The Annual Meeting Report – Food at the Proper Time

– posted by meleti
Well, we finally have an official pronouncement in writing on the new position the organization has taken vis-à-vis the “faithful and discreet slave”, now available on
Since we’ve already dealt with this new understanding elsewhere in this forum, we won’t belabor the point here.  Rather, in the spirit of the ancient Beroeans, let’s look at the evidence presented by the Governing Body for this new teaching, ‘to see if these things are so’.
[All excerpts are taken from the Annual Meeting Report]
Let’s start with this opening thought:

“Consider the context of Jesus’ words in Matthew chapter 24. All the verses listed here were to be fulfilled during Christ’s presence, “the conclusion of the system of things.”—Verse 3.”

Since this premise sets the stage for what is to come, let’s examine it.  Where is the evidence that the fulfillment of Matthew chapter 24 occurs during Christ’s presence?  Not the last days, but his presence.  We just assume the two things are synonymous, but are they?
Where in Scripture do we learn that the disciples believed Jesus would govern invisibly from heaven while the nations continued to rule on earth, blithely unaware of this presence?  The question they framed at the start of Matthew chapter 24 was based on what they believed at that time.  Is there any scriptural proof that they believed in an invisible presence?
At Mt. 24:3, they asked for a sign to know when he would start ruling and when the end or conclusion[i] would come—two events they obviously believed to be concurrent.  A little over a month later, they again asked the question, framing it thus: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” (Acts 1:6)  How do we get an invisible, century-long presence with no visible manifestation of his rulership on earth from these questions?

 “Logically, then, “the faithful and discreet slave” must have appeared after Christ’s presence began in 1914.”  (For a counter-argument, see Was 1914 the Start of Christ’s Presence?)

How is this logical?  The slave is appointed to feed the Master’s domestics because the Master is away and cannot care for the duty himself. When the Master returns he rewards the slave that has proven himself faithful and punishes the slaves that have failed in their duty.  (Luke 12:41-48)  How can it be logical that the master appoints the slave to feed his domestics when the Master is present?  If the Master is present, then how can he arrive to find the slave “doing so”?

“From 1919 on, there has always been a small group of anointed Christians at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They have supervised our worldwide preaching work and have been directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food. In recent years, that group has been closely identified with the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

True, but misleading.  The same can be said for any year from the time the world headquarters were established by brother Charles Taze Russell.  Why are we signing 1919 as somehow significant?

“The evidence points to the following conclusion: “The faithful and discreet slave” was appointed over Jesus’ domestics in 1919.”

What evidence are they referring to?  No evidence has been provided in this article.  They have simply made an assertion, but given us nothing to back it up.  Is the evidence available elsewhere?  If so, we would welcome any of our readers to provide it using the commenting feature of the forum.  As for us, we have not been able to find anything that qualifies as scriptural evidence that 1919 has any significance prophetically whatsoever.

“That slave is the small, composite group of anointed brothers serving at world headquarters during Christ’s presence who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food. When this group work together as the Governing Body, they act as “the faithful and discreet slave.””

Again, no scriptural evidence is provided to prove that the slave corresponds to brothers working at the world headquarters.  What we do have is empirical evidence.  However, does that empirical evidence support the conclusion that the eight men of the Governing Body are the slave Jesus spoke of?  We state that a “small, composite group of anointed brothers…are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food”.  The Governing Body does not, by itself, prepare and dispense spiritual food.  In fact, few, if any, articles are written by them.  Others write the articles; others dispense the food.  So if this is the basis for our deductions, we have to conclude that all those preparing and dispensing the food make up the slave, not just the eight members of the Governing Body.

When is the Slave Identified

Why all the emphasis in our publications on the slave?  Why this need to identify the slave now?  Here are some interesting stats.

