Where are Your Eyes Looking?

– posted by Tadua

[From ws 7/18 p. 12 – September 10 – 16]

“To you I raise my eyes, you who are enthroned in the heavens.”​—Psalm 123:1

Where are your eyes looking? This is such a vital question.

If it is to Jehovah and Jesus Christ then that is commendable and vital. It will also be without disappointment. As Romans 10:11 states in context referring to Jesus Christ: “For the Scripture says: “None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.”” (See also Romans 9:33).

If it is to men, whatever they claim to be, even if they claim to be God’s representatives on earth, then we need to remember the warning words of Jeremiah 7:4-11. In part it says “Do not put YOUR trust in fallacious words, saying, ‘The temple [earthly organization] of Jehovah, the temple [earthly organization] of Jehovah, the temple [earthly organization] of Jehovah they are!’  5 For if YOU will positively make YOUR ways and YOUR dealings good, if YOU will positively carry out justice between a man and his companion,  6 if no alien resident, no fatherless boy and no widow YOU will oppress, ….. , I in turn, shall certainly keep YOU residing in this place, in the land that I gave to YOUR forefathers, from time indefinite even to time indefinite.”’” 8 “Here YOU are putting YOUR trust in fallacious words—it will certainly be of no benefit at all”.

Although Jeremiah was referring at that time to natural Israel the principle remains that any religion or individual that relies on claims to be God’s representative or God’s organization on earth is making a false claim. All the more so if injustice is to be widely found within that group in particular against the vulnerable ones such as children and widows and orphans.[i]

This article is also one for which it is difficult to understand the aim. Its theme is “Where are your eyes looking?” Yet 16 of 18 paragraphs are spent examining the mistake Moses made which led to him missing out on entry to the Promised Land. Arguably Moses was one outstanding individual who kept his focus on serving Jehovah when all around him with the exception of a few lost their focus. Focusing on the one slip-up he made seems disingenuous. It also is very negative, given that most of us would never contemplate that we could be as faithful as Moses, drawing so much attention to his slip up could easily discourage so many. It is human nature to reason, if Moses couldn’t keep his focus and failed to enter the promised land then there is no hope for me, so why bother to try? Furthermore, a distraction is a temporary distraction not a change of focus. It is humanly impossible to keep our physical eyes on one thing for any length of time without blinking or being temporarily distracted, but that does not negate that there is a subject of our concentration.

With these thoughts in mind let us consider this week’s article.

Paragraph 2 contains a good reminder when it says: “we daily need to search God’s Word to ascertain what Jehovah’s will is for us personally and then to follow that direction.” Indeed, that is the only place we will find God’s will accurately recorded.

Ephesians 5:17 (cited) implores us “Because of this, you should not be foolish (senseless ones), but you should be comprehending what the will of the Lord is.” (Interlinear).

A faithful man loses a privilege (Par.4-11)

This section discusses Moses and the events which lead up to him losing the privilege of entering the Promised Land.

Numbers 20:6-11 shows that Moses looked to Jehovah for direction, but despite being given clear instructions Moses allowed the irritation and frustration of dealing with the Israelites get to him and his resulting actions displeased Jehovah.

Paragraph 11 is completely speculation. At least it concludes by saying “we cannot be certain.” One serious problem with this speculation is that we do not know for sure where the places Israel camped during their wandering in the wilderness are situated. 3,500 years of climate change, erosion, decay and man’s changes have obscured what little evidence there was to begin with. As a result it is dangerous to speculate that ‘here he struck granite’ and ‘here he struck limestone’.

How Moses rebelled (Par.12-13)

The information we can be sure of is that in the Bible record. Talking about Moses and Aaron, Numbers 24:17 says “inasmuch as YOU men rebelled against my order in the wilderness of Zin at the quarrelling of the assembly, in relation to sanctifying me by the waters before their eyes. These are the waters of Merʹi·bah at Kaʹdesh in the wilderness of Zin.”

