[A Review of the December 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 6]
“Listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning.”— Mark 7:14
This Watchtower article introduces some welcome simplifications to the way we understand four of Christ’s parables, specifically, the “mustard seed”, the “leaven”, the “pearl of great value” and the “hidden treasure.”
However, a word of caution to the reader: As you go through the study, apply the advice in paragraph 2 to the congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses just as you would to any other Christian denomination.
Why did many fail to understand the meaning of what Jesus said? Some had preconceived opinions and wrong motives. Jesus said of such ones: “You skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.” (Mark 7:9) These people did not really try to get the meaning of his words. They did not want to change their ways and views. Their ears may have been open, but their hearts were tightly shut! (Read Matthew 13:13-15.) How, though, can we make sure that our hearts remain open so that we can benefit from Jesus’ teaching?
Paragraphs 3 thru 6 offer excellent advice for evaluating all we learn and we would do well to follow it as well.
The Mustard Grain
“He presented another illustration to them, saying: 'The Kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard grain that a man took and planted in his field.'” (Mt 13:31)
What is a kingdom? The word comes by combining two words: “domain” and “king”. A kingdom is the domain of a king; that over which he rules. Therefore, that over which Christ rules is likened to a tiny mustard seed that grows to become the “largest of vegetable plants”.
All is well with this understanding until paragraph 8 where we state, “Since 1914 the growth of the visible part of God’s organization has been phenomenal!”[A] By this we teach that the mustard seed has grown into us, the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are, therefore, the kingdom of the heavens Jesus was referring to. Accepting this, we fail to see the problem it creates.
“. . .The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness,” (Mt 13:41)
Limiting the mustard seed to the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses make it equivalent to the kingdom of the heavens. Therefore, the application of the weeds and wheat must also be restricted to the Organization. This means that Jesus will collect out of his kingdom—the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses—all things causing stumbling and doing lawlessness.
Indeed he will, but his kingdom is the worldwide Christian congregation of which Jehovah’s Witnesses must be a part for the illustration of the Wheat and Weeds to make any sense. Therefore, the mustard seed cannot refer exclusively to Jehovah’s Witnesses. We just can’t have our cake and eat it too.
The Leaven
The application of this illustration makes sense if, as before, we do not limit it to the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses exclusively. Consider the point made in paragraph 9 about the work that Edwin Skinner did in India starting in 1926. The brothers studying this article will think about how the seed grew and the leaven reached 108,000 individuals in India in the past 90 years, but will likely not realize that the work of our zealous brother was only possible because there was a large segment of Christians already living in that country. With few notable exceptions, all our success in that country to date is to be found within that Christian community, currently numbering about 24 million. That Christian population has been growing steadily like a mustard seed and spreading quietly like leaven since the time of the first century. Jesus’ prophetic parables clearly have come true in that country, but only if we disregard our self-serving myopic vision of events. In fact, the ratio of Jehovah’s Witnesses to population—if we factor in only those claiming to be Christian—is similar in India to what it is in other countries like Canada or the United States.
The Traveling Merchant And The Hidden Treasure
The application of these two parables seems logical and true. It is certainly consistent with reality. Of course, with an organization-centric view of things, it stops with a person becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, for many of us, it was the realization that many of the “truths” we believed all our lives were not scriptural that initiated our search for the pearl. Realizing that the truth was out there for the discovering we set out, and upon discovering it, have sold all we possess to have it. When one considers how many of us have dedicated our lives to the goals of the organization, thinking they were God’s goals for us, one realizes the enormous investment we have in the life of a Jehovah’s Witness. It is, truly, all we possess. Now we realize that we don’t have the truth, but the truth is within our grasp. We have but to purchase it. And many have, without hesitation, 'sold all their possessions' (readily giving up their position, status, and at times, all associates, friends and family) to grasp hold of that single pearl—the real truth of God’s word.
In Summary
It must be acknowledged that for the average Jehovah’s Witness, considering that the pearl of great value is something other than membership in the Organization is apostasy. Those who would reject any of our teachings, no matter how insignificant, are viewed as resisting the spirit of God. We have our traditions and we will not accept it if they are challenged, no matter how sound the scriptural reasoning may be. To such ones we say—taking our words from paragraph 2 of this study—‘Why do many fail to understand the meaning of what Jesus said? Some have preconceived opinions and wrong motives. They skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep their tradition. They do not want to change their ways and views. Their ears may be open but their hearts are tightly shut.’
