Video: "Russian Supreme Court Renders Unjust Decision!"

– posted by meleti
The day after the Russia Supreme Court announced a ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses, JW Broadcasting came out with this video, obviously prepared well in advance.   When explaining what the ban means, Stephen Lett of the Governing Body did not speak of the tribulation this will bring upon the 175,000 Witnesses across Russia in the form of police harassment, fines, arrests and even prison sentences.  He did not speak of the negative impact this decision could have on the preaching of the Good News as Jehovah’s Witnesses understand it.  In fact, the only negative consequence he highlighted was the liquidation of the Organization's assets and property which will be appropriated by the Government.

After Lett's introductory words, the video then moves to Russia to show how Governing Body member Mark Sanderson, together with a contingent sent from headquarters, strengthened the resolve of the Russian brothers.  Repeated mention is made throughout the video of the letters and prayers offered by the worldwide brotherhood in loving support of the Russian brothers and sisters.  One of the Russian brothers is interviewed and he expresses—on behalf of all—appreciation for the support from the brothers from “New York and London.”  From start to finish, the video emphasizes the support of the worldwide brotherhood and in particular the backing of the Governing Body on behalf of our afflicted Russian brethren.  Notably absent from any discussions involving support, or strengthening of the brothers, or encouragement to endure, is Jesus Christ.  He is barely mentioned at all, and never in any role as our leader, nor as the sustainer of those being persecuted, nor as the source of strength and power to endure under tribulation.  Really, the only significant mention of our Lord comes at the very end when he is pictured with his angels as an avenger.

While we are utterly against any government imposing bans or restrictions on any peaceful religion, and while we deplore the unjust decision taken by the Supreme Court of Russia, let us see this for what it is.  This is not an attack on Christianity, but rather an attack on one particular brand of organized religion.  Other brands may soon come under similar attack.  This possibility has raised the concerns of people outside of the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses.

In the course of the video, the brothers mention that they contacted officials from three embassies in Russia, who reportedly expressed concern about this issue of restrictions on freedom of religion. Not mentioned in the video are the concerns of other religions in Christendom.  Jehovah’s Witnesses are viewed as “low hanging fruit”, and thus the easiest target for an allegedly democratic government desiring to restrict religious freedom, because Witnesses have little to no political clout in the world, and so have little with which to fight against an all-out ban.  It seems that Russia’s concern is with large groups which are outside its control and 175,000 Russian Jehovah’s Witnesses who obey an American leadership as if it were the voice of God worry Russian officials.  However, to one degree or another, the same can be said for the various other evangelical groups active in Russia.

The Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia claims 76,000 adherents.

According to Wikipedia:
Protestants in Russia constitute between 0.5 and 1.5%[1] (i.e. 700,000 - 2 million adherents) of the overall population of the country. By 2004, there were 4,435 registered Protestant societies representing 21% of all registered religious organizations, which is second place after Eastern Orthodoxy. By contrast in 1992 the Protestants reportedly had 510 organizations in Russia.[2]

The Adventist church claims 140,000 members across the 13 countries making up the Euro-Asia Division with 45% of that number found in Ukraine.

All these churches were, together with Jehovah’s Witnesses, banned under the rule of the Soviet Union.  Since its fall, many have re-entered the Russian field, and now see their phenomenal growth as proof of God’s blessing.  Nevertheless, all of them constitute a threat to the hegemony of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The video ends with inspiring words from Stephen Lett that Jehovah will support his people.  What the video portrays is a scenario where Jehovah God is behind everything, Jesus is off to one side, ready to do his Father’s bidding when called upon, and the Governing Body is front and center supporting the needs of the worldwide field.  Throughout the video, not a single Witness expressed faith in Jesus Christ, the true leader of the Christian congregation, nor does a single Witness express any gratitude to Jesus for his continuing support through this crisis. What we have here is a human organization which is under attack and which is rallying support in the name of God from all its members.  We have seen this before in organizations of men, be they religious, political, or commercial.  People come together when there is a common foe.  It can be moving. It can even be inspiring.  But being attacked does not in and of itself prove God’s favor.

The congregation of Ephesus was praised by Jesus for “showing endurance” and for bearing up “for my name’s sake.” (Re 2:3) Jesus praises those willing to give up “houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name.” (Mt 19:29)  He also says that we will be persecuted and “haled before kings and governors for the sake of [his] name.” (Lu 21:12)  Notice that he does not say this is for the sake of Jehovah’s name.  The focus is always on the name of Jesus.  Such is the position and authority which the Father has invested in his Son.

Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot really lay claim to any of this.  They have chosen to bear witness to Jehovah, not Jesus, ignoring the direction from the Scriptures.  As this video shows, they make scant and token mention of the Son, but all their focus is on men, particularly the men of the Governing Body.  It is to the Governing Body that witness is being borne, not to Jesus Christ.

We hope that the Russian government comes to its senses and reverses this ban. We also hope that it doesn’t use its current success against a politically disenfranchised group like Jehovah’s Witnesses to extend its ban to include other Christian faiths.  This is not to say that we support the various brands of organized Christianity at work in the world today.  Rather, we recognize that in fulfillment of Jesus' parable of the wheat and weeds, there must be wheat-like individuals scattered about in these faiths who, despite pressure from their peers and teachers, hold fast to their faith in and allegiance to the Christ.  These ones need our support, just as they already have the support of Jesus.

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  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-04-25 17:25:01

    I do feel for these brothers, though - and maybe I'm romanticizing this - I am envious of a Christianity practiced in private homes in a less formal format. Whatever the case, they're losing their places of worship. Where I take issue with the video was the Uber-focus put on Sanderson's visit, where every single frame of film stock had Sanderson in it somehow, with very little attention given to the common Russian JW who will now spend an indefinite portion of their future living under restrictions and threat of prosecution. This felt like a promo video for the Governing Body. If they were truly interested in shoring up the brotherhood in times of crisis they would have created a similar video during another court case - this one in Australia - a few years ago, had Geoffrey Jackson narrate his experiences in front of the ARC, as well as shown him visiting with the victims of sexual abuse, thus displaying not just Christian compassion, but transparency above all else. With the GB it's become a matter of where the most cameras are, and where the best PR opportunity lies. Satan's media, normally a theocratic whipping boy, couldn't get enough adoration in this Russian Ban video. I find it ironic that one propaganda machine landed in another propaganda machine's court and expected a level of professional courtesy.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-04-25 17:32:53

      Thanks Joseph. You make an excellent point! Where is the JW Broadcasting coverage of the Australia hearings. They believe that the accusations that Witnesses don't handle child sexual abuse properly are the result of lying apostates, misconstruing the truth, so why not cover those hearings with adoring coverage of a visiting GB member there to support the poor, misunderstood Australian brothers experiencing unjust treatment by the government of Australia? The absence of equivalent coverage to that in Russia by JW broadcasting is most telling in itself.

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-04-25 17:49:33

        When I informed someone about the ARC, (they'd never heard of it of course) , they first asked how I got to know of it. When I explained that it is available as a news item in Australia, and this is an official Royal Commission, and can be trusted as factual, this is not created by apostates..... Their answer
        " well, unless it is"

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-04-25 18:14:47

          Really, for such ones, any excuse will do. I know of someone local who, when shown the letter from the UN web site explaining the 10-year membership of the Organization in the United Nations, said that it must have been photoshopped in by apostates. So now the brothers are willing to believe that apostates have hacked the UN web servers. They are willing to believe anything to avoid facing the truth.

          • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-04-26 18:27:30

            Yes I've heard similar reasoning , with regard to a paedophile case involving a local witness , "everybody knows it's not true " despite the guilty verdict, the same person said to me come on 8 million people (the JWs ) can't be wrong , my answer yes but 900 million catholics can be though can't they ,

          • Reply by mailman on 2017-04-28 07:58:46

            All JWs, including myself, have been brainwashed 101. Hence, any evidence that would shed doubt on the organization would be frowned upon. ;-)

        • Reply by Joseph Anton on 2017-04-26 09:04:40

          "I went there to encourage them but instead found myself encouraged BY them." - from Common Platitudes Of A Superman Complex

  • Comment by eve04 on 2017-04-26 18:05:03

    I just watched the video. What I can’t understand, as JW’s we have preached about being persecuted and persecution coming our way for years. Bunker videos this summer-hello. Now that it is happening in Russia it seems to be a surprise and some feel it is unfair and absurd the claims being made. WHAT! Have we not been expecting this? I feel for the Brothers and Sisters because they are being persecuted for false doctrines and don’t realize it? I agree, where is the confidence throughout the whole video of Christ Jesus the true leader and not the GB. As was stated a great international witness was given about JW’s. However, this is contrary to Jesus words at Acts 1:8, You will be witnesses of ME to the most distant parts of the earth.

