Artfully Contrived Stories

– posted by meleti
(2 Peter 1:16-18) . . .No, it was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted YOU with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it was by having become eyewitnesses of his magnificence. 17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when words such as these were borne to him by the magnificent glory: “This is my son, my beloved, whom I myself have approved.” 18 Yes, these words we heard borne from heaven while we were with him in the holy mountain.
I hadn't noticed until today that this passage which Apollos and others have cited in posts and comments is actually referring to the presence of Christ.  While there are no shortage of "artfully contrived stories" originating from men in all religions, Peter is expressly referring to the absence of such 'tall tales' from his teaching regarding the presence of Christ and what he witnessed in the holy mountain.
Our teaching regarding the presence of Christ as beginning in 1914 is so contrived that it requires a chain of more than a dozen interdependent assumptions to be accepted by the student before it can seem to make sense.  This contrivance is most artfully done and continues to mislead millions.  Peter was unwittingly (or inspirationally) warning us about it almost 2,000 years ago.
Question is: Will we pay attention or do we prefer the story over the truth?

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  • Comment by on 2013-12-12 15:41:35

    On October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell entered the Bethel dining room. "The Gentile Times have ended, their kings have had their day," he rumbled. "Anyone disappointed? I'm not. Everything is moving right on schedule." [Yearbook, 1975, p.73]
    Everything still is on schedule, except that as of 12/12/2013 the Kings are still having their day. So we seem to have a 100-year problem, at least (well maybe 99 1/4 year problem.)

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2013-12-12 18:45:50

      I love this comment!

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2013-12-13 11:27:51

    “Look at the Artwork!”
    How many times have you said that to yourself or to others when you opened a new issue of this magazine? The beautiful pictures and photographs that are painstakingly produced are there for a purpose. They are teaching aids that make us think and feel. They can be especially helpful when we prepare for and participate in the Watchtower Study.—July 15, 2013 Watchtower, (page 32)

  • Comment by kev c on 2013-12-15 03:35:53

    Yes in the greek sophizo mythos. To invent. A fable. Mythos used also at 1 timothy 1 v 4. Niether give heed to fables. But 2 timothy 4 v 3 to 4 took my eye. For a time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after there own lusts they shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they will turn their ears away from the truth and shall be turned into fables. Mythos. KJV.

  • Comment by on 2013-12-15 04:42:06

    These verses that Peter wrote are really interesting because he connects the presence and the transfiguration. I wonder how the Wt explains Matthew 16:27,28 (and the following transfiguration) now - those verses are clearly talking about the "coming" which is mentioned in Matthew 24 and 25 and the Wt now (correctly) says this coming is yet in the future. So that would mean that the transfiguration and the presence are in the future, too. I wonder how Wt explains this...

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-12-15 09:19:03

      Given that more than a year has gone by without any attempt to reconcile this "new" teaching with established doctrine like Mat. 16:27,28 or the various parables like the bridesmaids which are still linked to 1914, I'm beginning to think that they see no need to resolve the inconsistencies they've created for themselves. We are now well indoctrinated and since we do no real Bible study outside of the carefully prepared menu which is our weekly fare, they probably can get away with this for quite some time.

  • Comment by Andrew on 2013-12-15 11:38:36

    I think you are right, Meleti. They can get away with it. I think the simplest reason for this is that nobody cares about 1914 anymore. Can you think of a Witness who actually thinks that date is really important to their worship? I don’t think I could name one. And here’s an interesting thought: Remember in the 1970s and 1980s when the 1914 calculations were done every year or so as an assignment in the Theocratic Ministry School? When was the last time that was done?
    If the Governing wrote that the 1914 understanding was wrong, and that they were going to discard it, I think most Witnesses would greet the news with a big yawn. It really doesn’t matter to most of us anymore. In my opinion, it is just dead weight.
    What is really ironic is that by doing so, they would probably make the majority of Witnesses more likely to believe they really are the faithful and discreet slave. Because they would be humble enough to admit an error.

