Beroean Bible Study Reflections on the Memorial of Christ's Ransom Sacrifice, Part 1 – When?

– posted by Rufus

“Keep Doing THIS in Remembrance of Me.” - Jesus, Luke 22:19 NWT Rbi8


When and how often should we commemorate the Lord’s Evening Meal in obedience to the words found at Luke 22:19?

Since the fourteenth day of the first lunar month of the year 33 CE, Christ's brothers—those adopted by the merits of his sacrifice and their faith in its sin-atoning value as “sons of God” (Matt.5:9)—have endeavored to follow his simple, direct instructions: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”  However, on that evening there was still a direct relationship between the Jewish Passover and this institution of a new covenant.  But since the Law was a shadow of the things to come, since then questions persist as to whether some aspects of the Passover Law should be repeated in the commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper.  Should an observance of the Jewish Passover, or at least the part Jesus included in making a covenant be repeated each Nisan 14, and only then after sunset.  Once the Apostle Paul concerned himself with bringing salvation to the people of the nations, he argued forcefully against keeping parts of the law as observances or rituals.

"16 Therefore let no man judge YOU in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ. “ (Colossians 2:16-17)"

We will look at the “When, What, and Where” of this subject in Part 1, beginning with the first passover prior to the institution of the Law Covenant.  Part 2 will take up questions of "Who and Why."

The Jewish system was an organized religion with highly structured procedures for obtaining temporary forgiveness of sins, consisting of periodic and annual rituals performed by a priesthood who inherited their duties by right of succession.  However, the original Passover and release from bondage in Egypt happened before the Law Covenant came into existence some 50 days later.  It was then formalized and accepted as a covenant obligation:

Jehovah now said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt: 2 “This [Abib, later called Nisan] month will be the start of the months for YOU. It will be the first of the months of the year for YOU. 3 Speak to the entire assembly of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth day of this month they are to take for themselves each one a sheep for the ancestral house, a sheep to a house. 4 But if the household proves to be too small for the sheep, then he and his neighbor close by must take it into his house according to the number of souls; YOU should compute each one proportionate to his eating as regards the sheep. 5 The sheep should prove to be sound, a male, a year old, for YOU. YOU may pick from the young rams or from the goats. 6 And it must continue under safeguard by YOU until the fourteenth day of this month, and the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel must slaughter it between the two evenings. 7 And they must take some of the blood and splash it upon the two doorposts and the upper part of the doorway belonging to the houses in which they will eat it. (Exodus 12:1-7)

Once the Law Covenant was established, provisions were made for travelers or those unclean on Nisan 14 to observe this ritual meal in the second month of the spring. Alien residents were required to eat this meal too. Those failing to eat it in either the first or second month were “to be cut off” from the people. (Nu 9:1-14)

How would the proper date for the Passover timing be determined?

This is a difficult problem that has challenged astronomers and priesthoods over the centuries.  It required not only a specialized knowledge of astronomy, but required the authority belonging to Kings or Priests to declare a new month or a new year for the whole society and its business interests.  The lunar cycle of the Hebrew calendar matches up 19 solar years with 235 new moons, seven more months than 19 years times twelve months, which is only 228 new moons. A year of 12 lunar months fell 11 days short after one solar year, 22 days by the second year, and 33 days, or more than a full month by the third year.  This meant that a ruling king or priesthood were required to declare a "leap month" --adding a 13th month before the start of a new civil year in a September equinox (a second Elul before Tishri), or a sacred year in a March equinox (second Adar before Nisan), about every three years, or seven times across the 19 year cycle.

An additional complication came from the fact that a lunar month is on average 29.53 days.  However, even though the moon moves with incredible precision 360 degrees through its elliptical orbit in 27.32 days , the moon must still cover more orbital distance to make up for the Earth's advance around the sun, before a new moon is reached with a Sun-Moon-Earth alignment.  This extra month portion of the ellipse is variable as to speed, depending on which portion of the ellipse is covered, taking a total of 29 days plus something between 6.5 and 20 hours for the new moon.  Then an additional sunset or two at a selected location (Babylon or Jerusalem) was required before the new crescent became visible at sunset, marking the start of a new month by observation and official pronouncement.

Since the average is 29.53 days, about half the new months will last 29 days, and the other half 30.  But which ones? The early Hebrew Priests relied upon a method of visual observation.  But knowing the average, it was determined that regardless of observation, three consecutive months would never be all 29 days or all 30 days.  A mix of both 29 and 30 days was required to keep near the average of 29.5 days, lest the accumulated errors exceeded a full day.

