Playing the Victim

– posted by meleti
"...YOU are determined to bring the blood of this man upon us." (Acts 5:28)
The chief priests, Pharisees and scribes had all conspired and succeeded in killing God's Son. They were blood guilty in a very big way.  Yet here they are playing the victim.  They portray themselves as innocent leaders just doing their job.  They were, after all, the appointed channel of communication between the People and Jehovah, were they not?  How unfair of these lowly common folk to try to blame them for what happened.  Jesus brought it all down on himself.  The Jewish leaders knew that.  Now these disciples were undermining the people's confidence in their leaders whom Jehovah himself had appointed over his flock.  If there were really a problem, these so-called apostles should wait on Jehovah to correct it.  They should not run ahead.  After all, these Jewish leaders had accomplished so much. They had the magnificent temple, a marvel of the ancient world. They ruled over an ancient people, who were better and more blessed than any other people on earth, Romans included. These leaders were God's chosen ones.  And God's blessing was evident upon them.
How unjust, how vicious of these disciples of the so-called Messiah to try to make them out to be the bad guy.
So what was the response of these poor, hard-done-by, faithful servants of Almighty God faced with the evidence the disciples presented?  Did they consider the scriptural references used to support the position of these challengers?  No, they would give no ear to them.  Did they consider the evidence of holy spirit by which these ones performed miraculous healings?  Again no, for they turned a blind eye to such occurrences.  They would give no quarter in their minds to any argument that tested their comfortable self-perception and risked their exulted position.  Instead, they flogged these men, and when that didn't stop them, they murdered one of their number and then launched a vicious persecution upon them. (Acts 5:40; 7:54-60; 8:1)
Does any of this sound familiar?
[caption id="attachment_2295" align="alignnone" width="529"]From w14 7/15 p. 15 Caption: "Avoid engaging in debates with apostates" From w14 7/15 p. 15 Caption: "Avoid engaging in debates with apostates"[/caption]
This staged illustration shows victimized witnesses who are bravely enduring the verbal persecution that the vicious, unruly apostates are bringing down upon them.  About thirty years ago, there were groups that acted this way, picketing district conventions and even Bethel offices.  Nowadays, there are many web sites that attack the Governing Body and engage in Witness bashing.  However, the Organization has little to fear from such ones.  In fact, they are better off because of them, for these attackers support the illusion that we are being persecuted.   Being persecuted means we have God's approval.  It helps us to play the blessed victim.

“. . .“Happy are YOU when people reproach YOU and persecute YOU and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against YOU for my sake. 12 Rejoice and leap for joy, since YOUR reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to YOU.” (Mt 5:11, 12)

Conversely, if we are the ones doing the persecuting, then it cannot mean we have Jehovah’s blessing and approval.  The idea of true Christians persecuting anyone is anathema to us.  False religion persecutes true Christians.  That's one of the ways we have of distinguishing true Christianity from the false kind.  So if we are seen to be persecuting others, that would make us no better than the religions we look down upon.
Therefore, we must play the victim and paint everyone who disagrees with us as a hypocritical, snake-in-the-grass apostate, out to make our lives miserable, undermine our faith and destroy our religion.  So if someone disagrees with a teaching, even on a sound Scriptural basis, we are conditioned to view him as if he were one of those angry protesters pictured above.  He is the persecutor, not us.
However, there is a growing reality that threatens to destroy this carefully constructed and preserved self-image.
I can speak from personal experience as well as from firsthand reports coming from known and trusted sources that there is a quiet persecution already going on in the congregations.  Inspired by articles and illustrations such as those we've only just studied in the July, 2014 Study Edition of the Watchtower, well-meaning elders operating with the kind of misguided zeal that Saul of Tarsus was known for are actively seeking out any who question what is being taught.
Imagine being appointed as an elder, then having is scuffled by the branch office because in the past you'd written a letter or two because you were concerned about the scriptural basis of some teaching presented in the magazines.  Before any appointment is considered, they first look in their files.  (Letters written in are never destroyed, though years may pass.)
Imagine having a close relative tell the Circuit Overseer about a private discussion you'd had to express some misgivings with a particular teaching in a Watchtower article, and ending up removed from your privileges.  Imagine being interrogated by two elders about your "loyalty to the faithful and discreet slave" aka the Governing Body.  Imagine making references to Scriptures, which the elders refuse to read and consider.   Imagine making sound arguments using references from the publications only to have the elders sit stonily, ignoring your logic and reasoning.  How could men trained to use the Bible at the door, refuse to engage in a Scriptural discussion?
The reason this happens—reportedly, over and over—is that the rules change when we question any teaching of the Governing Body.  The simple act of questioning brands one a possible apostate.  So anything coming out of one's mouth is tainted.  The Watchtower has just told us not to engage in debates with apostates, so the elders do not have to reason scripturally.
I have had long-standing trusted friends tell me that even if we can show that a teaching is wrong, we should wait for the Governing Body to change it.  Until such time we should accept it.
Officially, we do not consider the Governing Body to be infallible.  Unofficially, we admit they are imperfect and can make mistakes. However, in real life we treat them as infallible.  The idea can best be summed up this way: "Treat everything they teach us as God's own truth—until further notice."
When challenged, they will play the victim, the poor persecuted true faith.  However, who really is being tried and tested?  Who is being verbally flogged, abused, despised and even metaphorically killed by being cut off from kith and kin?
The Organization really isn't worried about nasty, name-calling apostates.  They like them because they confer an illusory seal of approval.
What the Organization is deeply worried about are true Christians who put God's Word above man's.  Christians who do not abuse, intimidate, nor threaten, but who use a far more powerful weapon to expose falsehood and hypocrisy—the same weapon their master used when confronted with other similar opposers and resisters: The Word of God.
Time and again we get reports showing the elders incapable of defeating the scriptural arguments of these faithful ones.  Their only defense is to fall back on the tactics their first century counterparts used to silence the Christians in their midst.  However, if they keep it up and do not repent, they will meet with a similar defeat and in all likelihood, a similar judgment.

