The JW Governing Body Overrules Jesus' Command on How We Should Pray to God!

– posted by meleti

Once more, Jehovah's Witnesses block your approach to God as Father.

If, by any chance, you have been following my series of videos on the Trinity, you will know that my principal concern with the doctrine is that it hinders a proper relationship between us as children of God and our heavenly Father by distorting our understanding of the nature of God. For example, it teaches us that Jesus is God Almighty, and we know that God Almighty is our Father, so Jesus is our Father, yet he isn’t, because he refers to the Children of God as his brothers.  And the Holy Spirit is also God Almighty, and God is our Father, but the Holy Spirit isn’t our Father nor our brother, but our helper. Now I can understand God as my Father, and Jesus as my brother and the holy spirit as my helper, but if God is my Father and Jesus is God, then Jesus is my Father, and so is the holy spirit.  That makes no sense.  Why would God use the perfectly understandable and relatable human relationship like that of a father and child to explain himself, and then mess it all up? I mean, a father wants to be known by his children, because he wants to be loved by them.  Surely Yahweh God, in his infinite wisdom, can find a way to explain himself in terms we mere humans can understand.  But the Trinity breeds confusion and clouds our understanding of who God Almighty really is.

Anything that inhibits or perverts our relationship with God as our Father becomes an attack on the development of the seed that was promised in Eden—the seed that would crush the serpent in the head. When the full number of the children of God is complete, Satan’s reign comes to its end, and his literal end is also not far off, and so he does everything he can to block the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15.

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.”” (Genesis 3:15)

That seed or offspring is centered on Jesus, but Jesus is now beyond his reach so he concentrates on those who are left, the Children of God.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:28, 29)

“And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.” (Revelation 12:17)

For all their failings, the Bible Students in the 19th century had freed themselves from the false teachings of the Trinity and Hellfire.  Fortunately for the devil, but unfortunately for the 8.5 million Jehovah’s witnesses around the world today, he found another way to disrupt the true Christian relationship with the Father. JF Rutherford seized control of the Watch Tower publishing company in 1917 and was soon promoting his own brand of false teachings; perhaps the worst of which was the 1934 doctrine of the Other Sheep of John 10:16 as a secondary non-anointed class of Christian.  These were prohibited from partaking of the emblems and were not to consider themselves as God's children, but only as his friends and were not in any covenant relationship with God (no anointing of the holy spirit) through Christ Jesus.

This doctrine creates a number of problems for the teaching committee of the organization in that there is no support for God calling Christians his "friends" in the Christian scriptures. Everything from the gospels through to the Revelation to John speaks of a father/child relationship between God and the disciples of Jesus. Where is there one scripture where God calls Christians his friends? The only one he called a friend specifically was Abraham and he was not a Christian but a Hebrew under the Mosaic Law Covenant.

To show just how ridiculous it can get when the writing committee over at Watch Tower headquarters tries to shoehorn in their “Friends of God” doctrine, I give you the July 2022 issue of The Watchtower. On page 20 we come to the study article 31 “Treasure Your Privilege Of Prayer”. The theme text is taken from Psalm 141: 2 and reads: “May my prayer be as incense prepared before you.”

In paragraph 2 of the study, we are told that, “David’s reference to incense suggests that he wanted to give careful thought to what he was going to say to his heavenly Father.”

Here is the complete prayer  as rendered in the New World Translation.

O Jehovah, I call on you.
Come quickly to help me.
Do pay attention when I call to you.
2 May my prayer be as incense prepared before you,
My uplifted hands like the evening grain offering.
3 Station a guard for my mouth, O Jehovah,
Do set a watch over the door of my lips.
4 Do not let my heart incline to anything bad,
To share in vile deeds with evil men;
May I never feast on their delicacies.
5 Should the righteous one strike me, it would be an act of loyal love;
Should he reprove me, it would be like oil on my head,
Which my head would never refuse.
My prayer will continue even during their calamities.
6 Though their judges are thrown down from the cliff,
The people will pay attention to my words, for they are pleasant.
7 Just as when someone plows and breaks up the soil,
So our bones have been scattered at the mouth of the Grave.
8 But my eyes look to you, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah.
In you I have taken refuge.
Do not take away my life.
9 Protect me from the jaws of the trap they have laid for me,
From the snares of evildoers.
10 The wicked will fall into their own nets all together
While I pass by safely.
(Psalm 141:1-10)

Do you see the word “Father” anywhere? David refers to God by name three times in this short prayer, but never once does he pray to him calling him “Father”.  (By the way, the word “Sovereign” does not occur in the original Hebrew.) Why doesn’t David refer to Jehovah God as his personal Father in any of his Psalms?  Could it be because the means for humans to become adopted children of God had not yet arrived? That door was opened by Jesus. John tells us:

“However, to all who did receive him, he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name.  And they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God.” (John 1:12, 13)

But the writer of the Watchtower study article remains blissfully ignorant of that fact and wants us to believe that, “David’s reference to incense suggests that he wanted to give careful thought to what he was going to say to his heavenly Father.”

So what’s the big deal? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? Bear with me. Remember, we’re talking about how the organization is, whether wittingly or unwittingly, blocking Witnesses from having a proper familial relationship with God. A relationship, which I might add, is essential for the salvation of the children of God. So now we come to paragraph 3.

“When we pray to Jehovah, we should avoid being overly familiar. Instead, we pray with an attitude of deep respect.”

