“My Kingdom is No Part of This World”

– posted by Tadua

[From ws 6/18 p. 3 – August 6 – August 12]

“For this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”​—John 18:37.


This Watchtower article is rare in that there is little mentioned that is clearly scripturally wrong.

That being said there are still points to be discussed. Its thrust according to the conclusion is: “to promote Christian unity in three ways: (1) We put our trust in God’s heavenly Kingdom to correct injustice, (2) we refuse to take sides in political issues, and (3) we reject violence.” (Par.17)

Witnesses as individuals have, by and large, taken these points to heart. But has the Organization itself done so and followed its own council? After all, you would think that an Organization that claims to be God’s one True Organization would have a clean bill of health on all these matters.

In the matter of (3) rejecting violence, the Organization can be given the okay unless you readers know differently.

However, it is not as clear cut with the other elements mentioned.

Has the Organization refused (2) “to take sides in political issues”?

The question really should be: Has the Organization refused to take part in politics? To which we have to state categorically, No. It could also be argued that taking part in politics automatically puts you on one side or another.

In what way have they taken sides? The widely known and documented membership of the United Nations as a N.G.O.[i] (See Identifying True Worship: Part 10 - Christian Neutrality And A thought on the JW.Org / UN Petition letter for a start.)

The other point, (1) “We put our trust in God’s heavenly Kingdom to correct injustice”, also deserves scrutiny.

It can be reasoned that waiting on God's kingdom to correct injustice does not free us from doing likewise when the power to correct potentially lies within one's grasp; but the question becomes, "Where does one draw the line?"

One thing we can say for sure is that Jehovah would not approve of using injustice to correct injustice.  Refusing to obey the superior authorities when no Bible requirement is in question, would not be a divinely approved method for seeking justice.  It follows that being fined for contempt of court for refusing to turn over documents that would help the authorities deal with child sexual abuses can hardly be seen as a fight for justice.  Likewise, lying to the judicial authorities, especially after having sworn an oath before God, would not garner divine approval, whatever one's motives.  (See child sexual abuse policies of JW.org and Squandering an inheritance.)

Does the Organization set the right lead in putting trust in Jehovah to correct injustice? On the evidence, we would have to answer in the negative. Not only that they continue to allow injustices to be perpetuated within the Organization. They hypocritically will call the police on peaceful protesters outside Kingdom Halls and assembly venues, but are not prepared to do the same even they have evidence of sexual predators within their ranks. Such actions lead one to the inevitable conclusion that rather than seeking justice, they strive to protect the position and status. (John 11:48)

Jesus' attitude to independence movements (Par.3-7)

John 6:27 cited in paragraph 5 records Jesus as saying “Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life, which the Son of man will give you; for on this one the Father, God himself, has put his seal of approval.”

All food whether literal or spiritual that comes from men perishes. Man’s understanding changes, but God’s word remains unchanged. We should therefore get “the food that remains for everlasting life” directly from its source, God’s Word, heeding Jesus' commandments since he is the one whom the Father has approved to give us spiritual food. (Matthew 19:16-21, John 15:12-15, Matthew 22:36-40, John 6:53-58)

Paragraph 6 cites Luke 19:11-15 in which Jesus gives a parable about a man of noble birth going away to obtain the kingly power before returning a long time later. He gives no indication that his followers should attempt to hasten that time, or attempt to rule in his name in the meantime. When Peter attempted to protect him against arrest, “Jesus said to him: “Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” It would therefore be reasonable to conclude that it would be against the words of our Lord Jesus to fight and kill in his name.

How did Jesus face divisive political issues? (Par. 8-11)

Paragraph 8 mentions the case of Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector of Jericho, who had become rich by extorting money from the people. (Luke 19:2-8). Notice what he did on becoming a Christian. He recompensed those whom he had wronged, by not only returning what he extorted but paying compensation on top.

What a contrast to the position taken by the Organization in Australia. (See Squandering an inheritance)

At the time of this writing, instead of voluntarily offering compensation to victims of child sexual abuse already reported to the Organization and offering an apology, it appears that money is being sent out of Australia by the Organization, with no plans for compensation being made. It now falls to the victims to launch a legal case.  Clearly, no apology has been given and neither have radical steps been taken to minimize the chance of any future victims.