Originally, a simple observation of the maturity of crops of barley and wheat or the young lambs serve to determine whether to start a new year with the month of Nisan, or to add a second Adar, the twelve month being repeated as V'Adar, the 13th month.  The Passover was immediately followed by a seven-day festival of unfermented barley cakes. Barley and wheat planted at the beginning of the winter season matured at different rates. The spring lambs and the barley had to be ready for the Passover slaughter and the making of the unleavened cakes by mid-Nisan, and the wheat 50 days later for the second festival of the year, the waving of new wheat or loaves. Therefore, since crops grow based on solar years which are longer than lunar years, the priests would have to periodically add a thirteen month, delaying the beginning of the year by 29 or 30 days.  Fifty days after the Passover:  “And you will carry on your festival of weeks with the first ripe fruits of the wheat harvest.” (Exodus 34:22)

Since Christians acknowledge that Jesus did fulfill the Law, the question arises as to whether “Keep doing this” included repeating annually on Nisan 14 elements of the Passover. Did it require an evening meal, or was it to be observed only after sunset on the 14th day of Nisan?

The Scriptures relating to Jesus' becoming the Passover Lamb are all in the Jewish context of scriptural reasoning.  Jesus is called “our Passover and sacrificial lamb?” (1 Cor 5:7; John 1:29; 2 Tim 3:16; Ro 15:4) Linked to the Passover, Jesus is identified as “the Lamb of God” and “the Lamb that was slaughtered.”—John 1:29; Revelation 5:12; Acts 8:32.


Was Jesus telling us to repeat this ritual on Nisan 14 only?

Given the above, is there a rule or Bible command requiring Christians to observe the annual Passover, now dressed up as the Lord’s Evening Meal?  Paul argues, never may that be so in a literal sense:

“Clear away the old leaven so that you may be a new batch, inasmuch as you are free from ferment. For, indeed, Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. 8 So, then, let us keep the festival, not with old leaven, nor with leaven of badness and wickedness, but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”  (1 Corinthians 5:7, 8)

Jesus, in his office as high priest in the manner of Melchizedek, made his sacrifice once for all time:

“However, when Christ came as a high priest of the good things that have already taken place, he passed through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. 12 He entered into the holy place, not with the blood of goats and of young bulls, but with his own blood, once for all time, and obtained an everlasting deliverance for us. 13 For if the blood of goats and of bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who have been defiled sanctifies for the cleansing of the flesh, 14 how much more will the blood of the Christ, who through an everlasting spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works so that we may render sacred service to the living God?” (Hebrews 9:11-14)

If we attempt to link the memorial of his death and sacrifice to an annual re-observance of the Passover, then we return to the things of the law, but without benefits of a priesthood to administer the rites:

O senseless Ga·laʹtians! Who has brought you under this evil influence, you who had Jesus Christ openly portrayed before you as nailed to the stake? 2 This one thing I want to ask you: Did you receive the spirit through works of law or because of faith in what you heard? 3 Are you so senseless? After starting on a spiritual course, are you finishing on a fleshly course?  (Galatians 3:1, 2)

This is not to argue that it is wrong to celebrate the Memorial of the ransom sacrifice on the evening of Nisan 14, but to highlight some of the Pharisaical problems of trying to adhere strictly to that date and that date alone, when we no longer have an ecclesiastical authority like the Jewish Sanhedrin Court to set the calendar dates.  Nevertheless, across nearly 2000 years, what other groups have made a Nisan 14 ritual the only annual occasion for "Keep doing this?"

Is there Bible evidence to answer the question: Did the first-century congregations link the partaking of the memorial emblems to an annual ritual performed only on Nisan 14? Until the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, there was still a Jewish priesthood to set the New Year month of Nisan. By this era, Rabbi Gamaliel had learned the astronomical technology and mathematics of the Babylonians, and could project by tables and calculation the patterns of the orbits of sun and moon, including eclipses. However, after 70 CE this knowledge was scattered or lost, not to be formalized again until Rabbi Hillel II (320-385 CE as Nasi of the Sanhedrin), established a masterful perpetual calendar to last until the Messiah's coming.  That calendar has been used by Jews ever since, without the need for re-setting.

However, that calendar is not followed by Jehovah's Witnesses, whose observation of the annual memorial is according to their own judgment, issued presently by the Governing Body through to 2019. Thus it frequently happens that Jews celebrate Passover either a month before or a month after Jehovah's Witnesses. Additionally, the setting of the first day of the month is not synchronized in method between Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses, so that when the events happen in the same month, there is variation as to the 14th day of the month. For example, in 2016 the Jews observed the Passover a month later.  This year in 2017, they will have their Nisan 14 seder on April 10th, the day before Jehovah's Witnesses.