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  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-09-20 17:32:50

    It is a sad testament on their own behalf, when the organization that purports to be Jehovah's approved channel of communication, is most afraid of Christians who use God's own word, The Bible, to defend themselves from false accusations.
    True Christians do put God’s Word above the word of man.
    When the organization denies God's Word in this way, they are in fact denying Jesus as Lord.
    Jesus gives the remedy for that in Matthew 10:33 (ESV) "but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."
    This is a classic case of brainwashing and mind-control by the organization, they have become masters of deception.

  • Comment by JimmyG on 2014-09-20 22:47:28

    "...well-meaning elders operating with the kind of misguided zeal that Saul of Tarsus was known for are actively seeking out any who question what is being taught."
    This appears to be similar to anecdotal reports appearing on the 'anointedjw' website. Some active JWs, who have in recent years started to partake of the bread and wine publicly, have been 'questioned' (interrogated) by elders as to why they are doing so. I can't see why it's any of their business, as Romans 8:16 says, "The spirit itself bears with our spirit that we are God's children'.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-09-21 09:14:39

      Quite true. It is grossly inappropriate for the elders to question anyone who partakes. Doing so betrays what is really in their heart.

      • Reply by Mailman on 2014-09-21 11:54:57

        Elders questioning whoever partakes is assuming a position that is reserved to God or Jesus. After explaining aggressively in the Memorial talk that only the anointed can partake of the emblems, they should allow the brothers to discern and decide for themselves. Whatever he does is between him (partaker) and God.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-09-20 23:51:53

    "well-meaning elders"? Just like followers of Adolf Hitler, no doubt some of them were "well-meaning" as well.
    JimmyG, I, too, have read of the recent interrogations going on in the congregations. Persecution of the anointed at the direction of the GB. I can only imagine how chilling and intimidating that must feel, considering how much they stand to lose.
    I really do feel sorry for these elders as I'm sure not all of them use duplicity in their dealing with the brothers and sisters. Since we do not know how much time remains to any of us, nor how rapidly prophetic events may unfold, we can only pray they choose God's Word over man's word.

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-09-21 03:02:08

    Any form of persecution in itself is a denial of the spirit of Jesus Christ.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-09-21 04:46:25

    Yes thats what happened to me brothers .as jimmy g highlighted romans 8 v16 shows the spirit bears witness personally to each one of us its probably now through the pages of the bible .so its a personal choice we have . As said above they questioned my obedience to the organisation .when i made known my desire to partake . Im not pussy footing around its a clear bible teaching and i think the org are wrong on this point .I told them so . I told them what i felt was the truth from the bible . So it was game over for me .The truth is that the witnesses have betrayed me . They promised to teach me the truth from the bible .but they havent . They have presented their own ideas instead . Im not interested if its like that . Its a clear choice obey god or the organisation plain and simple . Kev