    There was such indignation by Bro Lett for the confiscation of property. To me property should not have been brought up until the end if concern is really for the Brothers and Sisters.
    I have told several friends that this is not just about JW’s but about an attack on religion. I mentioned what a Senator said, “that Russia’s attack against religion should concern us all” he never singled out JW. Then I shared what I had read in other articles about how other religions can no longer meet together and the persecution being brought against them. Their response basically “no it’s just us because the website did not say it was other religions. So I have decided not to say anything else.

    • Reply by John S on 2017-04-28 09:18:03

      Good points, eve04,

      " As was stated a great international witness was given about JW’s. However, this is contrary to Jesus words at Acts 1:8, You will be witnesses of ME to the most distant parts of the earth."

  • Comment by yobec on 2017-04-25 12:34:52

    Thanks Meleti for the update.
    So in effect, an outcry because the Russian Government disagrees with their teachings and imposes a ban. However the GB will do the same thing to their members who disagree with theirs. HMMM... Looks to me as though both groups are being "haled in front of Governors".

    • Reply by katrina on 2017-04-27 01:02:26

      Well if any good can come out of this, perhaps the JW will read the bible without the WT GB influence and with prayer wake up and become followers and witnesses of Christ not men.

  • Comment by kyaecker on 2017-04-25 12:55:00

    Excellent review Meleti. I watched the video before your review and I must say my perceptive powers need to be further honed as to what is "not" being said as well.

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-04-25 17:44:34

    Meleti, you said the video was "obviously prepared well in advance. "
    My word I must be in cloud cuckoo land because that didn't even register until you said it. Of course!
    So when Joseph Anton commented, " This felt like a promo video for the Governing Body." ... Well that's exactly what it felt like to me too.
    Isn't it sad that we feel this way? Our powers of discernment are keen now. We see through the razzle dazzle and behind the curtain. So although I know I will be accused of being negative and having a poisoned mind by those who have lapped this up and are almost quivering with adoration for the GB and " all they've done for the brothers in Russia", I can't see it for much more than a PR exercise.
    I'm deeply saddened thinking of the difficulty the brothers and sisters will suffer again. However if the Governing Body believe that Jehovah somehow answered prayers so that the brothers in Russia could celebrate the Memorial, it would seem that He saw fit to allow the ban, so does that mean that it was His will after all? Or at least that He is willing to allow it. So was writing letters actually working against Gods will?
    What a tangled web.......

    • Reply by John S on 2017-04-28 10:23:49

      When the holy spirit comes upon sincere JW's who are now waking up, as Daniel foretold, ...many things begin coming to light. Dan.12:4

      That's why I began just re-examining the gospel accounts of Jesus' teachings. That's all I needed to see the truth. I saw it as glaring as opening the window curtains on a sunny day; the light just poured in.

      I immediately saw how WT was not following the master shepherd, and we were all puppets at the mercy of WT strings of false teaching. (John 10)

      The troubles; like this ban in Russia, could just about all be the result of not following Jesus' instructions, and the Apostles'.

      • Reply by mailman on 2017-04-29 03:07:58

        Hi John, brother in Christ. Ironically, JWs are being banned not because of following our Master but because of questionable beliefs and practices - shunning disfellowshipped family members, extreme view on blood transfusion, that other religions are under Satan's control, among other things.

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-04-25 18:17:57

    According to the independent in Britain the charge is one of religious extremism , I ask are the witnesses extreme ? Is it extreme to tell a parent they have to shun their son or daughter , or a child to shun their parents , is it extreme to bar young people from further education , ? Is it extreme to send the elders to a hospital to strengthen the brothers resolve to refuse a blood transfusion , to have so many cases of child abuse unreported to the authorities , to say openly that all other religions apart from their own are satanic . Why do they do and say these things ? It's obviously jut going to make enemies

