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(Luke 20:34-36) Jesus said to them: “The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the…
I’m jumping the gun a bit and commenting on next week’s Watchtower.  The article in question is “Betrayal An Ominous Sign of the Times!”.  Within the context of an article on betrayal and disloyalty…
If you are a long-time reader of our publications, you likely have encountered the odd interpretation that left you scratching your head.  Sometimes things just don’t make sense leaving you to wonder…
What is the First Resurrection? In Scripture, the first resurrection refers to the resurrection to celestial and immortal life of Jesus’ anointed followers.  We believe that this is the little flock…
[Some years back, a good friend shared this research with me and I wanted to make it available here as I thought it might be beneficial for some. - Meleti Vivlon] Independent thinking is a term I've…
Synopsis There are three assertions regarding the meaning of Jesus words in Mt. 24:34,35 which we will endeavor to support both logically and Scripturally in this post.  They are: As used at…
There is a statement in this week’s study article that I cannot recall having ever seen before: “The other sheep should never forget that their salvation depends on their active support of Christ’s…
We recently had our 2012 service year circuit assembly. There was a four-part symposium on Sunday morning dealing with the sanctification of God's name. The second part was entitled, "How Can We…
This paragraph describes a family that owned "three homes, land, luxury cars, a boat, and a motor home".  The brother's concern is described thus: "Feeling that we must have looked like foolish…
The article stated: “Being perfect, he [Jesus] could discern the unspoken indignation of a Pharisee, the sincere repentance of a sinful woman, and the self-sacrificing attitude of a widow….  However…
Revelation 11:1-13 relates a vision of two witnesses who are killed and then resurrected.  Here’s a synopsis of our interpretation of that vision. The two witnesses represent the anointed.  The…
If we have such a thing as a sacred cow in Jehovah’s organization, it has to be the belief that Christ’s invisible presence began in 1914.  This belief was so important that for decades our banner…