What?  Like a child shouldn’t be overly familiar with his daddy?  You don’t want to get overly familiar with your boss. You don’t want to get overly familiar with the leader of your country. You don’t want to get overly familiar with the King.  But your father?  You see, they want you to think of God as father only in a very formal way, like a title.  Like a Catholic might call his priest Father. It’s a formalism. What the organization really wants is for you to fear God as you would a king. Notice what they have to say in paragraph 3 of the article:

Think about the amazing visions that Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John received. Those visions differ one from the other, but they have something in common. They all depict Jehovah as a majestic King. Isaiah “saw Jehovah sitting on a lofty and elevated throne.” (Isa. 6: 1-3) Ezekiel saw Jehovah seated on his celestial chariot, [Actually, there is no mention of a chariot, but that’s another topic for another day] surrounded by “a brilliance . . . like that of a rainbow.” (Ezek. 1:26-28) Daniel saw “the Ancient of Days” clothed in white garments, with flames of fire coming from His throne. (Dan. 7:9, 10) And John saw Jehovah seated on a throne surrounded by something like a beautiful emerald-green rainbow. (Rev. 4:2-4) As we reflect on Jehovah’s incomparable glory, we are reminded of the incredible privilege of approaching him in prayer and the importance of doing so with reverence.

Of course we revere God and we have deep respect for him, but would you tell a child that when speaking to his daddy, he shouldn’t be overly familiar? Does Jehovah God want us to think of him first and foremost as our sovereign ruler, or as our dear father? Hmm…Let’s see:

Abba, Father, all things are possible to you; remove this cup from me. Yet not what I want, but what you want.”” (Mark 14:36)

“For YOU did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but YOU received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: “Abba, Father!” 16 The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children.” (Romans 8:15, 16)

“Now because YOU are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into our hearts and it cries out: “Abba, Father!” 7 So, then, you are no longer a slave but a son; and if a son, also an heir through God.” (Galatians 4:6, 7)

Abba is an Aramaic word of intimacy. It might be translated it as Papa or Daddy.  You see, the Governing Body needs to support their idea that Jehovah is the universal king (the universal sovereign) and the other sheep are just his friends, at best, and will be subjects of the kingdom, and may, just maybe, if they are very loyal to the Governing Body, they might just make it all the way to actually being God’s children at the end of the thousand year reign of Christ. So they tell their people not to be overly familiar with Jehovah when praying to him. Do they even realize that the word “familiar” is related to the word “family”? And who is in the family?  Friends? No! Children? Yes.

In Paragraph 4, they point to the model prayer where Jesus taught us how to pray. The question for the paragraph is:

  1. What do we learn from the opening words of the model prayer found at Matthew 6:9, 10?

Then the paragraph starts off with:

4 Read Matthew 6:9, 10.

Okay, let’s do that:

““You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” (Matthew 6:9, 10)

Okay, before going further, answer the question for the paragraph: 4. What do we learn from the opening words of the model prayer found at Matthew 6:9, 10?

The opening words are “Our Father in the heavens…” What do you learn from that? I don’t know about you, but it seems pretty obvious to me that Jesus is telling his disciples to look upon Jehovah as their Father. I mean, if that were not the case, he would have said, “Our Sovereign Lord in the heavens”, or “Our Good Friend in the sky.”

What does the Watchtower expect us to answer? Reading from the paragraph:

4 Read Matthew 6:9, 10. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray in a way that pleases God. After saying “you must pray, then, this way,” Jesus first mentioned important matters that are directly related to Jehovah’s purpose: the sanctification of His name; the coming of the Kingdom, which will destroy all of God’s opposers; and the future blessings that He has in mind for the earth and for mankind. By including such matters in our prayers, we show that God’s will is important to us.

You see, they completely bypass the first and most important element.  Christians are to consider themselves children of God. Isn’t that remarkable? Children of God!!! But too much focus on that fact is inconvenient for a group of men pushing the false teaching that 99.9% of their flock can only aspire to be God’s friends at the present time. You see, they have to push that fallacy because they calculate the number of God’s children as only 144,000 because they interpret the number from Revelation 7:4 as literal. What proof do they have that it is literal? None. It’s pure speculation. Well, is there any way using scripture to prove them wrong. Hmm, let’s see.

“Tell me, you who want to be under law, Do you not hear the Law?  For example, it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the servant girl and one by the free woman;  but the one by the servant girl was actually born through natural descent and the other by the free woman through a promise. These things may be taken as a symbolic drama; [Ooh, here we have an antitype applied in scripture.  The Organization loves its antitypes, and this one is for real. Let’s restate that:] These things may be taken as a symbolic drama; for these women mean two covenants, the one from Mount Siʹnai, which bears children for slavery and which is Haʹgar. Now Haʹgar means Siʹnai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.” (Galatians 4:21-26)

So what’s the point? We’re looking for proof that the number of anointed is not limited to a literal 144,000, but that the number in Revelation 7:4 is symbolic.  To determine that, we first need to understand what two groups the apostle Paul is referring to. Remember, this is a prophetic antitype, or as Paul calls it, a prophetic drama.  As such, he is making a dramatic point, not a literal one. He is saying that the descendants of Hagar are the Israelites of his day centered around their capital city, Jerusalem, and worshipping Jehovah in their great temple. But of course, Israelites did not literally descend from Hagar, Abraham’s slave woman and concubine.  Genetically, they descended from Sarah, the barren woman. The point Paul is making is that in a spiritual sense, or a symbolic sense, the Jews descended from Hagar, because they were “children of slavery.”  They  were not free, but condemned by the law of Moses which no man could keep perfectly, except of course, our Lord Jesus. On the other hand, Christians—whether Jews by descent or from the Gentile nations as were the Galatians—were spiritually descended from the free woman, Sarah, who gave birth by a miracle of God.  The Christians are therefore children of freedom. So when speaking of the children of Hagar, the “servant girl”, Paul means the Israelites. When speaking of the children of the free woman, Sarah, he means anointed Christians. What Witnesses call, the 144,000. Now, before going further, let me ask you one question: How many Jews were there in the time of Christ? How many millions of Jews lived and died in the span of 1,600 years from the time of Moses to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.?

