Finding and building Christ's Church

– posted by J_Penton
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Sharing a new article written by Dr. Penton.

Please, click on the following file ------> Q1-1 Church Penton


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  • Comment by Christian on 2020-04-01 22:43:11

    An excellent paper. Well written and in such a way as to leave no-one in doubt as to the most beneficial way of making a church work, Sad, when we realize how far the World has drifted from the simplicity of the early church. Many here were once, or perhaps still are, JWs and find a dissonance between their Bible loving, Christ loving selves and the 'organization' which demands control over everything that members can and can't do. Since I stopped associating with that group, some years now, I have wanted to place an ad in the Local Press simply asking if anyone would like to study the Bible please call me on.........My wife though said no. The reason being I'm on Oxygen 24/7 and am mostly in bed and she could see I would have days that I would be unable handle even a small gathering if disparate souls looking for succour at this time. If I could, I would, because I really miss interaction with Christian people. Now of of course the few friends with whom I could discuss any biblical topic aren't allowed because, of the Covid restrictions. Anyway, thank you once again Juda for posting the article, much appreciated.

  • Comment by wish4truth2 on 2020-04-02 17:50:21

    what an excellent article! It has been a question that has nagged me since leaving the Organisation thank you!

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