Therefore, according to the book of Numbers it was because Moses did not sanctify Jehovah before Israel. Psalm 106:32-33 which is quoted (par.12) also says about Moses “They embittered his spirit, and he spoke rashly with his lips.” Finally, Numbers 20:24 says regarding Aaron and Moses “that YOU men rebelled against my order respecting the waters of Merʹi·bah.”

The cause of the problem (Par.14-16)

Once again, we enter the land of speculation. After quoting Psalm 106:32-33 again, paragraph 15 speculates “Yet, it is possible that after dealing for decades with the rebellious Israelites, he had become tired and frustrated. Was Moses thinking mainly of his own feelings instead of how he could glorify Jehovah?” Yes, it is entirely possible he became tired and frustrated with the Israelites. Just like a parent would with a child like the nation of Israel. However, the question is pure conjecture. It could just as easily have been (note: my speculation) a moment of a rush of blood to the head, seeing red, the straw that broke the camels back, and he lost his self control. It is unlikely that thinking came in to it. Instead of speculation all of us should stick to the facts.

The issue is that the article needs such speculation to make its point and in doing so imputes actions and motives to Moses which it has no right to do.

Avoid being distracted by others (Par.17-20)

We finally get to what the article wants to get across in the last three paragraphs.

Paragraph 17 discusses putting up with frustration.

The questions asked include “When faced with frustrating situations or recurring personality conflicts, do we control our lips and our temper?”  We are then told “If we keep looking to Jehovah, we will show him due respect by yielding to his wrath, patiently waiting for him to take action when he deems it necessary”. It is true that for the greater part we can only make changes to our own attitude not that of others. It is also true that we should allow Jehovah to take revenge for us when we are wronged. But that is not an excuse for keeping silent and allowing wrongdoing and injustice to continue, especially among an organization that claims to be God’s Organization. Would Jehovah allow injustice to continue because he had not communicated a simple instruction to his representatives? A loving God would not do that, and God is Love. Therefore, it stands to reason that the problem must be with the ones claiming to be his representatives. How can we be “disrespecting Jehovah” by raising awareness of the teaching of a wrong understanding of his word. How can it be “disrespecting Jehovah” to respectfully ask the organization for a correction in teaching to be made? After all the organization claims to be God’s Organization on earth teaching only truth.

Paragraph 18 deals with the old chestnut of following the latest directions from the Organization.

It says “Do we faithfully follow the latest directions that Jehovah has given us? If so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past. Rather, we will be quick to follow any new direction that Jehovah provides through his organization. (Hebrews 13:17).” Where does the Bible say there will be an almost continual stream of new directions, many contradicting previous instructions? Jehovah does not have inspired prophets today that transmit his instructions. So how does Jehovah give us instructions today?

The mechanism by which they claim to receive this instruction is shrouded in mystery, perhaps deliberately so. But when they write “Jehovah” they want the reader to mentally substitute “God’s Organization” which is what they claim to be. Allegedly the instruction is somehow mysteriously given when the Governing Body pray for guidance at their meetings. However the article’s they consider are written by the writing department (which at least in the past included non-anointed women)[ii] and have already been written. The Holy Spirit was given out to young and old, male and female in the first century, not just the 12 disciples. Yet today the Organization would claim we are continuing the work start back then. If this is the case then surely the Holy Spirit would be distributed in a similar way. To everyone, not a handful of men.

The final sentence of this paragraph reminds us “At the same time, we will be careful that we “do not go beyond the things that are written.” (1 Corinthians 4:6)”.  As Jesus said about the Pharisees and scribes of his day, “Therefore all the things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds.” (Matthew 23:3) The modern-day Governing Body tell us not to go beyond what is written, yet in this very Watchtower article they do exactly that by blatantly speculating and the building their main point on that very speculation. It is even more cynical when they know full well that most Witnesses will accept the speculation as fact. Listening to the audience’s answers when this article is studied in the congregation will prove this assertion to be true. See paragraph 16 for this example.

Paragraph 19 is about not letting others actions stop us from serving Jehovah by which they mean the Organization.

As many of our readers are slowly awakening, or now awake to the errors and erroneous claims of the Organization, nonetheless we need to endeavor not to turn our backs on Jehovah and Jesus Christ as a result, something that would be easy to do with all the disappointment and mixed emotions, and the treatment by those we counted as friends.