A study of comparison between the Jehovah's Witnesses Memorial Date and the Jewish Passover Nisan 14 date reveals that only about 50% of the years have a common agreements as to Nisan 14.  Based on analysis of the two schedules for Nisan 14 (the Jews from Hillel II in the 4th Century CE and Jehovah's Witnesses from Yearbook records), it can be determined the Witnesses restarted the 19 year cycle in 2011, whereas the Jews did so in 2016*.  Thus in the Witness 5th, 6th, 13th,14th, 16th and 17th years, there is no agreement with the Jewish Calendar on the number of months from Nisan to Nisan.  The rest of the mismatches are based on disagreements as to whether the prior month has 29 or 30 days, a perpetual problem solved by Hillel, but not by Witnesses.

Therefore, as a simple matter of calendar fact, Jehovah's Witnesses claim to follow the Jewish Calendar and to reject the Greek Metonic cycle, which adds an extra month to the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th years in the 19 year cycle. In reality they do the opposite, not even strictly following their published instructions for setting the Memorial. See “When and How to Celebrate Memorial”, WT 2/1/1948 p. 39 where under “Determining the Time” (p. 41) the instruction is given for the 1948 and future Memorials:

“Since the temple at Jerusalem is no more, the agricultural celebration of the firstfruits of the barley harvest on Nisan 16 is no longer kept there. It is not required to be kept any longer, because Christ Jesus has become the “first fruits of them that slept”, on Nisan 16, or Sunday morning, April 5, A.D. 33 (1 Cor. 15:20) Hence the determining of when to begin the month Nisan does not depend on the ripeness of the barley harvest in Palestine. It can annually be determined by the spring equinox and the moon.”

Ironically, the Memorial was observed in 1948 on March 25th, a date that found Jews celebrating the Festival of Purim in their 13th month of V'Adar.  Jewish Passover that year was observed a month later on April 23rd.

Returning to the question of when and how often the emblems were partaken of, the Scriptures show that in the days of the Apostles, a custom of “love feasts” had developed as part of the sharing of goods among the Christians (Jude 1:12.) These evidently were not linked to the calendar or a determination of Nisan 14. When the Apostle Paul admonishes the Corinthians, it is in this context:

“When therefore you assemble, it is not according to what is appropriate for the day of our Lord [Sunday, the day Jesus was resurrected] that you eat and drink.” (1Co 11:20 Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

He then provides instructions for the partaking of the emblems, not with meals at home, but with the congregation:

“Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. 27Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord. 28Examine yourselves, and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup.” (1Co 11: 25b-28 NRSV)

These instructions do not specify a once-a-year observance. Verse 26 states: “As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.”

Therefore, while it is certainly appropriate to attempt to celebrate this on an estimated date for Nisan 14 each year, there is no specified means to determine that date accurately for the setting of Nisan 1, either as to the month or day. Neither is there reference to the setting of the sun at Jerusalem,  or any other location on earth.

In summary, Christians need to realize that Christ gave this command to the whole congregation.  Until the failure of predictions of the Lord's return in 1925, there was no knowledge of any non-anointed class.  Only after 1935 were "Jonadabs" invited to attend and observe as non-partakers.  This will be examined in Part 2.

Today there is no way to create an alternate Jewish calendar, apart from the one used by Jews since the Fourth Century CE.  Therefore, those who attend should not believe that they are actually following the Jewish Calendar.  They are merely following the often erroneous dictates of human leaders.

Therefore, let us be open to joining together as spirit sons of God as our circumstances permit, so that we may "keep doing this in remembrance" of Christ's ransom sacrifice, until the day we do it with the Lord in the Kingdom of the Heavens.  The key is a communion with the Lord—whether on the Lord's day or not—is a communion with his flesh and blood as he ordered, and not a ritual repetition of the Passover based on the so-called Jewish Calendar.

  • * Calculation detail:  the Metonic pattern of 3,6,8,11,14,17 & 19 for the intercalary 13-month years in the 19 year cycle produces only one group of three consecutive periods of 3 years until a leap month: the years from 8 to 11, 11 to 14 and 14 to 17.  If a Memorial date is about 11 days earlier than the prior year, it ends a year with 12 lunar months - a normal year.  If the date falls about 29 or 30 days after the prior year, it contains 13 months.  So by examination of the published dates, one can identify the grouping of 3 consecutive 3-year spaces between the leap months.  This pattern allows one to identify the 8th, 11th and 14th year in the 19 year cycle.   Since the Governing Body has never acknowledged acceptance of this method, they never saw the need to synchronize with the actual Jewish calendar.  In so many words, they know more about the Jewish Calendar than Hillel II, who got his knowledge from Gamaliel.