The evidence of this is that these ones repeat the conduct of the first century opposers of truth, upholders of religious orthodoxy, and supporters of the authority of the central governing body of that time. To them, Jesus said:
“However, if YOU had understood what this means, ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice,’ YOU would not have condemned the guiltless ones.” (Mt 12:7)
As back then, today many guiltless truth seekers are condemned for daring to take a stand and purchase the pearl of great value.
[A] If we accept this statement as true, then we have to acknowledge that the growth of Mormonism, Adventistism, and Fundamentalism has been even more phenomenal. Such is the problem when one measures God’s blessing by the unscriptural standard of growth in numbers.
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Comment by Joel on 2015-02-02 09:29:19
"Such is the problem when one measures God’s blessing by the unscriptural standard of growth in numbers."
I would just like to back this up with scriptural references.
In plain language God says that he is unconcerned with the numbers:
Deut 7:7 - The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples
But IS concerned with those who are loyal to him, no matter how few they may be:
1 Kings 19:18 - "Yet I will leave 7,000 in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal and every mouth that has not kissed him."
Yet statistics come to have pride of place. As you say - it is unscriptural.Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-02-02 10:34:21
Thanks Joel. This one is going in my "Scriptures to Remember" folder.
Reply by anderestimme on 2015-02-04 17:01:47
Not to mention 'cramped is the road and few are the ones finding it'.
Comment by brendaevans32 on 2015-02-02 09:43:17
Hi Meleti
Thank you.
I studied this piece just a short while ago today, and, as usual, I tend to put in my own thoughts and observations on the opening Scripture. And obviously, you tend to have a look at the complete verse, and maybe read the verses leading to and sometimes following that verse. And I would like to share my thoughts on this ...
This not only makes me think to really open my ears, but the brain and the mind and the heart – to get a more rounded meaning to what Jesus is teaching. And then, when you look at the Scriptures where this is, you get the more picture. Jesus has referred to when a man says or has received corban (a gift dedicated to God) and then others come along and either don’t let the man use it or curtail the use of it, based on the likes of tradition. So the question arises why? And, as Jesus rightly points out, the Word of God is made invalid. Definitely more fool us for interfering with not only the Will of Jehovah but anything that He may provide us with. So, in this context – for me, just listen with your own heart, mind and soul to the words that Jehovah, Jesus and the different men of God say. Pray about it. Ask questions and ask for guidance on what you read. And pray that what you are thinking and responding might be acceptable to Jehovah. Not only that, but work on personal attitude and approaches to the different things we face. Jehovah and Jesus faced them also. Try to copy some of the ways that Jehovah and Jesus used when dealing with things. And listen.
And keeping it simple, I feel following such simple way doesn't clutter my mind up, makes such sense and you can get deeper into the words and maybe the essence and maybe meanings that Jehovah and Jesus are sharing with us.
May we all find this lovely pearl. The man has sown the mustard grain in the field, and how lovely and reassuring that it is now grown into the largest vegetable and the tree with its caring boughs.
Comment by Kamil Levi Pyka on 2015-02-02 10:58:13
Reblogged this on Jewish and Christian News.
Comment by menrov on 2015-02-02 11:25:54
Unfortunately again an example of speaking double tongues. In par. 3 it says: First, they were willing to ask questions and to search for the real meaning behind Jesus’ words.
To what extend can JW's ask questions and really search for the real meaning and what if that search leads to a completely different view on certain doctrines?
The other so-called 2 reasons why the disciples understood has not really anything to do with their attitude. Both the second and third so-called reasons are shown to guide JWs to the GB teachings and to field service.
Par 4 recommends: Next, we need to see how that knowledge fits in with what we already know
what if that knowledge no longer fits??
Par. 8: here a footnote from NET regarding the mustard seed: (This is rhetorical hyperbole, since technically a mustard plant is not a tree. This could refer to one of two types of mustard plant popular in Palestine and would be either ten or twenty-five ft (3 or 7.5 m) tall.)
