Spain Press Conference: "All We Did Was Weep While the Witnesses Sat Stone-Faced"

– posted by meleti


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  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2024-01-10 16:28:50

    Hello Eric
    I listened to the whole video as soon as it was out, and it is so clear that this is not about beliefs but about dealing with people in a proper way. I do hope this leads to more truth coming out about the way JWs handle things.
    In the UK we have had a drama series re-enacting how badly the people who ran the local post offices have been treated by the big boss Post Office. They have been lied to, the truth was covered up. Men and Women were accused of theft, but nothing was ever proved. Yet they were hounded into admitting things that they had not done. Sadly most of those at the top allowed terrible things to happen, failing ever to examine things in any depth. And they lied to individual people, telling them that no one else had reported a problem with their computer system. . People ended up in prison, some even took their own lives. A group headed by a remarkably persistent few spent some 20 years uncovering the truth, and eventually winning. It is not finished let.
    It may take a long time to get to the truth, for people to see the shallow dogmas and twisted logic that the Organisation is based on.

    It all runs so closely to what the Victims group in Spain have faced, and surely they have started something. I wonder where we go from here.

    May Jesus Christ back those trying to worship God with spirit and truth, and may we all have the determination and courage to prove that we too love truth above all else.

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2024-01-05 17:15:07

    Thank you Meleti for the in depth coverage of this matter. You're loud and proud worldwide. The really sad part is that 98-99% of the cult members will not even be aware of this proceeding and even if they were they would just chock it up to the end being so close and Satan is using anything and everything in his power to penetrate the flock, "always turning himself into an angel of light".
    Apostates with poisoned minds is old language of the GB, whether or not it's still used today I don't know but the older hard core members know it well.

    Psalmbee (Ro 8:38-39)

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