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I recently purchased a booked titled What's in a Name? Origins of Station Names on the London Underground.[1] It deals with the history of all 270 names of London Underground stations (tube network…
In the July, 2017 broadcast on, the organization appears to be defending itself against attacks made by internet sites.  For example, they now feel the need to try to prove there is a…
Treasures from God’s Word – Do you have a heart of flesh? Ezekiel 11:17, 18 – Jehovah promised a restoration of true worship (w07 7/1 p. 11 par. 4) The wording of the heading is slightly misleading.…
[From ws5/17 p. 3 - July 3-9] "Jehovah is protecting the foreign residents." – Ps 146:9 I like the 146th Psalm. It is the one that warns us not to trust in nobles or men in general because they…
Under the category, "Reasoning with Jehovah's Witnesses", we are slowly trying to build up a knowledge base that Christians can utilize to—one hopes—reach the heart of our JW friends and family.  …
[This little gem came out at our last weekly on-line meeting.  I just had to share.] “. . .Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into…
Treasures from God’s Word Ezekiel 9:1,2 – Ezekiel’s vision has meaning for us (w16/06 p. 16-17) Here we have yet another example of the folly of continuing to stick to using sections of the Hebrew…
[From ws4/17 p. 28 – June 26 – July 2] “Because of the people’s volunteering, praise Jehovah!” – Judges 5:2 Is a volunteering spirit something desirable in the Lord’s eyes?  We can be sure that…
Introduction to Ezekiel (video) An unremarkable video except for giving the wrong date of 617 BCE for the exile of Jehoiachin.[1] Find Delight in Preaching the Good News ( + video) Paragraph 1 asks “…
[From ws4/17 p. 23 – June 19-25] “I will declare the name of Jehovah…, a God of faithfulness who is never unjust.”—De 32:3, 4. This week’s Watchtower study proceeds very nicely until we reach…
[From ws4/17 June 12-18] “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice.” – De 32:4. What Christian would disagree with the thoughts expressed in the title and theme text of this…
A Waiting Attitude helps us to Endure Introduction to Lamentations (video) The video claims the book of Lamentations was written after the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BCE. It is true that it was…