A Few Suggestions on Finding the Best Way to Leave the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses

– posted by meleti

The title of this video is “A Few Suggestions on Finding the Best Way to Leave the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

I imagine that someone without any connections to or experience with the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses might read this title and wonder, “What’s the big deal? If you want to leave, then just leave. What? Did you sign a contract or something?”

Actually, yes, you did sign a contract or something of the sort. You did this, without realizing it, I’m sure, when you got baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Your baptism into the organization carried with it some serious consequences…consequences that were hidden from you, buried in the “theocratic fine print.”

Isn’t it so that you were told that you had to make a dedication vow to Jehovah, and that your baptism was a symbol of that dedication? Is that scriptural? PLEASE! There’s nothing scriptural about that. Seriously, show me a Scripture that says we have to make a vow of dedication to God before baptism? There isn’t one. In fact, Jesus tells us not to make such vows.

“You have also heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not break your vows; you must carry out the vows you make to the Lord.’ But I say, do not make any vows!…Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:33, 37 NIV)

But the JW requirement of making a dedication vow to Jehovah before baptism, so readily accepted by all Witnesses—myself included at one time—holds them hostage to the Organization because, for the Governing Body, “Jehovah” and “Organization” are synonymous. Leaving the Organization is always expressed as “leaving Jehovah.” So, dedication to God is also dedication to what Geoffrey Jackson called, speaking under oath, the Guardians of Doctrine or G.O.D. referring to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In the mid-1980s, apparently to cover their legal backside, they added a question that all baptismal candidates are required to answer in the affirmative: “Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with Jehovah's organization?”

By answering “Yes” to that question, you will have publicly declared that you belong to the Organization and the Organization belongs to Jehovah—so you see the catch! Since you vowed to dedicate your life to Jehovah, to do his will, you have also vowed to dedicate your life to the Organization which you acknowledged publicly as His. They’ve gotcha!

If challenged legally that they have no right to disfellowship you because your spiritual relationship isn’t with them but with God, Watch Tower liars…sorry, lawyers…will likely counter with this reasoning: “You acknowledged at baptism that you belong, not to God, but to the Organization. Therefore, you accepted the Organization’s rules, which include the right to enforce that all their members shun you, should you leave.” Does that authority come from Scripture? Don’t be silly. Of course, it doesn’t. If it did, there would have been no reason for them to add that second question.

Incidentally, that question used to read: “Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with Jehovah's spirit-directed organization?” But, in 2019, “spirit-directed” was removed from the question. You might wonder why? Legally, it would be hard to prove that it is directed by God’s holy spirit, I think.

Now, if you have a good, moral conscience, you might be worried about breaking a vow to God, even one made unknowingly and unscripturally.  Well, don’t be.  You see, you have a moral out based on a principle established in Scripture. Numbers 30:3-15 states that under the law, a woman’s husband or fiancé, or her Father could annul a vow made. Well, we’re not under the Mosaic law, but we are under the superior law of Christ, and as such, we are children of Jehovah God making up the bride of Christ. That means that both our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and our spiritual husband, Jesus, can and will annul the vow we were tricked into making.

Some have suggested that the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is like the Eagles’ Hotel California in that “You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.”

Many try to check out without leaving. That is called fading. Such ones have come to be known as PIMOs, Physically In, Mentally Out.  However, the owners of this particular “Hotel California” are wise to that tactic. They have indoctrinated the rank-and-file Jehovah’s Witness to notice any who are not Gung Ho in their support for the Governing Body. As a result, simply trying to fade away quietly is noticed and what happens often is a process called “soft shunning.” Even if no official announcement has been made from the platform, there is an unspoken awareness to treat that person with suspicion.

What PIMOs want is to leave the Organization, but not their social structure, their family and friends.

Sorry, but it is almost impossible to leave without sacrificing your relationship with family and friends. Jesus foretold this:

“Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, no one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get 100 times more now in this period of time—houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields, with persecutions—and in the coming system of things, everlasting life.” (Mark 10:29, 30)

The question then becomes, how best to leave? The best way is the loving way. Now that might sound odd at first but consider this: God is love. So writes John at 1 John 4:8. As my study of Scripture has continued, I have become increasingly aware of the pivotal role that loves plays in everything. Everything! If we examine any problem from the standpoint of agape love, the love that always seeks the best interests for everyone, we can quickly find the path forward, the best path forward. So, let’s examine the various ways people leave from the standpoint of providing a loving benefit to all.

One method is the slow fade which rarely works as we would wish it to.