Average yearly occurrence of the term “Governing Body” in the Watchtower:

From 1950 to 1989           17 per year
From 1990 to 2011           31 per year

Average yearly occurrence of the term “Faithful Slave or Steward” in the Watchtower:

From 1950 to 1989           36 per year
From 1990 to 2011           60 per year

The attention given to these terms and their related topics has almost doubled in the last 20 years, since the release of the Proclaimers book in which they were first named and pictured.
Again, of all Jesus parables, why the emphasis on this one?  More important, who are we to identify the slave?  Isn't that for Jesus to do?  He says the identification of the slave is done when he arrives and judges the conduct of each one.
There are four slaves: one who is judged as faithful and rewarded, one who is judged as evil and punished with the greatest severity, one who gets many strokes, and one who gets few.  All are initially commissioned to feed the domestics and their judgment is based on how well or how poorly they have performed this task by the time the master arrives.  Since he hasn’t yet arrived, we cannot say who the slave is with any certainly unless we want to be in the position of running ahead of the judgment of the Master, Jesus Christ.
Look at what Jesus actually says:

“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so…48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ (Mt. 12:47, 48)

Then that slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes. 48 But the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. . . .(Luke 12:47, 48)

One slave is commissioned, but four slaves result at the outcome.  The faithful slave is not identified by being commissioned to feed the domestics.  The four slaves that are identified at the judgment all stem from the one, single commission to feed the domestics.  Their judgment is based precisely on how well they performed that duty.  The task of feeding isn’t over yet, so it’s too early to say who the faithful slave is.
So again, why do we feel it is necessary to repeatedly (an average of 4 times per issue of the Watchtower) emphasis who the slave is?
What do you think?

[i] Since we contend that the presence of the Christ began in 1914, it follows that the conclusion of the system of things must have begun then as well.  We reason that like the conclusion of a book which may run for one or more chapters, the conclusion of the system of things stretches through the last days.  However, the word in Greek that we render "conclusion" is sunteleia, meaning "completion, consummation, end".  It is derived from the verb, sunteleó, meaning "I bring to an end, fulfill, accomplish".  It is used in Greek to show that a purchase or contract has been completed, fulfilled, or accomplished.  The word conveys the idea of a complex series of parts that are brought together, completed, consummated.  For example, there are many parts to a marriage—the courtship, meeting the parents, planning the ceremony, et cetera—but with all that, we say the marriage is only consummated by the couple’s first act of sexual congress.  Legally, if that hasn't happened, the marriage can still be annulled.  In Mt. 24:3, sunteleia speaks to the concept of one age ending and another beginning.  The disciples, in framing their question wanted to know when the present system of things would reach its consummated conclusion and the next one, the better one, would begin.

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  • Comment by Pauline Spearing on 2012-11-11 10:53:56

    May I respectfully offer a thought on the following comment please?
    "When Jesus said that he was making a covenant with his apostles for a kingdom, he was not excluding the rest of the anointed from that covenant even though they weren’t present then. That’s true."
    But if that is true...? Why were The Lord's words so specific, even to the point of qualifing his promise to the 12...?,
    - They'd been arguing about who was the greatest...and as usual, in His loving and patient way, He reproved them by saying that although He was among those sitting at the table, He was on this occasion, actually ministering... to them...!! -
    when He went on to say,
    "However, YOU are the ones who have stuck with me through my trials and, "
    (in other words, I will make allowances for your overinflated egos... because you have proved yourselves loyal... but the real reason I have specifically invited you 12 here with me tonight is because...)
    "...I am making a covenant with YOU, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom," (but then he adds...) "and sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel." (Luke 22:28-30)
    Doesn't that imply, (or even plainly state...) that The Lord is making the New Covenant with the 12, "exclusively..."...?, otherwise, why aren't all the Apostles families invited, presumably they are also followers of The Lord...? (therefore members of the anointed, and of the, "12 tribes of Israel...") and The Passover is the most important celebration on the Jewish Calender, for families to remember...?!
    We know that Christ is the, "Firstfruits...", (1Cor 15:20/23), and, "The Cornerstone...", and the 12 Apostles/Prophets, are the, "Foundation...", (Eph 2:20) of Jehovah's Heavenly Temple...
    But the scriptures always say that EVERYONE else who has faith in Christ's Ransom Sacrifice and declares Him as their Lord and Saviour, "...have been built up on the foundation, ... In union with Him the whole building, being harmoniously joined together, is growing into a holy temple for Jehovah. In union with him you, too, are being built up into a place for God to inhabit in spirit." (Eph 2:20-22)
    Sorry...:( I do go on a bit when I get my teeth into something important...
    Jehovah's Blessings

  • Comment by Pauline Spearing on 2012-11-12 05:18:29

    Or... what if He was making a, "Private Covenant/Contract...", with the 12... to sit at His table... separate from the, "New Covenant...?"
    Is there a parallel for this in the wilderness arrangements, laid out for the Israelites...?

