A Judicial Committee Accuses Maciej W. of Apostasy for Spreading Truth on Social Media

– posted by meleti

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  • Comment by safeguardyourheart on 2022-03-22 13:24:37

    I won't say it is a pointless debate. It is a debate to highlight

    1. No matter how civil and cautious you try to leave on good terms, it will not happen. One gets to be painted as evil, bad and one to be avoided. I don't think my disassociation letter last up till a month when gossip and rumours about me was that, I left as a result of sexual immorality or embezzlement of congregation funds.

    The embezzlement of public fund was a huge laughter considering I notified the body of elders a month before dropping the position and three month before I disassociated of which within that period I was selected to become an assistant secretary. Looool! of which I rejected right in front of all the elders and ministerial servant present.

    2. The most of the elders police placed at each congregation are there to parrot and hammer down whatever the GB says. Even when the GB words are out right lies or does not fit with the scriptures.

    For example imagine the congregation auxiliary counsellor saying that since I am living I will be like a poultry bird not kept in cage and batteries and I will wander about even without protection and anything can happen to me but see members of the organization as poultry birds kept in batteries and cages.

    What came to my mind was Jesus teaching about the birds of the heaven which don't have farms or rear animals but get fed by the Father.

    When I shared this with an ex-JW his words were poultry kept poultry birds in cages to be cared and fed but on the long run those poultry birds get eaten.

    3. According to Meleti one way to tackle these interrogation sessions is ask questions and don't let them get away without asking. I will like to add you can equally choose to keep SILENT. Jesus did that too since he already knew the judgement given won't be overturned.

    Thanks to Maciej and Meleti for given us an opportunity to see what was deliberated after the usual interrogation. For those still to watch this interesting video, my take away is the Governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses and those they have subordinate don't really know what CONTEXT means. Context to them means EISEGESIS not EXEGESIS.

  • Comment by sincerelyours on 2022-03-16 16:03:11

    Oh my goodness I'm at 53:40 mark where the accused says he diligently starting studying the bible as this property conflict became an
    eye-opener and to this the elder says, "So you're not happy with us, then". Ok. If this were a real judicial system this comment would be so out of line a lawyer would flip out! Pretty sure a judge would have thrown it out too. This young man is being fed words to produce his own lynch. "Happy with US." If the elder were truly concerned for this young man, he should have said, "Why yes, I can see where this property conflict would have you doubting the organization as a whole" but they aren't even remotely interested in what has troubled Maciej. If they were to show actual concern would put them in a position to reason with truth. As painful as it is to listen to this man being emotionally beaten, I have to finish it now!

  • Comment by Deano on 2022-03-21 12:03:56

    Its a long winded, pointless debate, as from the very start these people are not interested in the subject, or even understand it.

    I think Maciej does well not to just pick up and leave this Pharisaical meeting, it is worth a listen and and watch because at certain junction, reason is installed in text on screen.

    They show they neither understand the bible or the person they are accusing, of what ever the charge is, apostasy, heresy, walking on the cracks in the pavement.

    The loyalty to the organization count is amusing, as it reaches quite a high number.

    The pack mentality of the four, when one of them is out of ideas, let someone else have a go, is telling.

    The use of the Pharisee picture from the passion of the christ is apt.

    You can hear it in there tone that they know they cannot reason with him, because they simply wont read the scriptures.

    The, shall we say younger one, who becomes angry because he has been told to verify and put in context the full scripture, is typical of the elder arrangement, brought up in it, never worked a day in his life, to support his family, state kept, does a cleaning round every now and then. At the end trying to justify to the four why he was like that and how quick they were to forgive him , so loving, as long as you say the FADS is these guys and we are GOD.

    Folks will say , if only the rank and file will hear this, they wont, they are walled in.

    I am still not sure why in the UK, they are not back at any meeting, or out in the Field Service? anyone have an update on this?

  • Comment by Zacheus on 2022-03-17 07:02:25

    In labouring through this i was reminded of what the justice at the CARC said of elders they have no understanding of procedure. But they like the wts itself regards itself as ultimately important.
    Re writing a letter of resignation. I never ever received any letter or card of welcome when i was baptized. With the wt fanatical desire for documents does this mean I didnt exist? so with that in mind why would i bother to write any letter of resignation? This would only feed the hounds of persecution that the wt keeps close by..but oh what a tiresome episode it was.
    "Gangrene" oh that was revealing.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2022-04-04 11:09:51

    This article deserved so many many many more votes and comments. What an insight it gives Us, even if we may have wanted to say many of the things that were said before the committee, because it reveals the total lack of ability on the part of appointed men to even consider the arguments put forward. They are definitely blind guides, and that comes from the influence at the top.
    What great congratulations for making the interview available to the rest of us, who now realise that we cannot reason with these men. We must therefore be more cunning than we may have realised.
    However, truth will out, in the end.

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