Gathering True Worshippers

– posted by arover2014

[this article was contributed by Alex Rover]

First you publish some articles, then slowly but inevitably you gather some kind of following. Even if we remain humble and admit we may not have the full picture, in practice those who control the blog itself also control the message, it’s unavoidable. As the following grows, the weight of responsibility of the authors grows accordingly.
It was the same with the Watchtower Magazine. Originally some six-thousand editions were printed, now that amount is in the millions. Whoever controls the message printed in the Watchtower, exerts an incredible amount of influence and control. At Beroean Pickets we already have more unique visitors than the first Watchtower edition. Where will this lead us? As we continue to reach a bigger audience, we realize that history has a tendency of repeating itself.
The very voices of protest can turn into the very thing they were protesting. The protestant movement has produced many denominations which believe they are gathering the genuine, true worshippers. Creed is established and dogma is affirmed.
No group will claim they are perfect. We dwell in imperfect flesh is the excuse. Or: ‘this one and his or her actions are not representative of our Church.’ Think of the pedophilia scandals or immoral elders that need to be shamefully removed. When they are appointed, it is by Holy Spirit. When they are discovered, they are just imperfect men. Still the other denomination is less holy than we are. We are the true followers of Christ.
This incredible hypocrisy continues to persevere throughout Christianity. Is it possible at all for us to avoid this trap? I can honestly say that this subject keeps us up at night. I have personally prayed about this very often and intensely, and I know Meleti, Apollos and others feel exactly the same.
During my daily reading of the Scriptures I stumbled upon a prophecy in Zechariah which opened up a line of reasoning which I believe is an answer to my prayers. I’m very excited to share it with you in this article, and hope to read your feedback in the comment section afterward.

The Flock – Scattered

Please read along:

 “Awake, sword, against my shepherd,

against the man who is my associate,”

says the Lord who rules over all.

Strike the shepherd that the flock may be scattered;

I will turn my hand against the insignificant ones.

It will happen in all the land, says the Lord,

that two-thirds of the people  in it will be cut off and die,

but one-thirdwill be leftin it.

Then I will bring the remaining third into the fire;

I will refine them like silver is refined

and will test them like gold is tested.

They will call on my name and I will answer;

I will say, ‘These are my people,’

and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” – Zechariah 13:7-9 NET

There is much to say about this passage, but according to Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary, the shepherd refers to Jesus Christ. Jesus was murdered and consequently his flock became scattered.
It dawned on me that the basic purpose of religion appears to be the gathering of the sheep of Christ. How else could a religion claim to be the only true Church on earth, if it had searched the earth far and wide to find all the scattered sheep of Christ and united them in one religion? In turn, such religion can claim that God will only accept their members.
A Question on Yahoo Answers © reads: “Is religion divisive as the big religions break up into different sects and disagree”? A presumed Jehovah’s Witness gave the following insightful answer: “False religions, yes. The one true religion, no. – Reasoning from the Scriptures, pg. 322, 199”.
So if you belong to the true religion, there is NO problem: you are approved, and everyone else might die at God’s hand if you rejected the true religion!

When and How are The Sheep Gathered?

“For this is what the sovereign LORD [Jehovah] says: Look, I myself will search for my sheep and seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will seek out my flock. I will rescue them from all the places where they have been scattered on a cloudy, dark day. I will bring them out from among the peoples and gather them from foreign countries…” – Ezekiel 34:11-13a NET
The messianic king will be the appointed shepherd of Jehovah (compare Ezekiel 34:23-24,Jer 30:9,Hos 3:5, Isa 11:1 and Mic 5:2). The sheep will be gathered on a cloudy, dark day. Also compare Ezekiel 20:34 and 41.

