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Effective immediately, the category "Watchtower Commentor" will be discontinued on this site.  A new site has been launched with the sole purpose of publishing all future review articles of…
[From ws12/15 p. 9 for February 8-14] “The word of God is alive.” – He 4:12 One laudable feature of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) is its restoration of God’s name to its…
Sinning Against the Spirit In this month’s TV Broadcast on, the speaker, Ken Flodine, discusses how we can grieve God’s spirit. Before explaining what it means to grieve the holy spirit, he…
We have thus considered the historical, secular and scientific aspects of the No Blood doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. We continue with the final segments which address the biblical perspective. In…
[From ws15/12 for Feb. 1-7] "Please listen, and I will speak."—Job 42:4 This week’s study discusses the role language and translation have played in bringing the Bible to us. It sets the stage for…
February 1, 2016 is upon us. This is the deadline for the worldwide downsizing of Bethel families.  Reports are that the family is being reduced by 25%, which means thousands of Bethelites are…
Blood As Blood or Blood As Food? The majority in the JW community surmise that the No Blood doctrine is a biblical teaching, yet few comprehend what holding this position requires. To hold that the…
[From ws15/11 for Jan. 25-31] “May the God of peace . . . equip you with every good thing to do his will.”— He 13:20, 21 This entire article is based on the premise that Jesus has been ruling…
I have just posted a new topic on the BP Research Forum of Discuss the Truth.  You can view it at this link: When do the rest of the dead come to life? The purpose of the BP Research Forum is to get…
Defending the Indefensible In the years between 1945-1961, there were many new discoveries and breakthroughs in medical science. In 1954, the first successful kidney transplant was performed. The…
From time to time, debates begin in our commenting section on important Bible teachings.  Often, those commenting have a personal view that is valid and scripturally based.  Other times, the…
[From ws15/11 for Jan. 18-24] “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” – Mt 22:39. Paragraph 7 of this week’s study opens with this sentence: “Although a husband is the head of his wife, the Bible…