Making Our Time Count

– posted by meleti

[While the example I use here relates to Jehovah’s Witnesses, the situation is by no means limited to that religious group; nor is it restricted to matters involving religious beliefs.]

Having now spent a few years trying to get my friends in the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses to reason on the Scriptures, a pattern has emerged.  Those who have known me for years, who perhaps looked up to me as an elder, and who are aware of my “accomplishments” within the Organization, are perplexed by my new attitude.  I no longer fit the mold in which they have cast me.  Try as I might to convince them that I'm the same person I've always been, that I've always loved truth, and that it is the love of truth that is moving me to share what I've learned, they insist on seeing something else; something either demeaning or sinister.  The reaction I continue to see is consistent, involving one or more of the following:

  • I’ve been stumbled.

  • I’ve been influenced by the poisonous reasoning of apostates.

  • I’ve given in to pride and independent thinking.

No matter how much I insist that my new attitude is a result of Bible research, my words have the same impact as raindrops on a windshield.  I’ve tried to put the ball in their court to no avail.  For example, using the Other Sheep doctrine—a belief wholly unsupported in Scripture—I’ve asked them to please show me even one scripture to support it.  The response has been to ignore that request and go back to one of the three aforementioned points while reciting a WT mantra about loyalty.

For example, my wife and I were visiting the home of a couple who share our newfound freedom.  A mutual friend from years back dropped in with his family.  He's a nice brother, an elder, but he tends to pontificate.  One can only put up with so much of this, so at one point during one of his unsolicited monologues about the wondrous work the Organization is doing, I brought up the issue that the doctrine of the other sheep cannot be supported in Scripture.  He disagreed of course, and when I asked him for the Scriptures to support it, he just said dismissively, “I know there’s proof for it,” and then went on without drawing breath to talk about other things he “knows” such as the “fact” that we are the only ones doing the preaching of the good news and that the end is very near.  When I pressed him again for even a single proof scripture, he quoted John 10:16.  I countered that verse 16 only proves there are other sheep, a fact I was not disputing.  I asked for proof that the other sheep are not children of God and have an earthly hope.  He assured me that he knew there was proof, then went right back in to the standard catch-all about being loyal to Jehovah and His Organization.

One can always keep pressing for Bible proof, essentially backing the person into a corner, but that isn’t the way of the Christ, and besides, it only results in hurt feelings or angry outbursts; so I desisted.  A couple of days later, he called the wife of the couple we were visiting, because he views her as his little sister, to warn her about me.  She tried to reason with him, but he just talked over her, falling back to the aforementioned mantra.  In his mind, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the one true religion.  To him, this is not a belief, but a fact; something beyond questioning.

I would say from recent evidence that resistance to the truth is just as common among Jehovah’s Witnesses as it is with people of any other religion I’ve encountered in my preaching work over the past 60 years.  What is it that closes off a person’s mind so that they will give no consideration to the evidence, dismissing it out of hand?

I’m sure there are many reasons for this, and I won’t try to get into them all, but the one that stands out to me now is that of confusing belief with knowledge.

To illustrate, how would you react if someone you know well were to tell you that he has found proof that the earth is flat and rides on the back of a giant turtle?  You’d probably think he was joking.  If you saw that he was not, your next thought would be that he’d lost his mind.  You might look for other reasons to explain his actions, but it is highly unlikely that you’d consider for even a moment the possibility that he’d actually found proof.

The reason for this attitude of yours is not that you are closed-minded, but rather that you know for a certainly that the earth is a sphere orbiting the Sun.  Things we know are stored in a place in the mind where they are not examined.  We might think of this as a room were files are kept.  The door to this room only admits files moving in.  There is no exit door.  To get files out, one has to break down walls.  This is the filing room where we store facts.

Things we believe go elsewhere in the mind, and the door to that filing room swings both ways, allowing free ingress and egress.