Another option is to submit a letter of resignation or disassociation to the elders, sometimes with a copy being sent to the local branch office, or even world headquarters. Often, the local elders will ask someone having doubts about the Governing Body to submit such a letter, called “a letter of disassociation.” It makes their job easier, you see. No need to convene time-consuming judicial committees. Additionally, by avoiding judicial committees the elders shield themselves from being exposed to the reason for the PIMOs departure. In case after case, I’ve seen how the elders dread having to confront the reasons, because hard facts are such inconvenient things when one is holding fast to a comfortable delusion.

The appeal of writing and submitting a letter of disassociation is that it gives you the satisfaction of making a clean break from the Organization, and a chance for a fresh start. Nevertheless, I’ve heard some object to the whole idea of a letter of disassociation on the grounds that the elders have no legal nor scriptural right to such a letter. Giving them a letter, these ones argue, is a tacit admission that they have the authority they pretend to have when in fact they have no authority whatsoever. I would concur with that assessment given what Paul said to the children of God in Corinth: “. . .all things belong to you; in turn you belong to Christ; Christ, in turn, belongs to God.” (1 Corinthians 3:22, 23)

Based on this, the only one with authority to judge us is Jesus Christ because we belong to him, but he has granted us possession of all things. That ties in with the apostle’s earlier words to the Corinthians:

“But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually. However, the spiritual man examines all things, but he himself is not examined by any man.” (1 Corinthians 2:14, 15)

Since JW elders are guided by the publications of the Watch Tower Society, that is, the men of the Governing Body, their reasoning is that of “the physical man.” They cannot receive nor understand the things of “the spiritual man,” for such things are examined by means of the holy spirit that dwells in us. So, when they hear the words of the spiritual man or woman, what they hear is foolishness to them, because their powers of examination are from the flesh, not from the spirit.

For the reasons just stated, I don’t recommend handing in a formal letter of disassociation. Of course, that is my opinion and I would not criticize the personal decision anyone makes because this is a matter of conscience and local circumstances must always be taken into consideration.

Still, if one choses to write a formal letter of disassociation, no one will know why you have chosen to leave. The elders will not share your letter with the members of the congregation. You see, the announcement that will be read out to the congregation is the same, word for word, as the announcement that is read out when anyone is disfellowshipped for a grievous sin, like rape or child sexual abuse.

So, all your friends and associates will not be told that you have left for reasons of conscience, or because you love truth and hate the lie. They’ll have to rely on gossip, and that gossip will not be flattering, I can assure you. The elders will likely to be the source of it. Gossipers will cast you as a disgruntled “apostate,” a proud opposer, and slander your name and reputation in every way possible.

You will not be able to defend yourself against this slander, because no one will so much as say a greeting to you.

Given all that, you might wonder if there a better way that still allows you to make a clean break? More important, is there a loving way to leave, bearing in mind that Christian love always looks for what is best for others?

Well, consider this as an option. Write a letter, yes, but don’t deliver it to the elders. Instead, deliver it by any means that’s convenient—regular mail, e-mail, or text—or hand deliver it—to those who most matter to you: Your family, your friends, and anyone else in the congregation you think would benefit.

What will happen if you do it that way?

Well, perhaps some of them are also thinking as you are. Maybe they will benefit from your words and also come to learn the truth. For others, these revelations might be the first stage of their own process of awakening to lies they’ve been fed. Admittedly, some will reject your words, perhaps the majority— but at least they will have heard truth from your own lips rather than lying gossip from the mouths of others.

Of course, the elders will surely hear about it, but the information will already be out there. All will know the scriptural reasons for your decision whether they agree with them or not. You will have done what you can do to share the true good news of salvation. That is a real act of courage and love. As Philippians 1:14 says, you “are showing all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly.” (Philippians 1:14)

Whether or not those getting your letter will agree to the points contained in it, will be up to each of them. At least, your hands will be clean. If, in your letter, you tell everyone you are resigning, the elders will likely take that as a formal statement of disassociation and make their standard announcement, but it will be too late for them to stop the spread of the message of truth your letter will contain.

If you don’t say you are resigning in your letter, then the protocol will be for the elders to form a judicial committee and “invite” you to attend. You can choose to go or not. If you don’t go, they will disfellowship you in absentia. On the other hand, if you do attend their star chamber—for such it will be—they will still disfellowship you, but you’ll be able to present the scriptural evidence backing up your decision and showing it as righteous. Nevertheless, such judicial committees can be drawn out and very stressful, so consider that fact before making your decision.