Okay. Now we are ready to read the next two verses:

“For it is written: “Be glad, you barren woman who does not give birth; break into joyful shouting, you woman who does not have birth pains; for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous than those of her who has the husband.” Now you, brothers, are children of the promise the same as Isaac was.” (Galatians 4:27, 28)

The children of the desolate woman, Sarah, the free woman, are more numerous than the children of the slave woman. How could that possibly be true if that number is limited to just 144,000? That number has to be symbolic, otherwise we have a contradiction in Scripture. Either we believe God’s word or the word of the Governing Body.

“. . .But let God be found true, even if every man be found a liar. . .” (Romans 3:4)

The Governing Body has nailed its colors to the mast by continuing to cling to the absurd teaching of Rutherford that only 144,000 will be chosen to rule with Jesus. One silly teaching generates another and  another, so now we have millions of Christians who willingly turn down the offer of salvation that comes by accepting the blood and flesh of Christ as represented by the emblems.  Yet, here we find hard evidence that the number 144,000 cannot be literal, not if we are going to have a Bible that doesn’t contradict itself.  Of course, they ignore this, and have to perpetuate the unscriptural teaching that Jesus is not the mediator to the other sheep. They tell their flock to think of Jehovah as their king and sovereign. Just to confuse the flock, they will also refer to Jehovah as father, all the while contradicting themselves by saying he is only a friend to the other sheep.  The average Jehovah’s Witness is so indoctrinated that he or she isn’t even aware of this contradiction that their belief in Jehovah as their friend cancels out any thought of him as their father. They are not his children, but they call him Father.  How can that be?

So now we have direction—don’t you love that word—“direction”—such a great JW word.  A euphemism really—direction. Not commands, not orders, merely direction. Gentle direction. Like you are stopping the car, and rolling down the window, and asking a local for directions to get where you’re going. Only these aren’t directions. They are commands, and if you don’t obey them, if you go against them, then you will be chucked out of the Organization. So now we have direction to not get familiar with God in prayer.

Shame on them. Shame on them!

I should mention that the point I just shared with you from Galatians at 4:27,28 is not something I discovered on my own, but rather it came to me by way of a text message from a PIMO brother I recently met.  What this illustrates is that the faithful and discreet slave of Matthew 24:45-47 is not a man nor a group of men nor religious leaders, but the average child of God – a Christian who moved by holy spirit shares food with his fellow slaves and so each of us can play a role in providing spiritual nourishment at the proper time.

Again, thank you for watching and for supporting this work.

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  • Comment by Zacheus on 2022-05-31 02:25:56

    Thank you.
    On prayer. I am sure there must be more than me who are praying frequently for the end to the Ukraine/Russian war.
    Imagine if I suggested a day of prayer to this end to the wt elders?

    • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-04 04:47:21

      Dear brother Zacheus. I understand you want evil to be ended, we all want it. But all these bad things that are happening in the world (not just wars) are predicted - it must be so. Three important things need to be taken into account in this context.

      First - The first victim of every war is truth. And on every side of the conflict.

      Second - There is not just a war in the world that you specifically mention. Nowadays, there are many wars and conflicts in the world, similarly bloody and brutal. Every war is part of this satanic world.

      Third - Christians are not part of this world (John 17:14), in which the situation will continue to deteriorate. The world is still in Satan's hands (1 John 5:19), so there is no need to pray for it. This world (and its wars) are not our business. We still live in this world (John 17:15), but our citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20), we are still the pilgrims here (Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11).

      The Lord Jesus did not pray for the world, nor do we pray for it. He said:
      "I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours." (John 17:9).

      God does not ignite or end human wars now. God will put an end to evil (and to all wars) only when He sends His Son Jesus Christ to Earth a second time (Matt. 25:31; Revelation 17:14). Only then. That is God's solution.

      Therefore, let us pray to our heavenly Father to send our Lord and ask Jesus Christ to come. As it is written at the very end of the Bible:
      “The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” ..... Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:17,20). Amen.

      • Reply by Fani on 2022-06-05 03:07:23

        Bien sûr, nous savons que les guerres ne sont pas nouvelles et continueront jusqu'à l'instauration du royaume de Dieu.

        Toutefois Paul dit : "J'encourage donc avant tout à faire des demandes, des prières, des supplications, des prières de reconnaissance pour tous les hommes, POUR LES ROIS ET POUR TOUS CEUX QUI EXERCENT L'AUTORITÉ, afin que nous puissions mener une vie paisible et tranquille, en toute piété et en tout respect. (1 Timothée 2.2)

        Nous pouvons prier pour que Dieu soulage ou fortifie ceux qui lui appartiennent et qui vivent sous le feu de la guerre, peut-être en infléchissant les hommes de pouvoir.
        Dieu fait ce qu'il veut des rois de la terre, pourtant c'est vrai, il n'a pas empêché des dictateurs comme Hitler de faire des ravages. Mais peut-être a t'Il écourté sa vie.