“For the day is near, the day of the LORD [Jehovah] is near; it will be a day of storm clouds, it will be a time of judgment for the nations.” – Ezekiel 30:3 NET

When will the nations be judged? According to Ezekiel, when the sheep that were scattered are gathered under the messianic king. For our next clue, we look at the words of the shepherd:

“Immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man arriving on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet blast, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” – Matthew 24:29-31 NET

The sheep are still scattered during the ‘suffering of those days’, so that they have to be gathered from the four winds on a dark day. It is also a time of judgment as indicated by all tribes of the earth mourning.
The gatherers are angels, not evangelists of religious denominations. This parallels Jesus’ words: “The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels” (Mt 13:39).
The conclusion is crystal clear: every religious group who claims that their flock today are ‘the gathered sheep’ is deceiving itself! Moreover, every religious group attempting to gather the sheep is going against the clear message in Scripture!
This same applies for the activities of Beroean Pickets. Even if we recognize each other as Brothers and Sisters – association with us in no means grants an exalted status as sheep.
Salvation is individually, not as a group. This is evident as in each religion there are some who clearly don’t value the spiritual. There is no such thing as a religious protective ark which guarantees salvation by association.

“For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light.” – Mark 4:22

If a church did not care so much about protecting their self-glorified exalted position among men, would they hide pedophiles? Would covering up adultery by prominent leaders be to the benefit of the Church?

“Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ – Matthew 7:23 NIV

Preaching or Gathering?

In what is called ‘the great commission’, Jesus Christ instructed:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28: 18-20 NET

 Likewise Paul instructed the Romans:

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How are they to call on one they have not believed in? And how are they to believe in one they have not heard of? And how are they to hear without someone preaching to them?” – Romans 10:13-14 NET

The purpose of preaching is so that others may hear and believe. Believe in whom? Baptism is in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit – NOT in the name of a group of men.
The Scripture states that Jesus is the Shepherd appointed by the Father. Furthermore it states that he is the one who will gather his sheep after the great tribulation of Matthew 24:29. If an organization today attempts to gather Jesus’ sheep – aren’t they by extension declaring themselves to be the messianic shepherd?
How much more clearly can Scripture put it:

“You were bought with a price. Do not become slaves of men.” – 1 Co 7:23 NET

“In vain do they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” – Matthew 15:9 KJV

“I urge you, brothers and sisters … to end your divisions  ... and to be united … were you baptized in the name of Paul?” – 1 Co 1:10-13 NET

Are you baptized in the name of the Pope? Calvin? John Smyth? John Wesley? Charles Parham? Luther? Does your Church claim to be the only true Church on earth? Your identity is that of a Christian, and nothing more.

The Way Forward

The scattered body of Christ is commissioned to preach the Good News of the gospel. This good news is a message of freedom – not slavery. Do not permit anyone to bring you into bondage again after having been set free.
We are exhorted to love and encourage one another, building up the body of Christ (Eph 4:12). Let all things be judged by our Lord at his Day of Judgment. We are to do all things for God’s glory, not our own.

“Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.” – 1 Co 4:5 NIV

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.” – Matthew 6:5 NIV

We can therefore organize to preach, but not organize to baptize in our own name. We cannot judge others – we cannot discern the motives of the heart as Christ.
We can on a local level self-organize to associate with others who prove through love that they are Christ’s sheep – but always with open doors and never self-assuming that we are the only true sheep of Christ in our area.

 “Whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” – Matthew 18:4 NIV

As for our efforts: every visitor is free to believe what they wish and accept what we say or reject it. We all have an individual responsibility to be as the Beroeans. That means you should not let us replace your own mind and critical thinking skills. God’s Word belongs to all of us, and we will each individually answer for our actions to Christ.

