亚当的历史(创世记2:5 –创世记5:2)–夏娃的创造和伊甸园

根据创世记5:1-2,我们在这里找到了虫子,e点,在我们现代的创世记2:5至创世记5:2的章节中, “这是亚当的历史。 In the day of God's creating Adam he made him in the likeness of God.在上帝创造亚当的那一天,他使他像上帝一样。 2 Male and female he created them.他创造了男性和女性。 After that he blessed them and called their name Man in the day of their being created”此后,他祝福他们,并在他们被创造的那天称呼他们为“男人”。.



说明:“他创造了男性和女性。 After that he [God] blessed them and called their name Man in the day of their being created”.此后,他[上帝]祝福他们,并在他们被创造的那天称呼他们为“男人”。

什么时候:“在上帝创造亚当的那一天, 他使他像神一样造就了他。

作家或所有者:“这是亚当的历史书”。 The owner or writer of this section was Adam.本部分的所有者或作家是亚当。



创世记2:5-6 – 3国之间的植被创造状况rd 天和6th


“现在在地上还没有发现田野的灌木丛,田野上还没有植被在萌芽,因为耶和华上帝没有使雨降在地上,也没有人耕种大地。 6 但是雾会从地上升起,并浇灌了地面的整个表面。”

我们如何与创世记1:11-12协调这三节经文rd Creation Day which stated that grass would shoot forth, vegetation bearing seed and fruit trees with fruit?创造日说,草会飞出来,有种子和果树并结出果实的植被? It seems likely the bush of fields and the vegetation of the field here in Genesis 2:5-6 refer to the cultivatable kinds as in the same sentence the account says, “创世记XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX中的田野灌木和田野植被似乎是指可耕种,就像该说法所说的那样:没有人可以耕种”。 术语“田地”也意味着耕种。  It also adds the point that a mist was going up from the earth which watered the surface of the ground.它还增加了一点,即雾从地面升起,浇灌了地面。 This would keep all the created vegetation alive, but for the cultivatable vegetation to really grow they need rain.这将使所有已创建的植被保持生命,但是要使可耕种的植被真正生长,则需要降雨。 We see something similar in many deserts today.今天,我们在许多沙漠中看到了类似的情况。 The night dew can help keep seeds alive, but it needs rainfall to trigger the rapid growth of the flowers and grasses, etc.夜露可以帮助保持种子的活力,但需要降雨才能触发花草的快速生长等。

This is also an especially useful statement in understanding the length of the Creation days.这对于理解创建天数的时间也是非常有用的声明。 If the Creation days were a thousand or thousands or more years, then that would mean that the vegetation had survived for that length of time without any rainfall, which is an unlikely scenario.如果创世天数是一千或数千或更长的年数,那么这意味着植被在没有降雨的情况下存活了那么长的时间,这是不太可能发生的情况。 Besides, the food the animals were given to eat was also vegetation (although not from fields), and the edible vegetation would begin to run out if it was not able to grow and reproduce rapidly through lack of rain and moisture.此外,给动物吃的食物也是植被(尽管不是田野),如果由于缺乏雨水和水分而无法迅速生长和繁殖,可食用的植被就会开始枯竭。

A lack of edible vegetation would also mean the starvation of the animals that had only just been created earlier on the sixth day.缺乏可食用的植被也将意味着只在第六天早些时候创造的动物饥饿。 We should also not forget that of the birds and insects created on the fifth day, many rely on the nectar and pollen from flowers and would start to go hungry if the vegetation did not grow soon or started to wilt.我们也不应忘记,在第五天产生的鸟类和昆虫中,许多人依靠花蜜和花粉来开花,如果植被没有很快生长或开始枯萎,它们就会开始饥饿。 All these interlocking requirements give weight to the fact that the creation day had to be 24 hours long only.所有这些相互联系的要求充分说明了创建日期仅需XNUMX小时的事实。