Paragraph 11 highlights an issue that deserves more coverage: that of racial prejudice in people’s hearts. A sister giving her experience says “I did not realize that the causes of racial injustice had to be uprooted from people’s hearts. When I began to study the Bible, however, I realized that I had to start with my own heart”.  In my experience brothers and sisters compared with non-Witnesses, do not have a markedly different attitude to others of another race even if they are fellow Witnesses. The vast majority seem to have the same prejudices as the general population. It even extends to elders always blaming a foreign language congregation for problems and breakdowns of Kingdom Hall equipment and fittings without proof.

So what do the Scriptures say about how one should treat a foreigner. Exodus 22:21 says  “And you must not maltreat an alien resident or oppress him, for YOU people became alien residents in the land of Egypt.”  Exodus 23:9 and Leviticus 19:34 cautions “And you must not oppress an alien resident, as YOU yourselves have known the soul of the alien resident, because YOU became alien residents in the land of Egypt.” Similar words are found in Deuteronomy 10:19, and Deuteronomy 24:14. The Israelites therefore were not meant to copy the attitudes of the nations around them, but rather treat an alien resident as one of their own brothers.

Return your sword to its place (Par.12-17)

Paragraph 12 highlights a problem that was endemic among the Jewish religious rulers and older men of the Jewish nation at the time of Jesus. The problem was the greed and desire for power turned them into politicians and ones who curried favour with the ruling Roman politicians. “Jesus warned his disciples: “Keep your eyes open; look out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” (Mark 8:15)”

Jesus warned those who were to take the lead in the congregation not to be infected by the greed for power and control that had corrupted the minds and hearts of the Pharisees.  A sound warning for the men of the Governing Body and the elders who serve under them.  Or is it too late?  Such ones claim the title of princes for themselves, applying Isaiah 32:1 to the modern day JW authority structure. (See Identifying True Worship: Part 10 - Christian Neutrality And A thought on the JW.Org / UN Petition letter for a start.)

Interestingly, this conversation took place not long after the occasion when the people wanted to make Jesus king” (Par.12)

Jesus of course refused, but in our modern day not only have people been happy for ‘kings’ to rule over them in the political arena, but also in the religious arena. Who many of these are presumptuous self-appointers?  The Organization is a prime example. Recently, a small group of self proclaimed ‘chosen ones’ have elevated themselves to the divine appointment as Jesus' faithful and discreet slave, and thus claim authority over the flock.

Paragraph 13 highlights what these first century rulers did.

The chief priests and the Pharisees planned to kill Jesus. They saw him as a political and religious rival who threatened their position. “If we let him go on this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation,” they said. (John 11:48)” (Par.13)

If you are a Jehovah's Witness preparing for this week's Watchtower study, as you read this, do you feel safe in believing that the Organization is different from the chief priests and Pharisees of Jesus' day?  Do you think: "Oh, we would never do anything like that!"


Do you believe that if Jesus walked into a kingdom hall clothed as an ordinary man (He was a carpenter's son, remember?) and began to say that the doctrines of overlapping generations, and 1914, and eternal death for all killed at Armageddon, and the teaching that most Christians should not embrace the calling to be children of God—if he said all this, do you think he would be welcomed?  Or, do you believe that this Jesus we depict would be listened to and embraced with open arms if he criticized the policy of shunning child abuse victims just because they no longer want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

Any honest JW knows that if you speak against any teaching of the Governing Body—especially if you are using the Bible to prove your point—you will be brought before a judicial committee who will decline to consider the Scriptural evidence with you, but who will only be interested in knowing if you will change your mind and conform.

Any honest JW can also attest to the fact that if you associate and comfort a shunned (disassociated) child sexual abuse victim, you will be judged as divisive and disobedient to the direction of "the faithful slave" and told to join the rest in shunning the individual, or be disfellowshipped yourself.

We cannot kill people for obeying the Christ instead of the Governing Body. The closest we can come is to kill them socially, and this the Organization does thousands of times every year.  And they do this because people who one would consider to be loving in most areas of life, surrender their Bible-trained conscience to the will of a few men and join in the "killing" process.

All witnesses who join in the shunning and persecution of the innocent make themselves culpable before God.  They are no different from the crowd stirred up the chief priests and Pharisees who cried out: "Impale him! Impale him!" (Mark 15:10-15)

Let us hope they come to regret their past actions and seek repentance like some of that same crowd did. (Acts 2:36-38)


[i] NGO  = Non Governmental Organization.

[ii] See Dubtown – The covert op – secret recording of elders meeting (You Tube video of Lego animation – Kevin McFree). An eye opener! And highly amusing portrayal.

