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Bible Study – Chapter 2 Par. 1-12 The question for the opening two paragraphs of this week’s study asks: “What was the greatest event ever to occur in world history…?”  While this is a highly…
[From ws8/16 p. 13 for October 3-9] “Each one of you must love his wife as he does himself; . . . the wife should have deep respect for her husband.”—Eph. 5:33 The theme text of Ephesians…
Bible Study – Chapter 1 Par. 11-20 “A naive person believes everything, but the shrewd person discerns his steps.” Proverbs 14:15 Sleight of Hand manual dexterity, typically in performing tricks. "…
[From ws8/16 p. 8 for September 26-October 2] In preparing this week's Watchtower review, by the time I got to the fifth paragraph, I began to think I'd downloaded the wrong…
A Letter from the Christian Congregation This week “Our Christian Life and Ministry” (CLAM) meeting begins the study of a new book titled God’s Kingdom Rules! The first thing that congregation…
[From ws7/16 p. 26 for September 19-25] “Bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God.”—Acts 20:24 If you’ve been a Jehovah’s Witness all your life, as I have, you have…
In the previous article on this topic, we analyzed how the principles Jesus revealed to us at Matthew 18:15-17 can be used to deal with sin within the Christian Congregation.  The law of the Christ…
[From ws7/16 p. 21 for September 12-18] “We all received . . . undeserved kindness upon undeserved kindness.”—John 1:16 This particular Watchtower study resulted in a bit of a revelation for me—not…
I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness.  I’m approaching seventy now, and during the years of my life, I’ve worked in two Bethels, had a lead role in a number of special Bethel projects, served as a “need…
[From ws7/16 p. 7 for September 5-11] “You do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”—Mt 24:42 Paternalism is often characteristic of any organization, religious or otherwise, that grows in power…
[While the example I use here relates to Jehovah’s Witnesses, the situation is by no means limited to that religious group; nor is it restricted to matters involving religious beliefs.] Having now…
[From ws7/16 p. 7 for August 29-September 4] “Keep seeking [God’s] Kingdom, and these things will be added to you.”—Luke 12:31 This article is a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew 6:25 thru 34.  No…