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  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-03-16 04:51:42

    Well done Rufus. A sensible conclusion to a subject that becomes too complicated to get right. If the actual date was so very important, I am sure the scriptures would make this more clear, and Paul would not have left us with sentences which cannot be exactly understood.

    • Reply by John S on 2017-03-17 09:37:01

      A good thought, Leonardo...

      "If the actual date was so very important, I am sure the scriptures would make this more clear, and Paul would not have left us with sentences which cannot be exactly understood."

      Jesus did not leave us out with regard to when the memorial of his sacrificial suffering and death was to be observed, but it is plain it was on Passover day. He is "our Passover".

      With all the annual commemorative events realized by the Jewish nation up until Jesus' death, there is little question of the annual command to observe this life-saving commemoration,... and the reasons why.

      For Jesus to launch into a full-blown rhetoric that night (his last) would be totally unnecessary, and redundant for his Jewish brothers. And we today should know how important his death is/was. We know we should celebrate/memorialize his blood shed, as it means everlasting life for us and the human race. It also is blood shed to initiate a new covenant with those chosen to become the new creation assigned to govern and protect from all predators, earthly and in our vast universe,.. the human race for eternity.

      Only an annual celebration properly emphasizes that, as God has regularly done throughout the Jewish history.

      The only phrase that seems to be confusing some is Paul:, "as often as you do this..."

      So, should we throw out the annual commemoration of the Passover just because of this expression?

      Even now, as humans only living 60, or 70 years, annual events come and go with surprising regularity, and often catch up to us by surprise; birthdays, anniversaries of marriage, etc. And the older you get, the more "often" they occur, right? So, we could say using the term often doesn't necessarily mean more than once a year .

      In a man's lifetime, he may observe this special occasion 50 or 60 times. And looking back on his life, this certainly would seem to be a lot, and very often. And generally , if we are asking someone, "How often do you review your tax records", say for instance. Yes, that time of year comes around often enough, generally speaking.

      I think it is generally misunderstood and unappreciated; the solemnity, and importance of the Lord's Evening Meal, inside and outside of the JW Christian world-worship.

      Treating this commemoration should never be felt as something , "old-hat", but of utmost import, and reverence, wouldn't you all agree?

      • Reply by amoreomeara on 2017-03-17 11:12:21

        Hi John,

        "Jesus did not leave us out with regard to when the memorial of his sacrificial suffering and death was to be observed, but it is plain it was on Passover day. He is “our Passover”."

        According to some messianic Jews, the last meal could not have been the passover meal, but must have been a pre-passover meal.

        I can check for references if it interests you? :-)

        • Reply by John S on 2017-03-18 08:44:18

          Sure, go ahead, although I am always more than skeptical when it comes to Jewish historical data. But from Messianic Jews? That may be interesting.

          I myself find it hard to believe Jesus didn't do this on the Passover, as the disciples were getting ready for this main event in the selection of the room, and also it follows Jesus, as the Passover Lamb , fulfilling ancient prophecy, would want us commemorating his sacrifice on that day. The very fact it was prophesied he would die, and did so on that particular day, should highlight to us the import of observing this most important day for all eternity, surely, on Passover day (as far as it goes whether we are able to determine, although the full-moon-phase seems to me to be the clincher)

          As springtime comes around every year, Christians are full aware of the phases of the moon, and reflect for a whole month beforehand, almost every day,...."well, Jesus died on the next full moon....", and they ready themselves for the upcoming event. I know I am keenly looking forward to the Memorial (not just a JW event, either) for at least a solid month, and I check and take note of the moon on every clear night the month before, eagerly awaiting that day.

          Of course, since I received the spirit-birth, it has been so much more important to me . I was a JW when this happened, and for two years I witnesses about my experience, but when I tried to share it with my JW brothers, the mixed-but-always-antagonistic/doubtful attitude I received was a death blow to me remaining in the Org. (a blessing) I am glad others are coming to do the same, although some, sadly are leaving Christianity, instead of turning to God and Christ in prayer and the Word in greater depth, as Jesus said,..."exert yourselves".

          Because I got so much flak from all the JW's after partaking and trying to show them we all should point our compasses to Jesus' gospel of partaking in his teachings about becoming born anew, and the heavenly hope, I soon learned I was unwelcome anymore, and it was a real downer just attending and listening to the FDS propaganda and their Paradise-earth gospel as the only hope to offer door-to-door, as this was not Jesus' message nor the Apostles at all.

          After two years of wrangling with the elders, C.O's, my family, wife and friends, and damaging my joy in life, I finally realized I had to leave.