According to NET, the meaning of the seed is as follows: The point of the parable seems to be that while the kingdom of God may appear to have insignificant and unnoticeable beginnings (i.e., in the ministry of Jesus), it will someday (i.e., at the second advent) be great and quite expansive. The kingdom, however, is not to be equated with the church, but rather the church is an expression of the kingdom. Also, there is important OT background in the image of the mustard seed that grew and became a tree: Ezek 17:22-24 pictures the reemergence of the Davidic house where people can find calm and shelter. Like the mustard seed, it would start out small but grow to significant size.
In contrast to the WT article, the footnote confirms that the church supports the kingdom (is NOT equal to the kingdom)..
The "hail" words in the par. are pure marketing.
Par. 9 talks about ATTENDANCe, like these people are already JW's/ If in India there are now 37000 witnesses, this means a growth of 411 people in 90 years, on a population of over 1.2 billion. Growth was from 365 million in 1951 to 1.2 billion now. Not really impressive I dare to say.In the Netherlands we have around 30.000 JW's as well, but population is 16 million (now). Growth has been around 0% the last few years.
But as mentioned by others already, numbers do not count.
The remaining is there to enforce the message to continue the JW preaching work, because it is critical, even if one does not see it, believe the GB, it works.....
Par. 16 to 18 is about TRAVELING MERCHANT AND THE HIDDEN TREASURE. which is about the Kingdom of HEAVEN. Funny as I guess most Christians and JW;s would sell everything in order to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven but the doctrine of the WBTS is that only a very few will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and most others cannot buy that pearl but will have to prove themselves again during the 1000 years.
It is good to have the attitude of the disciples and I presume no one would object as long as the promise is also the same as to the disciple, but this is not the case. In other words, JW;s are encourage to follow the examples of the disciples and to try to understand the parable but at the same time they are excluded from everything that Jesus promised his disciples.
Comment by on 2015-02-02 13:19:13
Thanks, Meleti; wondefully written. I appreciated your point about the traveling merchant selling all his belongings to purchase truth. I'm no longer serving as an Elder because I can no longer teach what is not the truth. I feel like a hypocrite going on the platform and agreeing with comments the friends make that I know are not scriptural. It hasn't been easy because the body of Elders where I am now is putting pressure on me to serve again. I believe many brothers serving as Elders cherish their position more than they do truth, and will not even listen to any opinion that questions the GB, no matter how much sense it makes. Yet, with all that said, the brothers and sisters have welcomed me with expressions of kindness and encouragement because I stick to the Word in my comments and talks. Thanks again, Meleti, and all the rest of you wonderful brothers and sisters, for helping me appreciate that I'm not the only Beroean.
Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-02-02 13:31:26
I sympathize with you and I'm sure our numbers are growing daily.
I know of a case where the body took great exception to a fellow elder applying Acts 5:29 as a principle to govern whether or not to obey the direction of the Governing Body. They felt that this scripture did not apply since the Governing Body spoke for God. To challenge them would be to challenge God himself. A truly mind-numbing degree of blindness.Reply by on 2015-02-02 13:56:43
Mind-numbing is right! I wanted to get up and leave the meeting yesterday after hearing the outrageous number of comments praising the GB and local Elders for the
"instructions" we're going to receive during the GT. No mention of The Christ in any of their comments, as if he's going to be in the bullpen just warming up, waiting to be called only if the manager really needs him. It appears to, Meleti, that we've become, not Christians, but Jehovists.Reply by on 2015-02-03 15:58:10
I would love to know what this life saving message is from the governing body of jehovahs witnesses . The revelation seems to suggest to me that true christians . Will be conquered by the wild beast and put to death before the end .revelation 6 v11 rev 11 v7 rev 12 v11 rev 12 v17 rev 13 v10 rev 13 v15 rev 17 v6 rev 18 v24 . As for the great crowd compare rev 7 v14 with rev 6v11 rev 12 v11 . Is there really a life saving message or do we have to prove faithful even in the face of death . So sorry to burst the bubble but as far as i can see thats what the bible says . But then again im not gods spokesman .
Reply by bobcat3 on 2015-02-03 16:51:30
You and I may be thinking along the same lines in connection with the 144,000. See my posts here and here.
Reply by on 2015-02-05 12:02:29
What i did notice in my research on revelation 6 v11 that the greek word for the full number of them is a different word than the one used at revevelation 7 where it says that the number was 144000 and then of the great crowd no man was able to number . This word is arithmeo which is familiar to us . To count . A literal number . The one used at rev 6 is pleroo . That means to fullfill or full up and perhaps not refering to a literal number and infact some translations leave out the word number all together .. my point being that its that word number that makes us connect 6 v11 with the 144000 . But ot just may also be speaking of the great crowd as they also have white robes . Kev c
Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-02-05 12:58:18
Thanks for bringing us this clarification.
