Do You See the Need to Make Spiritual Progress?

– posted by meleti

[From ws8/16 p. 20 for October 10-16]

“THE little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.  I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” (Isa. 60:22)

This scripture opens this week’s Watchtower study.  Jehovah’s Witnesses apply this prophecy to their own growth.  However, since the growth of the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses—such as it is—consists of the gathering of millions of individuals who are not considered to be anointed, adopted children of God, we are required to believe that Isaiah was foretelling the growth of the "other sheep" as defined by JWs.  Is that reasonable based on the context?

Even a cursory read of Isaiah chapter 60 will reveal that the prophecy pertains to the Israel of God—those making up the New Jerusalem.  Since chapters and verses were not part of the original manuscript, we can consider the next verse to be part of this prophecy.  There, in Isaiah 61:1, we find a passage that applied in the first century to Jesus.  In fact, he reads from it before applying it to himself. (Lu 4:16-21)  Then, when we read the preceding verses, we are reminded of John’s words concerning New Jerusalem:

“And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God illuminated it, and its lamp was the Lamb.” (Re 21:23)

“Also, night will be no more, and they have no need of lamplight or sunlight, for Jehovah God will shed light upon them, and they will rule as kings forever and ever.” (Re 22:5)

So the speeding up would have to involve the anointed children of God, not some alleged secondary classification of Christian not mentioned in Isaiah–nor in the rest of Scripture for that matter.

Nevertheless, if we are wrong in arriving at this understanding—if indeed, the interpretation of the Watchtower is accurate and Isaiah was inspired to foretell the growth of—then the facts should bear that out.  The writer of this week’s study article clearly believes that Isaiah’s words are being fulfilled by the “phenomenal…preaching work”[i] of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses today, for he writes:

“Why, during the 2015 service year, 8,220,105 Kingdom publishers have been active in the world field! The last part of that prophecy should affect all Christians personally, for our heavenly Father says: “I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” Like passengers in a vehicle gaining speed, we sense the increased momentum in the disciple-making work. How are we personally reacting to that acceleration?” – par. 1

Having read this paragraph, if I were to ask you how many publishers were regularly engaged in the preaching work in the 2015 service year, what would you answer?  Most would point to the above figure of 8,220,105 as their answer.  That’s understandable because the writer has used the present perfect verb tense (“have been”) to indicate an action that has been ongoing throughout or “during” the 2015 service year which runs from September 2014 to the publishing of this The Watchtower issue in August 2015.  So one would naturally assume the writer is referring to the monthly average of publishers.  This turns out not to be the case. The monthly average during the 2015 service year was only 7,987,279, well below the one-month peak of 8,220,105.

Why mislead us this way?

It doesn't stop there.  We are next led to believe, by phrases such as “gaining speed”, “increased momentum”, and “acceleration”, that the foretold “speeding up” is actually taking place now.

We've heard a lot about "fact-checking" in political debates of late.  What do the facts reveal?

The percentage growth in the 2014 service year was 2.2%.  However, in the 2015 service year, it was only 1.5%.  That’s a 32% reduction.  If your car is speeding along at 60 mph and then suddenly drops in speed by 32% to 41 mph, would you call that “gaining speed”?  Would you be feeling the “increased momentum” of "acceleration"?

Was this one-year drop an aberration?

If you look at the Yearbooks stats for the years from 1980 to 1998, you’ll see growth ranging from a low of 3.4% to a high of 7.2%.  Now look at the next year, 1999, to the present.  The high is 3.1% and the low, a measly 0.4% with the majority ranging between 1.5 and 2.5.  Since the turn of the century, the best year’s growth hasn’t even reached the worst year’s growth from the 20 years that closed out the 20th century!

"Acceleration"?  "Gaining speed"?  "Feeling the increased momentum"?

Whether we look at the statistics for the past two years or the past 40 years, all we see is significant deceleration, slowing speed, and a significant loss of momentum.  We are getting close to a standstill.  Add to these statistics, the recent layoffs by the Governing Body of 25% of its worldwide work force and the dismissal of virtually all the special pioneers around the world.

What we are seeing is diminishment!  And lots of it!

How does that constitute a fulfillment of Isaiah 60:22?

The men who compile these statistics and who have made these cutbacks are the same men who write, edit, and vet what is published in The Watchtower.  They cannot be ignorant of these facts.  Therefore, they are knowingly misrepresenting the Organization through the telling of lies.  This is hypocrisy!

Is “lies” too harsh a word?  Are we misapplying the word "hypocrisy"?