The paragraph concludes “But if we truly love Jehovah, nothing will stumble us or separate us from his love.​—Psalm 119:165; Romans 8:37-39.” Romans 8:35 actually asks “Who will separate us from the love of the Christ?” Romans 8:39 says “nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” So, this passage of scripture is talking about God’s love for mankind as manifested in Christ Jesus. Yes, we should not forget that we cannot love God without showing love for his son Jesus who reflects God’s love in all his actions on behalf of mankind.

Even as Jesus said in John 31:14-15 “And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of man must be lifted up, that everyone believing in him may have everlasting life.” Likewise, as in Moses day looking at the copper serpent was necessary for life, so believing in the Christ and looking to him as our savior is required to gain everlasting life.

So, who are our eyes looking to? Should we not answer, Jesus Christ? Especially if we do not want to show disrespect for Jehovah’s arrangement of things for salvation through faith in Jesus.


[i] Injustice abounds with regards to the judicial committees and their rulings. There is no requirement to stand aside from a judicial committee even if the elder has a vested interest in a particular outcome of the proceedings whether in favor or against the accused. Yet even the world has a requirement in most countries for Judges and jurors to declare conflicts of interest and step aside.  As repeatedly mentioned the sexual abuse of a child requires two witnesses to take action, yet circumstantial evidence is all that is required for ‘proof’ of adultery or fornication. (See question from readers: July 2018 Watchtower Study Edition p32). The list can go on and on.

[ii]The writer is not objecting to women writing articles or researching for them, simply that the reality is not what is suggested by the implication of the projection that the Governing Body are responsible for ‘new truths’. They are often only responsible in as much as they pass articles for publication.

Barbara Anderson, writer and researcher, 1989-1992. See also this abridged story by Barbara Anderson herself.

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  • Comment by John of ARC on 2018-09-10 03:38:14

    I am fascinated how the GB can produce guidelines extending way beyond what is written. Apparently, they have insight into knowledge that other Christians do not have. E.g. one cannot find Biblical fundament for how JW executes their judicial committees. Yesterday, it occurred to me that making the claim that they can produce “new guidelines” that people today must follow to receive God”’s blessing (cf. WT March 2016), is actually saying that they have access to esoteric knowledge. I.e. not very Christian in nature, which should be available for infants to understand.

  • Comment by if ever on 2018-09-09 22:58:15

    The object of this study article was clear to me. It hit some raw nerves with me.

    Two main points:

    First, I find the description of Moses in verse 19 as grossly disrespectful to Moses the man. The comment -"This is especially important if, like Moses, we have a measure of responsibility in God’s organization."

    What measure of responsibility does the Governing Body have in God's organization today? According to them they are the sole custodians of Christ's interests on earth.

    What measure of responsibility did Moses have? Numbers 12:7 all God's house.

    Therefore, how are we like Moses having a 'measure' of responsibility in God's Organization? Why do the writers of this magazine think Moses had a measure?

    The view of us as individuals, as opposed to the ones having a full measure of responsibility for authoring this magazine.

    I noted the paragraph 16 where it says "If such a faithful prophet as Moses could be distracted and stumbled, the same thing could easily happen to us." Then at the end of the study in paragraph 19 - "But if we truly love Jehovah, nothing will stumble us or separate us from his love." I was greatly upset by the whole tone of the study article as the direction of the article in my eyes was to promote obedience to the Governing Body and all that emanates from it.

    If we truly love Jehovah we will stumble, fall short and regain out footing. To say we will never stumble is hypocritical. This self proclaimed unapologetic organization has stumbled many.

  • Comment by Rufus on 2018-09-10 09:29:40

    Barbara Anderson gives a full description of her activities in the Writing Dept on her website: http://watchtowerdocuments.org/barbaras-bethel-resume/#more-6424

    She relates sitting in the audience for the 1992 District Assembly, listening to her husband deliver the manuscript talk that she put together:

    "I did all the research (and contributed text) for the 1992 Sunday afternoon District Assembly public lecture assigned to writer Harry Peloyan by Ted Jaracz. The subject was on John 1:1 discussing “Jesus, the ‘light’ of the world,” which was a very “spiritual” lecture. While I sat in the audience at a convention in Virginia listening to my husband give the lecture, I wondered what the elders in the audience would think if they knew that a woman put together practically the entire lecture."