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-09-21 08:41:29

    The more one sees how the first century congregations were organized, how Jesus and the apostles acted towards fellow believers, the more one will come to the conclusion the the WT society less and less resembles that. Power blinds people, The end of the game is as in Eccl. 8:9:
    9 While applying my mind to everything that happens in this world, I have seen all this: Sometimes one person dominates other people to their harm. (NET).
    I agree that there are elders and other JW's who struggle as well with the GB policy and try to find a way to cope. But in all fairness, in many other religious organisation are people (elders, bishops, deacons, etc) that do actually mean well and try to imitate Jesus. The point is, truly imitating Jesus means no judging Matt. 7:1-5.
    Yes, the elderly appointed in a congregation are responsible for the things in the congregation and should act when false teachings are applied. Looking at what that means, it has to do with bringing another doctrine than what Jesus taught (i.e. believing that there is no resurrection or that Jesus was not the messiah). See also 2 John 1:7-11:
    7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, people who do not confess Jesus as Christ coming in the flesh. This person is the deceiver and the antichrist! 8 Watch out, so that you do not lose the things we have worked for, but receive a full reward.
    9 Everyone who goes on ahead and does not remain in the teaching of Christ does not have God. The one who remains in this teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not give him any greeting, 11 because the person who gives him a greeting shares in his evil deeds.
    See also Rev. 2 and 3 for letters to congregations and what was wrong with them.
    Paul made it clear what the reputation was of some of the congregation leaders in his time See 2 Cor. 11:3-5: 3 But I am afraid that just as the serpent deceived Eve by his treachery, your minds may be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 4 For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus different from the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the one you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough! 15 For I consider myself not at all inferior to those “super-apostles.”
    Paul was a good example. He did not lead or direct the congregations but informed and served them as such. When he visited them, he did not want to be a burden:
    2 Cor. 12:14 Look, for the third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be a burden to you, because I do not want your possessions
    Unfortunately, the society did want the possessions of the congregations when they took title of all the kingdom halls. CO visits are sponsored by all the congregations as a policy.
    Paul was clear what is required to be approved:
    2 Cor. 10:18 For it is not the person who commends himself who is approved, but the person the Lord commends.
    In case of WT, commends themselves as approved,

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2014-09-21 11:34:57

    Ah yes......Self-victimization, the disease of martyrs of pretense.
    Who hasn't seen that picture of protest? As the old saying goes: If the shoe fits, wear it! I remember one brother's comment as we stood watching the protesters:
    "You can't build your religion on exposing errors."
    But isn't that what we've done? Did we not build our entire organization on that premise? "That which is made crooked cannot be made straight," says Ecclesiastes 1:15, and yet when we make the errors of others justify our own, what did Jesus say? "Hypocrite! First remove the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother’s eye." (;(Matthew 7:5)
    As for seeing ourselves in the same light, what did Jesus say about what the scribes and Pharisees said about themselves? "‘If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have shared with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ Therefore, you are testifying against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets.'" (Matthew 23:30, 31)
    Denial is a big river and many indulge themselves there.

  • Comment by blessednubian on 2014-09-21 16:34:17

    My husband asked any questions of the elders concerning the 1914 date, the idea that Jesus has only been reining for about 100 year and several other points. He showed Scriptures to back it all up. The elders just sat there and would NOT open their Bibles, nor answer him. My husband also asked the elders if one of them would study with him to help him understand several Scriptural points, to assist him in gaining clarity, they said they couldn't do that unless my husband was willing to write a letter stating that he supported the Organization and he had 7 days to do it. Needless to say my husband did NOT write that letter nor have we set foot in the Kingdom Hall since. More and more, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is revealing who they REALLY are...

  • Comment by JimmyG on 2014-09-21 18:05:17

    Imacountrygirl2 said: "I really do feel sorry for these elders as I’m sure not all of them use duplicity in their dealing with the brothers and sisters."
    In one report on the 'anointedjw' website, a number of brothers at WT headquarters have declined to 'serve' on a committee to question (interrogate) a former DO who has been having discussions with others on this very subject. This demonstrates to me that some are using their conscience as opposed to 'just following orders' (a defence used by Nazi war criminals at Nuremburg).
    I can feel sorry for genuine elders too. But are they going to follow their conscience or just follow orders? They have the choice.

