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[From ws15/04 p. 15 for June 15-21]  “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.” – James 4:8 This week’s Watchtower study opens with the words: “Are you a dedicated, baptized Witness of…
The Governing Body is, by its own admission, the “highest ecclesiastical authority for the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses” worldwide. (See point 7 of the Declaration of Gerrit Losch.[i]) Nevertheless,…
The theme of this year’s regional convention program is “Imitate Jesus!” Is this a precursor of things to come?  Are we about to return Jesus to his proper place of importance in the Christian faith…
[From ws15/04 p. 9 for June 8-14]  “and the things you heard from me that were supported by many witnesses, these things entrust to faithful men, who, in turn, will be adequately qualified to teach…
Back in 1984, Brooklyn headquarters staff member, Karl F. Klein wrote: “Since I first began taking in ‘the milk of the word,’ here are but a few of the many excellent spiritual truths Jehovah’s…
[this article is contributed by Alex Rover] The theme of the JW.ORG June 2015 TV Broadcast is God’s name, and the program is presented by Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson. [i] He opens the…
[From ws15/04 p. 3 for June 1-7]  “There is an appointed time for everything.” – Eccl. 3:1 A friend who is still serving as an elder was complaining to me that more than half his elder body is too…
[This article was contributed by Andere Stimme] A few years ago, when the Book Study arrangement was canceled, some friends of mine and I were discussing our theories as to why.  It went without…
[From ws15/03 p. 25 for May 25-31]  “To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” – Mt 25:40 The parable of the Sheep and the Goats is the theme of…
[this article was contributed by Alex Rover] “Behold, I tell you a great mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment. In a twinkling of an eye. At the last trumpet.”…
[From ws15/03 p. 19 for May 18-24] “He gave five talents to one, two to another, and one to still another.” – Mt 25:15 “Jesus gave the parable of the talents as part of the answer to his disciples’…
[this article is contributed by Alex Rover]  “DO YOU remember when you first learned about the wonderful prospect that Jehovah offers to obedient mankind?” w08 6/15 pp. 22-26 par…