        Est il mal de prier pour que des dictateurs cessent leur domination abusive ? Je ne crois pas. Dieu a donné une leçon à Nebucadnetsar. Il peut limiter les dégâts.
        Chacun priera en toute bonne conscience.
        Dieu comprend nos gémissements devant la méchanceté.
        Habacuc priait en disant :
        "Pourquoi me fais-​tu voir l’injustice ? Et pourquoi tolères-​tu l’oppression ? Pourquoi cette destruction et cette violence autour de moi ? Pourquoi toutes ces disputes et tous ces conflits ?... Habacuc 1 : 3
        Indirectement il demandait à Dieu d'arrêter cette oppression.

        Nous continuerons d'attendre le temps de DIEU et de son Fils.
        Habacuc 2 : 3

        Courage à tous.

        • Reply by ZbigniewJan on 2022-06-08 17:42:18

          Dear Sister Nicole !!!
          Thanks for your comment, for your sensitivity, empathy and compassion for the victims of a terrible war. Your gaze of a sensitive woman gives me the strength to look at the situation that is taking place several hundred kilometers from my home (I live on the border of Warsaw). My parents survived the war, my mother, grandmother, uncle and aunt survived a concentration camp in Germany. My grandfather died in the German camp. My whole life (65 years old) is without such nightmarish experiences. Images and news from Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria were so unrealistic because they were so distant. Currently, Bucha, Mariupol are very realistic, as close to your fingertips as possible.
          I watch a lot of news now, which is also saturated with devilish propaganda. Thank You and Franki for bringing up this issue. What brings me into balance is the thought that our Lord, as the prince of peace, will bring order and give relief and peace to all victims. Also the thought that such helpers as Nicole and Franki will work with Christ, our king, gives me encouragement and peace.
          Once again, thank you Fans for your warm look.
          May our Father and our Lord be with you.
          Your brother Zbigniew

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-06-05 06:58:10

          Thank you for sharing this reasoning with us, Fani. I appreciate reading your thoughts.

        • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-07 18:00:14

          Dear Nicole.
          Thank you for your response. I commented an attempt to pray for an end to the war. God will not end the war based on my prayer. In this case, my prayer is worth expressing my position. And this is important because I will make it clear that I am not indifferent to the suffering of innocent people, especially those who are Jesus’. I sincerely pray for them.
          General brutal evil is part of this world. You may know about the massacre perpetrated few days ago by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria at a Catholic church in Owo. There are 100 dead, many children and pregnant women among them. Who should I pray for in this case? I pray only for the surviving followers of Jesus Christ, because I do not even know those murderers.
          In my comment, I mentioned that such evil is not just wars, but satanic evil in general. Was there a war in Owo? What is the difference between a Nigerian woman and her child murdered by a bomb in the city of Owo and a Russian woman and her child murdered by a Ukrainian rocket in a park in Donetsk?
          Therefore, the Lord Jesus spoke the words in John 17:9. If I know that my brothers or sisters are suffering, I pray for them and ask for their faith and courage (as you wrote very well in your comment). But my prayer for reduction of evil in the world will have no effect, it is given and God knows about it. He sees everything and allows many things. Even Hitler's death had no effect on the outcome of WW2. Many people may have prayed for an end to this war, and yet it took 6 years to kill 6 million Jews and more than 30 million Slavs, among others.
          You wrote excellently: “Everyone will pray in good conscience. God understands our groans in the face of wickedness. ”
          What I wrote is my understanding, I am not the lord of anyone’s conscience.
          The important thing is that we know why this is happening and we know that our Lord will not be late - Hebrews 10:37. The quotes you have given are good, and the words of the Lord in John 17: 9 are still to be remembered. The world is clearly going from bad to worse, but Jesus Christ told us:
          "And when that begins to happen, stand up straight and raise your heads, for your redemption is at hand." (Luke 21:28)

          In the end, I call together with you: "Courage to all!"
          God bless you sister.

          • Reply by ZbigniewJan on 2022-06-08 18:01:17

            Thanks Franek for your balanced comment on how to deal with news from the fighting front. Sometimes I am lost in how to judge these atrocities. Your comment brings me back into balance.
            I thank God and Lord Jesus for such brothers and sisters.
            I have news that those who die as victims fall asleep in a death dream and wait for the voice of Christ. However, when I think of children who are cruelly mutilated, physically and mentally, my heart bleeds. I know that it is a Satanic World, that only Jehovah God through his Son will bring peace and justice.
            Thank you Franek for your support. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
            Be healthy, let the Lord stand next to you.
            Your brother Zbigniew

            • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-09 10:02:24

              Thank you so for your nice words, ZbigniewJan.
              I mentioned a war that is close to us (330 km to the Ukrainian border from me). In this world that is full of lies and disinformation, it is not easy to believe everything that the media present. I have been interested in this conflict since its inception in 2014 and my knowledge of Russian allows me to monitor the history and present of it from the perspective of all parties and to critically analyze the situation (e.g. there are indications that the Butcha massacre was orchestrated in order to damage Russia's reputation). But I still do not dare to say which side of this war is acting right. After all, that’s not my business. Jesus will judge all and also me (but I am not afraid, I am in His hands, everything my beloved righteous Lord says about me will be true) - Acts 17:31.
              In addition, today's technology has made it possible to present lies in an amazingly credible way. And "Father of Lies" takes full advantage of it. Thanks to the perfect possibilities of digital editing (for example), it is sometimes difficult to distinguish what is reality and what is an illusion. I sometimes think that in the end the only true information I will hold in my hands will be the Bible.
              You mentioned your family during the WW2. My daddy fought as an officer of the Slovak army against Nazi Germany during the Slovak National Uprising in 1944. So I know what Nazism is (even the current one in the form of battalions of Azov and similar ones). But I always remember his words - "I'd rather eat dry bread every day, just so there's no war. Those who keep using the word war constantly do not know what they are talking about”. He knew what he was talking about. Every war is pure evil.
              We know that everything is in God’s hands and everything will be all right when Lord Jesus comes. Let’s look forward to that time (Philippians 4:4). I can lose my life, but if I have Christ I will live, because Christ is our life:
              „When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Col 3:4).
              I believe that you will work with Christ in God’ Kingdom together with Eric, Nicole, me and other Christians, because of both your faith in Christ and the Holy Spirit that you received from our heavenly Father as a guarantee (2 Cor 1:22). Such Spirit is certainly in you - try a little test please ;o) -
              “Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 12:3).

              Be brave and full of faith, Zbigniew. God bless you.
              Your brother Frankie

  • Comment by Aleks Kristiani on 2022-05-31 08:35:33

    Thank you for this article brother Eric ....... Like the calf that the Israelites made when Moses left them ..... I called them (the Governing Body) .... The 8-headed Calf of the Organization ( Jehovah witnesses).....

  • Comment by Fani on 2022-05-31 08:37:56

    Merci beaucoup à ce frère PIMO. Je ne l'avais pas vu.

    Dans le même ordre d'idée, un autre PIMO m'avait très justement fait remarquer ce que dit Hébreux 11 : 12
    "C’est pourquoi d’un seul (homme) qui était pour ainsi dire mort sont nés des enfants aussi nombreux que les étoiles du ciel et aussi INNOMBRABLES que les grains de sable du bord de la mer."

    Les étoiles et les grains de sable se comptent par milliards et en fait sont indénombrables pour l'homme.
    Si les enfants de Dieu ne sont que 144 000, la comparaison n'a aucun sens et Paul ment parce qu'on peut les dénombrer !

    Quant à la prière du "Notre Père" c'est tellement choquant de ne pas suivre les paroles simples du Christ et de passer sous silence ses 1ers mots.
    Que notre Père nous préserve des interprétations humaines.

    Merci à tous.

  • Comment by Fani on 2022-05-31 08:59:32

    En lisant exceptionnellement la TG qu'Eric a mentionnée, je suis tombée sur une perle :
    TG Juillet 2022 étude 29 Para 14/15
    "Jésus est aussi là pour nous guider en situation de crise. Nous en avons eu la preuve lorsque la pandémie de Covid-19 a commencé. Alors que beaucoup de nos contemporains étaient perdus, Jésus a veillé à ce que nous recevions des instructions claires sur les mesures à adopter pour nous protéger. Nous avons été encouragés à porter un masque dans les lieux publics et à respecter la distanciation physique…"

    Je rêve : donc ces mesures venaient du Christ par l'intermédiaire du collège central et donc le monde doit dire merci à 8 hommes guidés par Christ !
    Le monde était perdu mais les TJ non, parce que eux portaient un masque et respectaient la distanciation ; manifestement, les gens du monde n'ont eu aucune instructions à ce sujet.
    En fait, on a tous entendu des "voix" venant de nos gouvernements.
    C'était Christ qui a donné ces mesures par le canal des 8 !

    Mais au fait, comment se fait il qu'ils ont eu autant de décès ?

    Elle poursuit :
    "Pratiquement du jour au lendemain, nous nous sommes mis à suivre nos réunions et nos assemblées par visioconférence"
    FAUX (exemple personnel) : AVANT qu'ils prennent ces mesures, j'avais dit à ma mère (89 ans) d'arrêter d'aller aux réunions en présentiel. Textuellement je lui ai dit : "ne crois pas que je veuille t'empêcher d'aller aux réunions, mais je pense qu'il serait plus prudent de le faire par zoom, mais tu es assez grande pour décider".
    Elle m'a répondu : je comprends, mais elle y est allée quand même.

    Alors, qui m'avait guidée moi, l'apostate, avant les mesures que Christ leur a données ?

    Un ancien m'a dit que je n'étais pas positive en disant ce genre de choses.
    Mais que dirait Christ ? RIEN ?

    • Reply by Fani on 2022-05-31 09:11:35

      Erreur de ma part : j'ai conseillé ma mère de suivre la réunion par téléphone (et non par zoom).
      Cette disposition existait dans notre congrégation depuis plusieurs années.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-06-01 21:21:48

      So true, Fani. They are so full of themselves. What that elder said was so typical. "You are not being positive!?" For them, it is never about truth, but about support for the Governing Body.

  • Comment by Natalich Yana on 2022-05-31 15:27:37

    Good afternoon! Very interesting discussion

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-05-31 21:31:44

      Good evening! Thank you!

      • Reply by Aleks Kristiani on 2022-06-01 04:14:35

        Paragraph 3 does not use the term (Too familiar) .... But the term (careless) .... you coined this term yourself

        • Reply by Fani on 2022-06-01 09:12:02

          En français c'est bien le terme familier qui est utilisé.