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2015-01-20 09:29:44

    Thanks Alex!
    I agree, “Salvation is individually, not as a group”.
    The message from the Governing Body is:
    If you are not a Jehovah’s Witness in the organization, then you are going to die. (What I refer to as the JW hellfire teaching)
    “But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his “faithful and discreet slave,” made up of spirit-anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.—Compare Acts 8:30-40.” - (Watchtower 1981, 12/1, p. 27, The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter)
    “A third requirement is that we be associated with God’s channel, his organization. God has always used an organization. For example, only those in the ark in Noah’s day survived the Flood, and only those associated with the Christian congregation in the first century had God’s favor. (Acts 4:12) Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it.” – Watchtower 1983, 2/15, p. 12, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth—But How?)
    “Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.” - (Watchtower 1989, 9/1, Pg. 19, Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium)
    “For the security and survival of true worshipers, an arklike spiritual paradise exists. (2 Corinthians 12:3, 4) To be preserved through the great tribulation, we must remain in that paradise.“ - (Watchtower 2003, 12/15, p. 19, par. 22, Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency)
    “Soon, Jehovah’s day will come. Now is the time to return to our heavenly Father’s loving arms and to the congregation—the only safe haven in these last days.—Deut. 33:27; Heb. 10:24, 25.” – (Watchtower 2013, 11/15, p. 14, par. 17, How Can We Maintain “a Waiting Attitude”?)
    Also, I often here JW’s say, what about Heb. 10:24-25, that it is a command, and how are you going to do that without the organization?
    Well I think Ray Franz’s answer to that was good:
    “The oft-quoted words at Hebrews 10:24, 25 are frequently made to say something different from what they actually say. If we love God and his Son we will also love those who share that love. We will want to associate with them, share companionship with them, benefit from them and seek to be of benefit to them. The writer of Hebrews says nothing as to time or place or manner. He does not speak of some formalized service or meeting, organizationally generated and supervised. Any of those things would have to be read into his words, superimposed on them. He speaks simply of getting together with other fellow believers, and doing so, not to absorb some particular format of church teachings but to be mutually upbuilt and to encourage one another to good deeds. Among early Christians this was customarily done in homes and, evidently, often in connection with shared meals. (See 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 2; Acts 2:46; Jude 12.)” – (Crisis of Conscience - Fourth Edition 2004, Pg. 401)

    • Reply by Alex Rover on 2015-01-20 09:41:54

      Thanks for some insightful quotes. It really captures the teachings of the Society as they relate to this topic. But JW are not alone in this. Most religions are sectarian and elitist by their very nature.

    • Reply by on 2015-01-20 18:29:17

      And didn't Jesus himself say that, "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst"? No formal meetings are implied.

  • Comment by on 2015-01-20 13:40:48

    In an upcoming WT study there's a photo of a group of brothers and sisters sitting in, what look's like someone's basement, listening to the "additional instructions" from Jehovah's organization concerning how to protect themselves during the "great tribulation". Really? Mass salvation? Which one of the GB is going to receive them? Jesus simply said, "he that endures to the end is the one that will be saved".

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-22 16:50:52

      This comment is so refreshing
      I literally had the " what if they don't let me in the basement " thought the other day when I felt scared.
      I guess it is human nature to want a "physical" place of safety .....
      The JWs will definitely change the "knock code " if they see me coming anyways lol So on to Plan A ...God !
      It's nice to talk these things out I guess :)

  • Comment by Christian on 2015-01-20 15:55:43

    Timely post Alex, thank you.
    I am sure when CT Russell originally felt the need to search for scriptural truths he never saw himself as the center of admiration, or even adoration. Yet as events progressed that seems to be what happened despite his efforts to direct attention away from himself.
    Rutherford obviously saw the creature worship given to Russell and tried to put a stop to it, yet his original motives seem obscure given his obvious love of the limelight.
    Their is a natural effort to be grateful for the effort that Meleti, Apollos & yourself put into encouraging us yet I expect that as the angels defer to God it is only right and proper that you defer to the Christ
    I hope and pray we all continue to grow as brothers and sisters with no 'Organization' in sight.
    As Israel wanted a visible king against Jehovah's plea most Christians sadly seem to have fallen prey to "walking by sight".
    May that never happen to us.

  • Comment by Christian on 2015-01-20 16:16:04

    A few typos in my last comment sorry

  • Comment by Christian on 2015-01-20 16:25:28

    While I'm at it :) I was watching a talk by one of the GB recently for my own amusement and I couldn't help think how they love to play the 'fatherly figure' role.
    Tell a few amusing anecdotes, smile benevolently and appeal to a form of papal adoration.
    Being anonymous and on the internet has it's advantages because we can only appeal to God's Word as our guide.
    And really is that any different from what we already do when reading the Scriptures, after all none of us have met or seen any of the Bible writers yet the Holy Spirit draws them to us.

    • Reply by BeenMislead on 2015-01-21 14:12:52

      When I mention to a JW that you use to hardly ever see the Governing Body except at large conventions, and you almost did not even remember their names. But now they are constantly before us, and constantly being praised in comments and prayers. And that it is getting to the point of idolatry.
      There immediate reaction is to say how humble the Governing Body is.
      Well here are Tony’s Morris exact words at the US branch visit in 2014:
      “Now we are going to be very frank about the matter. It’s going to be scriptural counsel. When we get into things that could ignite a controversy I am going to quote our publications. So you’ll have to take it up with God.”
      So he is basically saying that he speaks for God! So you have to accept everything he says as if God is telling it to you.
      Does that sound humble to you?

