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“Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.” Isaiah 30:15  [Study 1 from ws 1/21 p.2, March 1 – March 7, 2021] The thrust of this week's Watchtower study article is similar to last week…
In Friday, February 12, 2021’s daily digest, JW talks about Armageddon involving good news and a reason for happiness.  It quotes NWT Revelation 1:3 which reads: “Happy is the one who reads aloud and…
“Throw your burden on Jehovah, and he will sustain you.” Psalm 55:22  [Study 52 from ws 12/20 p.22, February 22 – February 28, 2021] The Elephant in the Room. The expression “the Elephant in the…
“Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; he saves those who are discouraged.” Psalm 34:18  [Study 51 from ws 12/20 p.16, February 15 – February 21, 2021] One assumes that the aim of this Watchtower…
The History of Noah (Genesis 5:3 – Genesis 6:9a) Noah’s ancestry from Adam (Genesis 5:3 – Genesis 5:32) The contents of this history of Noah includes tracing from Adam down to Noah, the birth of his…
“Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55  [Study 50 from ws 12/20 p.8, February 08 – February 14, 2021] As Christians, we all look forward to being resurrected…
“I have hope toward God … that there is going to be a resurrection.” Acts 24:15  [Study 49 from ws 12/20 p.2 February 01 – February 07, 2021] This study article is the first of two which are aimed…
In September of 2016, our doctor sent my wife to the hospital because she was anemic. It turned out that her blood count was dangerously low because she had been bleeding internally.  They suspected…
“Your eyes should look straight ahead, yes, fix your gaze straight ahead of you.” Proverbs 4:25  [Study 48 from ws 11/20 p.24 January 25 – January 31, 2021] A reader of this week’s Watchtower Study…
‘Do not put out the fire of the spirit’ NWT 1 Thess. 5:19 When I was a practicing Roman Catholic, I used a rosary to say my prayers to God.  This consisted of saying 10 "Hail Mary" prayers and then…
The religious leaders of Israel were the enemies of Jesus.  These were men who considered themselves to be wise and intellectual. They were the most learned, well educated men of the nation and…
“Finally, brothers, continue to rejoice, to be readjusted.” 2 Corinthians 13:11  [Study 47 from ws 11/20 p.18 January 18 – January 24, 2021] Before we begin our review, it would be good to examine…