          I look forward to the upcoming discussion about whether we are obligated to stay a JW and try to convert them from the 'inside'.

          • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-18 21:41:12

            Totally agree John, for me to remain within the org and attempt to 'assist' others would be self destruction negative and depressing .... We need to fill our heads with positives and focus on our hope for the future ... Constantly listening to WT propaganda to then decipher it into what is real is exhausting and negative...

            Is there no earthly hope??

            • Reply by Dajo on 2017-03-19 03:31:50

              Hello Karen,
              hopefully this link will work. It is an article Meleti wrote for consideration some weeks ago.
              It's very thought provoking and the comments are as well...
              take care,

              • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-20 17:59:50

                Thank you Dajo much appreciated, I hope another belief is not too badly dashed to pieces, after I have read the article?

              • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-21 18:46:15

                Thank you again Dajo had read the article before however not all the comments as they were not all in at that stage... The comments were especially reassuring and has returned some confidence within me as I hold onto that earthly hope.... Thank you Dajo ...

            • Reply by John S on 2017-03-19 10:30:43

              I know what you mean.

              Personally, I saw WT cracking up years ago, and decided after the end didn't come in 1975 as prophesied, I would just go back to Jesus' instructions primarily, and see what the problem was with my religion. And Bingo! Right from the start I saw the light.

              WT admitted, "Well, actually the Bible...New Testament...was written to and for the anointed."


              The entire emphasis is about becoming one with Father and Son through the re-birth and adoption as sons of the Kingdom. And the First resurrection, or Jesus' return, brings all of those faithful to Christ and then he leads them to the Father to be trained to become the government (loving priests/kings)for mankind which oversees them eternally, not just for a 1000 years. (Dan. 2:44)

              Yes, there is an earthly hope, of course. But Christ has been selecting the sons of the kingdom; 'the harvest is a gathering of the faithful Christians that will go to heaven to be the 'City' whose walls are stones signifying members of this super blessed and privileged-to-serve tested followers and believers. This is the primary stage...selection and testing of the sons of the kingdom. It is the entire theme of the New Testament.

              To throw all the teachings of Christ and the Apostles out, and begin preaching a "Paradise-Earth Hope for all" , is not Jesus ' teaching.

              The Gospel of John taught me this, and more, and the Revelation also.

              Paul, too, emphasized the intimate relationship all Christians should develop. (Rom. 8)

              Jesus actually only taught one way. (John 10)

              WT is a thief, intent on getting the sheep away from Christ, actually, and patterns itself on ancient Jewish worship, which knew nothing of Christ. This is why they hold fast to Hebrew prophets/prophecies.

              There is evidence That Jewish influence was involved with WT in early years of the last century. And look where WT was located? New York, is deeply involved in banking, stock market, and yes...U.N. membership. The corporation appears to me as worldly as any, maybe more than most churches, even.

              (see where Okinawa discusses fallacies of Wt and origins)

              When we read the scriptures...anytime...we get plugged into the holy spirit, and we always receive good truth, tasty and nourishing....and no propaganda to spoil it.


      • Reply by Rufus on 2017-03-17 11:19:03

        Thank you, John S. for your many helpful and insightful comments. The purpose of this article is not to abolish a meaningful annual participation, but to examine whether an annual observance only on an estimated date for the true Nisan 14 was included in the instructions of either Jesus or Paul. Since Jews will observe Nisan 14 on April 10th, could awakened Christians meet and partake together on that night, and then attend and partake with a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses on the declared Memorial date of April 11th?

        As to taxes, the question is how often do you pay your taxes? If you are employed by another, it is with every paycheck. If self-employed, it is quarterly. The annual tax filing is a time for review to establish ones status in the system.

  • Comment by John S on 2017-03-16 09:40:59

    I, too, give a thumbs-up to the essay. I will at the least, do an annual observance at JW-stated times, because I feel we may lose sight of the importance of the observance by doing it as most churches I attend now do; monthly. It seems mundane to many members, obviously, and I feel a strong sense of holiness by the annual observance.

    Many to every church I attended did this, though: substituting grape-juice instead of wine...and white bread cubes or white crackers. I don't like that either.

    I think endeavoring to follow the Jewish instructions of unleavened bread, and wine...and after sundown, is at least trying to remember all the ancient Passover emblems (sinlessness of the sacrificial lamb), and the plight of the delivered Israelites enhances the worship of God's people of ancient days, as well as the new congregation since Christ, the better sacrifice/Passover Lamb was sacrificed.