      • Reply by on 2015-01-21 18:35:30

        Thats exactly what they are saying .They are not just the FDS but gods spokesmen on earth today . If thats is true then the watchtower writings are inspired of god . And is to be held in the same esteem as the bible if not more so . Kev c

  • Comment by on 2015-01-20 19:06:38

    Thats it alex well done mate. I was saying similar things to a brother the other day . We have the same thoughts because what we say is the true bible message . In actual fact there are no divisions in the body of christ there are no denoninations . There is just one faith . And its made up of those who listen and obey christ jesus not those who listen and obey men in whatever denomination they claim to be part of . The bible makes it very clear in the wheat and the weeds that imitation christians would exist alongside true christians until the harvest when the angels would do the reaping and seperate true individual christians from the false matthew 13 36 to 43 revelation 14 v 15 to 20 . The fact is that the Jws have tried to do the seperating work presumptiously for the angels by gathering and not only that but tried to seperate the wheat from the weeds and in trying so have also uprooted much of the wheat . Fools they cant see what the heart is . The true faithful slaves will only be known when jesus pronounces them as such . I tried to say that to the so called elders here and they disfellowshipped me for it . Ok whatever thats ok men cannot seperate us from the love of the christ so it makes no difference what they say or do .romans 8 v 38 and 39 . The problem is that the witnesses have said that it is the harvest based on thier error of 1914 . And the storehouses stand for thier congregations . This cannot be so because i have seen as an elder paedaphiles liars adulterers slanderers in our local congregation some of whom are still there . No the situation is still the same as it was in pauls judes and peters day . Where vessels of honour and dishonour exist together . 2 Timothy 2 .. well done alex im enjoying your posts ..

  • Comment by BN on 2015-01-21 06:19:36

    'Now, when it comes to the times and seasons, brothers; nothing needs to be written to you. Because you know very well that the Lord's Day is coming as a thief in the night. And whenever they are saying Peace and security, destruction will come on them instantly like labor pains on a pregnant woman'

  • Comment by Anjinsan on 2015-01-21 06:59:44

    The issue of "group" has come a long way from the day of 1st century Christians. A good account is that recorded in the book of 1 Cor. chapter 3. And who started it? The followers...I belong to Paul....I to Apollos.....I to Cephas.... In humility Paul said in verse 5:
    After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only God’s servants through whom you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us.
    And he acknowledged this other fact in verse 11:
    For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ.
    Then this advice in verse 21:
    So don’t boast about following a particular human leader. For everything belongs to you—.
    I can't help but marvel on the simple fundamental issues in the gospels required for salvation. And the focus is always on the individual not group. a very popular one is that in John 3: 16.
    Humans are social animals and as social animals we find it beneficial interacting in this case on spiritual matters be it on the internet or in person. Take away all the idiosyncrasies associated with each Christian group, an individual that enjoys solitude may find it more beneficial attending a simple mass in a Roman Catholic Church than going to a vibrating Pentecostal/evangelical fellowship. The opposite would apply to some one that has a restless personality.
    As per the keeping up at night, please don't allow your concern for caution allow that to be a habit. Our Lord looks at the motive of individuals. Your last paragraph was scripted in a beautiful way. Indeed we all have an individual responsibility to be as the Beroeans.
    Nice article I enjoyed it.
    With Love.

  • Comment by on 2015-01-22 05:23:02

    Just reading your article again alex you say that he that controls the blog controls the message . True . And in many ways this presents the bible teacher with a choice . Will he prove himself to be faithful to the master or start to lust for power and draw others to himself instead . The problem is when these positions of responsibilty become available its usually the meglomaniacs that apply .a true christian never desires prominence like that its the works of the flesh . So in time we end up with all the wrong people in power but its only really because theres many people out there willing to subject themselves to thier power . The difference on this site alex is that your dealing with those who are not willing to subject themselves to men . Only to christ . Kev c

    • Reply by seekingagape2014 on 2015-01-24 13:29:23

      Beautifully stated. I agree! There are so many people that are willing to take their eyes off of the Christ and follow men, its quite sad actually. When people give up their ability to think for themselves and let others to think for them so that they allow themselves to be deceived.

