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[A Review of the December 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 11] “He opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures.”— Luke 24:45 In this continuation of last week’s study, we…
[This article was contributed by Alex Rover] When we learn that our religious leaders have not always been honest with us, that certain teachings are squarely against what Scripture teach, and that…
[A Review of the December 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 6] “Listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning.”— Mark 7:14 This Watchtower article introduces some welcome simplifications to…
We began Beroean Pickets in April of 2011, but regular publishing didn’t begin until January of the next year. Though initially started to provide a safe gathering place for truth-loving Jehovah’s…
The #3 Student Talk in the Theocratic Ministry School has changed as of this year.  Now it includes demonstration parts with two brothers discussing a Bible topic. Last week and this week it is taken…
It seems increasingly that the publications depend on the rank-and-file to not read the Bible context for any new interpretation. The second “Question from Readers” (page 30) in the current study…
[A Review of the November 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 23] “You were once not a people, but now you are God’s people.”— 1 Pet. 1:10 From our past year’s analysis of Watchtower study articles,…
[this article was contributed by Alex Rover] First you publish some articles, then slowly but inevitably you gather some kind of following. Even if we remain humble and admit we may not have the full…
[A Review of the November 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 18] “Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah.”— Ps 144:15 Our review this week will not take us beyond the first paragraph of the study…
[this article was contributed by Alex Rover] [caption id="attachment_2619" align="aligncenter" width="658"] Esau [right] selling his birthright to Jacob or the Lentil Stew, 17th Century, Public…
[A Review of the November 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 13] “Become holy yourselves in all your conduct.”— 1 Pet. 1:15 The article starts off with this subtle piece of misdirection: Jehovah,…
[this article was contributed by Alex Rover] The French satirical magazine ‘Weekly Charlie’ has once more been the target of terror attacks. In a display of solidarity and unity for worldwide peace…