    A review of the Passover in Egypt which was prophetic of Christ's sacrifice and its benefits to deliver mankind would be a good subject for spiritual discussion also, in a congregational setting I think, as it ILLUSTRATES in a magnanimous way what the sacrifice of Christ will do; deliver Christians and all resurrected mankind from death.

    I see the churches I attend have really lessened the meaning of the Memorial of Christ's death by the watering down of the event, by not keeping it annually, nor in any manner like the Jewish Passover, which was the original signpost pointing to the greater event, and which Jesus, who was the Lamb offered followed in turn.

    So, I will follow his lead, also. But not pressure anyone else to do as I do.

    It has been a very special meal to me this 10 years I have been out of WT, and I really look forward to it, and setting the table every year, and praying and reading my Bible with deep emotion and communion with God and Christ every time annually.

    The WT event, though solemn, falls far short because of not partaking as Jesus said we should, (John 6), but also because it was always a 'hurried-up job'. The JW youth(and many young adults ) couldn't wait to get it over with so they could meet up at McDonald's or some other restaurant afterward for a social gathering that was not remembering anything about Christ at all, so the whole event was non-committal and of seemingly little interest to them, as WT doesn't actually observe it either.

    How sad!

    Satan loves this, doesn't he....The JW Christians have made the most important celebration in history a side-dish, instead of the main event in their Christian worship. It is clearly a command from Christ as a requirement for qualifying for forgiveness of sin. (John 6:53-55)

    • Reply by John S on 2017-03-16 09:48:44

      As an afterthought, I would add that an annual event allows me to look back and analyze and reflect on the past year; how I have lived this year of life, and what changes I will make to be a better Christian the next year. Very important as we humans live a cyclical life based on each annual revolution of our sun.

      It is natural to do this, and all races do, don't you think.

      Yes, I believe annual suits my worship best...(IMO)

    • Reply by amoreomeara on 2017-03-16 11:24:45

      Hi John,

      I agree that the memorial should be treated with reverence and a "worthy manner". I think how often this is done is not so important.

      As you say, there are monthly observers who treat it as mundane as well as annual observers who want to get it over with as quickly as possible. Which is better?

      I am really glad that you value your annual rememberance, but whether other people are as invested as you are is ultimately between them and the Father I suppose. I don't think the frequency is the issue, but their heart.

      After all should the focus be on how often we publically demonstrate our gratitude for Christ's ransom, or the fact that we gratefully accept it wholeheartedly? :-)

  • Comment by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-03-17 08:40:33

    Hi all... this subject has been on my mind for quite some time. Do I attend the observance at my local kingdom hall?

    Months ago I read a blog comment that has ever since disturbed me right down to the core. The comment was "Jehovah's Witnesses have an annual ritual where they reject the body and blood of Christ."

    I can't shake that thought and I realize that in the minds of the rank and file they are not 'rejecting' Christ. They truly believe they are doing what's honorable to Christ, but myself, knowing better now, and feeling very strongly that all are invited to be part of the New Covenant, I don't feel comfortable attending at my local hall. I actually don't know that I can sit there and listen to the speaker read the instructions from the scriptures about partaking and then sit there and watch the bread and wine be passed from person to person and no one be allowed to partake and accept their invite to be part of the New Covenant.

    There is something very off about this annual observance that they perform. Am I being overly concerned? Making more of this than I should? I haven't stepped foot in a kingdom hall since my awakening. When I discovered they weren't 'Truth' like they claimed to be, they immediately became 'False' in my heart.

    I don't know how I should observe it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    • Reply by Rufus on 2017-03-17 09:56:39

      SeasonsofGrace- You identify the dilemma for all Awakened Christians. Do we have an obligations to our brothers to help them "Awake?"

      They spend 1.8 billion hours per year in the "ministry", often trying to place a magazine called "Awake!"

      Nothing will prove more effective to wake them up than seeing holy spirit move thousands more each year to accept the ransom sacrifice and partake of the new covenant. Part 2 will examine their rejection of undeserved kindness by saying "I am not worthy to partake."

      • Reply by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-03-17 11:31:54

        I see your point for sure. But, I do worry that partaking in a public way could actually cause many to stumble too.

        I'm pretty sure my friends and family would hold an intervention to see if I should be committed. Because you know, some who partake are just 'mentally diseased'. And I'm definitely not someone in their minds who would ever be invited by God to share in the emblems.
        Such a dilemma. I'll be anxious to read the next article. Thanks!

        • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-18 21:29:44

          Hello SeasonsOfGrace ... I agree I don't feel it would gain anything other than an intervention order if you were to partake in public.... Most JW's who continue to attend meetings are there because they are firmly entrenched.... IF or WHEN they are awakened I believe it will be something they have been brave enough to open their own minds to... Quietly partaking between you and your God in appreciation for His son I believe will be much more in the spirit this commemoration was intended...

