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[From ws1/16 p. 12 for March 7-13] “Thanks be to God for his indescribable free gift.”—2 Cor. 9:15 This week’s study is really a continuation of last week’s. We are being encouraged in paragraph 10 “…
One of the brothers sent this in to me today from the August, 1889 issue of Zion’s Watchtower. On page 1134, there is an article titled “Protestants, Awake! The Spirit of the Great Reformation…
[From ws1/16 p. 7 for February 29 – March 6] “Let your brotherly love continue.”—HEB. 13:1 Allegedly, this article analyzes the theme of brotherly love as laid out in the first 7 verses of Hebrews…
I was visiting friends this week, some I hadn't seen in a long time.  Obviously, I wanted to share the marvelous truths I've discovered these past few years, but experience told me to do so with…
How are Christians supposed to handle sin in their midst? When there are wrongdoers in the congregation, what direction did our Lord give us on how to deal with them? Is there such a thing as a…
Table of Contents Introduction 1. The Burden of Proof 2. Approaching the Subject With An Open Mind 3. Impossible to Say Lives Are Lost? 4. "The Truth" Paradox 5. Exactly What Does Blood Symbolize? 6…
I just got another news item today.  It seems the State of Delaware is suing a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for failing to report a crime of child abuse. (See report here.) Now I know that…
I haven’t been to a midweek meeting since the new arrangement went into effect on January 1, 2016. Last night I attended my first CLAM (Christian Life And Ministry) meeting just to see what it was…
There seems to be a bit of confusion this year as to when to commemorate the memorial. We know that Christ died on the Passover as the antitypical Passover lamb. Therefore, we would expect the…
For those who have not yet subscribed to and have therefore not received notifications, there are two new articles on the site.…
[From ws12/15 p. 18 for February 15-21] “May the words of my mouth…be pleasing to you, O Jehovah.” – Ps 19:14 The purpose of these reviews is to check the published teachings of the Organization of…
In a recent report by the BBC, the UK Branch of Jehovah's Witnesses is being accused of destroying documents it was ordered to preserve. The Independent UK Goddard inquiry sounds ominously similar…