Jesus' promise that 'the truth shall set you free' is predicated on the premise that at least some truth is attainable. But the pursuit of truth naturally involves being able to discern the difference between facts and beliefs. In our search for truth, then, it follows that we should be hesitant to move things from the Beliefs room to the Facts room, unless it has been clearly proven to be such. The mind of the true follower of Christ should never allow for a black-and-white, fact-or-fiction dichotomy, where the Beliefs room is small to non-existent.

Unfortunately, for many who claim to follow Christ, this is not the case.  Often, the Facts room of the brain is very large, dwarfing the Beliefs room.  In fact, a good number of people are very uncomfortable with the Beliefs room's existence.  They like to keep it empty.  It’s more of a way-station where items remain only temporarily, awaiting transport to and permanent storage in the filing cabinets of the Facts room.  These people love a well-stocked Facts room.  It gives them a warm, fuzzy feeling.

For most Jehovah’s Witnesses—not to mention the vast majority of members of every other religion I’ve known—almost all their religious beliefs are stored in the Facts filing room.  Even when they talk of one of their teachings as a belief, their mind knows that is just another word for fact.  The only time when a fact file folder gets removed from the Facts room is when they get authorization from upper management to do so.  In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses, this authorization comes from the Governing Body.

To tell a Jehovah’s Witness that the Bible teaches the other sheep are children of God with the reward of serving in the Kingdom of the heavens as kings is like telling him that the earth is flat.  It cannot be true, because he knows for a fact that the other sheep will live under the kingdom on a paradise earth.  He won’t examine the evidence any more than you would contemplate the possibility that the earth is actually flat and supported by a slow-moving reptile with a shell.

I am not trying to oversimplify the process.  More is involved.  We are complex creatures.  Nevertheless, the human brain has been designed by our Creator as an engine of self-evaluation.  We have a built-in conscience made for that purpose.  With that in view, there must be a part of the brain that takes in the statement that, for instance, there is no scriptural proof for a particular doctrine. That part will access the brain’s filing system and if it comes up empty, the character of the person takes over—what the Bible would refer to as the “spirit of man” within us.[i]  We are motivated by love.  However, is that love facing inward or outward?  Pride is self-love.  Love of truth is selfless.  If we do not love truth, then we cannot allow our minds to countenance even the possibility that what we know as fact might, in reality, be mere belief—and false belief at that.

So the brain is commanded by the ego not to open that file folder.  A diversion is needed.  Hence, the person presenting inconvenient truths to us has to be dismissed in some way.  We reason:

  • He is only saying these things because he is a weak person who has allowed himself to be stumbled. He’s just out to get back at those who offended him.  Thus, we can dismiss what he says without having to examine it.

  • Or he is a weak-minded individual whose reasoning ability has been poisoned by the lies and slander of apostates. Therefore, we should distance ourselves from him and not even listen to his reasoning so that we don’t become poisoned as well.

  • Or, he is a prideful individual full of his own importance, merely trying to get us to follow him by abandoning our loyalty to Jehovah, and of course, his one true organization.

Such facile reasoning comes easily and instantly to a mind thoroughly convinced of its own knowledge of truth.  There are methods to overcome this, but these are not the methods which the spirit employs.  The spirit of God does not force nor coerce belief.  We are not looking to convert the world at this time.  Right now, we are only looking to find those whom the spirit of God is drawing out.  Jesus only had three and a half years for his ministry, so he minimized the time he spent with people with hardened hearts.  I’m approaching 70, and I might have less time left to me than Jesus had at the start of his ministry.  Or I could live another 20 years. I have no way of knowing, but I do know that my time is finite and precious.  Therefore—borrowing an analogy from Paul—“the way I am directing my blows is so as not to be striking the air.”  I find it wise to follow the attitude Jesus had when his words fell on deaf years.

“Therefore they began to say to him: “Who are you?” Jesus said to them: “Why am I even speaking to YOU at all?” (John 8:25)

We are only human.  We are naturally distressed when those with whom we have a special relationship do not accept the truth.  It can cause us considerable vexation, pain and suffering.  Paul felt this way concerning those with whom he shared a special kinship.