          Thanks again Meleti :-)

          • Reply by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-03-19 10:33:24

            Hi Karen..
            Thank-you for your thoughts.
            I've given this much thought over the weekend. I've decided for myself, that my partaking in a kingdom hall would most certainly distract ones from the whole point of the ceremony. It would put all eyes and attention on me and completely take the focus off of Christ. Which I certainly don't want.

            I am a 'nobody' who's 'spiritually weak' (I immediately left when I woke up.) I'm 'inactive' and have 'left Jehovah'. No one would be influenced positively by my partaking, so for me, I'm going to sit this one out.
            I think it is the best decision for me at this point in time. My concerns are not for myself but my elderly grandfather and my brother who suffers from depression and anxiety. News of me partaking could seriously affect their own physical health and mental state.
            This is just my situation though, and not advice for anyone else.

            I do admire those who feel strongly to partake publicly and confess Christ in that way. One day that may work for me.

            I suppose in all things we do, it should bring honor and glory to God and his Son.
            Thank-you all for your thoughts.

    • Reply by Dajo on 2017-03-17 21:41:18

      Hello SeasonsOfGrace,
      2 yrs ago I was on "the team" that sat up front and paired off to do the passing around. I felt sick to the stomach watching as it was passed along the rows. It's just plain wrong!
      then after that there's this kind of little game of "sit at the end of the row" and pass it back along the servers.. (to also reject).
      I,m going still to some meetings as my wife and grown up son are stil full on.
      I don't know yet if I'll partake publicly but I will be doing it at home with some plain red wine.. maybe shiraz or merlot, or pinot noir. and some unleavened bread.
      This place is the only place I can talk.

      • Reply by SeasonsOfGrace on 2017-03-18 03:46:06

        Hi Dajo!
        Yes! Here's something that always baffled me- (in different cases) the speaker on stage would be offered the bread and wine by the attendant and he would literally hold his hand up in rejection and shake his head no. And NEVER even touch the plate or glass. What is that about ?? Is that not alarming ? I read on another forum where an awakened brother is in contact with a circuit overseer (and wife) who are also fully awake. This couple are in fact now atheists. But because they have no way to support themselves financially they continue to work for the org. Think about that- this couple is promoting false teachings about a God they dont even believe exists!! It's appalling! The more I think about this ceremony, the more ridiculous it becomes in my mind as to the way JWs, or should I say Watchtower dictates the way we commemorate this. I think this year I will probably stay home as well. I'm still learning and am fresh out of the org. I don't know that I'm prepared to handle all the repercussions if I partook in public. I truly don't feel that JW have a monopoly on this commemoration either. Many people will be thinking on the ransom sacrifice and I wonder if local churches in my area will be holding any events? They can't be much more absurd than our ritual. At least you'd be free to partake publicly. Or so I assume.
        Also, just being free mentally from the shackles is a blessing even if you aren't able to be free physically yet. I wish you well brother!

        • Reply by Dajo on 2017-03-19 05:31:23

          Hello SeasonsOfGrace,
          thanks for those thoughts. It is a different experience for each person and one that really tests our patience and self control. My tongue was hard to control.
          Everyone here seems to be applying Jesus words about being careful and innocent. I guess some go atheistic out of confusion and an inability to work out their own salvation.
          Remember though, that Jesus can read hearts and we know and if our Father is "drawing a heart" then all is not necessarily lost.

  • Comment by Karen on 2017-03-18 21:33:52

    Sorry Rufus I did not give credit to your very detailed and well written article .... Many thanks for such a thought provoking article.... How do you all manage to do so much research? I am doing well to keep up with your detailed articles. Well done all who contribute on this site, I am in awe of your eloquence and well thought out articles and comments .... I hope you appreciate how many individuals you are helping with this site

    • Reply by Rufus on 2017-03-22 09:05:23

      Thank you Karen. You keep mentioning "earthly hope" as though Jesus is offering you a choice or a personal decision which way to go. Where is this idea coming from? When 90,000 partook in 1925 (while still celebrating Christmas) it was with the immediately hope of passing through the great tribulation.

      When that failed, Fred Franz, who took away Christmas in 1927 (see next week's CLAM) created a fork in the pathway to the Kingdom, one called the earthly hope that barred your way to the kingdom covenant on the other fork, the heavenly hope. This is scriptural nonsense, and the spirit of the Lord is now calling it out as such.

      There is but one hope - salvation by the ransom of Christ's sacrifice. His simple command to accept this privilege of undeserved kindness is to "take eat" and "take drink" and come into union with him. This is communion - "come into union" with Christ.