          • Reply by Aleks Kristiani on 2022-06-01 11:21:41

            do not understand the connection between the term (careless) and (known) .... I agree that it is a colloquial term because it becomes lively for prayer

  • Comment by ZbigniewJan on 2022-05-31 17:30:34

    Thanks Eric for your work !!!
    The prayers imbued with God's name in JW's organization are a manifestation of the worship of the name of Jehovah. It is a pathology that leads to the defilement of God's name. No matter what is said, it is important that the name of our God is used. This problem is a consequence of rejecting the hope of being adopted by God through being born of the spirit, his child. The friendship between God and the "other sheep" invented by JF Rutherford made it possible to address God as a friend. But does every citizen call his prime minister, president, king by name? God is the supreme ruler of the world. Unlike friends, children, they don't call their dad by name.
    I have never called my father by his first name, even though I respect my father's name and I am proud to be the son of Lech. This is respect for the father and the basic rule of order in the family.
    After feeling like a child of my God Jehovah, I stopped praying to God by using his name.
    The mechanism that Eric described for manipulating the words of the Lord Jesus to omit or cover up the phrase Our Father is often used.
    I will give an example of John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless he is drawn by the Father who sent me ..." JW commented on these words of the Lord Jesus: "Jehovah draws people to himself gently, as a fisherman delicately pulls out a net with fish ". Manipulation is sticking into the head the idea that God is delicately drawn.
     Repeating this concept over and over again each time this verse is quoted perpetuates the false teaching that God draws to Himself and not to His Son. How is it appealing? gently!!!

    • Reply by Aleks Kristiani on 2022-05-31 18:41:10

      If you want to lead a personal prayer, you can address your Father without a name, but if you have to make disciples, you must introduce your Father by name and His Son by name, so that others may know Him. the world ,, is Jesus ,,, is Abraham, is the Pope ,,, is the Buddha ,,,, Jesus did not really use the name but he spoke only to the Jews who knew the name and he introduced you as the Father Jehovah ,,,, "Jesus did not preach to those who did not know Jehovah." ... What is this shallow reasoning ,, I talk to my father and I do not tell his name ,, but in the civil status you tell him the name and tell him I am the son of someone because he introduces your father ,,,,, How can to make disciples if you do not use the name of God?! ,, It is absurd ..... Beware of this plague ,, not using the name of Jehovah serves only one purpose ,,, help the father of the lie who has hidden him for decades and centuries from the crowds ,,,, You are fulfilling requirement number 1 in model prayer ,, but you are not fulfilling requirement number 2 (May your name be sanctified) .... How can you say to others ,,, This is my father if you do not tell him his name ,,, They will ask ,,, What is his name? .. You are opposing yourself in this case .....

      • Reply by Aleks Kristiani on 2022-05-31 18:50:48

        If you encounter a Muslim he will also say to you ,,, I worship my God called Allah ..... he will tell you that Allah is the God of the Bible ,,,, What is your answer: No it is not Allah ,,, but he is the Father ,,,, he is my Father ,,,,,,,, the Father is the God presented by the Bible ,,,,, Truly he will marvel at you

        • Reply by Aleks Kristiani on 2022-05-31 18:56:28

          It also means that this person needs strong medicine ,,,,,,, Beware of the yeast of the Sadducees

    • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-04 06:16:55

      Hi my brother Zbigniew.

      You wrote “After feeling like a child of my God Jehovah, I stopped praying to God by using his name.” This is also my case. You explanation is very good.
      Yes, Jehovah is almighty God. He is also wise, righteous, and he is love. I am happy to have such God and Father.
      I have respect for Him as a child before his/her father, but I am not afraid of Him because I love my heavenly Daddy and he loves me. „There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.“ (1 John 4:18).
      I am sure that “neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39).
      May the loving and righteous hand of my heavenly Father rest on me forever.


  • Comment by marielle on 2022-06-01 02:52:45

    En ce qui concerne Galates 4 : 27,28 Ils ont bien compris qu’il y avait une contradiction, de limiter à 144 000 les enfants de la femme stérile, plus nombreux que celle qui a le mari. C’´est pourquoi, ils disent que la Jérusalem d’en haut, est la femme céleste de Jéhovah composée de puissantes créatures spirituelles.
    ip-2 chap. 15 p. 215-231 La femme stérile se réjouit
    Qu'entendent-ils par puissantes créatures spirituelles, si ce n’est « les myriades d’anges en assemblée générale ».
    Certes, les oints sont ses enfants, mais pas seulement, ils sont donc plus nombreux.

  • Comment by Peter on 2022-06-01 05:14:18

    I would like to join the conversation, I really would, but that would be opening a can of worms. Almost everything religion preaches about our Creator and our relationship with IT is false, so it's literally impossible for anyone to have an objective discussion about the subject. Probably the best bit of advice from the Bible is "Prove all things. Hold fast that which is good." In other words, don't take anyone's word for anything, not even the words written in this book. Prove everything for yourself beyond the shadow of a doubt by using the critical thinking faculty you are born with. That's the one that makes children continually ask one question - "Why?" If that question is asked and answered properly often enough, we'd be able to deduce the truth from a combination of induction, calculation, deduction, first principles, and reason, and then we'd KNOW the Truth, which is the only thing that can set us free. Free from our own self imposed illusions about ourselves and our Creator.

    • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-04 07:47:57

      Hi Peter.
      Thank you for your comment. In essence, you described a method of critical analysis that is a serious sin in the WT environment. You wrote: “If that question is asked and answered properly often enough, we'd be able to deduce the truth from a combination of induction, calculation, deduction, first principles, and reason, and then we'd KNOW the Truth, which is the only thing that can set us free”. OK. But one more thing needs to be emphasized here, and that is the most important thing.

