Meeting the Children of God in Hemmental, Switzerland: We Interview Sabine Kohler

– posted by meleti

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  • Comment by Ad_Lang on 2023-05-25 03:31:45

    There were two things that stood out for me throughout the interview that I recognise in more than one way.

    The first and foremost is the attitude to not blindly believe every word -by anyone-, but to be motivated to check and find evidence for oneself (Proverbs 14:15; Acts 17:11). Not only when it comes to our spiritual beliefs, but also in all other things that affect us or involve decision-making on our part. I've noticed this quality before and would like to encourage it greatly.

    Peter urged us to be ready to defend our faith and that requires knowledge (1 Peter 3:15). We don't always need to reproduce deep insights and vast amounts of knowledge to defend our position in everything, but we need sufficient grounds to draw our own conclusions. I find that self-initiated, independent research a common ground between Christians and non-Christians who have woken up to the lies that are thrown at us in this world, and have been almost from the day we were born. People who don't do that are sooner or later easily deceived, and I think most of us have been up to a point in any case.

    The second one, actually just as important, is getting together with like-minded people. It takes a strong character to face up to deception and to enter the dark world of the unknown, where at first it may seem that truth doesn't exist or is out of reach. Most of us don't have such a strong character to resist the fear that imprisons us in our comfort zone, but when together with like-minded people, we can find the strength and courage to take that step. This is especially important where those who seek, spread and live up to truth are oppressed. 1 John 4:18 (WEB) comes to mind here, which says "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has punishment. He who fears is not made perfect in love". As Christians we have to take this fact (and warning) to heart, because Jesus put the obligation on us to seek perfection in love, as far as possible in our present condition.

    I found this and other blogs very helpful in keeping my faith, along with the study I had already done for myself (using Bible and concordance). On that basis, I could associate with non-Christians who have a whole range of different beliefs. I found it delightful also to find common ground with them, such as the conclusion that no good comes from men dominating over other men. It helps to unlearn the urge to convert people, and instead give a witness by how our faith motivates our decisions and what the results are - a much better way to draw people without upsetting anyone.

    • Reply by Frankie on 2023-05-31 14:49:06

      Dear Ad_Lang, Thank you for your comment. I understand your situation and the similar situation of many brothers and sisters who may suddenly find themselves in a "social vacuum" due to the drastic doctrine of shunning. Shunning is unbiblical and cruel. After leaving the Organization, it is natural and desirable to seek various social contacts (perhaps even "worldly") in order to maintain normal mental health.
      It would be best to look for like-minded people who have already left the Organization and who remained faithful to God and his Son and could provide support and advice to the person. That would be ideal. In the case of contacting and associating with people who are not Christians, we should be careful with them, because they are not like-minded people in vital matters - in worshiping our heavenly Father Jehovah and in following our leader and teacher Jesus Christ on the path of truth and life.
      It is possible that non-Christians, or even Christians who accept false religious doctrines, have the same views on many things, but do not know the essentials. If a brother or sister has a firm faith and is able to defend their convictions, then they can boldly speak in discussions about the only hope and true worship - this must be spoken to all people, that is our mission (Matt 28:19-20). That is, only in that case will we find out what is essential for those with whom we would like to associate.
      Why am I saying this? It is very sad that many brothers and sisters, after leaving the Organization, forget our heavenly Father and his Son and turn to false religions, or even become atheists. Because if a person is not firmly anchored in hope (Hebrews 6:19), does not have love for God and his Son (which is extremely important), then he can be easily influenced (1 Cor 10:12).
      I agree with you that sometimes it is very useful to give testimony by your own example based on faith and it is not good to forcefully convince someone, neither did our Lord. However, our goal is to bring everyone to the knowledge of God and his intention to free humanity from the slavery of death - that is actually converting, i.e. bringing (turning) a person from the path of death to the path of life. A typical example is the apostle Paul converted by Jesus - when Saul was leaving Jerusalem for Damascus, he went there to persecute Christians and became a Christian himself in Damascus.
      God bless you, dear Ad_Lang.

      • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2023-05-31 20:47:59

        Hi Frankie,

        Thank you very much for your considerate (and concerned words).