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  • Comment by Menrov on 2018-08-08 14:59:14

    The whole premise is wrong as there is not one single verse that says the Gods Kingdom is the solution for all injustice. God rules in heaven and there was injustice with Satan. Jesus said the kingdom is among the listeners when he was on earth and there was still injustice. The WT is selling an unfounded fantasy about Gods Kingdom.

    Par.2 present so-called trends without any support from independent sources to confirm the statements. It says also in par. 2: As the Bible foretold, people of all sorts are “not open to any agreement” during these last days. How flexible or open is WT open to "agreements". Hypocritical.
    “Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life,” he told them.​—John 6:25-27. This is completely taken out of context. Jesus was saying He is the bread for everlasting life, People should believe in Him. Nothing to do with making a political career.
    “My Kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) He would not get involved in politics, for his Kingdom was to be a heavenly one. He told Pilate that his work on earth was to “bear witness to the truth.”​—Read John 18:37. Again taken out of context. Pilatus was saying: Your own people and your chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?”. Your Own People and Your Chief Priests. Jesus made it clear that He was not King over them. He was not a King or ruler like Pilatus. It has nothing to do with taking sides in a political climate. Jesus has his own objectives and these did not match with what Pilatus had in mind.

    “People in our area are becoming more and more radical,” notes one traveling overseer.
    So, one overseer who has his own opinion about an area in this world we have no knowledge of.
    They look to God to solve injustice and the other problems we face.” Really? So no more millions of donated dollars anymore to lawyers to defend the WT in all their problems?????

    I did not realize that the causes of racial injustice had to be uprooted from people’s hearts. I am so glad that there were people that actually did something about the racial injustice and did not wait for a change in heart in people, which can take forever to happen.
    That reference to Herod likely refers to the party followers of Herod. Politically, the Pharisees supported Jewish independence. … O h yes, likely.....
    Matt. 16:12 says indeed: 12 Then they understood that he had not told them to be on guard against the yeast in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
    So, who are acting as the Pharisees and Sadducees in this organization??

    Moreover, if the WT is true to its own words, why fight legal battles, why not paying tax but benefit from tax exemptions and have a treasurer in place to manage this to the benefit of the organization? Don't they know that taxes are also used to the benefit of all people in the society and not just to the benefit of 8 men?
    Regarding division: division starts where people stop sharing because one group believes the other group is not entitled to know, like elders vs rank and file (i.e. secret elders book).

    I could go on, not healthy for me. I did it to show that also this study article is very hypocritical. I wonder how David, who worked for a ruler, would feel when he would read this article on political neutrality. And some others.

    • Reply by huang on 2018-08-11 12:56:30

      Jesus did not aligned himself with any independence movements (par 3)
      Came not to reform human governments but to replace them with God’s kingdom. Ironically although Jesus did not live by politics he died by politics

  • Comment by huang on 2018-08-08 01:25:08

    Image at paragraph 7 (Is your focus on the world’s problems or on God’s Kingdom?)
    Jdubs urge to tune out the world, the news, the child sexual abuse cases- all "apostate lies". Just stay tuned to JW Broadcasting and live in bubble of blissful ignorance in JDub land.

  • Comment by John of ARC on 2018-08-05 16:32:08

    On JW’s political investment involvement, I wrote this on another forum recently:

    In the US, the courts play a role that political institutions and processes fill in Europe and other places. JW gladly make use of courts to create/develop legislation. To do the same in Europe, you would to a larger extent make the legislation by means of political processes. So the difference between politics and court actions could depend on where you are. Also, the courts are considered one of the pillars in power sharing (ref. Montesquieu): the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Consequently, the JW’s aggressive use of the legislative branch could be considered political activism.

    • Reply by Alithia on 2018-08-06 04:36:12

      On point Johnny! The Org is so hobbled by their own "wisdom" such as narrowly defining the different categories of Satan's world as only to the business, religious and political branches that they are clueless and powerless to join the dots around the many other features that make up this intricate and intertwined devilish system such as to also include the judiciary.

      In fact in Australia the judiciary on a regular basis trumps the Government when they want to act in a certain way when it is found to be unconstitutional. Over in the land of Apple Pie too, I see on the news regarding President Trumps failed efforts to land one of his policies due to the styming by the powerful judiciary system. I agree that the use of the judiciary of Satan's system is in no way different to using any political arm of Satan's world. Same stuff only different label.

      But JWs GB Org Masters are expert when it comes to ironies, juxtaposition, oxymoron, paradox and contradictory statements! They are so reminiscent of a school novel called "Animal Farm".

      Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union.

      Basically the novel begins with the animals conspiring to rid themselves of their overlords (human masters) and the pigs are the "smart"ones who lead the conspiracy. The 4 legged kind they conclude are so much smarter and superior to their 2 legged overlords the humans.
      Not long after the pigs have their victory but then go on to assert their superiority over the other animals. On one occasion the other animals creep up to the pigs who have separated themselves from the general farm animals, having a kick up one night, and from the cover of the bushes the animals were shocked as they could see the pigs sipping champers like the humans, standing on their hind legs and singing 4 legs good, 2 legs better!!! Perhaps this was the latest new light!!!

      The GB and their explanations and behaviour is so passe, however they want to describe it, or explain it away as new light or someone else's wrong conclusions is appallingly just another re-packaged example of man dominating man to his injury.

      • Reply by John of ARC on 2018-08-06 09:44:33

        Thanks for sharing recap of Animal Farm :-)
        If you enjoy Orwell, I can recommend his essay linked below. (I have posted it on Beroens before, as it illustrates well how JWs are a totalitarian community).


        This is a relatively recent commmentary on the essay:


      • Reply by Tadua on 2018-08-07 05:42:38

        Hi Alithia and John of ARC
        Both of you may be pleased to know that ‘Animal Farm’ features a small part in an upcoming review. As you point out its allegory is very applicable to the Organization!

        • Reply by Alithia on 2018-08-07 07:24:50

          Looking forward to it Tadua and thanks to you John of Ark, I read those reviews on the links you included and it gave me a better idea around totalitarian dictatorships and the reasons behind them having to bend the truth and re-write history, and make up things as they go along. I particularly loved the following lines.

          "The Catholic and the Communist are alike in assuming that an opponent cannot be both honest and intelligent. Each of them tacitly claims that ‘the truth’ has already been revealed, and that the heretic, if he is not simply a fool, is secretly aware of ‘the truth’ and merely resists it out of selfish motives".

          Man did that line resonate with me??????!!!!!

          I often wonder how much of the GB and what they preach and stand for is deliberate and conscious and how much is unconscious??? On the road they have gone down I seem to come to the only conclusion that it is of demonic origin as much as anything else in this Satanic world!

          • Reply by John of ARC on 2018-08-07 09:57:31

            Admittedly, Orwell and reading old literature from the Society did much more harm in may faith in JWs than Ray Franz ever did.

            I have just finished reading “the nations shall know that I am Jehovah”, which was published in 1971 and written by Fred Franz. It established that the FDS is indeed prophetic (our time “Ezekiel class”), and twice did the book predict Armageddon to arrive in the 20th century. Jesus’ selecting the FDS in 1919 is littered around in the book to justify its prophetic status, and it’s claim as prophet is established with what Rutherford taught and preached in 1920, without mentioning that his messages back then was mainly a failed prediction; the end to come in short time, and that 1925 would mark the resurrection of Abraham et.al. The quotations used in the 1971 book is highly selective of the text it refers back to from the Golden Age in 1924. The blatent distortion of history from the early 20ies in 1971 is almost like Stalin erasing Trotsky from imagages of him appearing with Lenin (camerads Napoleon vs Snowball).


            I have come to the conclusion that the GB knows much more of its history and are very much culpable of knowingly distort truth and history. This is also shown by how they handle information concerning child sexual abuse vis-a-vis its own members (ref. November 2017 broadcast with Breaux) and how they try to curtail the R&F’s access to external sources (ref. Watchtower July, 2017 on propaganda, and other current WT articles).

  • Comment by Alithia on 2018-08-05 18:17:49

    The Org proudly asserts that they at the forefront when it comes to demonstrating the christian qualities of Christs coming kingdom, such as the injustice of attitudes and actions of racial prejudice, citing large conventions where people of all backgrounds congregate together in peaceful harmony.

    I was shocked by what I learnt from the JWs brothers, about 20 years ago when there was generally a large influx of white South Africans to Australia due to the disruption caused by the policy of apartheid boeing dismantled and the political and social push for affirmative action to have black people entrained into the system of politics and socially integrated into society in every way possible, such as business leadership etc.

    I was shocked because I would ask many of the brothers who came over around the conditions there with the brotherhood. (black, coloured and white). My wife and I always wondered why the Org never said anything about this "hard basket " apartheid, other than to "discuss" the situation and recommend against mixed marriages (feigning concern where people of different backgrounds could increase the aggravation this could cause in a marriage hence a marriage from similar backgrounds is recommended) and strict obedience to governmental directives in respect to apartheid. As if obedience to the superior authorities was ever of any real concern to the Org.