      When thinking about God's word, we must never rely only on ourselves, on our own abilities ("thinking faculty"). We must remember the Lord's words:
      " ... apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers.„ (John 15:5-6)
      When we begin to use “a combination of induction, calculation, deduction, first principles, and reason,” we always need to ask God for the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ for strength, because we need that strength for everything (Philip 4:13).
      Isaiah tells us “as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55: 9). Therefore may the heavenly Father teach us. (Psalm 25: 4-5).

      As you wrote, let's use critical analysis to study God's word. But let us never rely on ourselves, but on God, from whom we receive all good things, also wisdom, and accept it humbly.


  • Comment by PierrotSud on 2022-06-01 15:25:41

    I had not paid much attention until now to this demonstration of Paul in his letter to the Galatians about the children of God.
    Certainly because the teaching we have received prevents us from discerning the true meaning, or else it is "laziness" on my part by letting myself be guided by the organization.
    I have a question about this example:
    Couldn't the Jehovah's Witness organization claim that the use of "anti-types" are "biblical" since Paul did the same in Galatians? I am not trying to defend the Governing Body, but perhaps Rutherford used this passage to exploit the use of anti-types.
    That was my question at the time.

    • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-02 17:16:07

      Hagar - Sarah. Mount Sinai - Upper Jerusalem. Slavery - Freedom.
      "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore ... " Gal (5: 1). "So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman." (Gal. 4:31). We cannot be the servants of men because we are the servants of Jesus Christ, in whom our freedom lies (Gal. 2:4). That's the point.

  • Comment by mattlunsford on 2022-06-02 10:27:50

    Thanks to the PIMO brother and yourself for sharing this thought about the millions of Christians being more numerous than the Israelites or Jews which numbered in the millions. I have enjoyed learning that the thought of a non-anointed Christian is a contradiction in terms. This is because the word Christian means "anointed one." All who put their faith and trust in Jesus are anointed and can be properly named Christians. Acts 11:26 Therefore, the 144,000 anointed Christians cannot be a literal number. The logic in the Bible text reveals the truth to expose all false teachings. We follow Jesus by remaining in his word. John 8:31,32

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-06-02 13:26:02

      Sound reasoning.

      • Reply by mattlunsford on 2022-06-03 11:56:12

        Ray Franz also has some additional argumentation against the literal 144,000. Please refer to the appendix of In Search of Christian Freedom pages 723-725. There is other info in this publication in the chapters as well. The JW org's claim that some scriptures in Revelation are literal and others are symbolic is definitely not consistent to say the least. It is also manipulative to bend the scriptures to support their doctrine. Is it any surprise since the devil keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. 2 Cor 11:14 What has helped me to recover from JW deception is accepting personal accountability and admitting that I was misled. Although I was unaware, Jesus told me not to follow them. Luke 21:8 Any person or group that claims to have special knowledge or promotes the idea that world events are an indication that Jesus' arrival is imminent is fulfilling the identity of those that Jesus warned about. DO NOT FOLLOW THEM! I made this mistake but have recovered and now have peace in the good news of Jesus.

  • Comment by investigate on 2022-06-03 23:44:17

    Thank you for all your work, your site was instrumental to me keeping faith when waking up. Lots of great points In this article. However even as I write this comment I am still distracted by your statement that Abraham was under the Mosaic covenant.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-06-04 22:17:45

      Yes, that still plagues me. I was a big faux pas.

      • Reply by PhilRichards on 2022-08-16 20:55:51

        Everyone makes mistakes - the fact you own up to it - is important and denotes honesty.

  • Comment by Frankie on 2022-06-04 09:11:32

    Thank you Eric for this timely article / video. Apart from the information about 144000, I consider very important what you wrote:
    “... God use the perfectly understandable and relatable human relationship like that of a father and child to explain himself .... a father wants to be known by his children, because he wants to be loved by them. Surely Yahweh God, in his infinite wisdom, can find a way to explain himself in terms we mere humans can understand.”.

    And this explanation of the father-son relationship that each of us understands perfectly explains our relationship with God as a relationship between a child and a father, as well as the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Father and son are not the same (one) - the same being. Father and son have different positions in the family. If it were otherwise in heaven, God would certainly use a different analogy.

    Human father is always greater than a son (John 14:28). The father gives everything to the son (John 17:10). The son obeys his father's will (John 4:34). A father can entrust his son with his powers (Matt. 28:18). The father gives to son everything necessary for a work, and the son then creates something - that “something” was created through the son (in this sense, both the father and the son are creators) (Gen. 1:26; John 1: 3; John 5:19). The son is not the father, but he can be the image of his father (Heb. 1: 3). The son always exalts his father (Mark 10:18).
    If we deeply realize what God is telling us about his relationship with Jesus and with us, it must completely demolish in our minds the human fabrications of the Trinity and the friends-of-God relation.

    The son is the father's heir. The son is the father's beloved child.
    Therefore they are two different entities.

    Thank you for your hard work. May our heavenly Father draw as many JWs as possible to his Son, Jesus Christ. Go on, my brother.

    P.S. That your “Shame on them !” - John 2:17 :o)

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2022-06-04 12:05:59

      Well reasoned, Frankie. Thank you.

      • Reply by Frankie on 2022-06-13 16:27:16

        As for the father-son relationship between Jehovah and Jesus Christ, I still came across a very good verse that you certainly know (also with regard to creation):
        "yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” (1 Cor 8:6)
        Two beings, one creation.