One final point is that even today, life as we know it is incredibly complex, with many, many, interdependencies.最后一点是,即使在今天,我们所知道的生活仍然是极其复杂的,具有许多许多相互依存的关系。 We mentioned some above, but just as the birds and insects (and some animals) depend on flowers, so too the flowers and fruits depend on the insects and birds for their pollination and dispersal.我们在上面提到了一些,但是就像鸟类和昆虫(以及一些动物)依赖花朵一样,花朵和果实的授粉和散布也依赖昆虫和鸟类。 As scientists trying to replicate a coral reef in a large aquarium have found, miss out just one fish or other small creature or water vegetation and there can be serious problems to keep the reef going as a viable reef for any length of time.正如试图在大型水族馆中复制珊瑚礁的科学家发现的那样,仅错过一条鱼或其他小生物或水生植物,就可能存在严重的问题,要使该珊瑚礁在任何时间段内都可以存活。


创世记2:7-9 –重温人的创造


“耶和华上帝从地上的尘土中造出人,将生命的气息吹进他的鼻孔,这人成了活着的灵魂。 8 此外,耶和华上帝在东边的伊登(Eʹden)种了一个花园,在那儿他安置了自己所组成的人。 9 这样,耶和华上帝使每棵树都从地上长出来,这是人们所见所愿的,是有益的食物,花园中间的生命树,是善与恶知识的树。”

In this first part of the next history, we return to the creation of Man and receive extra details.在下一个历史的第一部分中,我们回到创造人类的过程中,并获得更多细节。 These details include that man was made of dust and that he was put in a garden in Eden, with desirable fruit trees.这些细节包括那个人是用尘土做成的,并且被关在伊甸园里的花园里,上面放着可口的果树。


今天的科学已经证实了这个陈述的真实性 “没有地面上的灰尘。”



Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus make up 99% of the mass, while the following five elements make up about 0.85%, being potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.氧,碳,氢,氮,钙和磷占质量的12%,而以下五个元素约占质量的10%,分别是钾,硫,钠,氯和镁。 There are then at least 50 trace elements which are also believed to be necessary which in total weigh less than XNUMX grams, less than the amount of magnesium.那么至少有XNUMX种微量元素也被认为是必需的,它们的总重量小于XNUMX克,少于镁的量。 Some of these trace elements are silicon, boron, nickel, vanadium, bromine, and fluorine.这些微量元素中的一些是硅,硼,镍,钒,溴和氟。 The large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen are combined to make water which is just over XNUMX% of the human body.大量的氢气和氧气结合在一起,制成的水仅占人体的XNUMX%以上。


The Chinese language also confirms that man is made of dust or earth.中文也证实人是由尘土或尘土制成的。 Ancient Chinese characters indicate that the first man was made from dust or earth and then given life, just as Genesis 2:7 states.古代汉字表明,第一个人是由尘土或尘土制成,然后被赋予生命,就像创世记XNUMX:XNUMX所说的。 For the exact details please see the following article:有关确切的详细信息,请参见以下文章: 来自意外来源的创世记录的确认 –第2部分(以及该系列的其余部分) [II].

We should also note that this verse uses “formed” rather than “created”.我们还应该注意,这节经文使用的是“形成的”而不是“创造的”。 The normal use for the Hebrew word希伯来语单词的正常用法 “ yatsar” 通常与人形陶土器皿一起使用,寓意耶和华在创造人时要格外小心。

This is also the first mention of a garden in E'den.这也是伊甸园中首次提到的花园。 A garden is cultivated and or tended and cared for.种植,保养或照料花园。 In it, God then put all sorts of good-looking trees with desirable fruit for food.然后,上帝在其中放入各种漂亮的树木,上面放着可口的水果作为食物。


  1. “花园中间的生命之树”
  2. “善与恶的知识树。”


我们将在创世记2:15-17和创世记3:15-17,22-24中对其进行更详细的研究,但是,如果它说: “也在花园中间,有生命之树和善恶之树” (见创世记3:3)。


