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In my last post, I spoke about how ill-conceived some of (most of?) the doctrines of truly are. By happenstance, I stumbled on another one dealing with the Organization's interpretation of…
In my last video, I mentioned a letter I sent into headquarters regarding a 1972 Watchtower article on Matthew 24.  It turns out I got the date wrong.  I was able to recover the letters…
I'm pleased to be able to present everyone with some news. Two of our number have started a Facebook group to help those going through the awakening process.  Here's the link: https://www.facebook.…
Hello. My name is Jerome In 1974 I began an intense study of the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and was baptized in May of 1976. I served as an elder for about 25 years and over the course of time…
[From ws 8/18 p. 3 – October 1 – October 7] “When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, it is foolish and humiliating.”​—Proverbs 8:13   The article opens with a completely…
[This is a contributed experience by an awakened Christian going under the alias "BEROEAN KeepTesting"] I believe we all (ex-Witnesses) share similar emotions, feelings, tears, confusion, and a broad…
Hello. Welcome to beautiful Hilton Head where I'm staying by the hospitality of a good friend, and I just wanted to share something with you on this occasion, since I'm rested, it's beautiful where…
[From ws 7/18 p. 22 – September 24-30] “Happy is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the people he has chosen as his own possession.”​—Psalm 33:12. Paragraph 2 states, “Also, the book of Hosea foretold…
[This article was contributed by Ed] Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that baptism is done in symbol of one’s vow of dedication to God. Have they got it wrong?  If so, are there negative consequences to…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Following Jesus with the right motive” (John 5-6) John 6:25-69 “Because the people had the wrong motive for associating with Jesus and his…
[From ws 7/18 p. 17 – September 17 – September 23] “Jehovah your God you should fear, him you should serve, to him you should cling.” ​—Deuteronomy 10:20. A far better question for the theme of the…
[From ws 7/18 p. 12 – September 10 – 16] “To you I raise my eyes, you who are enthroned in the heavens.”​—Psalm 123:1 Where are your eyes looking? This is such a vital question. If it is to Jehovah…