  • Comment by Fani on 2022-06-08 12:33:09

    Merci Frankie
    Je comprends très bien ce que vous dites.
    (La permission du mal est un sujet tellement difficile pour nous, pauvres humains)

  • Comment by Roberto 62 on 2022-06-09 15:48:56

    Palesemente non è a mio avviso particolarmente importante che il corpo direttivo il modo che una persona deve pregare Geova,ma il fatto che ha tolto la possibilità di pregare Dio per avere sapienza e intendimento circa lo studio delle scritture, perché ha rifatto istituto "un canale" per acquisire tale intendimento.
    Ed è necessario essere parte di tale organizzazione per essere salvati.

  • Comment by PhilRichards on 2022-08-16 20:54:45

    Hello - I am currently disfellowshipped - and I am finding it difficult to keep going in the world. I have though, found this site, and a number of excellent videos on the teachings of JW's.

    My mind keeps pushing back at what I am hearing and I am struggling to see past a whole life (I was born a JW) of doctrine that I am now starting to question. Thinking that I am possibly able to partake of the emblems sends a shiver down my spine! I have always been taught that God would kill me for my impertinence if I did any such thing.

    But I am determined to "get to the truth" rather than being led by an organisation - I can see how that is indeed very important.

    So I will keep reading the bible and listening to others with eyes and ears that do not just accept what is said, but instead seek true information from the bible. I just do not want to get it wrong - this is what keeps me up at night!

    I enjoyed this article - it is a beautiful thing to think of Jehovah as my father, rather than as a God who will one day possibly kill me at armageddon.... I have truly lived a life of fear I am sorry to say. I am looking forward with more hope now. I have been sick to my stomach thinking about having to head back into a judicial committee to speak to the Elders about my potential reinstatement. But I want to be able to speak freely to my family... so - it must be faced.


    • Reply by auchines on 2022-09-03 06:35:00

      Hi Phil Richards, I’m meeting more and more JW members leave the JW in these around 10 years, so I have questions for you that (1)Who is you following, Jehovah or any one human? (2)Who did kick you out of the JW, Jehovah or any one human? (3)Who does appoint you working on the earth, Jehovah or any one human? (4)Dose JW(Jehovah Witness) equal the people who makes witness for Jehovah? (5)Dose the people who makes witness for Jehovah equal JW(Jehovah Witness)? (6)In your opinion, what should the relation be between Jehovah and JW? (7)In your pinion, what should the relation be between you and JW?
      Would you like to try to make answers for me? I’ll happy for discussion of What is truth.

  • Comment by AnnaNana on 2022-11-03 20:04:12

    "The crown of old men consists of children’s children" Proverbs 17:6 (Rotherham)

    Who were Israel's "children"?

    Jacob/Israel had 12 sons. They were his children. So was his daughter, she was one of Israel's children too.

    Jacob/Israel's children had children. They were Israel's grandchildren. Those had children, and so on, until there was a great nation, all of them called, collectively, Children of Israel.

    Who are God's children?

    If the 144,000 are God's children because of Christ's blood, then who are the children of the 144,000? Grandchildren? Then aren't they also God's children? What children are we talking about?

    Adam had children. Jesus adopted Adam's children. Jesus marries the 144,000, thus all the children of Adam who have faith in the ransom are also children of the 144,000. Being a child of a child of God makes you a child of God too. It doesn't end with one generation. In order to be a child of God, you don't have to be one of the 144,000. 

    Why does the governing body view Jehovah as so far away? I don't know. Maybe Jehovah is blocking them at present from understanding how close Jehovah is to us. Maybe Jehovah is giving that gift to us because he gave other gifts to them. I don't think they're trying to stand in between anyone on purpose. I think they really don't know how close Jehovah is to us. "Daddy" is how we view him, as we should. If the brothers on the writing committees at present are writing about what they know, then we can pity them, feel bad for them, if they view Jehovah as far away. 

    Jesus said that even children could understand the deep things of God, but the learned men had a hard time. Their eyes are dulled. It's a partial dulling of senses upon some in "Israel". (Jehovah's true people, whether they be in or out of the organization, are Israel, "Contenders With God".)

    "Let the young children come to me."

    Jehovah wants the whole family. The ransom is big enough for those who repent, even those men. We will wait for them until our Lord says the time is up. They belong to him, all things belong to him. We have to be ready to comfort them, because if they survive the tribulation, they are going to need comfort. They're going to feel really bad about misrepresenting Jehovah, and about driving sheep away. Surely they aren't doing it on purpose, not the sincere ones. (I am not talking about the ones who have blasphemed the spirit, but we don't know which ones they are.) Some are really just misled. 

    "For I do not want you to be unaware of this sacred secret, brothers, so that you do not become wise in your own eyes: A partial dulling of senses has come upon Israel until the full number of people of the nations has come in,  and in this manner all Israel will be saved. Just as it is written: “The deliverer will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly practices from Jacob.  And this is my covenant with them, when I take their sins away.”  True, with respect to the good news, they are enemies for your sakes; but with respect to God’s choosing, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers.  For the gifts and the calling of God are not things he will regret.  For just as you were once disobedient to God but have now been shown mercy because of their disobedience,  so also these now have been disobedient with mercy resulting to you, so that they themselves may also now be shown mercy.  For God has confined all of them together in disobedience so that he might show all of them mercy. O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and beyond tracing out his ways are!  For “who has come to know Jehovah’s mind, or who has become his adviser?”  Or, “who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?”  Because from him and by him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen."

    "My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not commit a sin. And yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one.  And he is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for the whole world’s."

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