  • Comment by Katrina on 2013-12-16 15:45:25

    problem is that the whole WT foundation is 1914, if they dropped that, then they would have to admit that Christ did not become King that his prescence is wrong, that in 1919 a FDS was not founded, that the overlapping generation was wrong, they would have to admit to much, the only relief it would bring would be many would have an excuse to leave, whole families, I believe that a lot of JW doubt 1914, but by fear they say nothing, the WT is still very much active in their WT study articles on 1914 it is still drummed into the minds of JW are THE most important teaching of their faith.
    All the books WT would have to be changed, they may as well throw the whole lot out and start again. (which would be great)
    No they are clinging on to this and no doubt in time, it may just fade
    away and not mentioned as much or rarely I see that is the only way they are going to get out of the incredible mess they have created because of their own pride and their failure to listen to Jesus.
    no one knows the day nor time not even the Son.
    The Bible states that several features would be evident before the coming of the Day
    of Jehovah. Several of the signs would be apostate teachings and practices. Are these
    indicators present now? If so, where uniquely are they found?
    1. Many will come on the basis of Jesus' name saying "I am the Christ"(Gr., khristos..
    anointed) and mislead many. Mtt 24:5,24
    2. False anointed ones will teach an invisible secret presence of Jesus. Mtt 24:23-27
    3. There would be the teaching that the Day of Jehovah and the presence of Christ were
    already here. 2Thes 2:2,3
    4. There would be the teaching that the resurrection had already occurred. 2Ti 2:16-18;
    2Thes 2:1
    5. Within God's people, those who tried to expose pharisaical hypocrisy, turn people to
    the truth, turn people to the Bible and Christ, rather than false Christs(Gr., "anointed)
    warn of impending judgement on his people, insist that there really was no spiritual
    paradisaic peace and security among his people, and expose,scripturally, errors foisted
    on the sheep, would be judicially disciplined, counseled not to speak, disfellowshipped,
    slandered, called insane, sectarians, dividers, seditionists, apostates, demonized, and
    experience all of the travail that has come upon those in the past who tried to serve
    Jehovah exclusively and maintain freeness of speech through faith in Jehovah God. Jo 16:1-4;
    Mtt 5:11;10:16-23;23:29-38; Mr 3:21,22:8:31,34;9:13;10:33; Acts 24:5,14;21:21; Jer 38:4;
    6:28;12:1; Amos 2:12

    • Reply by Sargon on 2013-12-17 10:33:17

      I made the bold move of privately speaking out against 1914 to some friends. It was met with a yawn. They said they avoid talking about the doctrine to anyone in service. It's "proven" by our interpretation of one scripture and is easily refuted by a dozen. The GB aren't idiots. What disturbs me is that the refusal to change this doctrine appears to be willful. A willful attempt to promote a false doctrine. I told my friends I no longer believe it. Since they secretly doubt its validity as well, they didn't really care. But they said I need to believe whatever the slave tells us to believe until they change. That's cult like obedience to man and not Jesus or God.

  • Comment by Katrina on 2013-12-16 15:49:18

    sorry forgot to quote the source of the signs of apostasy. questions from JW 1976.

  • Comment by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-12-17 12:33:46

    The comments from Andrew and Sargon made me again think about the inherent danger in clinging onto these artfully contrived false stories.
    I used to justify ignoring the doctrine in my own mind as simply something that my own faith does not depend on. "No harm, no foul" so to speak. But more recently I am coming to appreciate that there are actively dangerous elements to even tacitly supporting the doctrine.
    (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Indeed, that is why we also thank God incessantly, because when YOU received God’s word, which YOU heard from us, YOU accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God, which is also at work in YOU believers.
    When we dilute the Word of God with man made speculation, a belief in which is ostensibly required to be Christian, then we detract from the whole body of that Word. How can it any longer be fully at work in those who start to yawn about official doctrine? How do we mentally distinguish between what is absolute truth and what is from men when we repeatedly blur the lines between the words of men and God? Some can do it, but many cannot.
    We can make "the word of God invalid" because of our tradition (Matthew 15:6). And surely that is what the 1914 doctrine has now become - a tradition that our religious leaders are unwilling to relinquish.

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