  • Comment by wild olive on 2017-04-25 21:23:44

    Enjoyed the comments on the "GB promotional video"
    I asked myself what would I do if I was in the position that the GB are in? What if I had the means at my disposal that they have? What scriptures have a bearing on this whole scenario? So here's my take on what's happened to our Russian brothers
    First of all the scriptures.
    Prov 6:2-5 reccomend working to get your brother back on side,now mr Putin is not a brother,but has he been "stormed with importunitys"? What approach has been made to him in person ? Has this even happened? Now wouldn't that be a media circus the GB turning up to see if they could work something out with the man himself,that would be all over JWorg and social media if it had been done.
    Jesus echoed a similar thought in Matt 5:25&26,Luk 12:58&59 and also Luk 18:1-8,take action to settle the matter before it becomes a legal battle,WITH THE PERSON.Now I don't know if that can actually be done,but I would imagine it would be hard for mr Putin to refuse if it's in the public domain that the "leaders" of the WTBTS had turned up to work something out with him.
    This by the way mirrors a similar situation back in the 30s when Adolf Hitler was also building a new Germany ,the then leader of the WTBTS,Joseph Rutherford,asked for the rank and file to write letters,and it seemed to only anger the dictator,both the judge and the present GB seem to be adverse to a personal approach ,that is advocated by Jesus himself.And to me would indicate a real concern for the people,not the assets.So I would approach in person,of course this would mean putting oneself in possible danger,something that neither the judge or the present GB seem to want to do,as was demonstrated by Gerrit Losch,who wouldn't testify when given opportunity to do so,and Geoffrey Jackson,who didn't really want to be in front of the ARC,and now with the situation in Russia they are a no show,true cowards.
    It's also interesting to read the account where Paul was also accused of "extremism"starting in Act 25&26 he ended up following Jesus advice "and speak to Caesar " not try and fight a court battle.
    With these good scriptural examples and sound counsel,I wonder if the whole Russian thing could have been averted,if it had been followed.
    My heart and prayer goes out to those dear rank and file brothers and sisters,who in my opinion,have been thrown under the bus by the leadership.

  • Comment by Colette on 2017-04-25 21:34:44

    Jesus said that a tree is identified by its fruit and that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Clearly the emphasis is on the WT properties, and don't forget that they now own every kingdom hall as well. What a glaring lack of love for the rank and file JW.

    Reminds me of the org's willingness in Chile to have flags at the kh so that they don't have to pay a fine; the willingness to never pray at the meetings or use the bible in field service to give the impression they are not a religion in Mexico so that they can own property; the absolute concern during the Australian Royal Commission's second hearing about whether they will have to pay restitution....

    mmmm, what is the common theme?

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-04-26 09:18:30

    Just a detail. In the video, at about 4:15 mark, Paul Gillies starts talking, saying moments later the following words: "... if there is one group of people that's known for their neutrality, it is Jehovah's people." Now, Paul Gillies is an excellent choice for a one to talk about the neutrality of Jehovah's people. When the witnesses' UN affair exploded, he was the spokesman for the Org in Britain and wrote this letter to the Guardian.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-04-26 09:58:58

      Thanks for making that connection, Tyhik.

      For those who haven't encountered this letter before, it contains a number of--what can only charitably be called--factual errors. (One might wish to give Paul the benefit of the doubt by assuming he is just writing what he was told.)

      The first incorrect statement is that one required NGO status to gain access to the library. Library access has never been restricted to only UN membership. Additionally, the membership application requires a signature and must be resubmitted annually. So the claim that the UN granted membership status to an organization that submitted an unsigned form is ludicrous. Extensive details with references that a viewer can verify personally are available here.

      Of course, what is being overlooked is that even if library access were restricted to member organizations, it doesn't justify breaking neutrality. It's like a man telling his wife he goes to the local strip club because they have a really good collection of National Geographic magazines. When someone gets caught doing something really bad and their first, and continuing, response is to lie to cover their sin--especially when the lies are so easy to uncover--it becomes an issue, not of momentary weakness, but of an overriding character flaw.

      • Reply by John S on 2017-04-28 09:52:18

        " Of course, what is being overlooked is that even if library access were restricted to member organizations, it doesn’t justify breaking neutrality. It’s like a man telling his wife he goes to the local strip club because they have a really good collection of National Geographic magazines. When someone gets caught doing something really bad and their first, and continuing, response is to lie to cover their sin–especially when the lies are so easy to uncover–it becomes an issue, not of momentary weakness, but of an overriding character flaw."


        I must admit, though, IMO....I care less about WT joining the their whole , 'Neutrality', issue is contrived to focus all the attention and funds of WT objectives; campaigning to further membership worldwide.

        Christ made it clear (John 4:24) holy-spirit worship (born again)and HIS teachings (truth) was the only acceptable...or rather...the ultimately profitable spiritually...way to worship.

        Getting involved in politics, people become extreme, and throw Christian qualities of being One with God through receiving the spirit of Christ into their mortal bodies, out the door.

        Many do not know WT is deeply involved in banking, stock trading, and money transfer, etc. To me, this is more onerous a sin than sneaking in the back door to become an NGO. Big Deal.

        Also to me the lie of being the FDS, and pushing Jesus' counsel to follow Him as the true shepherd; BAD, BAD, BAD.