“I am telling the truth in Christ; I am not lying, since my conscience bears witness with me in holy spirit, 2 that I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were separated as the cursed one from the Christ in behalf of my brothers, my relatives according to the flesh, 4 who, as such, are Israelites, to whom belong the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the sacred service and the promises; 5 to whom the forefathers belong and from whom the Christ [sprang] according to the flesh. . .” (Ro 9:1-5)

While Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Catholics, or Baptists, or whatever denomination of Christendom you care to mention, are not special in the way the Jews were, nevertheless, they are special to us if we have labored with them for a lifetime.  So as Paul felt toward his own, we will often feel toward ours.

That being said, we must also recognize that while we can lead a man to reason, we cannot make him think.  There will come a time when the Lord will reveal himself and remove all doubt.  When all the deception and self-deception of men will be exposed irrefutably.

“. . .For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest, neither anything carefully concealed that will never become known and never come into the open.” (Lu 8:17)

However, for now our concern is to be used by the Lord in assisting those chosen by God to make up the body of Christ.  Each of us brings a gift to the table.  Let us use it to support, encourage, and love those who make up the temple. (1Pe 4:10; 1Co 3:16-17) The salvation of the rest of the world must wait on the revealing of the children of God. (Ro 8:19) Only when all of us have had our own obedience fully carried out by being tested and refined even to death, can we take a role in the Kingdom of God.  Then we can look to the rest.

“. . .we are holding ourselves in readiness to inflict punishment for every disobedience, as soon as YOUR own obedience has been fully carried out.” (2Co 10:6)


[i] Psychologists would explain that there will ensue a battle between the Id and the Super-Ego, mediated by the Ego.

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  • Comment by Mowani on 2016-08-31 07:48:32

    Wonderful! That is exactly how it is.
    Thank you for this steady flow of upbuilding articles. I always read them within minutes they appear.
    your brother Mowani

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-31 12:23:35

      Thanks, Mowani.

  • Comment by Willy on 2016-08-31 09:27:54

    My friend of so many years reacted just like that discribed in the article. She told the elders about my changed Biblical insight . Told them en passant about the love I showed for Jehovah in the 40 years as a JW. And rang me and told me she wanted her old friend back. Not the one I am now. To her I have become an alien she doesn't want to know anymore. Just as Paul said in Rom. 9:2 it cuts deep.
    Love to all

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-31 12:25:27

      It is a revelation to see how trusted friends react. Some I thought would reject my words out of hand have done the very opposite, while friends I always viewed as open minded shut me down like a fire door closed by the fire alarm.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-08-31 10:14:18

    Excellent, simple article. That is exactly how it is. Have you been visiting apostate sites is almost the first question that comes up when we throw doubt on a teaching. Yes a lot of the things I have said come from reading your articles. But after a little while I can spot more of the inconsistencies myself, by which I trust that my thinking processes are working again. A couple of items have been sent to WTBS to see what sort of reply i might get. Nothing too contentious, but things definitely not well supported by scripture. Being a similar age to yourself, the one one thing we have is the responsibility to be true to ourselves, and of course to be true to the truth.
    I may not agree with all you say, Meliti, but it is always thought provoking and goes into the "Pending room" where I cannot prove it right or wrong - at least yet - and then I examine it until it goes in the "Filing room ", where I know it is true. A brilliant illustration. I would love to see your writings in a book "What does the Bible really really teach.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-31 12:28:58

      I would be interested to learn how the responses to your letters are worded. You could email me directly since you would not want these posted publicly. I wrote many a letter before waking up, and found the response was consistently patronizing. My questions were never directly addressed. The answers tended to be more like the spin a politician uses to avoid giving a direct answer to an issue or position he knows he cannot properly defend.

      A book, huh? Hmm...

      • Reply by Colette on 2016-09-04 02:33:54

        Yes, yes, please if you're not too busy, a book would be fabulous.