    Most JWs are not aware that Mrs Charles Taze Russell (Maria Frances Ackley) was a founder of the Zion's Watchtower, being Sec.-Treasurer as well as senior writer-editor. She signed many of her articles as "Mrs C T R" leaving no doubt as to her authorship. After 13 years she broke with C.T.R. over many issues, including his changing her article texts. She also was a co-author of the first four volumes of "Millennial Dawn."

    After Pennsylvania Courts sided with her, Watch Tower of PA was reorganized in Brooklyn, NY as Watchtower of NY, and the titles of the books were changed to "Studies in the Scriptures."

    The first four Presidents of WT all had unusual relationships with women that affected the published view of women's role and abilities. Samuel Herd of the Governing Body famously maintained this position, based on cranial volume alone. That shows the low level of thinking and analysis directing the JW Congregations today.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-09-10 05:51:43

    Very much to the point, Tadua.

    How can they claim to be God's organisation and then effectively deny it at the ARC into child abuse ?
    Are there latest directions ? Indeed there are. They are all in the Bible. Maybe the odd clarification is required, but the Bible's principles stand the test of time, if they are allowed to.

    It is a cop out to suggest that we should ignore things when WT refuses to explain their position when the Bible clearly disagrees, when they reply with an answer "focus on the never to be repeated work God has given to us to do", as if that is enough. There is no difference in this sort of reply than giving a date of Armageddon or explaining Jesus words with an "overlapping generation" teaching.

    A diversion (hope you don't mind)

    Jesus only includes two basic thoughts as to what the preaching work is all about. It is either about teaching all the things he commanded or it is about the Good News of the Kingdom. At the risk of sounding very ignorant, I have listed all the scriptural references to God's kingdom, and still struggle to work out exactly what is God's Kingdom. Has anyone else run into this problem ?

    • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-10 21:12:08

      Hi Leonardo
      I have pondered the same thing, my conclusion, take it or leave it or modify it as you see fit, is along the lines of what Catholics say, that the kingdom of God is in you, in the sense that Jesus at this time is ruling over his congregation, his body,that would make the catholic teaching correct, Jesus is ruling over the hearts and minds of those who belong to him, that is the kingdom right now, the other part of the kingdom is when he arrives at his second coming, with a big stick for some or a wonderful reward for others, our job at this time is to make sure we align with Jesus teachings, in that way he is ruling us now, and that is his kingdom. So that's why teaching his commands , and following them, is part of the preaching, which is the foundation to rest the expectation of going to the next phase when Jesus arrives.

  • Comment by Bernardbooks on 2018-09-10 10:32:40

    There is so much confusion and contradiction in their mysterious new directions theory.

    It seems they make decisions and then wait to see how it turns out before saying Jehovah’s behind it and blessing it. But then they make grandiose statements about how these new directions are from Jehovah right from the start and that everyone should be quick to follow them.

    It makes me dizzy reading what they write.
    I feel that they are a false prophet when saying the directions they come up with are from Jehovah.

    (Ezekiel 13:6-8)
    They have seen false visions and foretold a lie, those who are saying, ‘The word of Jehovah is,’ when Jehovah himself has not sent them, and they have waited for their word to come true. Is it not a false vision that you have seen and a lie that you have foretold when you say, ‘The word of Jehovah is,’ when I have not said anything?”’
    “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “‘Because you have spoken what is false and your visions are a lie, I am against you,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.”

    • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-10 21:15:52

      Yeah that chapter in Ezekiel poses a few problems for anyone who wants to become gods channel, not much wriggle room in those statements.