If you do decide to attend the judicial hearing, may I share two words of advice: 1) Record the discussion and 2) don’t make statements, ask questions. That last point is not as easy as it sounds.  The desire to defend oneself will be very difficult to overcome. The elders will undoubtedly ask you probing questions and will make offensive, and often false accusations. This is all based on many cases that I’ve heard and hard experience. But I assure you that the best tactic is to respond with questions and ask them for specifics.  Let me try to illustrate that for you. It might go like this:

Elder: Don’t you think the governing body is the faithful slave?

You: Is that for me to say? Who did Jesus say the faithful slave would be?

Elder: Who else is preaching the good news around the world?

You: I don’t see how that’s relevant.  I’m here because of what I wrote in my letter. Is there something in my letter which is false?

Elder: Where did you get that information from? Were you reading apostate websites?

You: Why won’t you answer my question? What’s important is whether what I wrote is true or false. If true, why am I here, and if false, show me how it is false from Scripture.

Elder: We’re not here to debate with you?

You: I’m not asking you to debate me. I’m asking you to prove to me that I have done something sinful. Have I lied? If so, state the lie. Be specific.

This is just an example. I am not trying to prepare you for what you must say. Jesus tells us not to worry about what we must say when speaking before opposers.  He only tells us to trust that the spirit will give us the words we need.

“Look! I am sending you out as sheep among wolves; so prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves. Be on your guard against men, for they will hand you over to local courts and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. However, when they hand you over, do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour; for the ones speaking are not just you, but it is the spirit of your Father that speaks by you. (Matthew 10:16-20)

When a single sheep is surrounded by three wolves, it will naturally get nervous.  Jesus was confronted by wolf-like religious leaders constantly. Did he go on the defensive? It would be natural for a human to do so when confronted by attackers. But Jesus never allowed those opposers to put him on the defensive. Instead, he went on the offensive. How, by not responding directly to their questions and accusations, but instead, by putting them on the defensive with insightful questions.

These suggestions are only my opinion based on my experience and the information I’ve gathered over the years from others who have gone through this process. The final choice on how to best proceed must be yours. I share this information only to inform you as best I can so that you can choose the wisest course of action given your own circumstances.

Some have asked me what a letter like this should contain. Well, it should be from your heart, and it should reflect your personality, personal convictions, and beliefs. Most of all, it should be well supported by Scripture, because “the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account. (Hebrews 4:12, 13)

I’ve put together a template that might serve you to draft up your own letter. I’ve posted in on my web site, Beroean Pickets (beroeans.net) and I’ve put a link to it in the description field of this video, or if you prefer, you can use this QR Code to download it to your phone or tablet.

Here is the text of the letter:

Dear {insert name of recipient},

I think that you know me to be a lover of truth and a loyal servant of our God Jehovah and his Son, Jesus Christ.  It is my love of truth that moves me to write to you.

I’ve always been proud to think that I am in the truth. I know you feel the same. This is why I want to share some serious concerns that are troubling me. True brothers and sisters console and help each other.

MY FIRST CONCERN: Why was Watch Tower affiliated with the United Nations Organization for ten years?

You can imagine my shock when I learned from the web site of the United Nations (www.un.org) that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York applied for and was granted association with the UN as an NGO, a non-governmental organization, for ten years.

This bothered me and so I did some research in the Watchtower Library to see what justification could be found to support this. I came across this article in The Watchtower of June, 1, 1991 called  “Their Refuge—A Lie!” Here are some quotes from it that I agree with.

“Like ancient Jerusalem, Christendom looks to worldly alliances for security, and her clergy refuse to take refuge in Jehovah.” (w91 6/1 p. 16 par. 8)

“Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization? A recent book gives an idea when it states: “No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN.”” (w91 6/1 p. 17 pars. 10-11)

I wondered if maybe there was some difference between the Watchtower Society’s affiliation and that of the twenty-four Catholic organizations this article refers to. I checked on the UN web site and found this: https://www.un.org/en/civil-society/watchtowerletter/

There is no difference in the eyes of the UN. Both organizations are registered as NGOs. Why is the Watchtower involved with the image of the wild beast of Revelation? If I joined a political party or the UN, I’d be disfellowshipped, wouldn’t I? I don’t understand this.

MY SECOND CONCERN: The Organization’s failure to report known sexual predators to the Superior Authorities

Can you imagine how it would ruin your life to have been sexually abused as a child? I have had people in the preaching work confront me with the accusation that Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t protect our children from pedophiles.  I was sure this was false.  So, I did some research to be able to prove to them that we are different.

