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[Note: I’ve already touched on some of these subjects in another post, but from a different viewpoint.] When Apollo first suggested to me that 1914 was not the end of the “appointed times of the…
We've always given tacit approval to the idea of arranged marriages where these are culturally acceptable today. We weren't so much saying that they are a good thing nor a bad thing.  It was more a…
Preface When I set this blog/forum up, it was for the intention of getting a group of like-minded individuals together to deepen our understanding of the Bible.  I had no intention to use it in any…
Inertia  n. - a physical characteristic of all matter to preserve its state of uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. The more massive the body, the more force is required to make it…
Under inspiration, John introduced the title/name "the Word of God" to the world in 96 C.E. (Rev. 19:13)  Two years later, in 98 C.E., he opens his account of Jesus' life using the shortened form "…
Something extremely troubling happened yesterday in the Friday sessions of this year’s district convention. Now, I have been going to district conventions for over 60 years. Most of my better, life-…
My wife has a Bible study with a young woman who used to associate with the congregation about 15 years ago when she was a teenager. She made an offhand remark regarding what appeared to her to be a…
Let's give credit where credit is due.  We were among the first, if not the very first, to know and denounce Hitler and the Nazis for what they were.  We did this fearlessly and unflinchingly.  While…
[Apollos brought this insight to my attention some time back.  Just wanted to share it here.] (Romans 6:7) . . .For he who has died has been acquitted from [his] sin. When the unrighteous come back,…
[This point was brought to my attention by Apollos.  I felt it should be represented here, but credit goes to him for coming up with the initial thought and subsequent line of reasoning.] (Luke 23:43…
(Luke 20:34-36) Jesus said to them: “The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the…
I’m jumping the gun a bit and commenting on next week’s Watchtower.  The article in question is “Betrayal An Ominous Sign of the Times!”.  Within the context of an article on betrayal and disloyalty…