        From when our family woke up a year ago, I have been moving everything from the 'facts' room to the 'beliefs' room and it would be wonderful just to put a few things in the 'facts' room again. Funny last night I dreamed I went out preaching again, but didn't have anything to say as such since I don't know what is true anymore.

  • Comment by lazarus on 2016-08-31 12:25:16

    Love the article, Meleti, Enjoyed the illustration . Like the point about the earth being flat!
    Similar sentiments as noted by yourself and others.
    Keep up the good work, Meleti, the goodnews is not franchised to anyone Org.

  • Comment by LonelySheep on 2016-08-31 15:35:22

    My husband once said, "I've already gone through this, proving these things to myself. I don't need to go through it again." I understand how he feels, because we think we have done that. We sat down with our Bibles, either by ourselves with WT literature, or with someone else, and looked up the scriptures we were told to look up, and then agreed that yeah, that makes sense.

    I am tempted to bring up: Can you really say you proved something to yourself if you never looked at the opposing view? If you never really looked at the arguments of the other side to determine if they have any validity?

    I don't agree with the theory of evolution. BUT, it's similar to people who disagree with evolution "because we didn't evolve from monkeys", when that isn't even what the theory of evolution claims. These people are being TOLD what the opposing view is and why it's wrong, but without actually looking at any opposing view or evidence.

    That is what we have done with WT doctrine, which leaves us a false sense of security (and smugness) that we have examined the facts and reached X conclusion. We don't need to examine it anymore, duh! In reality, we still have only examined one side of the argument.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-31 16:08:23

      So true.

    • Reply by tyhik on 2016-09-01 08:18:04

      LonelySheep, if you are going to succumb to temptation then here's a little scripture to support you. Proverbs 18:17 : "The first to state his case seems right, Until the other party comes and cross-examines him.*

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-09-01 13:09:40

        One of my favorite go-to scriptures.

      • Reply by LonelySheep on 2016-09-01 15:39:40

        Haha! Yes, indeed!

  • Comment by thomas on 2016-08-31 15:53:29

    Mileti, you asked Leonardo Josephus how his response was worded. My letters to the WT were so long ago that they may be irrelevant, so this might bore some people. But this is part of the answer I got to my last respectful letter to the WT, the response being dated August 13, 1981.

    “Dear Brother xxxx,

    We note your comments relative to the fulfillment of 2 Timothy chapter 3. However, as pointed out under “Questions from Readers,” of the August 15, 1976, issue of The Watchtower, the Society feels the “last days” mentioned by Paul at 2 Timothy 3:1-7 refers to the time after the apostasy had had its long day under the “man of lawlessness.” Hence, this does not refer to the first century, as the “man of lawlessness” was not then evident. -- 2 Tim. 2:3-12. ...

    [Signed} Your brothers in Jehovah's service, Watchtower B. & T. Society of New York, Inc."

    The WT writer mean to write 2 Thess. 2:3-12, not 2 Tim. in the answer. They acknowledged that they had read what I wrote. They they referred me to what the publications said.

    My question was why 2 Timothy 3 had a futurist, and not a preterist, application, because Timothy is told to turn away from such people in verse 5.

    The WT made no effort to answer the basis of my question. They just said, "We note your comments and referred me to WT information, which is essentially the same as what was given in the Aid Book.

    The fact that the WT is answering your letters at all is a good sign. When they give up on you, they don't answer you at all; they just write your elders or thrown the letters away. If anybody has ever gotten different treatment from the WT, I would like to read about it.