What I found out really shocked me. I found a news story that talked about child sexual abuse in religions in Australia that included Jehovah’s Witnesses. This was a government news story that included this link. https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses. This link does not include a video, but does include the official transcript of the proceedings including the sworn testimony of the elders and branch committee members, even Brother Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body.

Basically, these documents show that over 1,800 Witness children were abused for many years in that country.  The branch office kept files on over 1,000 brothers who were molesting children, but never reported a single one of them to the police, and some of these pedophiles never stopped serving in the congregation. Why did the branch office keep their names secret from the authorities?

Romans 13:1-7 tells us to obey the superior authorities, unless their orders conflict with God’s commandments.  How does hiding the names of pedophiles from the superior authorities conflict with Jehovah God’s commandments? I can’t see any reason why they would not protect our children. What do you think about this?

Maybe you think it’s not our responsibility to report rapists and sexual predators to the worldly authorities. I wondered about that as well, but then I remembered this scripture

“If a bull gores a man or a woman and that one dies, the bull must be stoned to death and its meat is not to be eaten; but the owner of the bull is free from punishment. But if a bull was in the habit of goring and its owner had been warned but he would not keep it under guard and it killed a man or a woman, the bull is to be stoned and its owner is also to be put to death.” (Exodus 21:28, 29)

Can we really believe that Jehovah would make a law like this that required a man to be stoned to death for failing to protect his neighbors from a bull he was responsible for, but would let a man slide unpunished for failing to protect the most vulnerable of his flock—little children—from a sexual predator? Though that was part of the Mosaic Law, doesn’t the principle behind it continue to apply?

MY THIRD CONCERN: Where is the scriptural support for shunning someone who isn’t sinning?

The report I mentioned above provides the official transcript of the sworn testimony of young women who had been abused as children by Witness men. My heart broke.  These poor girls, whose lives had been ruined, were now so angry for not being protected by the elders that they felt their only option was to leave their congregation. In some cases, the abusers were actually still serving as elders and ministerial servants in the congregation. Can you imagine being a young girl or woman and having to sit in the audience listening to your abuser giving a talk?

So the problem is that when these victims wanted to leave the congregation, they were shunned and treated like sinners. Why do we shun people who haven’t sinned? That seems so wrong. Is there something in the Bible that tells us to do this? I can’t find it, and I’m really upset about this.

MY FOURTH CONCERN: Are we becoming like the money-loving Churches of Christendom?

I always took great pride in the belief that we were different from the churches of Christendom because we only give voluntary donations. Why do we now have to make monthly donations based on the number of publishers in our congregation? Also, why has the Organization started to sell our Kingdom Halls that we built with our own hands, without even consulting us? And where does the money go?

I know people that have to drive long distances in all kinds of weather to attend a hall they never wanted to attend because their hall was sold out from under them. How is this a loving provision?

MY FIFTH CONCERN: I can’t find the scriptural support for Overlapping Generation Doctrine

The generation of 1914 has died off. There was no overlapping generation in the first century, but just a simple generation as we all define the term. But now, the publications talk of two generations of anointed ones—one that was alive in 1914 but is now gone, and a second that will be alive when Armageddon comes. These two distinct generations of people overlap, “based on their time of anointing” to quote Brother Splane, to form some sort of “super generation,” but please tell me where is the scriptural evidence for this? If there isn’t any, then how can we know it is true? It really bothers me that the Organization doesn’t use scriptures to prove this complicated doctrine. The only scripture the publications have used to try to support this new light is Exodus 1:6, but that clearly doesn’t refer to an overlapping generation, but just a simple generation like everyone understands a generation to be.

MY SIXTH CONCERN: Who are the Other Sheep?

I’ve always believed that I’m one of the other sheep of John 10:16.  I understand this to mean that:

  • I am a friend of God
  • I am not a child of God
  • Jesus is not my mediator
  • I’m not in the new covenant
  • I’m not anointed
  • I can’t partake of the emblems
  • I’ll still be imperfect when I’m resurrected

I never thought to question any of this, because the publications convinced me it was all Bible based. When I actually started to look for the scriptural support for this, I couldn’t find any. What really bothers me is that this is my salvation hope. If I can’t find support for it in Scripture, how can I be sure it is true?

John tells us that anyone who puts faith in Jesus can be adopted as a child of God.

“However, to all who did receive him, he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name. And they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God.” (John 1:12, 13)

In conclusion, I have carefully examined the Bible using the publications but I still can’t find the scriptural support for any of the things that concern me as I’ve explained in this letter.

