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[From ws2/18 p. 18 – April 16 - April 22] “May [God] grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had.” Romans 15:5 In summary, this is another shallow examination of…
One of our forum members relates that in their memorial talk the speaker broke out that old chestnut, "If you are asking yourself if you should partake or not, it means you have not been chosen and…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Go make Disciples – Why, Where and How?” (Matthew 27-28) Matthew 28:18 - Jesus has wide ranging authority (w04 7/1 pg 8 para 4) Does…
[From ws2/18 p. 8 – April 9 - April 15] “Evil men cannot understand justice, but those who seek Jehovah can understand everything” Proverbs 28:5 [mentions of Jehovah: 30, Jesus: 3] “Do you ‘…
In the April Broadcast on, there is a video given by Governing Body member Mark Sanderson at about the 34-minute mark, wherein he relates some encouraging experiences of brothers under…
I got an email today with a link to a website out of Italy. It seems our Italian brothers are also waking up.  This is happening everywhere, and it is so encouraging to see so many being called out…
________________________________ [embed][/embed] This is of the third video in our series about 1914 and the sixth in our YouTube channel discussion on Identifying True…
My name is Ava.  I became a baptized Jehovah’s Witness in 1973, because I thought I had found the true religion that represents Almighty God.  Unlike so many of you raised in the organization, I grew…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “The Passover and the Memorial – Similarities and Differences” (Matthew 26) Bible Study Note the dumbed down endnote in the simplified ‘…
  [From ws2/18 p. 3 – April 2 - April 8] “Noah, Daniel and Job … would only be able to save themselves because of their righteousness.” Ezekiel 14:14 Once again we have a verse fragment out of…
This article will discuss how the Governing Body (GB) of Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW), just like the younger son in the parable of the “Prodigal Son”, squandered a precious inheritance. It will consider…
I would like to introduce a new feature to our web forum intended to help many of us as we deal with the strong, conflicting emotions of a traumatic awakening to the truth. It was back in 2010 that…