  • Comment by apollos0falexandria on 2012-11-13 10:51:07

    I am still digesting the information, but you raise many valid objections that I completely agree with.
    The final six words of the article fall a little short in my case:-
    "Appealing to heart and to reason.”

  • Comment by akismet-4b6cff99b53951401bfd75ec5d61ab27 on 2012-11-14 13:08:46

    Kudos to you Meleti for shining a light on these strange new developments. There are a lot of "Awakening Witnesses" as I call them that are actually starting to examine the scriptures without bias, and can no longer worship the "slave" as some of their fellow JWs do.
    In Christ,

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-11-14 13:43:12

      Thanks for the thought. I think "worship" is too strong a word, but there is a definite tendency to revere men, and to accord them too much honor. Yet, we have an excellent example in Anna, the prophetess.
      (Luke 2:36-38) . . .Now there was Anna a prophetess, Phan?u·el’s daughter, of Ash?er’s tribe (this woman was well along in years, and had lived with a husband for seven years from her virginity, 37 and she was a widow now eighty-four years old), who was never missing from the temple, rendering sacred service night and day with fastings and supplications. 38 And in that very hour she came near and began returning thanks to God and speaking about [the child] to all those waiting for Jerusalem’s deliverance.
      Jehovah was obviously pouring out his spirit on this woman who never left off attending the temple and rendering sacred service, despite the wickedness of the scribes, Pharisees and the High Priest that must have been so discouraging for her. Our situation is so much better than hers must have been. After all, we do have a loving brotherhood for the most part, and Jehovah can support us as he did her. We simply have no where else to go. Still, it things worsen, our loyalty is to Jehovah God and not to men.

  • Comment by akismet-4b6cff99b53951401bfd75ec5d61ab27 on 2012-11-14 14:25:27

    Meleti you make a good point by citing the example of Anna. Then you said, "We simply have no where else to go."
    With respect, please remember that Peter told Jesus "To WHOM shall we go away to? YOU have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:68)
    Surely you will agree that to say "we have no where else to go." is a misquote of the above scripture? It is not about the WHERE. It is about the King of God's Kingdom, Jesus. He is our leader and our mediator, and so we do have somewhere to go- we need to go to "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" which is God's Son Christ Jesus, not any men.
    This is the danger that some are falling into within the Kingdom Halls, and trembling at men is what lays a snare as the proverb goes. (Proverbs 29:25)
    In Christ,

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-11-14 14:48:38

    From the time Jehovah formed his people under Moses, there have been difficult times and even apostasy. True worshippers remained faithful to Jehovah, but did not depart from the flock. Jeremiah lived at a time of great apostasy, but where else would he go. He remained with Jehovah's people, yet did not compromise his faith nor his adherence to Jehovah's law.
    So I concur with you that we must stick to "the way, the truth, and the life", but our loyalty to Jesus Christ requires us to continue with the only organization that shows evidence of having Jehovah’s blessing. Yes, bad things happen. There are wolves out there in sheep's clothing. Jehovah will clean them out in his own good time. I’ve dealt with a few in my time. But we have nowhere else to go, because this is the people that demonstrates the love Jesus spoke of at John 13:35. Or is there another group? If we should ever stop showing that love; if another people were to manifest it; then we would go with them. Perhaps when the Great Tribulation strikes, we will be scattered. Perhaps the organization as we know it will cease to exist. But the people will still be there. We will still gather, regroup. Perhaps that is what is prophesied to take place at Mt. 24:24-28.
    None of this requires we believe every printed word handed down from the GB, of course; despite the compliance they would have us exhibit.

    • Reply by Rory on 2012-11-15 03:18:25

      Meleti, may I respectfully ask, what do you feel is the "evidence of having Jehovah's blessing?" Also, in what way does this people demonstrate "the love Jesus spoke of at John 13:35?"