If you can help me answer these concerns from the Bible, I’d really appreciate it.

With warm Christian love,


{your name}


Well thank you so much for listening. I hope this is helpful. Again, the letter is a template, modify it as you best see fit, and you can download it both in PDF and Word format from my website. Again, the link is in the description field of this video and once I close, I’ll leave two QR codes up so that you can use either one to download it to your phone or tablet.

Thank you again.


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  • Comment by a watcher on 2023-02-03 17:16:09

    If I were going to leave JWs I would just become inactive and drift away.

  • Comment by ANITAMARIE on 2023-02-04 03:25:37

    This was so helpful as always. Thanks Eric

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-02-04 08:24:17

      Thank you.

  • Comment by Dalibor on 2023-02-04 04:21:19

    The explanation how to behave during the judicial hearing were inspiring. It brough me to a question, how the apostles understood the meaning of the faithful and discreet slave parable after being annointed by the holy spirit. In their days, there were nothing like world central organization and the various relatively independent congregations circulated letters from apostle Paul and others. If it had no meaning for the readers, the parable would not be incorporated into the Matthew's text. So, it had to mean something, but not that taught by Organization in the recent decades.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-02-04 08:25:12

      What a fascinating insight. I so appreciate reading this. I shall have to add it to the book in a second edition.

  • Comment by limping lamb on 2023-02-04 05:19:53

    Thank you for this useful article, (indeed, all your articles are useful, it’s true)

    I have been inactive and non-attending for about 3 years now and have considered a letter to both the governing body and local congregation elders, but do not wish to miss the opportunity for an impactful statement that might make them think twice about what they have all been doing this last 100 years or more! After all, they wouldn’t give me a second chance to talk to them! (They have been soft-shunning me for more than 3 years!)

    I know from experience that if any J W gets a whiff of anything subversive in any form from someone who is no longer attending or ‘witnessing’, their mind will shut down, and whatever is said next is discounted as evil apostate reasoning.

    The so-called ‘Truth’ has changed a lot since I first attended meetings in 1960 as a ten year old. (I had been deeply interested in God’s word for some years even before then, and knew enough to know that every church I had attended fell short of practising Christian principles.)
    About a fortnight before I was baptised in 1966, the Bible Study Servant, as they were called in those days, asked me if I had made a ‘dedication?’. I was rather confused by his question and so made no reply, but he said he could see that I had, and left it at that!
    It was disappointing to be dunked beneath the swimming pool water without an expected “I baptise you in the name of the Father etc.”, but I believed that my faith made me a Christian disciple of Christ, not a member of an organised religion.
    For decades I have been asking people, “if your religion preaches something that the Bible does not agree with, what would you do? Folllow your religion - or follow God’s word?” Most people would say they would follow their religion, - I guess then, that Jehovah’s Witnesses are pretty much like members any other religion, God’s word comes second to their religion.
    l already know, of course, that gossip has gone around about me, but not one person has cared enough to find out why I am no longer with them. But in the near future I feel I must take a stand on the matter. Your suggestion of writing to individuals is very sensible.
    Hope you are well Eric, keep up the fine work!

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2023-02-04 06:42:32

      Hello brother lamb. Your experience contains so many similarities to mine, although I am still following them on zoom. I have written letters to the Organisation on shunning , and statements made at the ARC, but got no straight answers. What I really appreciate about Eric's suggestion (to write a letter to friends) is that this is something we can do now and hold till needed.
      There is no rush, so we can make sure we say what we want to say, without throwing pearls before swine with letters hoping the Organisation might see the error of their ways. If they ever change, good. But, until then, all that will be written by them is what has been written before. Do they not have any serious bible students ? Or are they sucked in by their own conviction that the organisation alone is the one source of truth that Jehovah is using. Sound like we have heard that particular line before.

    • Reply by jwc on 2023-02-04 06:58:40

      My Dear Liming Lamb,

      “Shunning” is a well know practice of the Pharisees (John 9:23,34) and is a method used today by those afraid to face the truth themselves.

      But there’s no doubt that being shunned can affect us emotionally and spiritually.

      I was baptized in 1969, pioneered (helped to form a new congregation in Scotland), became a MS, Elder etc., etc., but went through a very bad experience (mostly my own fault) and then for 25 years found myself in a spiritual desert.

      One Sunday morning, about 3 years ago, there was a knock on my door . . . as they say, the rest is history.