创世记2:10-14 –伊甸园的地理描述


“现在有一条河从伊登湖流出,为花园浇水,从那里开始被分开,变成了四个头。 11 The first one's name is Piʹshon;第一个名字叫Piʹshon; it is the one encircling the entire land of Havʹi·lah, where there is gold.它是环绕着哈维拉(Havʹi·lah)整个土地的地方,那里有金子。 12 And the gold of that land is good.那片土地的金子是好的。 There also are the bdellium gum and the onyx stone.还有b胶和the玛瑙石。 13 And the name of the second river is Giʹhon;第二条河的名字叫基洪。 it is the one encircling the entire land of Cush.它是环绕库什整个土地的那一个。 14 And the name of the third river is Hidʹde·kel;第三条河的名字叫希德·德克尔。 it is the one going to the east of As·syrʹi·a.它是去往As·syrʹi·a东边的那一个。 And the fourth river is the Eu·phraʹtes”.第四条河是Eu·phraʹtes”。

Firstly, a river issued out of the region of Eden and flowed through the garden that Adam and Eve were placed in, to water it.首先,一条河流从伊甸园地区流出,流过亚当和夏娃所处的花园浇水。 Then comes an unusual description.然后是一个不寻常的描述。 Having watered the garden, the river split into four and became the headwaters of four large rivers.给花园浇水后,河流分成四部分,成为四大河流的源头。 Now we have to remember that this was before the Flood of Noah's day, but it appears one was called the Euphrates even then.现在我们必须记住,那是在挪亚大洪水发生之前,但是看上去即使那时也被称为幼发拉底河。

实际的“ Euphrates”一词是古希腊形式,而河被称为 “ Perat” 在希伯来语中,类似于阿卡德语的 “ Purattu”。 如今,幼发拉底河人在范湖附近的亚美尼亚高地上升,流向西南,然后转向叙利亚,然后在东南向东南延伸到波斯湾。



Perhaps the best closest match today for the Gi'hon is the River Aras, which rises between the south-eastern coast of the Black Sea and Lake Van, in northeast Turkey before flowing mainly eastwards eventually into the Caspian Sea.也许今天最适合基松的比赛是阿拉斯河,它位于黑海的东南海岸和土耳其东北部的范湖之间,之后主要向东流入里海。 The Aras was known during the Islamic invasion of the Caucasus in the eighth century as the Gaihun and by the Persians during the 19阿拉斯在八世纪伊斯兰入侵高加索期间被称为盖勋,在XNUMX世纪被波斯人称为th 世纪称为吉洪阿拉斯。

David Rohl, an Egyptologist, has identified Pishon with the Uizhun, placing Havilah to the northeast of Mesopotamia.埃及学家戴维·罗尔(David Rohl)已将皮顺与维吾尔族联系起来,将哈维拉(Havilah)置于美索不达米亚的东北部。 The Uizhun is known locally as the Golden River.乌镇在当地被称为黄金河。 Rising near the stratovolcano Sahand, it meanders between ancient gold mines and lodes of lapis lazuli before feeding the Caspian Sea.它上升到萨阿托(Strathanvolcano)火山附近,蜿蜒在古老的金矿和青金石之间,然后才进入里海。 Such natural resources correspond to the ones associated with the land of Havilah in this passage in Genesis.这种自然资源与创世纪这段经文中与哈维拉之地有关的自然资源相对应。[III]


Based on these descriptions, it appears we can tentatively locate the former Garden of Eden in the valley area east of modern Lake Urmia bounded by roads 14 and 16. The Land of Havilah to the south-east of this map extract, following road 32. The Land of Nod was likely to the east of Bakhshayesh (due east of Tabriz), and the Land of Cush off the map to the north-north-east of Tabriz.根据这些描述,看来我们可以在XNUMX号和XNUMX号道路所包围的现代Urmia湖以东的山谷地区暂定前伊甸园。沿着地图XNUMX号道路,此地图东南部的哈维拉之地。 Nod地可能在Bakhshayesh以东(大不里士(Tabriz)以东),而库什之地不在地图上,即大不里士(Tabriz)东北东北。 Tabriz is to be found in the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran.大不里士将在伊朗东阿塞拜疆省找到。 The mountain ridge north-east of Tabriz is known today as Kusheh Dagh – the mountain of Kush.大不里士(Tabriz)东北的山脊今天被称为库希达格(Kusheh Dagh)–库什山。