In this week’s Bible Study (part of “Our Christian Life and Ministry” meeting) we are told that the early Bible Students (who became Jehovah’s Witnesses) were told to flee from any Christian denomination that taught “doctrinal lies”.  This is good advice because the Bible has this to say about the relationship between lying and salvation.

“Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie.” (Re 22:15)

Hypocrisy is a particularly insidious form of lying, one that can lead to eternal death.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you travel over sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one, you make him a subject for Ge·henʹna twice as much so as yourselves.” (Mt 23:15)

Hypocrisy is lying that presents a false and usually flattering picture of oneself, or of those one represents, with a view to misleading others so as to take advantage of them.  Jesus often condemned the religious leaders of his day—the Governing Body of the Jewish nation—as hypocrites and said they were from the Father of the Lie, Satan the Devil. (John 8:44)

Some will suggest that what we find in paragraph 1 of this week’s study article is just a “little white lie”. They might complain that we are making too big of an issue of this; “much ado about nothing”; “a mountain out of a molehill”.  That would be the view of men.  What we want is the viewpoint of God.  How does God view a “little white lie”?

There is no such thing as a little white lie in Scripture.  By way of example, turn to Acts 5:1-11.  There we find a Christian couple wanting to appear as something they were not by claiming to be more self-sacrificing than they actually were.  This tiny hypocrisy, this seemingly minor offense, would seem to have harmed no one.  Yet, both were struck down by God for their lie.  Later, far worse lies and hypocrisy were tolerated in the congregation.  Why?  Perhaps this was a question of timing.  The congregation was in its infancy when Ananias and Sapphira sinned.  At that early stage, any deviation from the truth could have had far-reaching negative consequences.  The death of these two had a powerful and positive impact on the fledgling congregation.

“Consequently great fear came over the whole congregation and over all those hearing about these things.” (Ac 5:11)

So while God has permitted liars and hypocrites to exist and even prosper in the congregation without summarily striking them down as he did Ananias and his wife, the penalty for lying remains the same.  It is only the punishment which has been postponed.    We should bear this in mind when we see lies intended to deceive us, to induce in us a false sense of urgency, or a false sense of divine approval.

If we read or hear a hypocritical lie and dismiss it as meaningless or insignificant, we simply enable the liar and worse, do nothing to protect our minds and hearts from even greater deceptions.

When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, 11 thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you, 12 to deliver you from the bad way, from the man speaking perverse things, 13 from those leaving the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, 14 from those who are rejoicing in doing bad, who are joyful in the perverse things of badness; 15 those whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their general course;” (Pr 2:10-15)

If we apply the counsel of Proverbs, it will continue to safeguard our minds and hearts from the deception and hypocrisy of men with an agenda of their own.


[i] Watchtower, July 15, 2016, p. 14, par. 3

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  • Comment by amoreomeara on 2016-10-11 04:54:55

    Hi Meleti, thanks for another fab article! I think the reason Ananias and Sapphira died was because as Peter said: (Acts 5:3) “Ananias, why has Satan emboldened you to lie to the holy spirit?" they where satanically influenced to lie to YHWH himself. Pretty serious!!
    It makes me wonder if this is similar to blaspheming the Holy Spirit? (Matt 12:32) "For example, whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come." Even more serious!!
    Where do the GB stand regards truthfulness towards YHWH? That is between them and the Father, I just need to keep my own "eyes on the prize", but I wouldn't want to trade places with them that's for sure! :-)

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-10-11 08:15:14


  • Comment by Menrov on 2016-10-11 06:57:19

    The challenge with most JW's is that they will not see these "mistakes" as lies or hypocrisy. The WT has successfully created their "stay out of jail" card. Their reasoning (and that of most other JW's) is: if there is an error in our publications, it is not Gods fault but our imperfection. If there is no error, it is God who is speaking. And as they always say that no-one is perfect, they provided or created their own space for errors.
    For most JW's it is impossible to even consider the possibility that these "errors" are intentionally. As a result, they accept these errors as simple human mistakes, acts of enthusiasm etc. Nothing serious, because they reason that all else is correct.
    Therefore, most will swallow the message in this study article.

    Looking at the article:
    par 1 says partly: The last part of that prophecy should affect all Christians personally
    It says ALL Christians, whereas the refer to ALL JW's. The average JW will think that only JW's are Christians.

    Also in Par. 1: “I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time --> If the preaching work is via the congregations, is it then not Jesus who is supposedly speeding up, as He is Head of the congregations?