    • Reply by on 2014-09-21 23:48:43

      You keep mentioning that site, but I don't know what merit it has in a serious discussion such as this. That site makes dozens and hundreds of outrageous sounding claims, without ever backing a single one up. They tell stories of entire congregations including the CO that have gone "rogue" and all partake at the memorial. Does this sound believable? In the very best case, these stories could be called anecdotal. At worst they are complete fabrications designed to push their agenda and mislead people.
      I just feel it's inappropriate to add to the conversation using what amounts to hearsay and third-hand information. It cheapens the message.

      • Reply by JimmyG on 2014-09-23 04:01:16

        Anonymous- I stated that these reports were anecdotal. Yes, they are hearsay, but all reports and experiences posted on the net are as well, including what has been written in this article. We have to decide for ourselves what is 'believable' or 'outrageous' as you've put it.
        I was only referring to the reports (anecdotal of course), where elders have been interrogating those who have recently started partaking. These (to me) do sound 'believable' in the context of this article and the recent WT study articles regarding apostasy.
        Sorry if you think I've 'cheapened the message'. It wasn't intended.

    • Reply by Ken Rosenberg on 2017-03-30 12:57:04

      You should stay away from anointedjw, those are the true apostates.

  • Comment by Christian on 2014-09-21 18:08:57

    Thankyou Meleti,
    This was quite a sobering article for me given that I have a great deal of contempt for these men. This is something I must bring under control because it is eating at me and increasingly I want to openly condemn them, yet that would play straight into their hands.
    I have watched their hypocrisy filter down and ravage the faith of many.
    I sometimes used to look at those individuals across the kingdom hall and see shells of people stripped of their Christian freedom and happiness.
    This whole idea of needing to 'control' the congregations has removed the self leveling effect that the Spirit has when combined with a truly Bible trained conscience. If you will pardon the phrase, many in the cong. have became spiritual zombies chanting "must obey the Governing Body, must obey the Governing Body....."
    It is easy to look at the faults & weaknesses of some in the congregations and wonder why they dabble on the fringes of Christian conduct yet the GB do not empower their consciences to act towards Christ as their savior and encourage the operation of God's spirit in their lives, yet they condemn them for being "weak"
    It is true what you say, outwardly it is all about image, inwardly the congregations are a mess. Yet the GB have sought to divide the congregations by calling for loyalty to themselves and making this a statement of faith in Jehovah when they are the very ones who have caused divisions and damage.
    They have run so many spiritual 'red lights', caused numerous crashes and driven away unscathed while accusing others of breaking the road rules.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-09-22 05:22:57

    This picture of the witnesses abused . Persecuted ect . It serves the purpose to believe it .For the most part people on the outside are presented in a negative light .and most witnesses will therefore keep clear of anyone not in the clan .I have to say though in my experience even when witnessing to the people in our area in UK for years .I have very rarely suffered any verbal abuse and certainly no physical abuse . Im not saying it doesnt happen it does . But thats no reason to present all in a bad light even when branded a so called apostate .In fact for me i have experienced much more persecution from those in the congregation .!!!! A few months ago someone daubed the walls of the hall with nazi slogans .i was told .whoever did it probably had their reasons there had been a really damning case against a local JW in the papers . But guess whos name has been banded around as a possible suspect .yeah mine or so i was told by one of the sisters that has seen through it and still speaks to me . Sorry to highlight these experiences instead of the scriptures brothers and sisters .but it just confirms to me whats going on in regard to this concept of playing the victim . Kev

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-09-22 08:04:25

      Thanks for sharing your personal experience, Kev C. It amazes me how easily vicious rumors can form. But what saddens me--and I am also speaking from personal experience--is how easily trusted, long-standing friends can believe them and even act on them.

  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2014-10-02 13:10:29

    Oct 2, 2014 – 100 years ago Today ...
    Charles T. Russell as president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society announced to the headquarters staff of workers in Brooklyn, New York: “The Gentile Times have ended and their kings have had their day.”
    “How we clapped our hands!” exclaims Cora Merrill. Brother Macmillan admitted: “We were highly excited and I would not have been surprised if at that moment we had just started up, that becoming the signal to begin ascending heavenward—but of course there was nothing like that, really.” Sister Merrill adds: “After a brief pause he [Russell] said: ‘Anyone disappointed? I’m not. Everything is moving right on schedule!’ Again we clapped our hands.” - (Yearbook 1975 pp.72,73)
    Are we still right on schedule?
    And the misleading continues 100 years later.
    And it looks like the Kings are still having there day !!!

  • Comment by Ken Rosenberg on 2017-03-30 12:54:20

    I have challenged many of my friends whom I have known for years, some are elders. They always answer me with silence because the truth cannot be rebutted.

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