地图数据©2019 Google


创世记2:15-17 –亚当定居于第一命令的花园


耶和华上帝就接住那人,将他安置在伊登的花园里耕种并照顾。 16 耶和华上帝也吩咐这人说:“从园中的每一棵树上,你都可以吃饱。 17 但是至于知道好坏树的人,就不要吃它,因为当你吃它的那一天,你肯定会死的。

Man's original task was to cultivate the garden and take care of it.男人的最初任务是种植花园并加以照顾。 He was also told he could eat from every tree of the Garden, which included the tree of life, with the only exclusion being the tree of knowledge of good and bad.还告诉他可以在花园的每棵树上吃东西,其中包括生命树,唯一的例外是善恶树。


Would Adam die within 24 hours of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and bad?亚当会在饮食的1小时之内死于好坏树上吗? No, because the word for “day” is qualified rather than standing alone as in Genesis XNUMX. The Hebrew text reads不可以,因为“天”一词是合格的,而不是像创世记第一章那样单独出现。 “ beyowm” which is a phrase, “in the day”, meaning a time period.这是短语“在白天”,表示一个时间段。 The text does not say “on the day”, or “that very day” which would clearly make the day a specific 24-hour day.文字没有说“当天”或“当天”,这显然会使一天成为特定的XNUMX小时工作日。


创世记2:18-25 –夏娃的创造


“18 耶和华上帝继续说:“这人自己继续下去是不好的。 我将为他提供帮助,作为他的补充。” 19 Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one;耶和华上帝从地上现出田野的每一头野兽和天上的每一飞行物,就开始把它们带到那人那里,看看他会怎样称呼每一个人。 and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name.这个人叫什么,每个活着的灵魂,就是它的名字。 20 因此,该人称呼所有家畜,空中飞行的动物以及田野中每​​只野兽的名字,但对于人来说,找不到帮助者作为他的补充。 21 因此耶和华上帝深深地睡在那人身上,在他睡觉的时候,他拿起一根肋骨,然后把肉封闭在那人的身上。 22 耶和华上帝就把他从男人身上拿来的肋骨做成女人,并把它带给男人。

23 那人说: “这终于是我的骨头了 还有我的肉。 这个将被称为女人, 因为这是从人身上夺走的。”

24 因此,一个人将离开父亲和母亲,他必须坚持自己的妻子,他们必须成为一体。 25 这对男人和他的妻子仍然赤身裸体,但他们并没有感到羞耻。. 


The Hebrew text talks about “a helper” and “an opposite” or “counterpart” or “complement”.希伯来语文字谈到“帮手”和“对立”或“对立”或“互补”。 A woman is therefore not inferior, nor a slave, nor property.因此,女人不是卑劣的,不是奴隶,也不是财产。 A complement or counterpart is something that completes the whole.补语或对应物是完成整体的内容。 A complement or counterpart is usually different, giving things not in the other part so that when joined together the whole unit is superior to the two individual halves.补码或配对词通常是不同的,在其他部分不提供任何东西,因此当组合在一起时,整个单元优于两个单独的一半。

If one were to tear a currency note in half, each half is a counterpart to the other.如果将一个纸币撕成两半,则每一半都是另一半。 Without rejoining them both, the two halves are not worth half of the original, in fact, their value dramatically drops on their own.如果不重新加入这两个部分,则这两个部分的价值将不足原始值的一半,实际上,它们的价值会急剧下降。 Indeed verse 24 confirms this when talking about marriage it says, “确实,第XNUMX节在谈到婚姻时证实了这一点,它说:“因此,一个人将离开父亲和母亲,他必须坚持自己的妻子,他们必须成为一体。” Here “body” is interchangeable with “flesh”.在此,“身体”可以与“肉”互换。 Obviously, this does not happen physically, but they have to become one unit, united in aims if they are to succeed.显然,这不是物理上发生的,但是如果要成功,它们必须成为一个目标统一的单位。 The Apostle Paul made an almost identical point when later talking about the Christian congregation needing to be united in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, where he said that the body was made of many members and that they all needed one another.使徒保罗在后来谈到基督徒会众需要合并在哥林多前书XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX时,提出了几乎相同的观点,他在那儿说身体是由许多成员组成的,他们都需要彼此。