      I found Eric and the BP only about 3 months ago, and since then I my compass point has been spinning but it is slowly pointing in the right direction (can a compass needle point upwards?).

      Where I live, (Sussex in England) there are three JW congregations in my immediate area. I take real please in engaging the B/S when I see them on the ministry (I’m not sure they feel the same way when they see me) and I can say that I feel for them. What do I feel? It’s a porridge of love, kindness, sadness, and some hurt. But that’s my problem, not there’s.

      There is no ‘quick fix’ and in my case, it been months of hell. But our strength comes from the Holy Spirit, prayer, reading scriptures and the love we feel from out own true Brothers and Sisters.
      I share my love of the Beloved Christ with you – 1 John 4:19

  • Comment by Frits van Pelt on 2023-02-04 07:03:00

    Herroepen van de tweede doopvraag.

    Beste Broeders,
    Toen ik mijzelf opdroeg aan Jehovah God, heb ik mij door middel van de tweede doopvraag tevens verbonden aan de ,,door de geest geleide organisatie''.
    Door mijn opdracht aan Jehovah God heb ik Hem namelijk beloofd exclusieve toewijding te geven . ,,Houd ook in gedachte dat u zich aan Jehovah God hebt opgedragen, en niet aan een werk, een doel, mensen of een organisatie''.
    (blz. 183, par. 4 ,,Wat leert de Bijbel echt’’ ?)
    Naar nu blijkt, dien ik ook exclusief toegewijd te zijn aan de organisatie met zijn ,,besturend lichaam'', (de beleidvolle slaaf).
    De implicatie hiervan is dat de woorden, standpunten en interpretaties van mensen aan God worden toegeschreven. Mensen die in theorie weliswaar verklaren feilbaar te zijn, maar zich in praktijk als onfeilbaar opstellen en eenheid verkiezen boven waarheid.
    Hoe kan het ook anders wanneer er gepretendeerd wordt, Gods exclusieve communicatie kanaal te zijn? Is God soms feilbaar?

    De theorie is dat de organisatie slechts een hulpmiddel is bij de aanbidding van Jehovah.
    De praktijk is dat de organisatie dé belangrijkste plaats inneemt in het leven van Jehovah's Getuigen.
    Wanneer ik twijfel aan Jehovah is het zwakte, wanneer ik twijfel aan de slaaf is het blasfemie. Een omgekeerde wereld, een verdraaiing van de waarheid.

    Op grond van het bovenstaande herroep ik daarom mijn antwoord op de tweede doopvraag. Tegelijkertijd sta ik nog met de volle overtuiging achter mijn opdracht en doop aan Jehovah God en zal ik van Hem getuigen waar dat mogelijk is.

    Ik wens jullie alle wijsheid toe voor de toekomst en de zegen van onze God, Jehovah.
    Broeder Frits van Pelt.

    In English:

    Revoking the second baptismal question.

    Dear Brothers,

    When I dedicated myself to Jehovah God, I also committed myself to the "spirit-led organization" through the second baptismal question.

    For through my dedication to Jehovah God I have promised to give Him exclusive devotion. "Remember, too, that you are dedicated to Jehovah God, not to a work, cause, people, or organization."

    (p. 183, par. 4 "What Does the Bible Really Teach"?)

    As it turns out, I should also be exclusively devoted to the organization with its "governing body," (the discreet slave).

    The implication of this is that people's words, views, and interpretations are attributed to God. People who in theory claim to be fallible, but in practice act as infallible and prefer unity to truth.

    How could it be otherwise when pretending to be God's exclusive channel of communication? Is God sometimes fallible?

    The theory is that the organization is just an aid to the worship of Jehovah.

    In practice, the organization occupies the most important place in the lives of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    When I doubt Jehovah it is weakness, when I doubt the slave it is blasphemy. An upside down world, a distortion of the truth.

    On the basis of the above I therefore withdraw my answer to the second baptismal question. At the same time, I still firmly stand behind my dedication and baptism to Jehovah God and will bear witness to Him wherever possible.

    I wish you all wisdom for the future and the blessing of our God, Jehovah.

    Brother Frits van Pelt.

    I am no longer in the Watchtower organisation

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-02-04 08:31:52

      Thank you, Frits, for this excellent insight: "When I doubt Jehovah it is weakness, when I doubt the slave it is blasphemy. An upside down world, a distortion of the truth."

      This is a fact that I had missed until now. "Food at the proper time"! Again, thank you.

    • Reply by jwc on 2023-02-04 08:39:47

      Amen Frits, and thank you.