    Par 3 talks about Stretch out and the WT meaning of it. Read here to see for yourself:
    Par. 3 also talks about qualifications. I am sure that requirement found in 1 TIM. 3:7 is not taken into account.

    Par. 9 has: Jehovah always supports his faithful servants, even though he may allow them to wait for privileges or a favorable change of circumstances
    It is always amazing how the WT acts as they know exactly how God thinks and acts. And if one feels that God is not supporting him/her, does that main he/she is not a faithful servant?

    Par. 11 has: And as we read our Bible-based publications, we can discern God’s thinking on many matters
    So, without reading the WT publications, one is not able to discern God's thinking on many matters ???? I guess the bible falls short in explaining who God is ......

    Also Par. 11: By applying what we learn from the Bible, we can make decisions that please Jehovah.
    Statements like this is what, in my honest opinion, make many JW's formalistic or even loaded with guilt. The statement implies that every decision one makes has impact on what God. I do not see this back in the scriptures. Jesus explained the Father (not the Pharisees or scribes) and Jesus never shows He was interested in micro management.

    Par. 12 makes reference to 1 Cor. 4:2. I recommend to read 1 Cor. 4:1-4 to see the context.

    Par 13 says: As you deal with thorny problems, pray for wisdom, act and speak with mildness, and look to God for strength. Jehovah will help you. I am sure the writer did not intent to stimulate anyone to question the various doctrines, even in mildness and with full strength of God......

    In Par. 14 the WT gives the impression they know Timothy intimately

    Par 19 has: The same is true if you are in a religiously divided household but stick to your spiritual routine. (1 Pet. 3:1-4). Firstly, the verses do not say that you must stick to your spiritual routing (whatever that is). Secondly, if with spiritual routine is meant to go to the 2 weekly meetings and do field service, this behavior can create quite some stress in a relationship. If (ref. previous study article) God is the one who designed marriage, .I guess God would like to see that the 2 in a marriage first think about themselves (the 2 are one flesh now) and not about the requirements of an organization.

    Finally, read par 20 to see how many adjectives the WT can use in just one small paragraph....


    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-10-11 08:05:41

      Thanks Menrov. An excellent analysis!

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-10-11 10:22:18

    The article links up with next week's study, which is all about the need for more appointed men. Basically it is the usual theme that the more ministry we do, the more spiritual we become. Paragraph 3 stresses this point, suggesting that a brother strives to qualify as a ministerial servant. If you do the hours you will be used more and if you keep it up for long enough, then you may well be appointed.
    As consolation paragraph 9 reminds those who are not appointed to wait on Jehovah (as opposed to doing what ? Is there an option here ?)
    We are then encouraged to develop spiritual qualities in Paragraphs 10-11. Yet by visiting this site, I believe i have developed spiritual insight, knowledge and thinking ability. When I read WT publications I can see the direction, even through the direction, being given. I can discern God's thinking on many matters and have learned that much of what is written in the Watchtower is man's thinking, in spite of what is in the Bible. Now I have to pick out what is correct from what comes from what I call another Agenda. These are thorny problems indeed ! (paragraph 13)

  • Comment by THE DRIFTER on 2016-10-11 10:42:18

    Im fairly sure many are familiar with jwfacts.

    Here is a link from that site where they present/support Meleti's conclusions, if true, concerning the growth/decline of the corporation presenting itself as Jehovahs Organization.

    It ain't purdy!

    *source info. provided at the bottom of page.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-10-11 19:40:02

      Interesting stats and trends, Drifter. Thanks.

  • Comment by Yehorakam on 2016-10-11 10:53:37

    Going back 2 or 3 years, the summer assembly had a part on "reaching out." The speaker specifically said that "if you are a baptized brother and you are not reaching out for more responsibility, then you are not a spiritual man!" I can't tell you how p****d off I was at that statement, especially because the speaker emphasized it very loudly, slowly and clearly. He gave many examples of reaching out, and most of them had to do with helping the elders with their tasks and furthering the interests of the organization, not actually spending time to take care of the needs of the brothers and sisters. In my mind, a spiritual man sees no need to attain to some position of authority over others, nor does he look for a position that brings a title such as MS or elder. He sees no need to keep a written record of how many hours he spends speaking about God and Christ. Rather the spiritual man knows that Christ's heart is warmed when he serves others, seeing no need for a position or responsibility conferred to him by an organization when he already has the privilege to take care of orphans and widows, showing love on a personal level to his brothers and sisters in the faith, following the course of hospitality. He is confident and at peace with that task and sees no need for more than that. So chastising a brother who shows Christian love and has no desire to be a MS or elder is just wrong.