《希伯来圣经》(在Biblehub上)从创世记2:19开始, “从地底造就了耶和华上帝……”。 “哇”的结语与刚才提到的人的创造有关,这与先前在同一个6中创造的动物和鸟类的带来有关th creative day, to the man for him to name.有创造力的一天,以男人为他命名。 Hence this verse would read more accurately: “因此,这节经文将更准确地读为:现在耶和华上帝 已经形成 [最近的一天,那天的早些时候] 从地上的野兽和天上的每种飞行生物都从地面上走来,他开始把它们带到那个人那里,看看他会怎样称呼每一个人;” 现在这意味着这节经文与创世记1:24-31相符,创世记6:XNUMX-XNUMX指出动物和鸟类是在XNUMXth day, followed by the culmination of his creation, man (and woman).一天,接着是他(男人和女人)的创作达到顶峰。 Otherwise, Genesis 2:19 would be contradicting Genesis 1:24-31.否则,创世记XNUMX:XNUMX将与创世记XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX相矛盾。

英文标准版的内容与此类似 “现在耶和华神从地上造出了地上的每只野兽和天上的每只鸟,把它们带到那人那里,看他会怎样称呼他们”。 A number of other translations deal with this as two separate linked events saying like the Berean Study Bible许多其他翻译将其作为两个单独的关联事件进行处理,例如《 Berean Study Bible》 “耶和华神从地上形成了田野中的每只野兽和空中的飞鸟,他把它们带到那人那里,看看他会怎样称呼他们” 从而重复了带给该人命名的动物和鸟类的起源。



The naming of the animals and birds made all the more obvious to Adam that he had no helper or complement, unlike the animals and birds which all had helpers or complements.动物和鸟类的命名使亚当更加清楚地知道他没有帮助者或补体,而动物和鸟类都拥有帮助者或补体。 Therefore, God completed his creation by giving Adam a partner and complement.因此,上帝通过给亚当一个伙伴和补充来完成他的创造。

第一阶段是 “耶和华上帝深深地睡在那个人身上,在他睡觉的时候,他拿起一根肋骨,然后把肉藏在了那个地方。”

术语“深度睡眠”是 “塔德玛”[IV] in Hebrew and where it is used elsewhere in the Bible usually is describing a very deep sleep that befalls a person usually by a supernatural agency.在希伯来语中,圣经中其他地方通常使用它来描述一种非常沉睡的睡眠,这种睡眠通常是由超自然的力量降临到一个人身上的。 In modern terms, it would be similar to being put under full anesthetic for an operation to remove the rib and close and seal up the incision.用现代的话来说,这类似于对病人进行完全麻醉,以去除肋骨并闭合并密封切口。

肋骨然后作为创造女人的基础。 “耶和华上帝就把他从男人身上拿来的肋骨做成女人,并把它带给男人。”

Adam was now satisfied, he felt complete, he had a complement just as all the other living creatures had that he had named.亚当现在很满意,他感到很完整,他有一个补语,就像他命名的所有其他生物一样。 He also named her a woman,他还称她为女人, “ ish-shah” 在希伯来语中,为人类 “ ish”,她被带走了。




创世记3:1-5 –夏娃的试探


“现在事实证明,蛇是耶和华上帝所造的野外野兽中最谨慎的一种。 So it began to say to the woman: “Is it really so that God said YOU must not eat from every tree of the garden?”于是它开始对那个女人说:“真的是为了让上帝说你不能从花园里的每一棵树上吃饭吗?” 2 妇人对蛇说:“我们可以吃花园树木的果实。 3 但是至于吃掉花园中间那棵树的果实,上帝说过:“你不能从树上吃东西,不,你不能触摸它,因为你不会死。” 4 蛇对女人说:“你肯定不会死。 5 因为上帝知道,在你吃东西的那一天,你的眼睛注定会睁开,你注定会像上帝一样,知道好与坏。”


Revelation 12:8 identifies Satan the Devil as the voice behind the serpent.启示录XNUMX:XNUMX将魔鬼撒但确定为蛇后的声音。 It says,它说, “因此,大龙跌下来了,那原始的蛇叫魔鬼和撒旦,它误导了整个人类居住的土地;”.

