Overturn Every Reasoning That is Against the Knowledge of God!

– posted by Tadua

“We are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God” – 2 Corinthians 10:5

 [From ws 6/19 p.8 Study Article 24: Aug 12-Aug 18, 2019]

This article has many fine points in the first 13 paragraphs. However, there are a number of issues with the later paragraphs.

Paragraph 14 is about choosing good associations. The paragraph suggests that “we can find the best type of association at our Christian meetings”. That is true if those at the Christian meetings have transformed themselves. While there are many honest hearted ones at meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, sadly there are also many who seem to make little effort to transform themselves. These ones seem to have been taken in by the hype of the Organization and believe that preaching is all that is required of them.

Paragraph 15 suggests that Satan tries to influence our thinking and thereby counteracting the influence of God’s word in the following areas:

Let us examine the questions posed in paragraph 16, one by one. We will give the Organization’s answer first, followed by a scripturally based answer.

“Does God really not approve of same-sex marriage?”

ORG: Yes, he does not approve.

Comment: Genesis 2:18-25 records God instituting the first marriage. It was between male and female. (See also Jesus words in Matthew 19:4-6).

What is God’s view of same sex marriage? To answer this, we need to understand his view of sexual relations with someone of the same sex. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 makes his position clear. If he detests the act of sexual relations between the same sex, then he would also not approve of marriage between two people of the same sex.

Conclusion: The Organization has this answer correct.

“Does God really not want you to celebrate Christmas and birthdays?”

ORG: Yes, he does not want you to celebrate Christmas and birthdays.

Comment: For a review of the history of Christmas in the Organization please see the CLAM God’s Kingdom Rules portion review here.

Simply put, the only event of Jesus' life he asked us to commemorate was his death. (Luke 22:19). So, if Jesus or God wanted us to celebrate Christmas there would surely be instructions in the Bible.

The present Christmas celebration is full of pagan religious symbols and rites, such as Saturnalia, Druidic, and Mithraic customs and more, though today almost all are oblivious to the celebration's real origins. Most view it as a time for family get-togethers.

Wedding rings also have a pagan origin, but nonetheless are considered acceptable. Therefore, some parts of what is now considered part of Christmas is surely an individual conscience matter, not a law from God. However, a true Christian would want to consider carefully how their actions are understood by others so as not to stumble others. (Consider Romans 14:15-23).

Birthdays, as all JWs know are only mentioned twice, in both cases celebrated by kings who were non-worshippers of Jehovah. (Pharaoh at the time of Joseph, and King Herod when he killed John the Baptist.) In Ecclesiastes 7:1 Solomon stated “A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s being born” because a new-born baby has no reputation good or bad, but by the day of one’s death one could have a good reputation for serving God and obeying his commands.

One can raise arguments both for and against these celebrations based on Bible principles. As clearly birthdays have been around for thousands of years one could argue that if God did not want us to celebrate birthdays, he would have given a clear instruction in the Bible. After all he has given clear instructions with things like murder and immorality. However, one interesting point to note is that the Jews of the 1st century considered celebrating Birthdays as a custom which was forbidden according to Josephus[i]. It also seems that birthdays are originally rooted in mythology and magic amongst other things. Nevertheless, that can be said about most customs that are acceptable today.  Even the names of the days of the week and months of the year, not to mention the planets in our solar system are named after mythological gods.  The Jews also were forbidden to do many things that Christians are free to engage in, so their customs should not be a guide for us.

Paul wrote: “. . .Therefore, do not let anyone judge you about what you eat and drink or about the observance of a festival or of the new moon or of a sabbath. Those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ.” (Col 2:16, 17)

Conclusion: A blanket prohibition is Pharisaical. Each one should make their own choice based on individual conscience.

“Does your God really expect you to refuse a blood transfusion?”

ORG: Yes, he expects you to refuse a blood transfusion.

Comment: Again, the Bible does not mention Blood Transfusions. Acts 15:28-29 does however mention to keep abstaining from blood. That refers to the eating of blood, but does the prohibition extend to its medical use?

Please consider this article, "The "No Blood" Doctrine: a Scriptural Analysis" and this four part series starting here.

From the foregoing, it seems clear that receiving a blood transfusion should be a conscience matter.

Conclusion: The Organization is wrong in its policy on blood transfusions.

“Does a loving God really expect you to avoid association with disfellowshipped loved ones?”

ORG: Yes, he expects you to avoid association with disfellowshipped loved ones.

Comment: Romans 1:28-31 is an apt description of this so-called command of God. In part it says, “And just as they did not approve of holding God in accurate knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting... 31 without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless.”  

