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Treasures from God’s word Under the heading “Jesus Performs His First Miracle”, three very good points are highlighted:  Jesus had a balanced view of pleasures, and he enjoyed life and happy times…
[From ws 7/18 p. 7 – September 03 – September 08] “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.”​—Hebrews 6:10.   Paragraph 3 opens with the comment: “…
[From ws 6/18 p. 21 – August 27 – September 2] “Let your light shine before men, so that they may … give glory to your Father.”​—Matthew 5:16. Before beginning our review, I would just like to draw…
I’ve been looking forward to doing this final video in our series, Identifying True Worship. That’s because this is the only one that really matters. Let me explain what I mean.  Through the…
[From ws 6/18 p. 16 – August 20 – August 26] “I ponder over your reminders.”​—Psalm 119:99. This week’s study article is about a serious and potentially life-threatening subject. The subject is that…
[From ws 6/18 p. 8 – August 13 – August 19] “I make request … that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me.”​—John 17:20,21. Before beginning our review, I would like to…
The Facebook engine will periodically pop up a reminder of something I've posted in the past.   Today, it showed me that two years ago I posted a commentary on the August 2016 broadcast on…
[From ws 6/18 p. 3 – August 6 – August 12] “For this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”​—John 18:37.   This Watchtower article is rare in that there is little…
[From ws 5/18 p. 27 – July 30 – August 5] “Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil.”​—Ephesians 6:11.   The opening…
[From ws 5/18 p. 22 – July 23– July 29] “We are not ignorant of [Satan’s] schemes.”​—2 Corinthians 2:11, ftn. Introduction (Par.1-4) (Par 3) “Apparently, Jehovah did not want to give Satan undue…
[From ws 5/18 p. 17 –  July 16 to July 22] “My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourselves my disciples.”​—John 15:8. This study article is a follow-up to last…
[Most of the work and research that has gone into this article is the result of the efforts of one of our readers who, for reasons we can all understand, has chosen to remain anonymous.  My sincere…