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-11-15 07:42:46

        I could point to the worldwide growth we are experiencing at a time when other religions are declining, but the real proof for me is on a personal level. I have traveled extensively and seen the brotherhood in many different countries and the love that is manifested transcends national boundaries and traditional prejudices. Jesus' words at John 13:35 constitute proof to all people. Rather than having me explain it, I would recommend you to experience if for yourself.

  • Comment by Shahida on 2012-11-15 08:26:30

    I'd like to know your thoughts on this. ..if we are to understand that the Slave was appointed in 1919, that would mean the Master went away in 33CE, leaving his followers without any spiritual feeding program. ...that doesnt make sense...what did Jesus mean when he told Peter to ' feed my little sheep'? and what about Jesus' first century disciples?the writers if the Greek Scriptures,do we not view their writings as spiritual food?and what about the thousands of Christians who worked tirelessly to spread Christianity and translate the Bible,?
    Also does it mean that Bros Rutherford and Knorr were the Slave before the Governing Body was constituted as it is in the '70s. .what had they done to merit the appointment? from our history ,we know they were teaching some unscriptural doctrine and practices at the time.
    Turning this simple parable into a prophecy raises numerous questions.

  • Comment by Shahida on 2012-11-16 00:00:13

    I fully agree with the point about the brotherhood, I truly cherish it and is what I look forward to at the meetings.
    However, the growth in the organization has been stagnating in recent years ... more so in Western countries.....also the fastest growing religion worldwide is Islam. . I doubt that is seen as proof of God's blessing.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-11-16 08:01:58

      The growth that Islam is experiencing is due to two factors: birthrate and the fact that if you try to leave their faith, they kill you. When we claim our ranks are nearing the 8 million mark, that is not a count of meeting attenders or those who claim to be JWs on a census. That is the number who go from door-to-door in the preaching work. It is not easy to be a JW in this world. In fact, it is quite hard. It is a narrow and cramped road.
      To have millions who are willing to face the opprobrium of the world because of their love of Christ, each other, and their fellowman is for me all the evidence any of us should need.
      The brothers and sisters I have known over my lifetime do not go in the preaching work because of fear of man. They do so because they love their God.

  • Comment by Shahida on 2012-11-16 10:05:31

    I live in a country where Muslims preach on the streets,they manage to convert Christians because they know the Bible even better than the average Christian....
    As for the reasons you give for their growth ,the same reasons can be given for the growth in the JW organization , children baptised at a young age, and if you leave,they kill you. ..spiritually and socially.
    Fear of shunning especially losing family is what keeps many in the organization...Im sure that if shunning was discontinued,the numbers would drop drastically..
    .and as for the ministry, why do we have to submit a field service report?...if its neccessary for some reason,why can't it be anonymous like the voluntary donations? what do you think would happen if the Society discontinued written reports?
    While it's true that there are brothers and sisters who truly preach out of love, the majority do only what they can to keep the elders from hounding them.

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-11-16 10:36:17

    Simply not true. Some get baptised young, but many choose not to. People are not shunned for not getting baptised nor do we shun brothers and sisters for not getting out in the field service nor do we shun a brother (baptised young or not) for leaving the congregation of his own free will. I have served as an elder for the better part of forty years and neither I nor my fellow elders have ever "hounded" anyone to go out preaching. I've known many who have left the congregation but continue to associate with family members. Shunning is only practiced in accord with the Bible's standard. If someone, calling himself a brother, chooses to engage in practices that the Bible identifies as works of the flesh, then we no longer associate with that one. If you wish to leave the congregation, yet live a moral life, family members may or many not choose to associate with you, but that's a personal decision.
    As for the field service report, that's a personal decision. I know a sister who chose not to submit one anymore. She continued to go out in the door-to-door work, but didn't report. Nobody hounded her. It's a personal choice.
    The purpose of this forum is to provide honest hearted JWs a discussion area for exchanging thoughts, findings and research to deepen our understanding and appreciation of Scripture. At times that will put us at odds with some of the established doctrine of our community. We might even be critical of some things, but we will try to do so in honesty, humility and with respect.
    There are enough web sites were people vent vitriolic attacks on us. This will not become one of those.