Reply by fulltimeservantofjehovah on 2015-02-07 23:00:12
To the brother who "stepped down" as an elder ( it should actually be "stepped up"), I thought I was the only one who felt like this. I served as an elder for a few years, I was a ms in a spanish congregation since 17. I "progressed" in the organization, but not true spiritual progress. Every convention I was used for speaking as Jehovah and Jesus mind had blessed me with the ability to speak in public. It has been one year since I decided that i would no longer serve as an elder because for too long Imwas realizing that I was struggling with these emotions of hipocrosy. I felt that how can i be on stage speaking of something that I had serious doubts about. I knew that I had to begin to truly study the word of God, and ot just watchtower publications. For a few months I have also read and studied Beroean picketts and I have to say that so much more is clear. I am finally learning the Truth about so many things that were "hidden" from me. Thanks for your positive comments and the research that goes into this to help understand the real truth.
Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-02-08 00:39:37
On behalf of everyone behind the site, thank you for your words of encouragement. It helps us beyond measure to know that we are benefiting others and that all the hard work is not in vain.
Comment by kev c on 2015-02-02 17:20:54
We went through mark 4 yesterday contains some of the same parables . I have read the watchtower and have just picked up on a few points . First of all i dont think the term illustration s is a good one . Illustrations .make things easier to understand and the purpose of these parables was not to make things easier to understand for the general populace but to hide the message . See matthew 13 v 10 and 11 . The parable of the sower and seed is the key parable for understanding gods word . For to really understand gods word we must have the correct heart condition as shown by the fine soil . For the seed is the word and the soil is the heart .. The Disciples only understood these parables because they privately asked jesus what it meant . they had a desire to learn from christ .jesus said keep on asking and it will be given to you . Today we must ask for the holy spirit and very carefully study what christ actually said if we are to truly understand these parables . By doing this we can allow the word to grow in us as our understanding of the word becomes greater . By the way the word i speak of here has to do with the secret of the kingdom of god . If one really understands these parables then surely they would be reaching out to become a member of it . . Kev c
Reply by kev c on 2015-02-02 17:46:58
Oh meleti ive just read para 9 and 10 next week . Its shocking . Ill leave that one for you . .. kev
Comment by brendaevans32 on 2015-02-03 15:11:30
Hi again
A thought struck me yesterday, and I delved into it a bit more today.
In the illustrations, Jesus tells us and anyone else who hears, that "The Kingdom of the Heavens are like ..." and then, of course, we have the different analogies which He shares with us.
For me, the key is "The Kingdom of the Heavens".
Therefore, I have a question. Where does the idea of the Kingdom message proposed in the article arise? For me, the message is a means to get something shared and delivered. The message of the Kingdom, for me, is a bi-product, and, as I have said, a means to an end to get something shared.
Obviously, they go hand in hand. And again, you can appreciate the analogy of the mustard grain and the delivery of the Word - starting small but all the time getting bigger and stronger, but, as so many have identified, the nurturing conditions must be right, ie fine soil, and maybe regularly watered. How can it be regularly watered? We have the beauty and the lovely gift Jehovah has shared with us - we can pray.
This all stems from the development of my thinking thanks to Law classes and the literal interpretation rule - if this is the case, then you can easily appreciate the growth of the Kingdom of the Heavens, particularly the very good and healthy growth.
Or am I on the wrong track?
Comment by anderestimme on 2015-02-04 17:10:26
"By this we teach that the mustard seed has grown into us, the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are, therefore, the kingdom of the heavens Jesus was referring to."
That's right. All this celebration of the kingdom (on its supposed 100th anniversary) is really just a celebration of us. We're great, we're beautiful, we're the chosen ones.
Comment by Rod Fairlee on 2016-06-08 14:01:45
I have two JW publications where one States Satan planted the "Mustard Seed", and the other states that Christ planted the " Mustard Seed." They are dated close to each other
Comment by 2017, March 6-12 — Our Christian Life and Ministry | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-03-06 18:04:52
[…] This parable has been well covered by a previous article on the Beroean Pickets Archive. To read it, click on Listen and Understand the Meaning. […]