Satan the Devil, likely using ventriloquism to make the snake appear to talk, was crafty in the way he approached the subject.魔鬼撒但很可能会用腹语术使蛇看起来很说话,在他接近对象时很狡猾。 He did not tell Eve to go and eat of the tree.他没有告诉夏娃去吃那棵树。 If he had done so she would likely have rejected it out of hand.如果他这样做,她很可能会一发不可收拾。 Instead, he created doubt.相反,他制造了怀疑。 He asked in effect, “Did you hear it right that you should not eat from every tree”?他实际上是在问:“您听到正确的话,不要从每棵树上吃东西吗?” However, Eve did know the command because she repeated it to the serpent.但是,夏娃确实知道该命令,因为她向蛇重复了该命令。 She said in effect “We can eat from every fruit tree we like except for one tree in the middle of the garden where God said do not eat from it or even touch it, or you will die”.她实际上说:“我们可以从喜欢的每棵果树上进食,除了花园中间的一棵树,上帝说不要从树上进食,甚至不要触摸它,否则你会死”。

It was at this point that Satan then contradicted what Eve had repeated.正是在这一点上,撒但才与夏娃的重复相矛盾。 The serpent said蛇说:“您肯定不会死。 5 因为上帝知道,在你吃东西的那一天,你的眼睛注定会睁开,你注定会像上帝一样,知道好与坏。” 魔鬼这样做是在暗示上帝从亚当和夏娃身上扣留了一些有价值的东西,而水果的分担对夏娃来说更有吸引力。


创世记3:6-7 –陷入诱惑

 “因此,该妇女看到这棵树有益于食物,是眼睛渴望的东西,是的,希望看这棵树。 So, she began taking of its fruit and eating it.于是,她开始吃水果并吃了。 Afterward she gave some also to her husband when with her and he began eating it.之后,她也给丈夫和丈夫一起吃了一些,他开始吃了。 7 Then the eyes of both of them became opened and they began to realize that they were naked.然后他们两个的眼睛都睁开了,他们开始意识到自己是赤裸的。 Hence, they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves”因此,他们将无花果叶缝在一起,自己做腰部覆盖物。”


受启发,使徒约翰在约翰一书1:2-15中写道 “不要爱世界或世界上的事物。 If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him;如果有人爱这个世界,那么天父的爱就不在他里面。 16 因为世界上的所有事物-肉体的欲望,眼睛的欲望以及华丽的生活方式显示-都不起源于父,而是起源于世界。 17 此外,世界正在逝去,世界也在逝去,但是,遵行上帝旨意的人将永远消失。

In eating from the tree of knowledge of good and bad, Eve gave in to the desire of the flesh (the taste of good food) and the desire of the eyes (the tree was desirable to look upon).夏娃在从善与恶的知识树上进食时,屈服于肉体的欲望(美味的食物)和眼睛的欲望(希望树在上面看)。 She also wanted a means of life that was not rightfully hers to take.她还想要一种她不应该采取的生活方式。 She wanted to be like God.她想像上帝。 Thus, in due course, she passed away, just as this wicked world will do in God's due time.因此,她在适当的时候就去世了,就像这个邪恶的世界将在上帝应得的时候所做的一样。 She failed to do她没有做 “上帝的旨意” and remain forever.并永远保持下去。 Yes, “是的,“她开始吃它的水果并吃掉它”。 Eve fell from perfection to imperfection in that moment.在那一刻,夏娃从完美沦落为不完美。 It came about not because she was created imperfect but because she failed to dismiss that wrong desire and thought and as James 1:14-15 tells us发生的原因不是因为她被造为不完美,而是因为她未能消除这种错误的欲望和思想,正如雅各书XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX告诉我们的 但是每个人都被自己的欲望吸引和诱惑而尝试。 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin;当欲望变得肥沃时,便产生了罪恶。 in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death”.反过来,罪一旦完成,就会带来死亡”。 This is an important lesson we can learn, as we may see or hear something that tempts us.这是我们可以学习的重要课程,因为我们可能会看到或听到一些吸引我们的东西。 That in itself is not the problem, the problem is when we do not dismiss that temptation and thereby refuse to partake in that wrongdoing.这本身不是问题,问题是当我们不放弃这种诱惑,从而拒绝参与这种不道德行为时。

