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Covering Chapter 5 Paragraphs 18-25 of God’s Kingdom Rules Are we guilty of making wild and unsubstantiated claims? Consider the following: Ever since then, Christ has guided his people to focus…
 [From ws11/16 p. 26 December 5, 19-25] “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not being seen.”—He. 11:1 BLB[i] Paragraph 3 of this week’s study asks us: “But what…
Covering Chapter 5 Paragraphs 10-17 of God’s Kingdom Rules   From paragraph 10: “Decades before 1914, true Christians already understood that 144,000 faithful followers of Christ would rule with…
 [From ws10/16 p. 13 December 5, 12-18] “Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for.”—He. 11:1 (NWT) Let's start with a little background before we get into this week’s review. Paul is on…
 [From ws11/16 p. 13 December 5-11] “In my heart I treasure up your saying.”—Ps. 119:11 (NWT) A Cause for Concern The whole purpose of this study is to address the potential problem—from the…
Covering Chapter 5 Paragraphs 1-9 of God’s Kingdom Rules When I speak to friends about the erroneous teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I rarely get a Scriptural counter argument.  What I get are…
Bible Study – Chapter 4 Par. 16-23 This week’s study discusses the 1931 adoption of the name Jehovah’s Witnesses by the Bible Students.  The reasoning to justify this move is based on so many…
[From ws10/16 p. 8 November 28-December 4] “Do not forget kindness to strangers.” – Hebrews 13:2, ftn. NWT This study opens with a firsthand account of a man who was not a Witness at the time he…
Bible Study – Chapter 4 Par. 7-15 The Proper View of the Importance of God’s Name Regarding the Bible Students’ early years, The Watchtower of March 15, 1976, noted that they gave “overbalanced…
[From ws9/16 p. 3 November 21-27] The point of this study is to help parents to build their children's faith. To that end, paragraph two provides four things to assist parents in this task: (1) Get…
Bible Study – Chapter 4 Par. 1-6   We are covering the first six paragraphs of chapter 4 in this study as well as the box: “The Meaning of God’s Name”. The box explains that “some scholars…
[From ws9/16 p. 3 November 14-20] “Faith is . . . the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.”—HEB. 11:1. This is one of the more important Bible texts for a Christian to understand. …