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To whom do you belong? Which God do you obey? For just the one to whom you bow Your master is; you serve him now. You cannot serve two gods; Both masters cannot share The love of your heart in its ev…
[From ws15/07 p. 7 for Aug. 30- Sep. 6]   Every once in a while something is published that is so over-the-top it makes you want to laugh. One of the brothers from Canada sent me a copy of a…
One of our commenters put forward a defense for the position of Jehovah's Witnesses regarding the mandatory reporting of child abuse cases. Coincidently, a good friend of mine gave me the identical…
I recently shared a link to Brother Geoffrey Jackson’s testimony before the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with a couple of JW friends. I went out of…
[this article is contributed by Alex Rover] The Governing Body has been steadily working toward a new prophetic framework over the past decade or so. An ounce of ‘new light’ at a time, just the…
[From ws15/06 p. 25 for August 24-30] “Your Father knows what you need.” – Mt 6:8   I grew up in an era when my religion shunned the idea of “creature worship”.[i]  However, this is an outdated…
This Watchtower review was written by Andere Stimme [From ws15/06 p. 20 for August 17-23]   "Let you name be sanctified." – Matthew 6:9  No Christian can find fault with the counsel to “live…
On August 14 at 11:00 AM AEST Brother Geoffrey Jackson of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses provided testimony under examination before the Australia Royal Commission into Institutional…
[this post was contributed by Alex Rover] How would you illustrate these two verses? "Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be my disciples.” (John 15:8 AKJV) “so in…
[From ws15/06 p. 24 for August 10-16] “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones.” (Jas 4:8) Since the decade…
I was raised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I engaged in the full-time service in three countries, worked closely with two Bethels, and was able to help dozens to the point of baptism. I took great…
“…your longing will be for your husband, and he will dominate you.” - Gen. 3:16 We have only a partial idea of what the role of women in human society was intended to be because sin has skewed the…