    One of Ed Dunlap's tapes is on Youtube. He says that whenever the Service Dept. got a letter they would first look at a file on the writer (based on his records from his congregation) before deciding whether to write him, to decide if he was a trouble-maker. And he said that it was uncommon to get a kind letter that really answered the question.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-31 16:07:19

      My first letter was back in 1972. My questioning increased in the 1990s and early 2000s. I got to the point that if they didn't answer the question, as was the case in your correspondence, I'd respectfully thank them for their response, then point out they hadn't really addressed my question which I'd rephrase for greater clarity. This resulted in a more strongly worded response from them to the effect that I should not presume to counsel them. Finally, on one occasion, I decided not to leave it at that. I responded a third time that while I appreciate unsolicited counsel (They'd filled almost two pages with it.) they still hadn't answered my question. I asked them to answer my question without any extraneous counsel. They didn't respond, but instead sent the C.O. a letter directing him to investigate with a view to possibly removing me as an elder.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-09-01 08:47:43

    Meleti and others. When I eventually get a reply, I shall be happy to share the results. So far this is a work in progress, although I do have some replies to questions from a little while ago. Replies to my current subject have still failed to answer the questions asked, although I have to say that at least the answers were respectful and considered. Subject number 2 is on the side waiting to be posted. Meliti, if you wish me to contact you direct, how do I get your E mail address ? I do hope that is not a stupid question.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-09-01 13:11:03

      There is a contact us link on the sites, but to save you looking it up, my email is

  • Comment by tyhik on 2016-09-01 09:45:17

    Meleti, thanks, a very thought provoking article. I liked the analogy with a flat earth supporter.

    You said: "But the pursuit of truth naturally involves being able to discern the difference between facts and beliefs. In our search for truth, then, it follows that we should be hesitant to move things from the Beliefs room to the Facts room, unless it has been clearly proven to be such."

    I'd say things can move from Beliefs to the Facts room subconsciously. For example just because of forgetting. If you get the same claims again and again you can just forget that you have really not proved it to yourself. WTS environment is especially, and I'm sure intentionally, fertile for this kind of phenomenon.

    Then there is a question of premise. There must be some foundation, which allows to distinguish facts from beliefs. The common premise of the people in this forum here is that Bible is God's word. Am I willing and ready to question that premise every now and then? Are you? A devout JW's premise is that WTS is the God's channel; all conflicts between the Bible and WTS teachings must be just seeming and are solvable with "waiting on Jehovah". Should they be willing to question that premise every now and then?

    It's a conflict of premises playing out. But still, our premise is the right one :) because the one that truly knows both sides tends to move out of the Org and, I assume, never in.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-09-01 13:13:33

      I think we must be willing to question any premise.

    • Reply by Colette on 2016-09-04 02:40:37

      I guess repetition which makes a person move beliefs to facts would be indoctrination?

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-09-04 12:05:01

        They used to call it repetition for emphasis, but you are quite right. Tell a lie often enough and almost everyone starts to believe it.

        When I used to complain about the repetitive--to the point of monotony--nature of our study articles, I was often told that "we need these reminders". Why, were we forgetful? I guess the reality is that teaching things for which there is no Scriptural support is tantamount to filling a bucket with holes in it.

  • Comment by mediator007 on 2016-09-03 21:58:27

    excellent article Meliti, well thought out and reasoned. I also look forward to reading your articles, most of all I look forward to reading the responses. more minds on a subject the better the insight. I have perhaps a bit of a different perspective than some. I realize that many go through the struggles of finally recognizing that the so called "truth" we believed in for so many years is actually a falacy./ a mirage so to speak. We were dubbed and used. But in my case as well as yours and all sincere searchers for "truth" it was never a waste of time nor effort. Why? Because our loving Father knows the heart, he knows which ones are truly seeking truth at all costs. Father is also very patient and in his due time he brings his children forward to the light. Of course they themselves must pursue this quest for truth always searching The only regret that I have is in it taking some 34 years of being a virtual slave to an organization controlled by men. But again I emphasize that Jehovah knew my heart condition all along. At the appropriate time he led me to break free. I am convinced that he will do the same for all those sincerely seeking truth and who's desire is to worship the Father in spirit and truth. As I reflect on the years past I also can see several times that Jehovah made efforts for me to approach him and Christ effectively. So good is the blindness that Satan uses by this organization that it is indeed difficult. Persons seeking real truth by nature are extremely loyal.

    my belief is that all humans are basically like sheep. the only difference is as to whom they choose to follow as their Shepperd What they forget is there is only one true shepperd, that being Jesus.

