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Video Script Hello. Eric Wilson again.  This time we're looking at 1914. Now, 1914 is a very important doctrine for Jehovah's Witnesses.  It is a core doctrine.  Some might disagree.  There was a…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – Carefully avoid Stumbling Yourself and others (Matthew 18-19) Matthew 18:6-7 (stumbling blocks) (nwtsty) The Greek word translated “…
[From ws1/18 p. 7 – February 26-March 4] “Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power.” Isaiah 40:31 The first paragraph lays out the problems many Witnesses are now facing: Coping with serious…
Hello everyone. I've had a number of requests to publish our podcasts on iTunes.  After some work and research, I've managed to do that.  The recordings attached to each post from here on out will…
It's all well and good to tear down a false doctrine like the JW overlapping generations interpretation of Matthew 24:34—as we did in a previous video—but Christian love should always move us to…
Hello my name is Eric Wilson and this is now my fourth video, but it's the first one in which we've been able to actually get down to brass tacks; to examine our own doctrines in the light of…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – Whose Thoughts are You thinking? (Matthew 16-17) Matthew 16:19 (will already be bound, will already be loosened) (nwtsty) This reference is…
[From ws12/17 p. 23 – February 19-25] “Just as you have always obeyed, … keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12 Paragraph 1 opens with “Each year thousands of…
Hello, my name is Eric Wilson. In our first video, I put forward the idea of using the criteria that we as Jehovah's Witnesses use to examine whether other religions are considered to be true or…
I e-mailed all my JW friends with a link to the first video, and the response has been an resounding silence.  Mind you, it's been less than 24 hours, but still I expected some response.  Of course,…
I started my online Bible research back in 2011 under the alias Meleti Vivlon.  I used the google translation tool available back then to find out how to say "Bible study" in Greek. At the time there…
Talk (w15 9/15 17-17 para 14-17) “Focus on Jesus to Strengthen Your Faith” If only the organization regularly gave proper focus to Jesus and what he taught and the example he gave. Instead, as the…