To shun one’s own family, just because they were once baptised Witnesses and now no longer believe it is the truth, is definitely having no natural affection. Shunning one’s family is hating the person because of the action, not hating the action, but loving the person. Parents do not succeed in getting a child to obey them with love by such treatment. The child needs to be spoken to and reasoned with. Is it not necessary to treat adults in the same way?

This topic has been covered many times in reviews. Here are a few worth reviewing for a fuller discussion of this topic.

Conclusion: The Organization has its viewpoint badly wrong on this subject. They appear to be using it as a control mechanism to keep the Witnesses from straying, by hiding behind misapplied Scripture.

Paragraph 17 is very accurate when it says, “We need to be convinced of our beliefs. If we leave challenging questions unanswered in our minds, they can become serious doubts. Those doubts could eventually distort our thinking and destroy our faith. What, then, do we need to do? God’s Word tells us to transform our minds, so that we may prove to ourselves “the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)”

We would therefore encourage in particular any Witnesses reading this review, rather than taking our word for it, to examine those 4 questions in the Bible and the Bible alone, not researching it in the Organization’s publications as they want you to do.

As you do so, think seriously about the Bible principles and what the scriptures are actually saying rather than what you may have been used to interpreting them as saying. Then, make a decision based on your Bible trained conscience, not that of the Organization, after it is you that will have to live with the consequences of any decisions on these matters, not the Organization or the Governing Body.

The concluding paragraph (18) is valid when it says “No one else can stabilize your faith for you, so continue to be made new in your dominant mental attitude. Pray constantly; plead for the help of Jehovah’s spirit. Meditate deeply; continue to examine your thinking and motives. Seek good associates; surround yourself with individuals who will help you to transform your thinking. By doing so, you will counteract the poisonous effects of Satan’s world and successfully overturn “reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.”​—2 Corinthians 10:5.”

In conclusion, if we apply what this paragraph actually says, rather than what the Organization want you to think it says, you will be certain of what God really expects of you, and not persuaded by what an Organization tells you that God expects of you as it itself raises lofty things against the knowledge of God.



[i]  “Nay, indeed, the law does not permit us to make festivals at the births of our children, and thereby afford occasion of drinking to excess; but it ordains that the very beginning of our education should be immediately directed to sobriety. It also commands us to bring those children up in learning, and to exercise them in the laws, and make them acquainted with the acts of their predecessors, in order to their imitation of them, and that they might be nourished up in the laws from their infancy, and might neither transgress them, nor have any pretense for their ignorance of them.” Josephus, Against Apion, Book 2, Chapter 26 (XXVI).

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  • Comment by jamesbrown on 2019-08-13 02:55:16

    Voluntary contribution

    Hi Eric
    We have been asked to pass a resolution, each member of the congregation, to “donate” a minim of $3 to the org. Why? I don’t have a clue.

    After the meeting I asked one of our elders, what is the difference between tithing and passing a resolution of $3 donation? Is a resolution same as Voluntary contribution? They are BOTH asking for a specific amount of money?

    He said not so long ago in one of our mid – week meeting, a brother asked for all to donate to the tune of $60 million for worldwide relief fund.

    I asked again, Is a resolution same as Voluntary contribution? They are BOTH asking for a specific amount of money?

    He simply said, why do I have to be a stick in the mud, why don’t I act my age? Why do I have pick on the org all the time?

    Money, Money, Money, thats all what I get to hear.

    Keep up the good work my brother.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2019-08-13 12:19:44

      It's pretty easy to figure out JB, 3 dollars times 8.5mil? = $25,000,000.

      Is this a monthly resolution, or just a one shot deal?

      Psalmbee, (Ro 1:32)

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2019-08-13 12:29:09

        I mis-calculated it would be $25,500,000. I only missed it by $500,000.


        • Reply by Astoriaboy on 2019-08-17 19:16:38

          A letter was read during my mid-week meeting about a Patterson renovation project. It directed the congregation to set up a separate contribution box to fund this project. This followed a resolution for the congregation to send $1,900 to fund worldwide assistance and C.O. auto insurance. I almost fell out of my seat! Where's all the money going? Isn't this the same organization that's always telling us that the end is "imminent" and "just around the corner"? Modern day Pharisees are alive and well in this organization, (Luke 16:14).

  • Comment by messenger on 2019-08-15 20:53:50

    Here is a comparison between the type of actions taken by the GB (WT) and Christ. I believe it’s a relevant point of consideration whether you believe in the Bible and Christ or not, since the GB not only claim to follow Christ as his FOOT-STEP FOLLOWERS, but the GB also insist they are the only ones that can ACCURATELY INTERPRET SCRIPTURE today.