  • Comment by mark on 2018-09-10 15:36:20

    Very well done Tadua... I look forward to these reviews every week... I had a discussion just the other day, and the JW Brother compared the GB to the apostles and in the same sentence said that the GB are not Inspired and make mistakes. How blind can you be to not see that the GB are false prophets. The Devil blinds in a great way

  • Comment by LaRhonda T. on 2018-09-10 16:10:48

    More and more, it is painfully obvious that "The Organization" speaks words that walk two ways at once. On the one hand, they claim to be Yah's voice, on the other hand, they say they are NOT inspired; not to mention that they deliberately take Yeshua/Jesus completely out of the equation and try to take his place by claiming to "speak for Jehovah" Since I left the JW's, I have developed a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father. I pray daily, I read my Bible daily, I love Him with all my heart and look to Him for help, guidance, and comfort in ALL things. I have a relationship with The Most High. Something I NEVER had as a practicing Jehovah's Witness. I was too busy reading the endless publications and preparing for meetings, and going out in field service and makings sure I did all the things a "good witness' was expected to do to prove that I was not "spiritually weak". I actually remember going to work one day, (I worked as a preschool teacher, a very demanding job, if you've ever worked with a classroom of preschoolers, it is not a picnic) I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes opened, I worked a full 8 hours day, raced home, changed and out the door to the meeting, only to sit there and be told that as a congregation we were not doing enough, to do more, do more, do more. Everyone who had weekends free should seriously consider pioneering, if you were doing 10 hours in field service, try to increase it by one more hour; if possible, could you take early-retirement to you'd be able to be a full-time pioneer... I left the meeting that night and drove home and sat in the driveway for long moments and just cried my eyes out. I was tired, discouraged, depressed and felt trapped. I believe that was the beginning of me really starting to question the organization, to eve question my own sanity, I started asking questions and getting told the Witness pat answer, "Wait on Jehovah" or as one elder told me, "Pray for faith and patience so that you're able to trust the slave" That was probably ten years ago, I've researched, grown and changed considerably...and I'm so glad for that. Didn't mean to write a whole book, but sometimes once you get started, the words just seem to flow out of your fingertips. Wishing everyone a safe, happy and peaceful day.

    • Reply by NikL on 2018-09-11 11:13:31

      I LOVE your testimony LaRhonda.
      My experience is very similar in many ways.
      I too have a closer relationship with our heavenly father and read the bible most every day. Sins that I had a hard time rooting out of my life as a JW are less troublesome now that I am allowing the Holy Spirit to help.

    • Reply by wild olive on 2018-09-10 21:22:49

      Glad things are going well for you Rhonda.
      I just can't help but feel if the GB had structured the preaching work differently it could have been great for everyone. For instance why not preach in relays, some days on some days off,instead of compelling everyone all the time,and get rid of hour reporting,and why not do some of it the old fashioned way on a soap box, I've listened to several from other denominations and can't help but admire their conviction, some of those guys really know their bible, not for all I know, but standing next to a cart with a deadpan face, not inspiring to the publisher or the public.

    • Reply by jamesbrown on 2018-09-13 20:59:32

      You are a breath of fresh air that’s my thinking exactly and more, I always think where was GB since the last apostle’s death? What did the wheat class relied on to strengthen their faith? What did they use to spread Christianity and express their faith? And if as the bible says scripture interpret scripture, then why should someone tell me I should follow their way of thinking or else, James 1:5 So if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him.
      In the days when we used to put 75 hours I remember racing home and had a shower and picked up my witnessing bag and out the door as a temporary pioneer as it used to be called, I knocked on a door just like you when the woman said no thank you and closed the door, I sat down on the steps of the building and cried, as I was so spiritually empty, all I knew is WT latest articles about and how much they cost, not much from the bible.
      Sad really sad, you are a passionate about the bible and I really like that in a person.

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2018-09-11 20:46:01

    Tadua has done a great job, as usual.
    Here’s a read-between-the-lines decoding of the article:
    Par. 1: “’Where am I looking for help and direction?’ Our immediate answer may be, “To Jehovah,” and that is the best response.”
    Meaning: Look to the Organization, not to Jesus.

    Par. 3: “Although we know the importance of continually looking to Jehovah, we may at times become distracted. That is exactly what happened to Jesus’ close friend Martha. She became “distracted with attending to many duties.” (Luke 10:40-42)”

    Martha’s problem wasn’t failing to look to Jesus, but failing to look to Jehovah.

