Meeting Children of God: We Interview Margrit Berta

– posted by meleti

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  • Comment by arnon on 2023-05-25 15:50:20

    Something I didn't understand: are you claiming that the vaccines are harmful or that the governing body should not require the witnesses to be vaccinated because it is a medical matter and not biblical?

    • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2023-05-25 21:57:19

      I found it helpful here to understand most of the German language that was spoken. So what I gathered was the following (struggling a bit with my concentration):

      She discovered that everyone was speaking as with one voice, and reporters in the media were silenced when they spoke about or warned for the dangers of the injections. The same happened in religious organisations, including JWorg. She had done her own research and found, among other things an insert: a manual enclosed with medication that includes a section about side-effects. She had also found that people of all ages were dying because of the injection, from the elderly to young babies. It seemed that the organisation was ill-informed about the matter.

      The problems with the congregation elders started when she put up warning messages on her WhatsApp. In the break-out rooms it was permitted to speak about getting vaccinated, but she got in trouble for warning against the dangers, to the point where she was summoned to a judicial committee. Because she had made the warnings out of love for her brothers, there was nothing to repent for. But she was accused of forming a sect, even though she was only speaking about a medical matter, not a Biblical subject. Still the elders branded her an apostate. The elders also asked about her beliefs about the governing body. Another accusation was that she was not politically neutral. Her use of Telegram to find out more about the medical matter was considered an attempt to evade control by the organisation.

      So as a 74-year old widow she was thrown out for not following the rules and blindly repeating what the governing body was saying. Her warnings were never considered on their merits.

      So I think on both your questions, the answer is yes:

      The vaccines are harmful; andThe governing body should not require the witnesses to be vaccinated, because it is a medical matter and thus a matter of personal conscience.
      On a personal note:
      There is overwhelming evidence that the vaccines are harmful, but this information has been suppressed worldwide. People have been de-platformed, threatened, dismissed from their positions and in some cases met with (deadly) violence for speaking out against the narrative that promotes the vaccination. That includes a significant number of professionals, who know what they're talking about. Mainstream media remaining silent about it is no evidence to the contrary, but should make one wonder what is really going on. Things like these are rarely, if ever, kept secret for good reasons or for the benefit of all.

      • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2023-05-30 03:17:25

        Thanks Ad Lang for clarity on this subject.
        My wife did bags of research and I was eventually convinced that it was not a good idea to have the insufficiently tested Covid vaccine. I am proud and most grateful to my wife to have stuck with this conviction, although I was in my 70s and "vulnerable". I got just as much flack from non witnesses as from JWs on this subject, but I was very suspicious when the GB started claiming such a high percentage at Bethels had the vaccine. I did wonder what they had been told. Thus these interviews are bringing some of this to light.
        Trust nobody, and always do your own research. Psalm 146:3. So grateful to Eric for helping us see the importance of doing this.

  • Comment by Ad_Lang on 2023-05-25 22:07:40

    So lovely to learn that, despite the price Margrit paid, her actions had a significant positive effect.

    Reminds me of this phrase in Paul's letter to the Romans:
    "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28 NASB).

    Would be grateful if someone could pass that on.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2023-05-26 02:44:22

      I'll see what I can do.

  • Comment by Ireneo on 2023-05-26 15:54:40

    Hola a todos

    Es llamativo como en estas experiencias y muchas otras el factor común que hizo que empezaran a cuestionarse las cosas fue el asunto de la vacuna

    Por supuesto cada uno tiene derecho a elegir si se vacuna o no y debe cargar con la responsabilidad

    Pero para los que consideran la vacuna peligrosa (me incluyo) los informes del cuerpo gobernante fueron sumamente violentos e insoportables

    De hecho la atalaya del 2015 dice claramente que nadie está autorizado a recomendar tratamientos médicos a los hermanos incluidos miembros de la sucursal

    Ellos mismos contradijeron esa enseñanza y fueron en contra de toda la explicación bíblica de la revista sobre romanos capítulo 14
    El cuerpo gobernante según sus propias reglas debería haber enfrentado un comité judicial
    Se apartó de la enseñanza bíblica de la neutralidad con respecto a los tratamientos médicos

    También actuó con soberbia y fueron tercos ya que no escucharon las advertencias de los hermanos y "golpearon" a los que no les hacían caso

    Actuaron con falta de juicio y fueron increiblemente negligentes al empujar a todos los hermanos a aceptar tratamientos médicos con claros efectos secundarios alegando que su consejo venia de Jehová (ensuciaron su nombre)

    Conozco hermanos a los que el medico les dijo que no se vacunaran y ellos lo hicieron alegando que jehová quería eso de ellos
    La culpa de sangre es un pecado

    Si cualquiera hermano responsabilidades hubiera hecho solo un 1 % de lo que ellos hicieron seria removido sin compasión
    Sencillamente no están a la altura de lo que pretenden ser

    Lo bueno de todo esto es que ha servido para que muchos se den cuenta que no debemos confiar en los hombres
    Pero me preocupa que pasara si esto se vuelve a repetir en algo peor quizás la futura "marca de la bestia"

    ¿ Si ellos llegan a recomendar instrucciones raras acataran los hermanos ?
    Creo que todos están en un peligro mortal y eso se demostró en la pandemia

  • Comment by Northernexposure on 2023-05-28 00:11:45

    Real People, real time, real situations. Sabine, and Margrit...all good. Another real interview. I just defer to Ad_Lang's well stated. Everyone has a story, and they're all important.
    PS..."The Hills are alive with the sound of Music"!
    Enjoying your Trek!

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