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[From ws1/17 p. 17 March 13-19] “Wisdom is with the modest ones.”—Pr 11:2 The theme text shows there is a strong relationship between wisdom and modesty.  If “wisdom is with the modest ones”, it…
On the 10th of this month, the Australia Royal Commission held Case 54 which was a review of the responses of Jehovah's Witnesses to the Commission's findings.  The representatives from the Australia…
There have been a number of thought provoking comments on the previous article in this series.  I'd like to address some of the points raised there.  In addition, I entertained some childhood friends…
Digging for Spiritual Gems Jeremiah 2:13, 18 The Watchtower of w07 3/15 p. 9 par. 8 referred to for the consideration of these verses from Jeremiah chapter 2 makes an interesting and true statement…
 [From ws1/17 p. 12 March 6-12] “Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom.”—2Co 3:17 The study this week opens with this thought: WHEN faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a…
When reasoning in a potentially adversarial environment, the best tactic is to ask questions.  We see Jesus using this method over and over with great success.  In short, to get your point…
Jehovah’s Witnesses are trained to be calm, reasonable and respectful in their public preaching work.  Even when they meet with name calling, anger, dismissive responses, or just the plain old door-…
Treasures from Gods Word Isa 65:18, 19 - There will be great rejoicing (ip-2 384 para 25) The reference in Isaiah’s Prophecy Part 2 says this: “Today, too, Jehovah makes Jerusalem “a cause for…
[From ws1/17 p. 7 February 27-March 5] “Trust in Jehovah and do what is good . . . and act with faithfulness.”—Ps. 37:3   What does the writer of this article mean when he says “trust in…
My apologies for the tardy and abridged publication of this week's CLAM review.  My personal circumstances have not permitted me the time I needed to have done a full and timely review. …
If you are only subscribed to this site, Beroean Pickets - Reviewer, you may be missing out on the Bible research articles that we publish on the sister forum, Beroean Pickets - Bible Study…
The previous article dealt with the two rival seeds that contend with one another throughout time until the culmination of the salvation of humankind.  We are now in the fourth installment of this…