have been given an option. I would have been forced if need be. Fortunately, I didn't give my parents a hard time because I believed it to be the truth and the one true religion back then.

    I met an artist online a few years ago. For some reason she pursued me for a friendship. Imagine my surprise when I discovered she had been raised a JW too. She grew up in Germany, but unlike me she never believed in it or took it to heart, and she has some resentment toward the organization because her mother dealt harshly with her and forced her to attend meetings when she didn't want to. When she was 18 she took off and never looked back. Which only goes to show that forcing people doesn't work. In her defense, her parents never explained anything to her. She was told not to ask questions and just obey and believe. Her mother didn't show her much affection either. In my home there was love and I could ask as many questions as I wanted to ask. My father went to great lengths to create charts corolating 607 BCE and 1914, etc. The math seemed to fit so I was impressed and satisfied it was the truth until the advent of the internet.Then it all came crashing down, but even then it took me years to see it.

  • Comment by Zacheus on 2022-11-26 18:47:04

    "For this reason I do not wish to participate with anyone acting as a “fortune teller”.

    Ouch! but so true.

  • Comment by denisataylor on 2022-11-26 18:56:08

    My dear Sister, I want to commend you on your thorough research. Taking a stand for truth and not continuing with the hypocrisy, which would have been easier. Your letter was well thought out and written with supporting references. As Anitamaria stated in the previous comment, " only a brother" could respond to this. Lol Rest assure, your letter was shared with the other elders of the congregation, perhaps even the Circuit Overseer. Thank you, my dear Sister!

  • Comment by a watcher on 2022-11-26 19:13:38

    I would have hung up on that Elder and blocked him.

  • Comment by Eine Bibelschülerin schreibt an ihre Jehovas-Zeugen-Lehrerin – Beröer Studium on 2022-11-27 08:09:14

    […] Artikel ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Beitrags „A Bible Student Writes to Her JW Teacher“, den Eric Wilson am 26.11.2022 auf Beroean Pickets veröffentlicht […]

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-11-27 11:43:19

      Thank you.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2022-11-27 18:34:31

    Absolutely superb. For someone who had not become a Witness, you have expressed yourself so well, with logical reasoning and references. Not many Witnesses could put those sort of lines together to defend their faith, because they are not taught that way.
    I am so glad you have been able to speak up.

  • Comment by arnon on 2022-11-29 06:50:50

    I have been going to Jehovah's Witnesses meetings for 26 years. I once also served as an unbaptized herald. I don't join because I don't believe in 1914. It also bothers me that the witnesses treat the decisions of the governing body as if they came from God, but God never spoke to the governing body.
    But I was never cursed for not joining. I was always treated well.
    I don't see anything wrong with higher education but it didn't help me even though I had good grades.
    It does bother me to stand still in front of the flag on Memorial Day

  • Comment by rusticshore on 2022-12-01 16:09:14

    Simply wonderful.

  • Comment by Proselytiser Of Yah on 2022-12-04 09:48:26

    "the JW teacher didn’t respond but instead had her son, who serves as an elder, call this student and berate her for an hour".
    It's sad to hear that. And quite shocking to me, even for me as a younger person who was raised in the Org.

    Berating Bible students who aren't even baptised JWs? That's a new low that they are treating even non-members of the Congregation with harshness now.

    It's sad how men have wrongly appointed themselves as judge and jury.

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