    I was told that for years and years, at conventions the whites would be served first by the blacks at lunch and only then afterwards when the white brothers were served would the blacks come and be served at the cafeterias when they used to serve food at assemblies! The brothers telling these stories, completely unfazed by this commentary/behaviour, told us there was a standing joke amongst the brothers, black and white, that in the new system the whites would take the initiative to serve the blacks first at the conventions! Haaa Haaa, Wooo Hooo, how amusing for the black brothers, so sensitive to the christians obligation to treat everybody the same as ones brother and sisters!!! Apparently this was so as to not stir up controversy amongst the"worldly" whites around apartheid!!!!

    I draw attention to the apostle Paul who immediately faced up to Peter and called him out on his duplicity when he withdrew from eating with the Gentile Christians when the Jewish Christians came to town! Paul knew of the agitation that would be caused when Jews ate with Gentiles and how this could affect the authorities wish to maintain peace in town and there was also the possibility of more Jews putting faith in Jesus being stumbled by having to commune with the Gentiles, however there was no compromise! Not with Paul because you see he was a Christian. A real Christian. Unlike the weak and beggarly, sycophantic, GB/Org imitators of the their father the devil. We are all supposed to be brothers, equals, and show each other the respect that they deserve no matter what the consequences. What happened to scriptures like consider the others as superior to you or the book of James where the poor were discriminated against or where Paul said that the elect have no female or male of free man or slave etc, all are equal before God!

    I think this is such an untold story that has been under the carpet for so long that it is another major flaw in the Orgs long and sordid history of pulling the wool over the eyes of everyone like the Malawi and Mexico debacles etc etc!

    I could relate so many stories of how ethnic racial prejudice was present in SA Bethels and the Org for years! Never did or say anything to upset the work over there, only to justify their lame, insipid and cowardly actions! It took the "worldly" people of other religions and persuasions to stand up with courage and try to do something about relieving the injustices of apartheid.

    There was no need for political agitation or involvement by the Org, just act like Jesus would have. Remember when the Pharisees accused Jesus of consorting with sinners and prostitutes? Jesus did not care about what others thought, he wanted to get the message across of how his Father thought about things. Obviously the Org had a different view. But to so loudly proclaim and attribute to themselves something they were so remiss over is stomach turning!

    The Org talks the talk but when it comes to actions they only have demonstrated that their position and power over others is paramount in any decisions they make, the individual never features in any of their decisions, the record is there set in stone in SA at least. Great shame on them. Still even to date they have not published the changes this has made to the integration of the brotherhood there, as if it has been O.K all this time. Again shame on them all. Their conscience is as branded by a hot iron unable to consider they have failed the test of citizenship in Gods Kingdom in nearly every way possible!

    I spoke with Wild Olive today who verified these accounts and intended to add some more!

    By the way he is in possession of a "secret weapon" called a "Chain Bible". Before I invest in one does anyone else know about these ??? They seem very handy when it comes to personal study.

    • Reply by John of ARC on 2018-08-06 01:46:10

      Thanks for sharing the SA story, Alitha. Disturbing as it is interesting and telling.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2018-08-06 06:02:20

        If I could add a bit to Alithias story. My family comes from South Africa, we were living there in the late 60s , I remember quite clearly the home that was used by one of the elders for meetings, it was an isolated group in kwazulu. A number of Bantu brothers attended, but they were not to come in through the front door, they had to give the appearance of been servants, so they could only enter through the back door,so as not to cause controversy with the local white population, I remember this to be quite acceptable, as servants didn't use the front door to any property, hardly a stand against racism.

    • Reply by Truth_seeker on 2018-08-06 02:50:35

      Thank you for your report, Alithia. I love 'race'. I think it makes life exciting to see the different peoples on our planet, watch their beautiful, God-given bodies move! I have to be reminded from time to time, however, that I am white and do not experience much negativity to my skin colour. While I celebrate race, it disturbs me deeply when anyone experiences prejudice. It isn't fair. I do all I can to help people appreciate their own precious value, but there is a lot of evil out there to combat. Keep hoping for the true New Order. I still believe we'll make it to the Promised Land, but through many tribulations.

  • Comment by Truth_seeker on 2018-08-06 02:29:49

    'Killing me softly with their song'. The Society purports to abhor violence, but does not shy away from using psychological violence to their own ends.

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