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“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?” (Mt. 24:45-47) In a previous post, several of the forum members provided valuable insights on this subject.  Before moving on to other subjects, it…
Twice I started to write a post about this week's Watchtower study (w12 6/15 p. 20 “Why Put Jehovah's Service First?") and twice I decided to trash what I wrote.  The problem with writing a…
This post started out as a comment reply to Apollos’ revealing comment on a previous post, "Drawing the Line". However, as is often the case in such things, the line of reasoning led to some new and…
Something happened to me recently that, from discussions with various ones, is happening a lot more than I would have thought.  It started some time ago and has been progressing slowly—a growing…
Starting in paragraph 6 of this week’s Watchtower study article we can see examples of the blurriness that has crept into our teaching of late. (w12 06/15 p. 14-18) For example, “The Anglo-American…
I came across these two quotes today and thought how appropriate they are for those of us contributing to this bible study forum. "What is the first business of one who studies philosophy? To part…
There can be no disputing that there has been organization-wide resistance to the latest interpretation of Mt. 24:34.  Being faithful and obedient Witnesses, this has taken the form of a quiet…
In other posts, we have postulated that the start of WWI in 1914 was a coincidence.  After all, if you speculate on enough dates—which we did in Russell's day, albeit with the best of intentions—you…
There is a contradiction in our prophetic interpretation involving 1914 that only just occurred to me.  We believe that 1914 is the end of the appointed times of the nations, or the Gentile times (…
Okay, this one gets a little confusing, so bear with me. Let's start by reading Matthew 24:23-28, and when you do, ask yourself when are these words fulfilled? (Matthew 24:23-28) “Then if anyone says…
A little while ago at the elders school there was a part on unity.  Unity is very big right now.  The instructor asked what would be the effect on a congregation where one elder with a strong…
(John 11:26) . . .everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?. . . Jesus spoke these words on the occasion of the resurrection of Lazarus. Since…