  • Comment by stonedragon2k on 2015-01-22 17:05:48

    It is said every revolution goes through 3 phases and the same can be said of JW's when you look at C.T Russell's original intention:
    1. STORMING - breaking down the old establishment. Russell did this.
    2. NORMING - setting down the 'party' line - Rutherford did this.
    3. CONFORMING - where we are at now with the present GB. Any dissent is quickly squashed. The process is now complete. What was revolutionary is now the establishment.
    Je suis CHRISTIAN - and NOTHING else!!!

    • Reply by on 2015-01-22 18:15:37

      I started to re-read Orwell's 1984, stonedragon, and it's amazing how much our organization and the GB have in common with the world of Winston Smith.

      • Reply by on 2015-01-23 10:30:35

        Oh yeah the doublespeak the ministry of love the thought police getting shopped by your own family . Sex crime when theres been no wrong doing .. room 101 its all there . Ive seen it all . They even try to rewrite history . Kev c

  • Comment by yobec on 2015-01-22 18:44:36

    Wow! Alex.
    You covered a lot of grounds with this one. Well done.

  • Comment by yobec on 2015-01-22 18:53:04

    On the subject of "organization" I found the following information
    :Russell never presented the “organization” of the church as being a sectarian, denominational organization headed by men on earth. Indeed, he says just the opposite.
    There is no organization today clothed with authority. — Watch Tower, October 1, 1893, page 1573
    A visible organization is OUT OF HARMONY ( bold mine ) with God’s divine plane. — Watch Tower, December 1, 1894, page 1743
    Beware of “organization.” It is wholly unnecessary. — Watch Tower, September 13, 1895, page 1866.

    • Reply by Alex Rover on 2015-01-22 19:04:22

      The original Watchtower articles were so clear on "organization" being dangerous, but after Russell's death the new master controlling his magazine does the exact opposite. How can we ensure that future generations will not pervert the truth once again and draw followers after themselves?

      • Reply by yobec on 2015-01-23 09:41:54

        I think it boils down to what Jesus said." My sheep know my voice and they don't listen to the voice of a stranger"
        There are at present, numerous sites that while exposing the false doctrines of the G.B., they also promote their own ideas and become infuriated if others challenge these ideas. Also, many of them come across as though they have all the answers similar to the G.B. today. It might take some time but Jesus's sheep eventually become aware that they are listening to the voice of a stranger.
        I must say that thus far, this is not happening on this site. Will it last forever?
        Maybe, if we allow Christ to remain our leader and continue to have freedom of speech.

  • Comment by yobec on 2015-01-22 19:00:30

    On the subject of the " purity " of the one "true religion", I would like to take the liberty of changing one word to the following scripture because I personally think that the principle still applies.
    " There is a "religion" that considers itself pure in it's own eyes but it hasn't been cleansed of it's own excrement."