  • Comment by donleske on 2023-02-04 15:34:18

    Due to one typical conflict with an Elder, we wrote a letter to the Society’s Headquarters in Brooklyn, NY to complain about our Presiding Elder who had made a “Needs of the congregation talk” to outline my error when we helped a disfellowshipped sister with no transportation, who was walking to the meeting on a cold raining night, to get to the meeting, saying it was inappropriate. The society sent out a Traveling Overseer, who made that elder publicly announce a retraction, but told me to not talk about what happened, after which we were silently shunned, so by then I had had enough. We walked away silently sometime after 2009, in Tacoma WA. Three years later one Elder dropped by with his wife to say; “Greetings brother, we just dropped by to see how you are doing, since we haven’t seen you at any meetings.” But really? THREE YEARS and not a phone call? Obviously, we were being shunned. I told him our reasons why, and he did not deny anything but just stated that the presiding Elder at fault had moved away. 

    • Reply by jwc on 2023-02-05 07:27:40

      Hi Donleske,

      Reading you experience above, reminded me of something I read in the WT, that I share with you . . .

      6 But consider a less extreme situation. What if a woman who had been disfellowshiped were to attend a congregational meeting and upon leaving the hall found that her car, parked nearby, had developed a flat tire? Should the male members of the congregation, seeing her plight, refuse to aid her, perhaps leaving it up to some worldly person to come along and do so?
      This too would be needlessly unkind and inhumane. Yet situations just like this have developed, perhaps in all good conscience, yet due to a lack of balance in viewpoint.

      In one case, a woman who had been disfellowshiped spent eight dollars in taxi fare to get to one meeting. She informed the elders that she wanted to attend but was financially unable to continue coming at such expense. She even demonstrated the genuineness of her desire one Sunday by walking the entire distance. If members of the congregation were to see such a one walking such a long distance to the meeting place and had space in their automobile to accommodate her, would it not be the humane thing to assist her?

      WT 74 8/1 P.469-470

      I pray that you and your family are now at peace and enjoying the association of BP.

      John . . .

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2023-02-05 16:34:53

      Hi donleske
      You refer to unity. Is that what the Organisation wants ? Or is it conformity.? I am united when I go to watch my football team. I am united with supporters in supporting my team. I am conforming when I have to wear a uniform to school. Unity involves a pride in the object or organisation being supported, I am proud to be a Christian and live by those standards, but I cannot be united with those who will not address my concerns.
      Therefore, to conclude, the Organisation wants unity but does not offer what is needed for it to thrive. Under pressure it can only get conformity instead, and that does not sound like anything to be proud of.

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2023-02-06 09:21:30

        Hi Leonardo,

        In the words of Geddy Lee,

        "Conform or be cast out."

        "Any escape might help disprove the unattractive truth."

        Rush - Subdivisions (with lyrics) - YouTube


  • Comment by arnon on 2023-02-11 15:12:02

    I want to ask some questions about sexual abuse:
    What do you think should be done if there is only one complaint against one of the elders for sexual abuse but there are no 2 witnesses to it?
    What happens if there are several complaints from different people but no one has 2 witnesses of any case?
    What happens if there are 2 witnesses to a certain case but the abuser says he is sorry?
    What happens if there are 2 witnesses to a certain case, the abuser says he is sorry but repeats his actions one more time?

    • Reply by jwc on 2023-02-12 02:00:14

      Arnon - good morning. I hope you find the following of help.

      I want to ask some questions about sexual abuse: - Are all of these question relating to CSA?

      Q1). What do you think should be done if there is only one complaint against one of the elders for sexual abuse but there are no 2 witnesses to it?

      A1). Are you saying “only one complaint” - is that of the “victim” or someone knowing of the abuse? The 2 witnesses rule is totally irrelevant. Report your concern to the proper authorities in writing with a copy to the body of local elders.

      Q2). What happens if there are several complaints from different people but no one has 2 witnesses of any case?

      A2). Report your concern to the proper authorities in writing with a copy to the body of local elders.
      Q3). What happens if there are 2 witnesses to a certain case but the abuser says he is sorry?

      A3). Report your concern to the proper authorities in writing with a copy to the body of local elders.

      Q4). What happens if there are 2 witnesses to a certain case, the abuser says he is sorry but repeats his actions one more time?

      A4). Report your concern to the proper authorities in writing with a copy to the body of local elders.

      On each matter monitor the response of those of the authorities & body of elders.

      If you are invited to attend a meeting take a suitably qualified person with you & if possible record the meeting.