        Like the Pharisees, straining out gnats, gulping camels.

        As far as the ban? WT through almost 100 years now...creates conflict purposely as a means to get ,'press coverage', and a 'persecuted religion' sympathy from the state they're living in.

        WT welcomes, no , has created these very conditions, as they did in the US with flag salute scenarios, witnessing in front of churches and small towns blasting neighborhoods with megaphones atop sound-cars, ranting against, 'false religion'.

        For years this attitude of actual hate and ill-will toward other Christian religions world wide has given us(formerly I was a JW) the name s we all wore; 'cult'...'unloving'..which is entirely true.

        Neutrality....this doctrine grew roots into such Pharisaical laws as 'JW's cannot become policemen, or if they did, they are not qualified to be servants in the congregation.

        It always follows that their elitist and stand-out-as-different attitude, and stinginess in applying any good to other Christian sects, disturbs big name churches with influence, (Russian Orthodox)...and every time brings bans from that government.

        WT knows their game plan only too well. They're not the least bit surprised by a ban in Russia. They welcome it. It always focuses world JW attention on that area, and will bring in sympathy money to boot.

        If any reader wants to see WT has been playing the 'persecution card ' long and hard since Rutherford, order a copy of the book; '30 years a WT Slave'.

        Their 'modus operandi' is revealed by a German brother Max Schnell. He shows how WT used 'self influenced persecution' and trials and death upon its members to grow WT membership from 1920'and through Hitler years.

  • Comment by Rufus on 2017-04-26 09:49:53

    The threat of Russian government action for “extremist” threat to the populace, posed by JW literature and administrative directives over the brothers there, has been a known issue for at least the past two years. The response of the GB was to create the bunker videos and “secret knock” dramas shown world-wide at the summer conventions of 2016.

    The current ban and liquidation of the branch was proposed in January by the Russian Ministry of Justice. The GB waited until 3 weeks before the trial at the Supreme Court level to address the world-wide brotherhood for a letter writing campaign – almost pointless in purpose, except to deliver an extensive list of brothers writing from their home addresses.

    At no time was the actual charge of extremism addressed. Government authorities in Russia and elsewhere have reason to see JW control structure to be extremist, and in need of imposed sanctions for financial compensation for victims, or relaxation in denial of individual religious freedoms for congregation members.

    It has not yet come to the fore that although congregations were legally established as independent legal entities, the GB has recently set up an ecclesiastical hierarchy structure to seize property, bank accounts and control of the congregations. The working organization structure is now similar to the Catholic Church. Elders have been legally identified by the Society as laity, not clergy, untrained to deal with abuse victims in accord with law. The financial consequence of this threatens the future of JW hierarchy. Rev 17 & 18 apply.

  • Comment by Menrov on 2017-04-27 03:18:55

    First, it is good to realize that Rom. 13:4 makes it clear the governments are God's servants. It means, going against them, is going against God. regardless the correctness of the decisions of these servants. It is up to God to judge them, not up to the WT in this case. The bible never says anywhere that a believer MUST gather in a man-made house of worship, regardless the rules of the country. It is a WT rule, jeopardizing the lives of many of its members. If the law says that something is illegal, it is. And if one does not obey, there are consequences. Happens in all countries. The WT had time to appeal in court but eventually lost. Whether one agrees with the law or reasons behind it, is irrelevant. If I am speeding because I believe I have the right to move at a speed I like (freedom to move), I will still be penalized for it. It is a law. David is sometimes used to show that he continued the worship as usual. First, it was his personal choice. Second, he personally accepted the risks. So, if any member of the gb believes it is good to do what David did, then take a plane (paid by donations) and personally go door to door and accept the risks.

    Now, why not just leave the country? Why use the local member to fight the government. Paul did not (Act. 13:51). Matt. 10:14 gives the same advice. Check Act. 14:6. Or Act. 7:29. Joseph and Maria fled to Egypt. Lastly Jo. 10:39,40.
    My point: get out of the country if you are not welcome or when you cannot do what you want without breaking the law. Protect you members who donated all their time and money to you. Give them the freedom to believe and protect themselves. Unfortunately is seems the WT is more interested in their own interest.

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-04-27 04:13:55

    The Jws will see this ban as an attack , on true worship of God , but is this not a straw man argument , I ask is love banned ? Are such emotions as peace joy kindness banned ? Is personal bible study banned ? Who's going to ban these things? Or is it just the man made rules that have infiltrated religion banned ?

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