    Par. 12: “Whatever the case, Moses’ actions detracted from the honor due Jehovah.”
    We must honor Jehovah which means the Organization. Pay no mind to: “Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.” (Joh 5:23)

    Par. 18: Carefully follow the latest directions. Do we faithfully follow the latest directions that Jehovah has given us? If so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past. Rather, we will be quick to follow any new direction that Jehovah provides through his organization.
    If we do not want to lose out on the Promised Land like Moses, we must follow the latest directions of the Organization, and be quick about it!

    Par. 18: At the same time, we will be careful that we “do not go beyond the things that are written.”

    The things written in the magazines are on a par with the Bible, even surpassing it, like the Catechism, and as such we must not go beyond them.

  • Comment by kyaecker on 2018-09-15 01:42:52

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard the WT mention that we should be concerned about what Jehovah’s will is for us personally, being that it is uniformity over individuality in the Org. They usually speak in terms of the organization. I find that interesting.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2018-09-15 08:10:34

    Numbers 19 discusses the procedure for cleansing when someone dies, and concludes with Miriam's death. So, no water = unclean, including Moses rod. Therefore he cannot touch the rock, but can speak to it. So when Moses strikes the rock, he is doing so with an unclean rod.
    So, not only does he do so with anger, but ignores Jehovah's commands about purification, so he bears great responsibility before the people. Not sure why he was told to take the rod, but it could be to demonstrate to the people that he was not going to use it, but was speaking instead. To that extent he was also disobedient.
    Credit to my misses for the idea. What do you think ? Better than wild speculation, in my opinion.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2018-09-16 10:06:10

      Yes, much better!

    • Reply by James on 2018-09-16 17:10:11

      The GB has a penchant for speculation, it has been a tradition, remember, the speculation that heavenly calling ended about 1935,only to reverse it after almost 70 years.
      When they know they are not certain if it was 'granite or limestone rock' why present it as a second reason for Moses punishment? A slaves that speculates often and often, does he understand the will of the master? Is such slave really looking up to his master? If the master does not speculates why should the slave? Is such slave discreet and faithful?

      The GB has the liberty to go beyond what is written either in the Bible or even its own previous writings,examples could fill volumes, anyone of the rank n file that do is presumptuous.In a desperate attempt to gloss over the never ending "new direction" they took an event in Moses life, twist it even against what they've written in the 1987 Watchtower Question from Readers referenced in the footnote of this current article.
      We must not allow their mistake to enrage us against God.

  • Comment by wild olive on 2018-09-17 20:22:33

    I personally believe that the reason this article has been written is to guilt people in the org who are legitimate victims to keep their mouth shut and swallow their bitterness, other wise you won't make the new system like Moses missed the promised land.

  • Comment by Mara Fayde on 2019-04-11 14:58:05

    What was Moses’ folly? Failing to give proper credit to JHVH in a moment of passion and weakness? Or was it something else?

    In Num.20:7,8 JHVH gives a specific command. But what stood out to me was the reason for the command: “that it may give its water, and YOU WILL BRING OUT WATER FOR THEM from this crag and give this assembly and their livestock something to drink.”

    Notice JHVH, first of all, says to Moses “you will,” so it certainly doesn’t seem inappropriate for Moses to say he and Aaron are bringing forth the water.

    What was the problem then? That question: “MUST we bring out water for you from this crag?” (vs 10) He took what was an explicit command, to freely provide the water, and instead threatened to withhold this undeserved free gift from “the rebels.” It wasn’t up to Moses or Aaron to withhold the water, whether the crowd was rebellious or not. Their God instructed them “you will bring out the water for them.” Period. No leverage was to be wielded over the crowd to earn the water. They were tired and thirsty and needed to drink.

    You can see how Jesus and his Father hated that ungenerous attitude exhibited later on by the Pharisees and scribes, and by our religious leaders today. The demand “Prove Yourself First” is an ugly thing, coming from a God who makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. Mt.5:44,45.

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