    1.The GB spend most of their time, as far as most Witnesses can tell, making sure all Christ’s TRUE disciples understand CORRECT Bible doctrines (correct scriptural understanding).
    2. Christ spent most of his teaching efforts telling people to follow him and believe he was their savior. Though the people he taught believed different doctrinal ideas about scripture Christ didn’t spend a great effort debating doctrinal ideas or condemning followers of the Jewish faith that had doctrinal beliefs that were different than his. For instance, Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection. Pharisees believed in it. While Christ spoke of a resurrection he didn’t seem to make a big issue of that conflicting belief of the Sadducees. And what about all those Jewish rituals? Christ may not have observed some of them, but he didn’t spend a great effort explaining how wrong observing those were, or how pagan they were.


    1. The GB and WT will surely nail a member or kick them out of their church for various reasons. For instance, Eric Wilson was recently kicked out of the Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, even though he voluntarily stopped attending meetings and left the Kingdom Hall four years ago. Despite the fact he left the congregation so long ago WT elders tracked him down after four years to tell him he is now kicked out.
    2. Who did Christ EVER kick out of his religion? No one! Who did he try to get kicked out of his religion by going to those in charge and accusing them of something worthy of expulsion? No one!

    Does anyone who reads this site believe the two witness rule of WT means not to obey the biblical command in Romans, given to all Christians, to obey governmental authority? WT doesn’t either, as WT is not THAT stupid!!! Government laws legally require clergy members (including JW elders) to file reports of POSSIBLE sexual child abuse with child protective agencies don’t they? Yet JW elders and WT have usually failed to report SUSPECTED incidents, in defiance of reporting LAWS. It is not because they lack understanding of what those laws are. I recently read for the first time GB members are being personally sued for impeding the reporting of child molestation, given the policies the GB members give elders, and the repercussions brought on those elders who refuse to follow GB directions not to report when WT lawyers tell them not to. The lawyer bringing these lawsuits is Zalkin in San Diego, CA.

    Since the GB and WT know they were ordered in Romans to obey governmental authorities; they know that the WT two witness rule does not scripturally prohibit them from reporting suspected child abuse to government authorities, and the GB also knows there is no biblical scripture that prohibits reporting, because again, they are not actually stupid enough to believe there is; and since they know all JW elders are required to report suspicions of child abuse in mandated reporting states, while knowing JW elders and WT have violated reporting laws thousands of times, then what is there but a delusion of grandeur that leads them to believe, that out of the billions of people in the world, only by following the words of the eight governing body members could this be done, "Overturn Every Reasoning That is Against the Knowledge of God!"

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-08-19 12:19:41

    I was surprised how few comments were made on paragraph 16. I thought the questions were loaded. How many are based on a clear God given command ? Christmas and Birthdays are lumped together because they always are, but they are two completely different things. The last question is based on something which is not in the scriptures - 1 Corinthians speaks of keeping company with a practicing sinner - The wicked one is removed from the regular company of Christians, while 2 Corinthians 2:5 indicates this was not a blanket cutting off which all had to obey, with consequences for those who did not.
    How can anyone be convinced of the JW stand on blood, celebrations, and disfellowshipping, (para 17) if WT will not give clear scriptural explanations for their stand ? And why pick out same sex marriage to start with ? Is this so obvious to Bible students that it is a softener for the three that follow ? Or are there now JWs who are questioning gay marriage ?

    • Reply by messenger on 2019-08-19 17:52:39

      Watchtower cannot give clear scriptural reasons for many of its prohibitions, because scriptures don't comment on many of them. For instance, smoking, and celebrating Christmas are not commented on in scripture. Also, according to New Testament scriptures some actions are spoken of both ways; that is one scripture speaks of allowing an act, while another speaks of prohibiting it. For instance, in the New Testament, some scriptures speak against celebrating holidays, some speak of allowing that. The same is true of eating meat sacrificed to idols. Gay marriage is never allowed.

      So, the primary reason members go along with most WT prohibitions (cigarette smoking. voting, holidays, etc.), has more to do with going along with the group, than it does with believing in certain interpretations of scriptures. If the act is prohibited by the group, members reject it; if it is accepted by the group, they individually accept it.

      JWs' belief in WT's interpretation of Matthew 24:45 means they have turned over that type of decision making to their Governing Body, which decides what is appropriate, and what is not appropriate for them as Christians. Scripture has little to do with a JW accepting or rejecting what is appropriate for Christians.

      The exceptions are those JWs considered spiritually weak, or even apostate by the majority of JWs. For a JW to decide these type of things for themself, they either have to believe they are sinning against God, or that they no longer believe in WT's teaching about Matthew 24:45. "Do not lean upon your own understanding , in all your ways take notice of him," who will make your paths straight, means following WT for a JW, because of what Matthew 24:45 means to them.

      Galatians 4:9-10
      1 Corinthians 10:28
      Romans 14:1-6

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