  • Comment by stonedragon2k on 2015-01-24 11:13:54

    Anonymous said:
    Oh yeah the doublespeak the ministry of love the thought police getting shopped by your own family . Sex crime when theres been no wrong doing .. room 101 its all there Ive seen it all . They even try to rewrite history . Kev c
    I saw the parallels years ago and I posted my thoughts in the DT forum. For the benefit of those who did not see my original musings I post them here again:
    Well here goes....
    Bellyfeel- Blind, enthusiastic acceptance of a concept, i.e. full emotional understanding. One is not required to engage the mind.[I][U]
    Translation - its has the RING of Truth. For example 1914 has the 'RING of Truth'
    [B]Big Brother- As in “Big Brother is Watching You” Also referred
    to as "B.B." 1. The leader of the nation worshiped almost as a
    god; 2. personification of the power of the state, monitoring
    and directing people's actions (i.e., data banks that tell Big
    Brother all about us).
    Translation: The FDS at Brooklynn HQ
    Blackwhite - The ability to accept whatever "truth" the party
    puts out, no matter how absurd.
    BTG has fallen, but still exists
    Chocorat - Chocolate ration. 1: The chocolate ration in 1983
    was 30 grams per week. (standard Hershey Bar is 43 grams) 2: In
    the year 1984, the chocolate ration went up to 25 grams per week.
    Winston himself is charged with the task of re-writing history to
    make this little feat possible.
    Crimethink- Sometimes referred to as ThoughtCrime. Any thought, idea or consideration not in line with or doubting the principles
    of the party. -Control thought, Control crime. (e.g. mention of
    an Inperson (q.v.) is a thoughtcrime). Crimethinker - anyone
    found to be crimethinking.
    To think that that the so called FDS could be wrong on any subject of the Bible
    Doublethink - Reality Control. To hold two contradictory beliefs
    in one’s mind simultaneously and accept both of them.
    Any teaching regarding the 'Generation'
    Duckspeak - To speak without thinking. Can be either good or bad,
    depending on who is speaking, and whether or not they are on your
    side. (To quack like a duck).
    The 'proof' texts that your R&F JW come out with. For example the existence of a Governing Body in the first century.
    Facecrime - a punishable offence- nervous tic, unconscious look of anxiety or disbelief (i.e. incredulity when a victory is announced), muttering to oneself -- anything suggesting abnormality, or having something to hide, or letting your thoughts wander, in a public place or near a telescreen.
    To look up in despair when they mention the O so wonderful 'Faithful Slave'
    FicDep - Fiction Department of the Ministry of Truth
    The Writing Committee
    Free - Only usable as in "The dog is free of lice". NOTE: the
    concept of political freedom is crimethink..
    Fullwise - (adverb) Fully. Newspeak rule 9 - Words are to be
    turned into adverbs by adding the suffix "-wise" to allow for
    removal of completely and totally from the language.
    Goodsex - Sex for the purpose of producing children for the
    party. The opposite of sexcrime.
    Goodthink - Adhering to the principles of Newspeak. (used
    liberally as in goodthinked (goodthought can only be a noun),
    goodthinker, goodthinking, goodthinkful, goodthinking,
    Continual mantra to be repeated in ones mind. "I must submit. Obedience is what matters. The Faithful Slave is the GB who was appointed in 1918"
    Hate week - Annual Event of compulsory attendance at pre-arranged
    rallies and parades to inflame hatred of Party enemies and
    heighten their efforts.
    Inner Party. Upper class Party members (about 2% of the
    population) enjoying middle class comforts, but with the addition
    of two or three servants and possibly a helicopter).
    Joycamp - Forced-labor camp
    The Ministry.
    Junior Anti-sex League - Organization promoting celibacy and the
    eradication of the orgasm (known to promote ownlife (q.v.)).
    Memory hole - A system of pipes or pneumatic tubes used to
    quickly destroy documents & wipe them from history.
    Minipax - Ministry of Peace (war)
    Miniplenty - Ministry of Plenty which controlls the entire
    economy (Rationing).
    Miniprod - Ministry of Production, controlling all manufacture.
    Minitrue - Ministry of Truth (propaganda) -Government office
    in charge of record keeping, history re-writing,and Prolefeed
    The FDS
    Newspeak - The official language, "politically correct,"
    requiring no thought what-so-ever. All "unorthodox" political
    ideas/words removed. Others words removed to limit the range of
    ideas that could be expressed.
    Oldspeak - Standard English.
    Oldthink - Old ideas and patterns of thought inconsistent with
    government policy; maintaining beliefs no longer acceptable.
    Independent thinkers
    Oldthinkers - Those who either engage in oldthink or who have not
    fully accepted the new way of thinking.
    Us and other 'apostates'
    OD- Order of the Day, daily advertised admonitions by Big
    Brother’s intentions for proles.
    Days Text: Very important tool to remind R&F they need a GB and that the GB is acting for their good.
    Outer Party - Middle class. Bureaucrats, and other government
    employees. Comprising approximately 13% of population. There is a
    huge gap between the standard of living of Inner and Outer party
