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There is an interesting story-like account of the life of Abel in the January 1, 2013 Watchtower.  Many fine points are made.  However, marring the article is yet another example of a growing…
Recently, the study edition of the Watchtower has run a series of articles under the heading “From Our Archives”. This is an excellent feature which acquaints us with interesting elements from our…
In the January 1, 2013 Watchtower, on page 8, there is a box entitled "Have Jehovah's Witnesses Given Incorrect Dates for the End?"  In excusing our wrong predictions we state: "We agree with the…
There has been an interesting series of events recently which, taken separately, might not mean much, but which collectively are pointing to a disturbing trend. Last service year’s circuit assembly…
1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3 tells us that there will be a cry of peace and security as a final sign before the arrival of Jehovah’s day. So what is Jehovah’s day?  According to this past week’s Watchtower…
I’ve been reading the September 1, 2012 Watchtower under “Does God Care About Women?”  It’s an excellent article.  The article explains the many protections that women enjoyed under the mosaic law.…
This comes from one of the readers of this forum and involves correspondence with the branch office in his country about clarification on our position as regards whether it is right or not to applaud…
This week’s Bible reading covers Daniel chapters 10 to 12.  The final verses of chapter 12 contain one of the more enigmatic passages in Scripture. To set the scene, Daniel has just finished the…
A new understanding of Matthew 24:45-47 was released at this year’s annual meeting. It should be understood that what we discuss here is based on hearsay accounts of what was said by the various…
I recently got an e-mail from one of the forum members about a problem we've all observed.  Here is an extract from it: --------------------- Here's an observation of what I believe is an endemic…
If you have read the article on the Two Witnesses of Revelation 7:1-13, you’ll recall that there is strong evidence to support the idea that this prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.  (Our current…
Granted, this is a very minor point, but in the interests of accuracy, in next week’s Watchtower (w12 8/15) the following statement is made on page 14, par. 10: “Web sites that promote pornography…