  • Comment by Shahida on 2012-11-16 12:39:57

    Pardon me for thinking that this was a forum where one could freely express their views, yes I have doubts ,I don't consider my comment as an attack 'against us'...I am one of 'us', I'm merely stating what I've observed in my country,which could be different from yours.
    I'm an active Witness, baptised as a teen over 30 year ago. .I served in the full time service for almost twenty years, most of them in Bethel,my dear husband is a serving elder.
    Because of all that, I know how the organization works and I'm certainly not naive....
    My brother,you say that you are a long time elder,
    I've read most of your posts, you also have serious doubts easily seen in your arguments by anyone who is 'awake ' or 'concious'..

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-11-16 13:05:11

    Our policy is clearly stated in the About This Forum section. Our purpose is principally bible study and research. Of course, where that research reveals that some of our teachings may be wrong, we have a duty to the truth to speak about it. However, offering vituperous opinions is outside our scope. If you have proof of misconduct, that would be another thing. We'd be willing to consider it and possibly air it, as long as we can verify and establish that the evidence is untainted and valid. Even then, let the proof speak for itself, as angry or negative opinions tend to invalidate an argument rather than support it.

  • Comment by Shahida on 2012-11-16 14:22:00

    'Vitriolic attack'....'vituperous opinions'??
    What does that even mean?
    English is my third language so you lost me there. .
    Your thinking and arguments are mostly against what is understood to be current truth.
    You've torn down core doctrines here including 607,1914,faithful slave, governing body ,other sheep etc
    You have poked holes on the Society's interpretation of Daniel and Revelation....if you revealed your identity,you know very well that you would be labelled an apostate and disfellowshiped..just having this website itself is not allowed and you know it. ..
    you must know very well that the Society strongly discourages these kind of discussions.
    You indirectly accuse me of attacking the organization,yet that is exactly what you are doing albeit very subtly.
    I stumbled upon this site and honestly
    thought I could raise a few of the questions that have been troubling me, and perhaps get other opinions to help me figure it out.
    My desire is not to attack,but to find out the real truth, from the Bible...without using WT glasses..
    As you say, there are other websites, there are those that would welcome Witnesses who have doubts without judging them or accusing them of attacking the organization.
    I hope you have success in whatever agenda you have.

  • Comment by Peacetown on 2012-11-28 17:24:54

    So pleased to find this site Maleti, and I agree with you !!!
    All I can say is; Once the number is sealed WHO is our leader except the TRUE anointed one... our Lord Jesus.... son of YaHWeH.
    Personally...I believe the bride of Christ is His choice and not our business, nor do I find any scriptures that show a Gov body representing Jehovah on earth as the flocks teachers.
    The Aid book under "faithful and discrete slave" correctly says ;
    "Thus the entire Christian congregation was to serve in a united stewardship, dispensing such truths".
    This was CHANGED the "Insight book" by adding... "the entire "anointed" congregation", and now... only "them" !!!!
    I believe in Jesus, the Apostles and the word of my God Yahweh.... (the Bible) .
    Does that condemn me ???

  • Comment by Urbanus on 2012-12-16 20:05:22

    Greatest Man Chapter 78 "Keep Ready":
    The “master” obviously is Jesus Christ. The “steward” pictures the “little flock” of disciples as a collective body, and the “body of attendants” refers to this same group of 144,000 who receive the heavenly Kingdom, but this expression highlights their work as individuals. The “belongings” that the faithful steward is appointed to care for are the master’s royal interests on earth, which include the Kingdom’s earthly subjects.
    Continuing the illustration, Jesus points to the possibility that not all members of that steward, or slave, class will be loyal, explaining: “If ever that slave should say in his heart, ‘My master delays coming,’ and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting him . . . , and he will punish him with the greatest severity.”
    Jesus notes that his coming has brought a fiery time for the Jews, as some accept and others reject his teachings. Over three years earlier, he was baptized in water, but now his baptism into death is drawing ever closer to a conclusion, and as he says: “I am being distressed until it is finished!”
    After directing these remarks to his disciples, Jesus again addresses the crowds. He laments their stubborn refusal to accept the clear evidence of his identity and its significance. “When you see a cloud rising in western parts,” he observes, “at once you say, ‘A storm is coming,’ and it turns out so. And when you see that a south wind is blowing, you say, ‘There will be a heat wave,’ and it occurs. Hypocrites, you know how to examine the outward appearance of earth and sky, but how is it you do not know how to examine this particular time?” Luke 12:32-59

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