    members. Outer Party members have very few possessions, and
    almost no access to basic consumer goods. Outer party members
    have a telescreen in every room of their pathetic apartments.
    CO's, DO's, Zone overseers etc...
    Ownlife - Individualism and eccentricity. A desire to do
    something for your own benefit. (i.e. hobbies, ownership of
    property, love) NOTE: considering such is a thoughtcrime.
    Physical Jerks - Morning Exercises at Wake-Up Call (7:15am)+ 3
    minutes. Participation mandatory for all outer party members.
    Pornosec- A department of Minitrue (q.v.). sub-section of the
    Fiction Department Produces the "lowest-kind" of pornography for
    the proles. In the Novel, it is described as a " which turned out
    cheap pornography for distribution among the proles. It was
    nicknamed Muck House by the people who worked in it". They
    "produced booklets in sealed packets with titles like Spanking
    Stories or One Night in a Girls' School, to be bought furtively
    by proletarian youths who were under the impression that they
    were buying something illegal.
    Prole - Proletarians (approx. 85% of population). Viewed as
    animals by party members. Less rigidly watched than party members
    (few, if any, have home telescreens). Permitted to indulge in
    pornography, prostitution, and, "little joys" (i.e., minor
    thoughtcrimes) to keep the masses content (i.e. impossible to
    watch them all.
    R&F Jehovah's Witnesses
    Prolefeed - Trash "Entertainment" and spurious news which the
    Party hands out to the masses. This includes written literature,
    movies, porn, music, and other various propaganda created for
    the proles.
    The never ending tide of books and magazines to read. This leaves the R&F with little or no time to read, digest and discern the Bible for themselves.
    Recdep - Records Department (Ministry of Truth). responsible for
    correcting "mistakes" in past newspaper articles.
    The Writing Dept
    Room 101- The site of worst thing - the final punishment for
    thoughtcriminals by the Ministry of Love, whatever the worst
    thing may be -burial alive, impalement, et al.
    The second school at the KH where all judicial matters are handled. This is a room where your spiritual life and association with the Bros could end in an instant.
    Sexcrime- Sex for pleasure. or in the hope to create a family.
    See also, Goodsex.
    Speakwrite- to dictate. Speakwriter. A machine for taking
    dictation voice recognition capability for security.
    Speedwise- (adverb) quickly. One of the rules of newspeak is
    that any word can be turned into an adverb by adding the suffix
    "-wise". This allowed the removal of repetitive words such as
    quickly and promptly from the language.
    Steamer- Prole word for Rocket Bomb
    Teledep- The Teleprograms Department of the Ministry of Truth
    Telescreen- Two-way television. All party members has one in
    every room of their apartment.
    Thinkpol - see Thoughtpolice
    The local elders and ministerial servants
    Thoughtcrime - see Crimethink
    ThoughtPolice - Crimethink Policeforce that monitors the public
    using spies (narcs), helicopters, and telescreens.
    CO's and Elders working in unison to ensure your R&F keep drinking the cool aid. In some cases can be your own family
    Two Minute Hate - Daily telescreen special; a packaged parade of
    Crimethink images and sounds; used so viewers can boo, hiss, and
    curse to release negative emotions.
    Unperson - Person made to unexist. All historical references
    removed. Party members directed to clear them from memory to
    eliminate the possibility of martyrdom.
    A JW who has been 'marked' or a former JW
    Ungood - Bad. NOTE: Newspeak Rule 11: any word becomes an antonym
    by adding "un-"; allows removal of words such as horrible,
    terrible, great, fantastic, and fabulous from the language.
    Upsub- To get authorization from superiors (i.e., submit to
    "Higher-ups" for approval)
    Vaporize-State execution, with the added benefit of becoming an unperson (q.v.)
    The public announcement that bro/sis X is no longer a JW, been dis-fellowshipped etc
    Versificator - A writing machine. A mechanical device that
    produces "literature" and "music" (i.e., tabloid newspapers -
    sport, crime and astrology, sensational nickel novelettes, films
    oozing sex, and sentimental songs) for the proles. Invented so
    that a party member would not be forced to cloud their mind with
    such frivolous concepts.

  • Comment by JimmyG on 2015-01-24 16:52:39

    I saw similar parallels with the WT while reading this book.
    Going back to yobec's quotes above, I looked them up and this is how they read in full:
    The 1893 quote (actually Sept 15 issue): "There is no organization today clothed with such divine authority to imperiously command mankind."
    The 1894 quote: "It is plain that the forming of a visible organization of such gathered out ones would be out of harmony with the spirit of the divine plan."
    The 1895 quote goes on to say: "The bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind others' consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours."

  • Comment by InNeedOfGrace on 2015-01-26 13:12:27

    Brilliant article ;) I have felt this for a very long time, it's good to see an article about it.

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