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On many occasions, when discussing some new or existing scriptural point with a Jehovah’s Witness (JW), they might concede that it cannot be established from the Bible or that it does not make sense…
[Jehovah] well knows how we are formed, remembering that we are dust.”—Psalms 103:14.  [From ws 9/18 p. 23 – November 19 – November 25]   Paragraph 1 opens with a reminder: “POWERFUL and…
“Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!”—Psalm 144:15.  [From ws 9/18 p. 17, November 12 – 18] The article opens with the claim that “JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES certainly are a happy people. Their…
Hi, my name is Eric Wilson aka Meleti Vivlon. At the time of this video, I’m in British Colombia on a dock on Lake Okanagan, enjoying the sunshine. The temperature is cool but pleasant. I thought…
“Love builds up.”—1 Corinthians 8:1.  [From ws 9/18 p. 12 – November 5 – November 11]   This is such an important subject, yet sadly out of 18 paragraphs we have only a third (6 paragraphs)…
[embed][/embed] [Video Transcript] Hi, I name is Eric Wilson. I’m in Minneapolis right now, and I’m in the Sculpture Park, and you can see behind me this particular pair…
“My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” - John 4:34.  [From ws 9/18 p. 3 – October 29 – November 4] The title of the article is taken from John 13:17, but as per usual…
[From ws 8/18 p. 23 – October 22 – October 28] “We are God’s fellow workers.”​—1 Corinthians 3:9   Before starting to review this week’s article, let us first consider the context behind Paul’s…
[embed][/embed]   [Video Transcript] Hi my name's Eric Wilson. I'm also known as Meleti Vivlon; and this is a flip-flop circuit. Now, a flip-flop circuit is the…
[From ws 8/18 p. 18 – October 15 – October 21] “There is … happiness in giving.”​—Acts 20:35 The first point to notice is the deliberate omission of part of the scripture. In the Organization’s…
This is a call out to our brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe, in Australia, New Zealand and Eurasia.  Would you like to meet with other like-minded Christians—ex or exiting JWs—who…
[From ws 8/18 p. 8 – October 8 – October 14] “Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”​—John 7:24 The opening two paragraphs highlight Jesus as the role model to…