      • Reply by arnon on 2023-02-15 10:38:38

        Let's say that those who heard about sexual abuse were reported to the authorities and reported to the elders of the community, what do you think they should do in each of these four cases?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-02-12 10:44:53

      I was going to respond, but JWC has covered it nicely. Of course, we don't want to make a hard fast rule to cover every possible situation, but agape must always guide us. The issue is that whatever the congregation does or doesn't do, our goal is to protect the innocents, and those who have been appointed by God as his minister in this cases is the superior authorities. See Romans 13:1-7

  • Comment by arnon on 2023-02-15 15:44:21

    3 Questions:

    1. Who is the great babylon? Jehovahs wit nesses said that these are all false religions (All the religions exept them). What do tou said: This are all the religions including them or something else?
    2. Do you think that these are the last daysץ Will the Satan throw to earth at short time?
    3. Jesus said th his diciples to escape from Jerusalem when armies surrounded it. Did he means to us too (In our dayes) or only for his diciples before 2000 years? If he also meant us, who is the armies and who is Jerusalem?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-02-16 17:58:38

      Arnon, you should get my book, Shutting the door to the kingdom of God, (Amazon) because it answers these questions and more.

  • Comment by James Mansoor on 2023-02-22 22:28:31

    How are you all from the land of Oz (Australia),

    I just would like to take this opportunity to thank the brothers and sisters for the wonderful meeting that I personally have enjoyed last night.

    They were discussing the book of Ephesians 4.

    It was really fascinating and interesting how a Bible discussion should be, and that is to read the Bible and to allow it to interpret itself without any outside influence, or preconceived ideas.

    What made it awkward for me personally as I mentioned to the group, my wife was on zoom watching her normal meeting, and I was in the bedroom logging in beroean meeting.

    I thoroughly enjoyed it, and hopefully in the future I’d be able to login more.

    Take care, my brothers and sisters and may Jehovah by means of his son, Jesus Christ, help all of us to stay strong spiritually.

    For all the ones that have not had the opportunity to login. Please do so, you will definitely enjoy it.

    Love to all

  • Comment by thehighlander on 2023-03-16 03:40:36

    hi there i successfully left the jw organisation by moving from the town to another location and not notifing anyone i was involved with in the jw faith,including the elders.for all they knew id just disappeared.that was 26 years ago and i havent been bothered since and still have strong ties with my immediate family and got a new circle of friends who have no idea as to my background or history.if they enquire i just tell them that im a very private person and dont give out any information which they are not entitled to.i purposely then become an anigma.eventually people get the hint not to be nosey and ask me for personal info

  • Comment by lostnbound7 on 2023-11-13 19:07:21

    Hello! This is my first comment here. I recently found your page and videos. I have been in the organisation for 40 years. Raised in it. I want out. I have so much to say but for now only this….does Anybody have experience in leaving from a place deep in the org? Or complicated place?
    I have 2 grown sons. 1 is married and PIMO along with his wife. Terrified of her parent’s judgement. He also lives in a witness’s house and works for a witness. Obviously he is afraid of losing his income and home.
    I am remarried 5 years ago and my younger (22) son lives with us. He has not baptised but goes to meetings. My new husband knows my feelings. He wants to fade away. But here’s the kicker….we live with a remote bethel worker. His daughter. My step daughter. She’s full on brain washed. Very defensive of the cult. She is in fact the very thing that accelerated my doubts as she’s such a hypocrite “Christian “. I am silent on matters and find her scary.
    If we drift,….well we can’t. She holds us in account daily. Have we done the meeting, ministry. What are we doing for family worship. Etc etc.
    If I say ANYTHING about my true feelings I will be reported to elders.
    Then the ball will roll. And my son will be affected.
    I feel so trapped. I always say that this religion doesn’t have burning forever in hell to keep people in line so it has disfellowshipping. An instant un-death that causes so so much fear.
    I am a sexual abuse survivor in the organisation as well. So is my husband. We have so much trauma already. This just feels impossible to navigate.
    I feel very alone. Even my husband just wants to bury his head and carry on. I can’t . I’ve read things I can’t go back on now. Decades of doubt have come crashing down and I am done.
    I love my creator. Love his word. I’ve suffered this cult ONLY because I believed it was Gods . Thank you to anyone who listens to my pain and this safe space to say it.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-11-14 09:40:19

      Would it be alright if I answered you directly by email? Or you could email me at meleti.vivlon@gmail.com

      • Reply by lostnbound7 on 2023-11-14 15:47:17

        Yes please, please do email me . Thank you

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