The Two Witnesses, Second Woe, Final Act

– posted by meleti
If you have read the article on the Two Witnesses of Revelation 7:1-13, you’ll recall that there is strong evidence to support the idea that this prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.  (Our current official position is that it was fulfilled from 1914 to 1919.)  In fact, a fulfillment coinciding with the destruction of Babylon the great seems likely.  Well, further support for that understanding can be derived from the placement of this prophecy within the framework and timeline of the second woe.  The emergence of the two witnesses is the last of a series of events making up the second woe.  The events which precede it are:

  1. Untying the four angels bound at the great river Euphrates (Re 9:13,14)

  2. These kill a third of the men (Re 9:15)

  3. Unleashing of cavalry; fire-breathing horses. (Re 9:16-18)

  4. The seven thunders sound (Re 10:3)

  5. John eats the bittersweet scroll (Re 10:8-11)

Now these events are part of the second woe which follows the first woe, which in turn follows the first four trumpet blasts.  The first four trumpet blasts refer to strong messages that were proclaimed first via resolutions read out at district conventions, all of which take place from 1919 onward.  While convention resolutions may appear to represent grossly understated prophetic fulfillments of such dramatically depicted events, we will leave off any challenge of this interpretation save to say that it cannot be safely considered the last word on the matter.  However, for purposes of our discussion, please note that the trumpet blasts take place before the first woe.
The first woe takes place from 1919 onward  as well, so though depicted sequentially in the Revelation, we make its fulfillment concurrent with the trumpet blasts.  Then we come to the second woe.  The first five events of the second woe (listed above) all occur after 1919 by our official reckoning, requiring that the appearance of the two witnesses is out of sequence, not only with the second woe, but also the first woe as well as that of the first four trumpet blasts.  By our interpretation, the two witnesses—depicted last in this fifth vision—actually  must precede everything shown here.
Think about that.  John, in his fifth vision, clearly lays down a sequential occurrence of steadily escalating prophetic events, but to make the two witnesses fit with our theology which requires 1914 to be significant, we have to abandon the Scriptural order and impose our own.
The dramatic nature of the prophecies linked to the first and second woe could well fit in with some outstanding events in our future.  The fact that the four angels are bound at the river Euphrates, ancient Babylon’s main defense against invasion, might indicate their release has to do with events leading up to or involving the destruction of Babylon the great.  On the other hand, these events may be just as we interpret them in the Revelation Climax book. Whichever the case, they must come before the appearance of the two witnesses, making a 1914-1919 fulfillment of that prophecy incompatible with the Scriptural record and therefore, simply impossible.

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  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2013-12-27 13:29:44

    I have been reading your articles surrounding a few of the chapters in the Revelation book . This was my favorite book…ever… but now…. I cannot bear to read it again. To be blunt, it is a book of false prophecies. I am not sure why I couldn’t see it before. I want believe their claim as the authority on scriptural interpretation is what allowed me to be mislead.
    However, I have always believed that the way JW history is forced into the interpretations of revelation… is painful and just flat out uncomfortable. It does not make any sense at all. How is the revelation book an improvement over its predecessors such as Then Is Finished the Mystery of God? If the meanings of these prophecies were solely in the bible … I guess we would not need the “John Class” to give us unfolding revelations as they receive them from Jehovah. Only faithful ones (meaning Jehovah’s witnesses) can truly understand the meaning of revelation.
    Meleti… Do you have any use for the Revelation book? Am I painting this book with a broad stroke? I am wondering if I am holding what is contained in this book out of pure romance and nostalgia…..

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-21 23:01:55

      I strongly believe in a John/Elijah "class"
      My thought is the symbolic tribe of Benjamin that is sealed at the end of the gentile times is our successors ... Elisha class?
      That the seed the Enemy is after I believe or maybe the generation that follows after the sealing?

  • Comment by Theextremebiblicist on 2019-12-08 15:10:00

    Interesting commentary, however, Revelation definitely says the two witnesses were killed by the "wild beast out of the abyss." That beast represents the United Nations. The United Nations was not in existence in 1914. It wasn't established until 1935. So it would be impossible for the wild beast out of the abyss to kill the two witnesses 3.5 days before the second coming until after 1945.

    Sodom and Egypt are the proximal cause for the death of the two witnesses. Sodom represents the Watchtower Society and all its homosexuality going on at Bethel. Egypt represents those following the Egyptian mysteries connected to "Babylon the Great." Both entities are part of the "wild beast out of the abyss." So the real question is "When did the WTS join the UN?"

    That, of course, means that these trumpets cover one aspect of what is about to happen and many events overlap. It is not in strict chronological order. The United Nations did not exist in 1914-1918.

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