    I appreciate the efforts of yourself as well as all those associated with you

    • Reply by Colette on 2016-09-04 02:50:22

      Mediator007 I have been led to exactly the same conclusion. I have had my prayers answered by Our Father, even while I was still a JW. Now that I have left the JW's, I have had clear evidence that He still does so. My conclusion is that He was patient with me being a JW and in spite of my religion, patiently molded me so that I could become a genuine christian and truly love people and God.

      Being a JW for 28 years wasn't a waste of time or effort for me. If I look back at how selfish and unloving I was, and ungodly, I am thankful for the molding and adjustments I experienced.

      Sometimes, those that can't see the truth are not in a place spiritually where they could handle the pressure/isolation that comes with it. Our Father is patiently guiding them, and who are we to forcibly try to extract them? We might do more harm than good as they are not ready to stand alone as wheat, but need the weeds around them for protection (Math 13:24-30, 36-43). Perhaps this is why some become atheists.

      When leaving, a person might be told: 'Where would you be if it wasn't for the organization? This is who taught you the bible ... blah blah blah.' NOW I can confidently say, 'No, it was our patient Heavenly Father who directed me through his spirit and taught me, not any man or organization. God's word has power and has been at work in my life, in spite of any man or organization.'

  • Comment by AFRICAINE on 2016-09-05 07:12:55

    This is arguably one of the most accurate / precise analyses of the goings on in the minds of JW's and exJW's. Having too suffered the self-inflicted frustration of trying to change the minds of others - to no avail.

  • Comment by dajo on 2016-09-10 02:55:52

    just jumped in to tead "adopted". However re read this one again. This is just so how it is, and has been for me over the past few months. You nailed with yhat simple illustration Meleti. Thanks, now on to "Adopted!"

  • Comment by Sopater on 2016-12-23 16:14:12

    Meleti, nice article with timely reminders for all on their personal journey. My experience with life friends has been very similar to yours. We learn to sense their tolerance level and back away when the truth is too much for them to bear.


  • Comment by Bjorn Thomsen on 2017-01-04 21:52:51

    Just finished this article Meleti,

    The situation you just described is gonna be mine soon to come, i am almost certain. I really appreciate you gave an example here on how to reason(maybe, maybe not with an elder) you dont just give a explanation of why the teaching regarding the other sheep is fallacious but also here is a simple method on how to share your concerns. it stands out what kind of objections we might run into when we share our own understanding of scripture. I am sorry that your friend for many years didn't give you fair treatment and a fair chance to explain your beliefs. there is a statement in our creator book from 1998 one of the first pages, and it goes something like this.

    intellectual integrity is characterized by a willingness to test and try whatever you hold to be true, but at the same time you have to be open to other sources of available evidence.


    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-02-20 13:45:47

      Good quote. Aren't they discontinuing publication of the Creator book? :)

  • Comment by Robert on 2019-09-20 07:23:35

    Romans -8, makes reference to 2 groups and it appears that both groups are children of God. vs 22 ( the other sheep?) and vs 16 & 17. ( The little flock ). One group are; called ones or chosen ones or Sons of God, vs 23. ( evidently the "Little flock" ) and the other group ( "The Creation" ) We know the Creation refers to people, because these ones are "....waiting with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God." vs 19. And they "....will also be set free from enslavement to corruption....."vs 21

    Matthew -25 makes reference to 3 groups of people. ( the sheep ), (the goats ) and (Christ's brothers ). We know that Christ's brothers are co- rulers, members of the 144.000, ( the little flock) and we know that ( the goats ) are for everlasting cutting off. So the sheep on the right must be the great crowd of other sheep who come out of the great tribulation but will remain on the earth. They will inherit the kingdom not by being part of those who rule as kings over the earth, Rev - 5 : But as beneficiaries and subjects of the Kingdom. Because before that point, the sealing of the chosen ones will have been completed.

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