    Much love,

    • Reply by THE DRIFTER on 2016-10-11 20:13:26

      @Yehorakam, ...
      I enjoyed your post along with the 6 others that up-voted it as well. I just made it 7!

      I feel very much the same way AND I credit my 30 years of regular attendance in helping me form those opinions.

      Ain't Bible Study great!

      I'm sure you left out some other pet peeves as there's soooooo many to choose from.

      I would add to the unnecessary list of badges Pioneering, Special Pioneering and Auxiliary Pioneering.

      Did you,or others, realize that in the OM Book, under the subject of Pioneering, there are no scriptural references used to bolster the topic?

      Things that make you go hmmmmmm, ...

    • Reply by Andrew on 2016-10-15 10:06:41


      I wish I could have put it as clearly and beautifully as you did. I think the definition of "spiritual" and "service" is very warped in this organization.

      A few years ago, a circuit overseer and I were out in service, just the two of us. When we came back to the Hall, before we got out of the car, he asked me the question: "What are your spiritual goals?"

      I gave the following response:

      "I have one and only one spiritual goal; to every day become more and more like Christ."

      He replied that I should be reaching out to be a Ministerial Servant. I then said:

      "Don't you think that my goal of being more and more like Christ is evidence of reaching out?

      He did not know what to say. The next day I took him to see an older sister in a nearby nursing home. While we were there, and we had to leave her room for a few minutes while a nurse cared for the sister, he mentioned that he would like to get back to the Hall to meet for service.

      As gently and kindly as I could, I said,

      "Brother, don't you realize that we are already out in field service?"

      He got the strangest look on his face, and seemed to be uncomfortable for the rest of our visit.

      A few days later, I was called into the back room by some elders and lectured about how to count field service time. They accused me of counting time while visiting the older brothers and sisters in our congregation, which I often do, although probably not as much as I should. I told them I have never once counted such time. I asked them what their opinion was. Should time visiting elderly ones in the congregation be counted as filed service time? Their reply was predictable; they said they would follow organizational guidelines. As I left, I said that maybe it might be better to follow the Bible's guidelines about service, such as James 1:27. They were not happy.


      • Reply by Rufus on 2016-10-19 14:07:37

        You might advise your elder body that you receive both spirit and direction in spiritual matters from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Since his is the name that every knee will bow to and every tongue should openly acknowledge (Phil 2:9-11), on what basis do they presume to offer counsel?

        This will, of course, stop your "theocratic advancement" in its tracks.

  • Comment by vinman on 2016-10-11 12:32:06

    Thank you Meleti. Specifically for these words: "They cannot be ignorant of these facts. Therefore, they are knowingly misrepresenting the Organization through the telling of lies. This is hypocrisy!"

    That is what I am talking about. We give these guys much slack. They are not sincere men who are striving to find truth. They are not blind to reality. They are the disgusting liars that we once placed on the clergy of "Christendom". "Sincere" was a word to describe some of the gb in the past. But as more and more doo doo hits the fan, that word does not exist. Reality- that of discovering that the Watchtower is not the truth, may be denied ( due to fear) if one sees one incident of a lie. That happened to me.

    But a "sincere" believer will leave when he sees lie after lie, after lie. That is what these guys see. So they are doing this "knowingly" as you state.

    I do believe some are more "benign" as they have gotten older. I personally believe Herd is awake, feeling guilty, but "it's just too late". I actually feel sorry for him. The others? Not so much.

  • Comment by tyhik on 2016-10-11 18:23:45

    Thanks Meleti. Regarding the future, one important statistic is hours preaching per baptism (jfacts). That one is really accelerating. And I guess any JW going door to door can feel that increased momentum. Basically, while the world average in 2015 was over 7000h per baptism, in our country it is about 20,000h. So, an average JW can do here door to door preaching for the whole life and still likely convert noone. Truly phenomenal, this preaching work.

    I guess sooner or later the GB will change something, to speed up the growth. They could take a little break in threatening with imminent Armageddon and start promoting marriage and large families, for example. Like Mormons. Average baptism rate among born in ones is pretty high I guess. This move would require no effort from the GB or no resources from the Org. Too easy not to try. We'll see.

    • Reply by tyhik on 2016-10-14 04:42:15

      Heh, nothing new under the sun. My theory about increasing the member counts via a witness baby boom may have already been tried. Here an ex witness speculates on having witnessed it. If so then why did they stop with it? Perhaps 1975 overshadowed it and then it was forgotten.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-10-12 05:18:28

    Yehorakam. About what I said, but put somewhat better. Thanks.

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