        I agree that it is very important to find like-minded lovers of truth among the sons of our heavenly Father. You hit on an important and sad fact: many Christians do indeed miss out on the very essentials of our faith. That is why we need to trust the promises in John 14, that holy spirit will guide us and Jesus will make himself known to those who love him (that is, observe his commandments).

        I'm afraid that many, in particular among Jehovah's Witnesses, are not really anchored in the hope Jesus and the apostles preached, but in a hope based on the teachings and leading of men. I'd think that causes people to struggle to distinguish between God and the unfaithfulness of men claiming to speak in his name, for as long as God permits them to follow that course. From that inability, it's easy to lose all faith and hope.

        I have been very concerned about people with good intentions who do not accept Jesus as their Lord and saviour. But Jesus made an important comment about that:
        "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day" (John 6:44 NIV).

        Once I went out in the ministry with Jehovah's Witnesses, I soon realised that we cannot convert anyone. People can only be converted by themselves; it is their own decision. Love for Jesus comes first, and we can only promote that by first living the love that he showed and be open and clear about the reasons why we chose that path in life, as Peter urged us: "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence" (1 Peter 3:15 NASB1995).

        I do sense a trace of the anxiety that JWorg has been feeding us, to stay away from everyone who is worldly (not in the organisation). I think that is a dangerous thought to cling to. Jesus prayed specifically, not for his disciples to be taken out of the world, but for them to be protected from the world (John 17:14). It is a narrow path we must follow, where straying to one side would make us fall into the world and become part of it, while straying to the other side puts us in danger of the Pharisaic extremism that makes us blind to the Christ and the purpose and meaning of our calling.

        Note that Jesus said the following about his ministry: "“I wasn’t sent to anyone but the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”" (Matthew 7:24 WEB, see also Mark 7:27). I have come to the conclusion that, while the gathering was expanded beyond the nation of Israel, John 6:44 still applies - God is the one who draws people to Jesus. At this point, I am convinced that there is hope even for those who are too blinded to see the good news. That is a different subject in itself, but my point is that our ministry ought to be motivated by love for and gratitude toward Jesus and our heavenly Father, while the motivation should not be fear as promoted by the JWorg organisation and others. It is my belief that, likewise, our ministry needs to be directed first to those who call themselves Christian, but have lost the way. The strongest warnings are directed, not to people of the nations, but toward God's people. A few examples to clarify.

        Example 1 - Matthew 7:21-23
        Jesus warns those who call him "Lord" but do not do his Father's will. Verse 22 makes clear that many will have reason to believe that God is with them, and yet Jesus won't be impressed at all.

        Example 2 - 2 Peter 2:20-22
        Those who have come to know the good news (an accurate knowledge) and then turn away from it are worse off than they were before. So lacking appreciation because of failing to understand is not the worst position to be in.

        Example 3 - Revelation 18:4-6 (and onward)
        While this may count for all religions, it seems to me that Christians who support corrupt religious organisations, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, are the subject of this calling. In a recent meeting we discussed the position Christians are in who support these arrangements. Think of the rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses who don't make the decisions in the organisation, but support them by their obedience to those decisions.

        May Jesus show you the way and give you peace.

        • Reply by Frankie on 2023-06-01 15:32:20

          Hi Ad_Lang,
          Your answer is full of nice thoughts. You also mentioned my favorite verse, John 6:44. I agree with you about the motivation for preaching and the interpretation of the verses in your examples 1 to 3.
          The concerns in my answer were addressed primarily to those brothers and sisters in the Organization who are currently on the path from PIMO to POMO.
          Some brothers and sisters who are experiencing this transition, especially those whose family has been in the Organization for several generations, can be very vulnerable if they are exposed to the pressure of this world and various religious doctrines.
          Therefore, I consider the website to be an excellent project that exposes the falsity of the WT and shows them "this way" (Acts 9:2).
          God bless you, Ad_Lang.

  • Comment by Northernexposure on 2023-08-31 07:51:47

    I was not able to play this video ? Maybe it was taken down? I did however find the comments between Ad_Lang & Frankie to be quite well said, and refreshing!

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