      “ To that very end indeed we always pray for YOU, that our God may count YOU worthy of [his] calling and perform completely all he pleases of goodness and the work of faith with power; in order that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in YOU, and YOU in union with him, in accord with the undeserved kindness of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1:11, 12)

      His kingdom is "upon [Grk: epi]the earth." The kingdom will cover the earth the same way your skin [epi-dermis]covers your body. The tent of God will descend and New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven. So you should let Jehovah's purpose for heaven and earth both to be cleansed work itself out in his due time, place and way.

      • Reply by Karen on 2017-03-30 20:42:07

        Hello Rufus I am certainly no scholar and I do not write as eloquently nor am I as studious as many here. I admire all who are able to express themselves as they do with logic and scriptural support ....

        I would not presume that the Son of our Heavenly Father was offering me a personal choice, I'm really not that important ....

        My earthly hope comes from the scriptures themselves, perhaps I do not dig as deeply as others here, however since leaving the WT my view has become to keep it simple... The years of enforced study and inner meanings for this or that has left me overloaded.

        If Jehovah's message is meant for us all then surely it would not require some deep interpretation after years of intense study? Would it not be a simple message of truth and hope, a guide for a way of life here and now as well as our future hope?

        Therefore when I read scriptures such as Matt 6:10 "Let your Kingdom come, let your will be done as it is in heaven, also upon the earth" or Ps 37: 29 "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it" ... I tend to hold on to the very simple belief that is indeed what will happen..

        The heavens belong to God the earth belongs to humankind..

        'That is where that is coming from'

  • Comment by James on 2017-03-19 06:53:54

    Thanks for the article,looks forward to the next.

    I awoke some few years ago, still attend meetings and field service as I can,but shift my focus mainly in promoting Christ.The elders are quite aware i disagree with some teachings.On individual basis I have asked them questions they could not answer,their escape is "wait on Jehovah". I have had issues with close friends and families on this new approach but have asked them simply if it is un-biblical to promote Christ,share the heavenly hope in the ministry since the Watchtower admits the 1935 end date of heavenly calling is wrong.

    For two years now I have also partook of the body and flesh of our savior and will continue, i count it as and act of grace from God and Christ to do so publicly.There is no need to fear JW reaction to partaking, many who have awaken are doing so.Last year alone partakers were over 18,000 from over 14,000 of previous year.

    Its absurd that JW theology discourage partaking. Jesus said in Luke 22:19,20 "this means my body which is to be given(which has now been given) in your behalf.... This cup means the new covenant... which is to be(has now been) poured out in your behalf"

    Whether one lives in "new heaven or new earth"The emblem is in behalf of all who has faith in Jesus.
    I have not attended any other church all my life but do not know at present if any group does it in harmony with the scriptures,nevertheless,those of us who can should pray and partake publicly,lets send a message about our awakening to the GB,as partakers will soon reach a peak of about 20,000,albeit Christ is the reason for partaking.

    The accuracy of date and time may not be an issue, but to deny Christ by not partaking of the emblems may. Names like "mentally deranged, emotional imbalance"should not deter us,even those of the other sheep" has same problem.'

    I am grateful to the Lord Jesus and God the Father for this site, and am happy that the number of article contributors is on the increase,keep up the good work,we will gradually draw others to this site discreetly.All those who comment are appreciated.

    The undeserved kindness (grace) of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. 1 Thess 5:28 NWT

  • Comment by Colette on 2017-03-19 22:51:47

    Jesus was the passover lamb, and would have been sacrificed when the passover lamb was sacrificed. There are a number of verses to support the view that Jesus was sacrificed during the passover preparation, so the memorial must have been before the passover. And Jesus was truly dead for three days, not only parts of three days. He compared his death to Jonah who was in the belly of the fish for 'three days and three nights'. If anyone more info, please ask Meleti for my email address, and I can send an interesting book on the matter.

    As for partaking at the kingdom hall to send a message to the governing body. I was thinking of that last year and came to two conclusions:
    1. It is a personal matter between me and my Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, not a message to prove a point to others.
    2. If you are in 'bad standing' i.e. inactive or disfellowshipped, I understand that you are not counted as a partaker anyway.

    • Reply by Rufus on 2017-03-21 09:30:11

      Once one has made the decision to separate from the Organization (Rev 18:4 "Get out of her, MY PEOPLE"), there is not a practical pathway to relate messages in a group setting to your former brotheRs, the elders or the Governing Body. At that point, your relationship must be to the Christ without benefit of a human intermediator. And that is the role Jesus opened for you.

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