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An eagle-eyed reader shared this little gem with us: In Psalm 23 in the NWT, we see that verse 5 speaks about being anointed with oil.  David is one of the other sheep according to JW theology, so…
[From ws 12/18 p. 24 – February 25 – March 3] “You make known to me the path of life.” ​— Psalm 16:11 Following on from last week’s article the aim of this week’s article is to convince the youth…
[From ws 12/18 p. 19 – February 18 – February 24] "He Satisfies you with good things all your life.” ​— Psalm 103:5   The focus of this week’s article is the youth among the JW ranks. The…
“What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.”​—Mark 10:9   [From ws 12/18 p.10 February 11 – February 17] If someone or an Organization speaks or writes about a subject, then for any…
  “You will be with me in Paradise.”​—Luke 23:43  [From ws 12/18 p.2 February 4 – February 10] After giving us the usage and meaning of the Greek word “paradeisos” (an unspoiled…
The Spanish Field Jesus said: "Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting." (John 4:35) Some time back we started a Spanish "Beroean Pickets" web…
“Be transformed by making your mind over.”​ – Romans 12:2  [From ws 11/18 p.23 January 28, 2019 – February 3, 2019] Last week’s Watchtower article was discussing the subject “Who molds your thinking…
[embed][/embed] This series of videos is devoted specifically to Jehovah’s Witnesses who have or are waking up to the true nature of  When your life is all…
“Stop being molded by this system of things.”​ – Romans 12:2  [From ws 11/18 p.18 January 21, 2019 – January 27, 2019] A better question for this article to pose and answer truthfully would be “Who…
[embed][/embed] This is the first video in a new series called “Bible Musings.”  I’ve created a YouTube playlist under that title. I’ve been wanting to do this for some…
“Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.”​ – Proverbs 3:5  [From ws 11/18 p.13 January 14 – 20, 2019] This article is a rare type of article. One with very…
“Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I will walk in your truth.”​ – Psalm 86:11  [From ws 11/18 p.8 January 7 – 13, 2019] The opening paragraph alerts us to the facts that in many places…