情况更加复杂,因为 “后来她和丈夫在一起时,她也给丈夫吃了一些[水果],然后他开始吃它。” Yes, Adam willingly joined her in sinning against God and disobeying his one sole command.是的,亚当愿意和她一起犯罪,背叛上帝,不遵守他的唯一命令。 It was then that they began to realize that they were naked and hence they made loin coverings for themselves out of fig leaves.从那时起,他们开始意识到自己是赤裸的,因此他们用无花果叶为自己做腰部覆盖物。


创世记3:8-13 –发现与责备游戏


8 后来他们听到耶和华上帝的声音在一天中微风轻拂的日子里走在花园里,男人和他的妻子躲在花园树木之间躲藏在耶和华上帝面前。 9 耶和华上帝不断呼唤那人,对他说:“你在哪里?” 10 最后他说:“你在花园里听到的声音,但我害怕,因为我是赤裸的,所以我躲了起来。” 11 At that he said: “Who told you that you were naked?他说:“谁告诉你你赤身裸体? From the tree from which I commanded you not to eat have you eaten?”从我吩咐你不要吃的树上你吃了吗?” 12 然后那个男人继续说:“你让我和那个女人在一起的女人,她从树上给我[水果],所以我吃了。” 13 With that Jehovah God said to the woman: “What is this you have done?”上帝对那个女人说:“你做了什么?” To this the woman replied: “The serpent—it deceived me and so I ate.”女人对此回答:“蛇-它欺骗了我,所以我吃了。”

Later that day Adam and Eve heard Jehovah God's voice in the garden in the breezy part of the day.当天晚些时候,亚当和夏娃在一天中微风轻拂的花园里听到了耶和华上帝的声音。 Now they both had guilty consciences, so they went and hid among the trees of the garden, but Jehovah continued to call for them, asking现在他们俩都有良心内so,于是他们躲藏在花园的树丛中,但耶和华继续呼吁他们, “你在哪?”。 Eventually, Adam spoke up.最终,亚当开口了。 God immediately asked if they had eaten from the tree that he had commanded them not to eat from.上帝立即问他们是否从树上吃了,他命令他们不要从树上吃。


亚当没有承认自己是的,他没有服从上帝的命令,但为此感到遗憾并要求宽恕,相反,他以回应来指责上帝。 “你让我和她在一起的女人,她从树上给我[果实],所以我吃了。” Furthermore, he compounded his error as he clearly showed he had known where Eve had obtained the fruit from.此外,由于他清楚地表明他已经知道夏娃从何处获得果实,他的错误更加复杂。 He did not explain that he ate what Eve gave him without knowing where it came from and then realized or was told by Eve of the fruit's origin.他没有解释说自己吃了夏娃给他吃的东西,却不知道它是从哪里来的,然后才知道夏娃或得知夏娃的起源。

Of course, Jehovah God then asked for an explanation from Eve, who in turn blamed the serpent, saying it deceived her and so she ate.当然,耶和华上帝然后向夏娃寻求解释,夏娃又将罪魁祸首归咎于蛇,说蛇欺骗了她,所以她吃了。 As we read earlier in Genesis 3:2-3,6, Eve knew that what she did was wrong because she told the serpent about God's command not to eat from the tree and the consequences if they did.正如我们在创世记XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX,XNUMX前面所读到的,夏娃知道她做错了,因为她告诉蛇关于上帝的命令,不要从树上吃东西,如果这样做了,后果是什么。






[I]的 OpenStax College撰写-这是File:201 Elements of the Human Body-01.jpg,CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46182835

[II] https://beroeans.net/2020/03/17/16806/

[III] 有关原理图,请参见p55“传奇,文明的起源”,大卫·罗尔(David Rohl)着。

[IV] https://biblehub.com/hebrew/8639.htm

